Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 275: Watching and helping each other, we will eventually become the king, 6

Daisy still clearly remembers the scene when she first arrived in Sokovia.

Confrontation, tension, scorch, scorching heat.

These elements oppressed her, causing her to panic for the first time.

As a very influential person in the world, this was the first place that came to her mind when she wanted to give back compensation.This is the first hell on earth she has ever known!

As a rabbit, the Chinese soul burning in my heart should actually have a clearer understanding and sigh of tragedy.

The five chaos in China, the two-legged sheep, the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, searching the mountains and seas, leaving nine rooms in ten empty.

Daisy had heard of these familiar things.But Sokovia is real, I really saw its misery with my own eyes.

The soil is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, how terrifying it is...

In just one year, what do outsiders think Sokovia, which has just been taken over by the rising tide, develop into? Although in terms of infrastructure, some B&Bs were originally built and some factories were moved in, how far can this make this ruins look brand new?

The resentful Daisy put all her focus on this in her initial plan to rebuild Sokovia. The reconstruction of Sokovia is still ongoing, and according to the schedule, it may not be fully completed until 2011. But today, in the eyes of outsiders, Sokovia is already a veritable cyberpunk steel city!

The city is divided into three large areas, one for residents, one for public administration, and one for factories to hide secrets.

There are high-rise buildings in residential areas, all of which are high-rise buildings in Qingyishui.The internal supporting public facilities and shops are very complete.Today's residents of Sokovia have solved their life problems.Food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, clothing, clothing, and warmth were all borrowed from Rising Tide Company.Only one person per household in Sokovia is required to serve Rising Tide Enterprises here and complete a 10-year labor contract. Of course, wages and insurance will be provided during this period.Perhaps the only regret is that there are now far more housing in residential areas than is needed, and Sokovia is facing a population shortage.

The housing issue was the first to be started, because urban community design is the simplest aspect.Daisy confidently outsourced all the projects to the flower grower's contractor, and the speed of urban infrastructure construction has soared to the naked eye.

In Daisy's eyes, the remaining two areas are quite a design area. This area is what Daisy sees as Sokovia. Therefore, the far-sightedness of the factory needs to be infinitely magnified, and the confidentiality of public administration needs to be infinitely magnified. The most important thing is security measures. As Sokovia's top priority, Daisy spent a little time designing this piece.

Then something happened that made Eagle Flag panic.

Daisy's design in this area is paranoid and even persistent.

A large number of steel formwork used in military industrial design was transported here, and a large number of high tide self-produced assembly lines were transported one by one.At the same time, Daisy isolated this time from the outside world and put the place under martial law.

Residential areas are the most accessible areas to the outside world. 90% of the companies that come here because of crowdfunding can only operate in residential areas. Build parks, build roads, build high-speed rails, and build signal towers.

Because of the Alyssa incident, Zemo expanded his defense forces.Now, on the grounds of protecting confidentiality, the factory area and administrative area divided by Daisy have been placed under martial law.

Daisy's original idea was to turn Sokovia into a steel city. At least it is a city made of pure metal with a Cybertronian style that can be embedded with intelligent AI and can run on its own. This can not only prevent the plot of Sokovia being uprooted, but also prevent it from being invaded and controlled by intelligent AI.

This kind of project is so huge that Daisy's steel is simply not enough.This itself is not reliable.But those who know the inside story are at least very interested in the integration of smart machines into cities.

Just after getting off the plane at the self-built military airport in Sokovia, Daisy saw Hande in a hurry.

Sokovia is still open to the outside world, but outsiders cannot enter where it is still under construction.SHIELD's external reconnaissance methods are useless, Daisy can see it, and there is no point in taking precautions.

"Did you hear that? Colson has done a great job in the White House."

Due to official duties, Daisy was currently wearing a crisp lady's white suit, cool clothes, and a pair of dark red shoes on her feet as she stepped down the stairs of the airplane, making a clack of sounds. However, her face was calm, as if there were no waves of nervousness, and she was even a little leisurely.

