Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 286 Standing near the abyss, screaming and neighing, 7

Slingshot base, above the ruins.

"Hill, how is the situation over there?"

"The little werewolf left us a secret, and the target was lost."

"The slingshot base is collapsing, and the surrounding mud is filling the hole. Daisy...hasn't come out."

"This is a major accident!" Hill was shocked.

"I know there will be countless reports to deal with afterwards. The current situation...wait, what is that?"

As Nick was talking, his eyes looked casually from the sunken ground to mid-air, and suddenly saw a flash of light.

Daisy suddenly appeared in mid-air holding the Cosmic Cube!

"Is the situation so bad?" Daisy even directly joined Nick Fury and Hill's channel.

"Daisy, are you okay?"

Daisy looked at the Rubik's Cube in her hand in confusion and said cheerfully: "Of course it's okay. After I neutralized the dimensional rift, I knew I didn't have time to catch up. It happened that the Universe Rubik's Cube fell next to me due to the explosion. I randomly thought of a location and just..."

"Teleport? Does the Cosmic Cube have such a good function?" Nick wondered.

At this time, Daisy stood upright in the air, looking at the Rubik's Cube in trance.She expressed confusion about the missing piece of memory in her memory.And she didn't have any real feelings about the experience she just talked about, it was just some memories.

She also wanted to think carefully about what happened in the crack and before. At this moment, Daisy suddenly felt something.As she thought, a crack opened behind her, and Daisy fell into it without hesitation.

When she reappeared, Daisy was already in front of Cynthia!

As soon as she came out, Daisy immediately felt the unparalleled powerful internal force and palm wind.

As long as it involves physical attacks, Daisy is quite confident. Without hesitation, she also pushed out a palm and struck it together with the Mandarin's palm.

In an instant, the palm wind generated by the two of them blew in both directions!Blow away the dust and small stones from their feet.

Mandarin's Tiangang Earthly Evil Qi circulates throughout his body, and his palm power is extremely powerful.

Daisy has a body of steel, and she can fight against forces less than 50n.

The two of them put their hands together and pressed against each other. As soon as they exhaled, the concrete beneath their feet cracked.

Let’s fight to the death!

The Mandarin was shocked. He thought the person fighting with him was the little girl just now.After taking a closer look, I realized it was Daisy Johnson!

He first made a slight expression of horror and shock, and then immediately changed it to a solemn expression.

The two of them retreated together.

The Mandarin immediately turned around his whole body to stabilize his Qi.The attack was temporarily stopped.

Daisy also felt a little uncomfortable. She knew how to use Qi. She didn't blow out her breath just now, which caused the breath in her body to be slightly disordered. However, she only took two deep breaths to relieve the symptoms.

At this time, Daisy was full of curiosity. The other person was the most powerful person Daisy had ever seen. The five disrespectful old guys in the Hand Club in the past were also very strong internally, but they were not overly strong and could be broken by monsters and gods.

The middle-aged man in front of me has an astonishing amount of internal strength!

The first thing that flashed through Daisy's mind was to use martial arts to enter the country and achieve perfection.

Little Daisy had touched the threshold before, but this state was rare, and Daisy had no guidance around her. She was completely blind and couldn't find the trick, so she had to give up.

If Daisy hadn't strengthened her body through the Shining State time and time again, Daisy Johnson's original fighting power would have been like a child in front of this person.

She turned to look at Cynthia, her face serious. At this time, Cynthia was exhausted from the long battle, weak and weak, and her face was full of blood.

Daisy looked heartbroken.

He immediately turned around and hugged her, checking her out. There was no time for words, just a simple exchange of eyes between the two of them, and they exchanged understanding smiles.

Daisy stood up angrily and said harshly:

"You hurt her? How dare you hurt her!"

The Mandarin laughed loudly and threw out his large robe, causing a gust of wind to rise.Soon his laughter stopped abruptly, his eyebrows were cold and serious.

Daisy was surprised that he didn't say much, but that didn't matter to her.

"I hate Talon, and I have nothing good to say about you, Lord Mandarin."

Daisy said as her body jumped into the air.In an instant, he entered a shining state, and his whole body was blazing with scorching light.Looking up from Cynthia's perspective, Daisy was like a god at the moment.

The Mandarin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stimulating all the strength in his body, causing his clothes and robes to bulge.

Unlike the Chinese villains in the American stereotype, the Mandarin has no bitterness or acrimony on his face.

On the contrary, the Mandarin has a face that looks like Hu Jun, with disheveled hair, and is very similar to Qiao Feng played by Hu Jun in "Dragon Movie".

