Freeze in Marvel

Chapter 15 I’m going to sleep

Stark's ocean view villa was in dilapidated condition and had not yet been repaired. It was temporarily occupied by SHIELD agents. When they arrived, more than a dozen agents were standing solemnly in front of the viewing platform of Tony's house. The leader was He stepped forward to take over Nick Fury, swallowed his saliva and nervously reported the work.

"When we went to check the New York librarian's information today, they told us that Wang had resigned this morning and we had not found him yet."

"Keep looking. Where's the news about the unidentified objects in New Mexico?"

"Currently still searching..."

"Let them speed up the progress! Have you brought what I want?"

Coulson waved someone to bring the box up, and then stood quietly not far away on guard. Nick Fury asked someone to help Natasha prepare a car: "Natasha, you go back to work at Stark Group first. , their new CEO should be in trouble now, go help her deal with it."

"Hey... um..." Tony finally said only one sentence: "Take care of Pepper for me."

Natasha glanced at him coquettishly, as if she wanted to say something. Kuzan's yawn made her feel that her expression was not right, and she glanced at Tony viciously: "You don't need to say it!"

"What's wrong with her? She falls in love with me and is jealous?"

"No, absolutely not. She must just want you to stay away from her." Nick Fury covered his forehead and sat down. There were either problem boys or problem girls around him. Probably only the always calm Coulson could lead him. To give him some comfort, this person was the friend he brought up from the novice stage, and it also broke his heart back then...

"...Do you want to ask which lady doesn't want to be closer to Iron Man..." Tony turned his head and saw the sleepy Kuzan next to him: "Tall man, do you want to catch up on your sleep?"

"Let me think about it...ah...ok."

Kuzan walked to the guest room with ease, but Tony pulled him back: "Come back here and sit down."

"Do you know the consequences of not letting people sleep?"

Tony ignored him and greeted Colson: "Hey, Mr. Colson, I remember we met. Can you help me get a case of beer?"

Kuzan helplessly slumped on the chair, closed his eyes and fell asleep: "Forget it, I forgive you."

Someone soon brought over a toolbox, which was marked as belonging to Howard Stark. Nick Fury introduced Tony in detail that his father participated in the creation of SHIELD, what research he was doing during his lifetime, and what he did for Tony. The relics left behind, even including the previous grudge between Anton Vanke and Howard, he knew that there were more details than the little bit that Kuzan could remember.

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Tony Stark leaned over and looked at Nick Fury: "He left an unfinished reactor and left me a problem, and then asked me to solve it. It, makes him a finished product.”

Nick Fury took a sip of coffee and replied casually: "Yes, Howard Stark has figured out a super-powerful clue. Only you have the wisdom and resources to solve the mystery he left. If He was able to complete this energy invention, and the palladium energy plate on your chest can only be used as a battery."

"Aha...Tony..." Kuzan took a sip of beer, looked at Tony and said: "Don't listen to his nonsense, your palladium energy panel has an efficiency of about 3%, which is much better than the battery. Bar."

"Are you laughing at me? You are laughing at me again, do you know what we are talking about?" Tony threw a bottle of beer towards Kuzan in response to Kuzan's taunt.

Kuzan blew a breath of air and threw the cold beer back: "Hmm...I don't understand...but...but what I said is the truth." What he said was indeed the truth. Before the battle just now, that piece of palladium When the energy plate was being extracted by the energy reactor on his chest, the armor intelligently reminded him that the energy could be restored by 3%. Compared with the energy plate that Little Miss would provide him in the future, one piece would be able to achieve 100%.

Although there is obviously no comparison, the energy panel made by the little lady should be invented by Tony now or in the future. It is difficult to find a substitute for this energy panel that can provide energy for the steel suit. The original energy plate on his body had become scrap metal after its energy was exhausted.

If Tony explained it clearly to him and instilled in him high-end knowledge about physics, of course even Morgan Morgan couldn't do this. Kuzan may... still couldn't help but use that little energy to choose to take another look at Morgan Stark's holographic image.

"My legal and biological father never said he loved me or liked me." Tony listened to Nick Fury's father who seemed to be different from his impression, and smiled to himself: "It seems He did a lot of big things without telling me."

"Ala...Is this such a thing?" Kuzan put two fingers on his forehead and said with some tension on his face: "My little lady always said she loves you three thousand times, but she only likes me two thousand nine hundred times. Ninety-nine times, it makes me feel very uncomfortable..."

"Is this comparable? If I have my own child, I will definitely take good care of him, instead of throwing him to a boarding school and then saying that he should make his own decisions." Tony admired He drank a sip of wine and his eyes were a little red.

"Then you should marry Ms. Pepper as soon as possible and give birth to a lovely little baby..." Kuzan's voice became lower and lower, and his words became more and more confusing. Tony couldn't even hear what he was mumbling.

Nick Fury stood up and looked at the seaside environment. He waved to Coulson: "Anyway, I put the things down for you, you will untie it. I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first. Agent Coulson, Cut off all communications here and watch Mr. Stark finish his work as quickly as possible."

"Also, Mr. Kuzan, I think Tony needs a quiet research environment, what do you think? Are you interested in seeing something interesting?" His one eye fell on Kuzan, a tall man. Still drinking with squinted eyes.

Tony watched in shock as SHIELD agents came in and out of his house to set up security positions. Even Nick Fury wanted to take Kuzan away. He quickly shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, I didn't know he was staying." What is it and how to untie it? Tall man, don’t listen to him, he must let you join that Super Boy, and then let you wander around in various places..."

Nick Fury does not argue with Tony. He really wants to include Kuzan in the Avengers plan. However, the problem is that this man seems to have nothing that cannot be solved, and he does not seem to have a positive attitude towards protecting the world. Fortunately, As long as Tony joins, he will be more certain to convince him. However, due to the existence of Kuzan, apart from his palladium virus, Tony may not have any enemies that he can't deal with. This will fall into an infinite loop... he can only wait for the opportunity...

"I'm going to bed, don't disturb me." Kuzan stood up, put the beer on the table, and stepped into the room.

Tony smiled provocatively at Nick Fury, and the tense face of the director of SHIELD suddenly relaxed: "Tony, I wish you good luck."

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