"Daisy, Daisy!"

Hand looked impatient, and she stepped forward and pulled Daisy down. She pushed Daisy aside and whispered:

"It's serious, we...we found something bad."

"what happened?"

"This matter is very serious. It turned out that we found a freighter at high tide."


"The goods above are... there are forces that want to take action here. This situation is very serious. The firepower we know now..."

"I think that when you started searching my freighter, this problem was bigger. It's a small problem for the Iron Overlord of mass-produced machines. Shouldn't you follow the known problems and follow the clues now?" Daisy's expression He continued speaking naturally.

Naturally, Hande was stunned.

"Do you still remember the first time you and I were in Sokovia? Hand." Daisy patted Hand on the shoulder nonchalantly, leaving the two of us to recall the shared memory.

"We can always make the most appropriate judgment at the right time, so don't hesitate to do it. I'm here to watch."

Hand's highlighted hair was blown by the wind, and she nodded, reflecting it off.She left Fitz, who was traveling with her, with Daisy, and left with the team.

"No matter how you look at it, it feels like killing someone with a borrowed knife..." In this atmosphere, Fitz approached Daisy and complained softly, making Daisy roll her eyes.

A high-tide cargo ship with questionable identity is loaded with dozens of strategic-grade heavy weapons. This kind of thing is a big deal no matter which country it is. As the injured party, Rising Tide is naturally innocent.

Then the Roxon Group, which supplies heavy weapons, will inevitably be subject to serious investigation.Everything touched on the freighter line needs to be checked.I can't help but check many things.

The reason why Hand found Daisy herself was because she wanted to determine how much Daisy knew about this matter.The worst-case scenario is that this is a drama written and performed by Daisy herself in order to attack the Roxon Group.

It's just that the girl from before is no longer there, and Hand can no longer intuitively see the clues on Daisy's face.

Even when things came together and broke out, Hand still didn't know. Now she has been fooled around by Daisy.

Ten days later, a fierce war broke out again in Sokovia!

The person secretly driving all this is Daisy Johnson herself!

Sitting in a car with Daisy, Fitz looked a little nervous.He sat unnaturally obediently, forming a contrast with Daisy beside him, who patted her knees cheerfully.

When Daisy saw Fitz like this, a smile appeared on her face

"What is it that makes you so happy?"

Daisy casually said: "I'll hang you up and beat you later! Haha"

"..." Fitz was frightened and did not dare to answer.

"I'm going to meet an investor now. You go to the administrative building first. Where is Alyssa over there, she will tell you what to do. Since you are so capable, don't waste your talent. That's right."

"oh oh……"

The two people's car stopped under Alyssa's city administration building, and Fitz got out of the car.

If Daisy had something to do, she wouldn't take Fitz with her, so Fitz could only watch Daisy's car disappearing helplessly.

"Daisy's hands are stretched out quite far. It's not easy to be next to her..."

After Fitz murmured, he went to the door of the building with his other companions.

Daisy's casual words let Fitz know that Hand had Daisy's spy.The situation becomes complicated.

But regarding the fighting between factions, Fitz admired the changes in Sokovia around him more.

The investor Daisy wants to meet is none other than Hotwire, whom she has longed for.


Daisy thinks the word factory is a bit old-fashioned. The third district of Sokovia is formally a combination of multiple factories, but is actually a complex of composite production lines.Production capacity area.

Daisy also divided the production capacity area. Basic production capacity and value-added production capacity are not the same. Therefore, a large area of ​​large polluting production capacity that was used as the basis was divided into the outskirts of Sokovia. For example, Straker's factory.

In fact, Strack was furious when he found out about this, and immediately wanted to destroy the construction of Rising Tide here.However, in his eyes, Daisy quickly apologized sensibly and compensated with a more core energy plant.After Strack got the energy plant, he was very happy, and he spoke kind words for Daisy in front of his old Hotwire many times.