What I saw was that his palms were as strong as the sky, his energy was as strong as the sea, and the majestic and thick Qi was inspired from his body!It is suspected that there is a dragon roaring in the sky.

It's exactly like Daisy's impression of Gang Leader Qiao who serves the country and the people.

Daisy didn't hesitate for a moment, and she also used a palm, right in front of all the adults!

In their first confrontation, Daisy confirmed her thoughts.The opponent's use of martial arts to enter the Tao should not be underestimated.

In the first fight between the two, Daisy actually fell into a slight disadvantage!

The powerful palm wind carried potential energy that was different from Daisy's superpower, and unstoppably destroyed Daisy's rear sight, and Daisy almost suffered a loss.

The powerful palm force was extremely aggressive. When it penetrated Daisy's palm, Daisy clearly felt that the blood in her body was disordered due to the obstruction of the opponent's internal force, which made Daisy's breath extremely unstable in a short period of time.

After all, Daisy also has an excellent foundation in kung fu. Although she has only a partial understanding of the operation of internal force, the essence of what she has learned in the past is the simplified content of internal force.Daisy hurriedly changed her breath a few times, taking advantage of the interval between the two attacks to throw her hands, and finally the discomfort from the opponent's internal attack was removed.

During this time, the two men had fought seven or eight rounds of close combat.Daisy's strange strength and chaos were not supported by the strong inner strength of Lord Manchu, but she was very strong and assisted by superb fighting skills, and she was even able to tie with Lord Manchu.

The Mandarin saw that Daisy had actually adapted to the internal attack, and he felt that this girl was interesting from the bottom of his heart.Unconsciously, he laughed loudly three times:

"That's right, that's right. Mrs. Gao died after just one slap from me, but you were able to fight me back and forth. You are truly a hero!"

"It's the 21st century!"

Daisy didn't say much nonsense. She had gained a new understanding of Kung Fu during her fight with the Mandarin, and she also gained some insights into the so-called internal power.

"Old lady Gao died in your hands?" Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Daisy thought to herself, "That's such a pity."

The two of them pushed their palms together, and a violent explosion occurred where their palms came together, pushing the two of them away at once.

Daisy was happy. The blow just now was a verification of her inner strength.On the other hand, she was impatient. She wanted to end this farce as soon as possible.

She jumped up and burst into dazzling light!After the light passed, there was a Daisy whose whole body was shining with anti-dynamics.

Shining Daisy has three states.

One is the normal state, which significantly increases the upper limit of one's physical fitness and can fly without hindrance.

The second is a life-defying state.It is to push yourself to the limit and once again greatly increase the upper limit.It's just that this upper limit is very unstable, and there is about a 40% chance that Daisy will fall.

The third type is the attack when facing Muto or typhoon.It means pushing yourself to 99% of your limit, and there is only a thin line between self-destruction.

The overhaul is similar to what Super Saiyan 123 stage looks like.

At this time Daisy started the second stage.

The two of them walked up and down, no more than 3 meters apart.

Mandarin's waist and horse merge into one, mobilize Qiyuan, circulate the whole body, and prepare for the next earth-shaking blow!

Daisy mobilized the kinetic energy around her body and slapped a palm.

At this moment, the two seemed to be thousands of miles apart, and Daisy's shining state was actually blocked by the palm wind from the opposite side!

The Mandarin's palm was like a huge beast, wrapping Daisy in it. But Daisy's blow was like a needle, resisting the incoming cotton wool.

Daisy resisted, but not completely.

The Mandarin was wrapped, but not completely.

Daisy didn't know the principle of the opponent's attack, which was far from Anna Cope's Ten Commandments ability.The two of them were fighting each other, but they were both deadlocked.

The air waves between the two of them were like the sea. Cynthia was okay, but she was unable to move. She hid behind Daisy and avoided the air waves.

The air flow generated by the two people working together caused the ground to crack, and strong winds were blowing. The trees were unbearable, and the nearby ones were uprooted and dust was raised. The glass a hundred meters away shattered together, and it was a spectacular moment.

The area around the Mandarin's feet sank as the strength in his body aroused, and the cement under his feet turned into powder.

The intense pressure pressed against Daisy, which gave her a headache.If possible, Daisy would rather capture Master Man alive, or leave him with a whole body or something.

At this time, the sense of oppression brought by the Mandarin forced Daisy to use all possible methods to defeat him.

As Daisy flew upwards, her body began to deepen, and the color deepened towards orange.The temperature on Daisy's body increased dramatically again!Daisy intensified the molecular movement of her body, forcing herself to look like when she was fighting the ancient monster Muto.