There was nothing Straker could do. If he had the chance, he would speak ill words and get more resources from Sokovia from the teacher. He would be very willing to do such a thing. It's just tied to Daisy's interests, so it can't be separated.

Hotwire has always treated Strack's reaction with a cold shoulder.Nominally, a large part of Daisy Johnson's achievements here was given to Hotwire.In exchange, Daisy received a large amount of Hydra resources from him.

Daisy uses these resources not only to fill Sokovia, but also in her strategic deployment of Rising Tide's global development.

Hotwire saw Daisy's ambition, but the expansion of this ambition was very dangerous to him.

"I decided to give this place to you."

"What?" Hotwire was confused.

The smile on Daisy's face was bright, and her words were unquestionable.

"Everything here has been arranged. Sokovia is just a starting point for me. The benefits this place can bring... I am very willing to give it to the people I care about. As long as the population diversion is done well , this city’s production capacity will reach its peak in the next ten years, and there will never be a city in the world that is more valuable than Sokovia. Plans have been left for livability, population, renewable energy, environmental protection, etc. Yes. This is a perfect place for you."

Back then, Hansi Tiger had greater ambitions after devouring the surrounding small countries and making the powerful industrial system its own. With Sokovia's current production capacity, as long as it works behind closed doors for three to five years, it will definitely be able to launch a larger-scale blitzkrieg!

Daisy gave in so much, which made Hotwire very happy. While I was secretly happy, doubts were also spreading in my heart.

"This is not like your style. You have a problem. Did you just say that I am someone you care about?" Hotwire's eyes were bright, trying to see some clues on Daisy's face.

Daisy's face was natural, with a smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, you are very important to me."

Hotwire glanced at Bakshi who was accompanying him in confusion. Bakshi looked extremely excited and said to Hotwire with a big grin:

"This is a good thing, Mr. Hotwire. Sokovia will become a new starting point for Hydra!"

Bakshi's previous sentence really hinted to Hotwire that his dream of hypnotizing Daisy Johnson had already achieved the best results. The latter sentence expresses loyalty, imagination for the future, and ambition. As for behind the scenes, Bakshi himself was overjoyed with the benefits he would get from Hotwire because of his ability to do things well.

Hotwire was still confused and confused.He squinted his eyes, trying to see something unusual on Daisy's face.In his mind, he was already processing the worst-case scenario.

There is no doubt about the combat power of Daisy Johnson, the goddess of dawn, so whenever she comes into contact with her, Hotwire will bring five to six super soldiers who are stronger than the Winter Soldier.Obtaining the physical experiment data on Abomination from the Glacier Prison, he successfully copied a group of Abomination warriors who could freely transform through his own experimental base.These were the confidence he needed when meeting Daisy Johnson.

From an individual point of view, I am already in danger. His side's fighting power may not be able to pay Daisy Johnson, but he believes that Daisy Johnson really has to be radical and consider the consequences. If something happens to me here today, Daisy Johnson, a woman, will completely offend Hydra. At least the Hydra forces behind him would directly resist.

Hotwire was disgusted with himself for harboring such thoughts. The idea that men are superior to women is engraved in his bones, making him noble and superior to all women. He felt ridiculous for being afraid of Daisy Johnson.

So Hotwire accepted Daisy's hospitality as a matter of course.This made the smile on Daisy's face grow even wider.

"I want to visit the energy factory, do you mind?" Hotwire said.

Of course he had bad intentions. It was Strack's home field and there was plenty of firepower.After studying Daisy Johnson for so long, it’s time to put things in order.However, if he really takes action, Hotwire is still a little hasty at this time. In fact, if he is given more time, he can gather more combat power, so that he will be sure of success.