The third stage of the final stage!


Daisy once again stretched herself into a straight line, running from top to bottom!

The Mandarin's attack was much less effective when Daisy leveled up again.Even if the Mandarin knew that Daisy's attack was extraordinary and that he had used up all his life essence and blood to enhance his internal strength, he still could not block the attack.

Half of the body was destroyed due to Daisy's brush, leaving only half of the body.But these are no longer important.

Gu</span> Daisy surged down from the air at supersonic speed, how could her flesh and blood body, whose defenses were broken, be fooled.

Half of the Mandarin's body collapsed and fell next to Daisy.

Because it was too fast, the Mandarin was still awake at this time. He raised his hands blankly, reaching for something. Finally, he touched Daisy's arm, which was half squatting on the ground for cushioning. He pulled her arm towards him.

He murmured, his eyes no longer visible.

"You don't seem to have paid for the tea that day. I have a daughter-in-law who was eighteen that year and I was eighteen too. Unfortunately, after that...oh, there's another"

"Huh?" Daisy was a little confused about what the other person was talking about, and thought it was a revolving door before the other person died. He mistook himself for someone.

Daisy broke away from his arm, turned around and ran quickly to Cynthia, caring about her injury.

The Mandarin who was still on the spot was still muttering something, and his hand hanging in the air dropped.

Soon support arrived at the scene, and Daisy handed the scene over to her brother's troops.

Cynthia's breath was unstable due to the internal attack. Daisy immediately took her home to help her regulate her meridians and clarify her blood vessels and joints. An inevitable moment of charm.


Daisy played with the Cosmic Cube for a while. After many attempts to use the Cosmic Cube to no avail, Daisy returned the Cube to Nick Fury out of frustration.

Nick Fury was surprised because later in the day he asked someone to get the Cosmic Cube back, but Daisy declined.

Daisy really couldn't explain why she could use the power of the Rubik's Cube when she returned to the ground, but now she had no sense.


With his bravery, the support of Widowmaker Minerva, and the partial authority of SHIELD that Sombra helped him obtain, Logan finally escaped from Slingshot Base. SHIELD's plan to round up Wolverine Logan was completely destroyed half an hour after the destruction of the Slingshot Base.

All SHIELD treasures in the Slingshot Base were destroyed.

Black Claw's decoy plan to rescue the fake Sombra was successful, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Gartler was fooled around. The prison was attacked, causing a large number of prisoners to escape.

In the end, Olivia died on the way to escape, and the action team successfully killed the bait.Gartler was unfortunately killed in action.Later, due to some things, Daisy only caught up with his first seven.

A large amount of underlying code in the supercomputer room of Rising Tide Headquarters was stolen by Black Claw. SHIELD used half of the US S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch a blockade, but failed.

Black Claw mobilized most of the forces buried in the United States, but ended up getting the chip in a panic.

Mandarin, one of the founders of Black Claw, died, and his body was snatched by the returning Black Claw, who then killed him and fled.

The explosion wave under the Slingshot Base covers the entire planet, and its harm is unknown.


During this operation, Daisy clearly saw the inherent shortcomings of SHIELD.While reflecting on her mistakes, she considered how to optimize SHIELD's orders and prohibitions as a major thinking direction, and screened out small problems one by one.

But in the dead of night, Daisy always felt that something was about to begin.

In this operation, both Black Claw and S.H.I.E.L.D. were particularly surprised by the situation, and even became angry.

The results of each are not ideal.

Maybe in some people's big chessboard, extra branches have appeared.

The thought was a bit too dark and terrifying, and Daisy shook her head in amusement.The timeline has begun to get closer to the right track, and what follows will only become more magical.


That same night, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Bill, Simmons, Fitz and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists are crazy about the fluctuations in the space rift.

When the three stones exploded, a wave of strangeness and normality enveloped the entire planet.Later, the "Latitude of Fear" crack appeared that gave Daisy a headache.

Considering that the fluctuations and the cracks were two different troubles, Daisy completed the task and neutralized the latitude cracks.But the troubles caused by this fluctuation are visible to the naked eye, and in the data collected by these scientists, the consequences will be very troublesome.

"Okay, let's make an assumption. The energy wave densities of the three stones are different, so the size of the diffusion space is different when encountering violent reactions. This picture is a state generation diagram captured by the Mississippi Space Station. The three types of gamma rays are different , the colors here represent them. One spreads to the surface, one only reaches below the landmark, and one only spreads to about -25 to 22 layers. Where these three types of high purity overlap, latitudinal cracks are created."