"No, it's not possible yet. It's almost dinner time. You're so tired, so I should give you a break. Dinner is already prepared, and the chefs are all here!"

Hotwire nodded with great satisfaction. Daisy invited a few people to leave the exoskeleton machinery production workshop, and Hotwire took the lead.

Strack, who was following behind, casually teased: "Where is your inseparable girlfriend, Cynthia?"

Daisy heard that this was teasing, but she still had a smile on her face and flattened her lips:

"She is doing something in her hometown."

Straker didn't care, it was just a joke at first, so he didn't think much about it.Daisy continued:

"Oh, by the way, tell Mr. Hotwire for me and I'll call a friend over..."


After calling for backup, Hotwire suddenly became wary after hearing what Daisy asked Strucker to relay.

"Hale is here too. She went to pick him up." Straker didn't care. As expected, Hotwire also sneered after hearing this.

Hale was a student of Hotwire and had excellent grades, but Hotwire had never taken a liking to her.Hearing this, he felt contempt in his heart, and the sarcasm on his face was undisguised.After telling Strack something like, women are troublesome, he became quiet.


A large dark cloud gradually came over in the sunset.

Hale Ruby lifted her feet in boredom, listening to the rainbow farts of the classmates around her.Such as

Your mother is here, how are you cooking...

What is the position of major general...

How about the 58th Airborne Division she led...


Hale was promoted to the position of major general not long ago because of Daisy's operational connections in all aspects.Hale obeyed the national arrangements and stationed the 58th Airborne Division in Sokovia.

In the eyes of outsiders, how it is.But to a discerning eye, this is a major gathering of Hydra's power.

What this meant and what would happen in the future, these things were confused in Ruby Hale's mind.It's just that she can be convinced that her responsibilities will be even greater in the future!

She felt a tightness in her chest, and the dark clouds in the distance were pressing over her. She had to take action first!

Ruby jumped off the stands, came to the Wanda brothers and sisters who were being bullied, and pulled away the people from Team who gathered around them.


"Ruby, what the hell, don't ruin the fun!"

These people are used to watching Ruby bully Wanda, and they have long regarded bullying Wanda as a matter of course. Today, Wanda's brother couldn't stand it any longer, so several people in his class surrounded and beat them together.

"Is it fun to bully your classmates?" Ruby yelled.

People around her looked at her strangely.

Ruby pulled Wanda behind her and yelled at everyone.

The original intention of the other young people was to please Ruby, because her mother was stationed here with the army, and she was the boss who could talk. This is the basic concept.

But the young man also had anger, and when Ruby choked him, he was so angry that he couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and wanted to hit someone with his hand, but Ruby hit him on the nose, causing him to fall to his knees. Then everyone gave up and dispersed like birds and beasts.

Pietro was a little miserable, lying on the ground unable to get up temporarily. Ruby herself was not so kind, she just pulled Wanda apologetically and helped her clean up her hair.

"I'm sorry, Wanda-san. Usually I'm...sorry, I'm really sorry."

Wanda was a little frightened by Ruby's abnormality.

Since Daisy left, Ruby has been bullying her in every possible way.Fortunately, the persecution was a prank and did not make the two siblings unable to stay in Sokovia.However, after too many times, Pietro became a little uneasy. Today, after seeing his sister being surrounded by people again, he went to save Wanda like crazy.Several people didn't want to do anything to Wanda, but they were completely angered because of Pietro.

Wanda's character is essentially a bit of a grudge, but this hatred has only one target. At first, she hated Eagle Flag the most, and later it was Stark. After some persuasion from Daisy, she no longer hated him so much. At most, when I saw Stark himself that day, he slapped him with a backhand. Before this, Wanda could not hate anyone.

After experiencing such a tragic thing, Wanda looked crazy, but in essence she had matured too much.In her opinion, the school violence committed by Ruby and her classmates was too childish.It can neither affect her study nor leave enough room for her to take revenge.

But at this moment, she couldn't understand Ruby's changes.Why does this carefree noble lady have such anxious emotions on her face?

"I'm fine, what's wrong?" Wanda looked curious.

Ruby looked towards the horizon and said nothing.

It was difficult for her to explain what she had overheard yesterday. Daisy Johnson and her mother had a private conversation.Ruby had a feeling.Her mother is about to enter a higher level in life.

As a daughter, Ruby has an extra responsibility in her mind. This is very strange.

According to the TV version of Ruby, she is very kind. It's just that the living environment in the harsh Hydra base inevitably leads to extremes.

Nowadays, she is influenced by the education set by Daisy. This is the positive and upward effect produced by the mutual impression between various disciplines. Now it became her courage to make a decision.

Something is about to happen!

"Classmate Wanda, from now on... stand behind me and I will protect you. I will be the strongest backing!"


Last night, Daisy talked to Major General Hale about some things. Daisy's words were ambiguous, and Hale had a lot of experience, so naturally he didn't dare to agree. Just because Daisy pushed her to take the position of major general, there was already an uproar in the army.

Hale first thought that Daisy was trying to kill her, but later found that her tone seemed to be demanding. Hale was unsure of what to eat for a while, so he kept making mistakes.

Daisy said on the phone that she would look at something today and then consider giving her an accurate answer. Hale felt a little uneasy. In line with the recent inexplicable solidification of the atmosphere in Sokovia, she felt that something bad was about to happen.

Hale went to the appointment, and Daisy took her to the dinner party. Hotwire looked unhappy when he saw Hale. He teased Hale about his recent job promotion, which made Hale very unhappy, but he still wanted to say good things.

Fitz was by Alyssa's side and was mainly responsible for writing a program to upgrade part of the system.But Alyssa didn't keep an eye on it in person because she had something to do.Fitz then had an idea of ​​activity.He took advantage of the people watching him not paying attention and sneaked into the core area of ​​the building.The interior of the core building is very strict, and every section of the road will be patrolled by Hydra guards.While Fitz was avoiding, he happened to bump into the conversation between Ward and Gartler.

He was hiding in a very narrow place, so he couldn't hear everything. There are people around Gartler, so Gartler speaks unscrupulously.

Fitz was still curious why Ward appeared here.Then he vaguely heard, era, choice, timing, grasp, team, Daisy, Hydra...

When he heard about Hydra, Fitz's eyes widened in surprise, and he accidentally knocked over the covering cabinet.Shocked, both Gartler and Ward pointed their guns at him at the same time.

Fitz raised his hands above his head, looking innocent.

Ward saw Fitz's appearance with a look of hatred on his face.

"You're not supposed to be here, Fitz."

"You too...and Gartler. If you weren' could you appear in Sokovia and here!"

Fitz wanted to escape from here, but he understood a lot of things in just a moment.But in fact, he didn't think much about Hydra.

Gartler saw that he didn't know how to appreciate it, so he pulled the insurance. Ward stopped him.

"Daisy wouldn't want that. Leave it to me."

Ward walked in next to Fitz, who was frightened and breathing heavily.Ward put his arm around Fitz's shoulders, "At least you shouldn't have listened to what I just said, let alone appear here. Fitz, you are in trouble."

As he spoke, Ward quickly struck Fitz with his knife, knocking him unconscious.


Daisy was dining with Hotwire when she received Ward's report about Fitz.This made her frown.After asking for leave in front of Hotwire, he went to Fitz's room.Ward was still watching him, making sure Fitz didn't make any small moves.

When Fitz first heard about Hydra, he was just surprised and didn't think much about it.But the reactions of Ward and Gartler confirmed the matter.This made Fitz's hair stand on end.Especially when he opened his eyes and saw Daisy for the first time, he immediately and unconsciously jumped from the bed and leaned on the back of the bed in fear.Then the soreness on his neck made his head feel buzzing.

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