"It's just that we can't determine which of the three stones spread to the surface: time, space, and latitude." Bill said the key to the problem.

For the unknown, the only method currently is the exhaustive method, testing all the testing methods one by one, comparing, rejecting and reviewing them.

The tedious project began.


That same night, the excavation team rushed to the top of the Slingshot base, and excavation operations began in the afternoon.

The night in the Gobi is exceptionally quiet and cold.

In the cold wind, by chance. Everyone on the excavation team could hear singing in the darkness. This song is not sad, but very beautiful. Sometimes far and sometimes near, appearing from time to time. This highlights the strangeness of this night.

The excavation team couldn't find where the sound was and reported it to SHIELD headquarters as a haunted house.


Still the same night, a little later.

"You actually... also, it's not difficult to get basic permissions to my house."

Sihuaiya took the recovered Mystique and appeared in Daisy's villa laboratory.

Daisy tilted her head and looked at Mystique's appearance curiously.

"The company reported to me what happened to you this afternoon, so I already guessed that it was you. Riven, Qin was imprisoned in the SHIELD cell because of your involvement."

"She is innocent." Raven sighed after hearing what happened to her friend Qin.

Daisy just looked at her with a look on her face, "Do you think I believe it?"

Raven dodged her eyes guiltily, and then wanted to explain something to her friend.

The whole thing made Daisy feel scared. The Raven in front of her was actually a spy of Black Claw!

If he was intentional, the bait of senior sister would have been in the bureau five or six years ago.

Daisy didn't know how Black Claw was so sure that Raven would be able to get close to her. It is very likely that Qin Gray will also be one of the internal agents.

If it is unintentional, then you are really unlucky.

Daisy's knowledge of another major Marvel series, "X-Men," is limited, otherwise her hair would stand up when she heard that people like Qin were surrounded by people named Raven.

Daisy ignored the traitor and looked at Shi Huaiya.

"You are very brave, you actually dare to stand in front of me at this time."

"You should at least not kill Grandpa Man. He is a respectable man."

"Whether he dies or not, it's none of my business!" Daisy's voice became louder as her anger rose.

"Do you know how many people have died in Slingshot Base because of you Black Claw! The trouble caused so far is still expanding!"

"I'm so sorry, Daisy."

"..." The other party's apology made Daisy's anger drop by three points, and Daisy looked at him speechless.

Shi Huaiya felt extremely uncomfortable. Grandpa Man died because of her, and now she still had to ask for help from her enemy.At least she didn't make any plans for breaking up with Daisy or for Grandpa Man's death...

"This is the chip." Shi Huaiya put the result on the table.


"Give it back to you and let us go."

"Ha" Daisy laughed out loud. "What are you thinking about? You think you can take it out with you?"

"I can negotiate with you on behalf of Black Talon. We still have many people lurking around you, and we can withdraw some of them. Also, Black Talon is very interested in your business in the Middle East and Europe. Cooperate."

"Part? Business? Cooperation? What are you thinking about!"

"Admit it, Daisy, you can't completely eliminate Black Claw. The focus of Black Claw's work is underground. Can you think of any way to find us completely? You still have a lot to do. You are really trapped in the dark like this." In the claw quagmire?”

Daisy actually didn't want to talk nonsense with Shihuai Ya. It was so satisfying to kill him with one blow.

The other party had bad intentions, and now that things were revealed, GEM tried to be clever and escape through words.That sentence just now, no matter which sentence it was, was my own inverse scale.Many of the things I have planned around the world are very secretive.How could you allow others to use excuses to threaten and negotiate with you?

"Why not let the Lurkers help you?"

"They may not be able to take me out of the country, and the risk is too high, which will drag them down. They are all ordinary people, how can the real big shots listen to us, Black Claw."

Daisy thought briefly in her mind.

I am not targeting underground organizations, but organizations of this nature have historically been extremely difficult to eradicate, and the more oppressive they develop, the more they spread. It is ridiculous to say that the enemy seems to know everything about him, but he knows only a little about them.

When looking at Shi Huaiya again, Daisy's eyes were complicated and difficult to describe.

"I'm not interested in doing business with the Black Claw people. I'll get you something to eat. Eat your last meal and prepare to die."

Daisy heard Shi Huaiya's slight stomach growl and immediately said something meaningless.

Shi Huaiya had been frightened all day and was very hungry at this time. Daisy's words made her cheeks blush slightly, and she randomly felt that she had a glimmer of hope today.

Daisy was not afraid that the two of them could steal any secrets, nor was she afraid of escaping. She turned around and left, returning to the living room to really help them get food.

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