Steve ran all the way, "the engine roared" like a humanoid sports car.

Hunter, who had not run far away, felt the terrifying pressure behind him early on.He was so angry that he cursed God in his heart.He is thin and has little wind resistance, which gives him a slight advantage in running.But this does not give him an advantage!

After just three streets and corners, Hunter's back collar was caught by Steve who caught up!Hunter flew into the air and his back hit the floor hard, making him groan in pain.

"What a bad day!"

With a mutter, Hunter jumped up from the ground.Seeing that the other party looked like he would never give up, he spread his hands.

"You were my idol when I was a child, how could I not know you!"

This explanation made Steve relieved. Then he heard the little man across from him say something else, and his relaxed body began to get excited.

"But today you take it as my word."

After Hunter said this, he changed his playful look and stood up solemnly. Every muscle in his body entered the most tense state, ready to fight for his life at any time.

The next second, Hunter struck first!

The two of them started fighting in the dark alley.You come and I go, the fight is so lively.

If this was a fighting game, Hunter's attack would not hurt Steve, but Steve's punch could knock out half of Hunter's blood! Hunter's attacks are very intensive, and they often hit the captain effectively. If it were anyone else with Steve's physique, Hunter would already be on the road to victory. Unfortunately, Steve Rogers' physical fitness is several times that of ordinary people. Hunter's violent attacks were just scratches in front of him.

With a roar, Steve hit Hunter with a left hook and hit him against the wall. Hunter evaded it in time, but still had close contact with the brick wall.

"I was thinking about this ending before the fight. It's wonderful! Captain."

Hunter had no choice but to lean against the wall and laugh while sweating profusely.

Steve brushed back his dry bangs and was about to say something when he looked up at the roof.But seeing the blind man he met before, Matthew jumped down the stairs and fell from the sky.

"Where's the other guy?" Steve asked.

"He...he'll be here soon." Matthew was about to say something else, but suddenly changed his mind.

"Sorry, they all ran away. Now...he is the only one left now." Danny rushed over not long after.

"Now can you tell me, what happened?" Steve asked.

"These bad guys must be judged!" After saying that, Matthew raised his fist and moved closer to Hunter.

His move was stopped by Steve.

"The cause, the process, and the result. You have no right to vent your anger violently."

Matthew was a little angry at the other party's actions, but thinking that the other party was helping him and having strong fighting power, he kept his temper and did not get angry.

Danny saw that Matthew was silent, so he broke the atmosphere and explained in detail what he had seen tonight.

But only Matthew knew many details of the matter. Faced with everyone's doubts, he cleared his throat and moved the story line forward.

After listening to the whole incident, Steve had a rough idea of ​​what happened tonight.He knelt down and asked about Hunter.

Hunter shook his head:

"I don't know what my little brother did. Besides, we set the rules and we will never allow drug trafficking! How can you say that you force others to sell drugs! Your client is a third-rate seller who was forced to die. Why are you thinking about going through the legal process with a third-rate lawyer? Come back and bite us."

"Look, how arrogant these gangsters are!" Matthew said angrily.

"In this case, let's leave this matter to the law. No matter what, it is an indisputable fact that you gathered a crowd to fight and abused guns." Steve was already losing interest in such things.

"No!" Matthew replied, "The police have their own people. Giving them to the police is the same as letting them go!"

"Really?" Steve asked Hunter curiously.

"Maybe..." Hunter shrugged.This isn't the worst possible outcome for him.

"Then leave it to the New York City Police Department. There are some acquaintances of mine. It looks like we have to take a long detour."

"Going from the other side can save a lot of distance." Matthew pointed to the shortcut.

"Thank you for today. By the way, who are you?" Danny breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the matter had come to an end.

"Steve Rogers is a bit more out of date."

The captain grabbed Hunter and complained casually.

Matthew and Danny were stunned...

Steve and Danny stood between Hunter and Matthew.Several people chatted because of Steve's identity, talking and laughing in the streets, and the relaxed people all looked tired.The identity of the captain made Matthew put away his worries, and his words seemed to be ashamed of his recklessness just now.

It was not too late at this time, and the roads were still brightly lit.The swaggering appearance of several people attracted a lot of heads.Steve proposed to park his motorcycle in the parking lot and left the two of them temporarily.

Hunter was talking and laughing along the way, and whistled from time to time, which had already made the two of them relax their vigilance. Taking advantage of the captain's absence and the lack of guarding experience, the two men rushed into the small dark alley.

Danny was shocked, but Matthew tilted the corners of his mouth.

In front of the human radar, no one can escape.

The two immediately chased him out.

Hunter fled in embarrassment all the way. At the corner of the alley, he accidentally bumped into a passerby who was following him to urinate, knocking him over.

"Damn it, your mother didn't tell you to walk with eyes! Hunter? Is that you? How are you doing?"


"Look at you, are you being chased by a sow?"

"I'm being chased by two people, no, it should be three. Help me." Hunter was sweating profusely and spoke as fast as he could.But there were many things that he didn't have time to explain clearly.

"Oh? Three sows! Hahaha! I just happened to be in a bad mood today, so I came to help you." Wade said with his hands on his waist and waited under the light.

Danny and Matthew chased closely, and soon they saw Wade and Hunter.

"Go quickly! Wade. This matter"

You can’t interfere!Things are getting messy!

Hunter had no time to say the second half of the sentence.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm leaving tomorrow anyway. Are they still chasing me to the ends of the earth? They're all friends, it's no big deal~"

"..." Hunter gasped and swallowed, but he just didn't know how to tell Wade what the consequences of this matter would be.

Wade's fighting posture made Danny and Matthew aware that the other party was coming to help.He immediately took a fighting stance.

Wade didn't hesitate at all, and rushed in front of the two of them, fighting together.

Hunter took two breaths in succession, and his mind really went blank this time. The continuous fighting made him a little weak.

After a while, Wade was beaten back by the two men and fell next to Hunter.

"Holy shit, that's a tough idea! It's a bit cruel, I like it!" Wade stood up and rushed in again. At this time, Hunter no longer hesitated whether to leave or stay, and rushed into the crowd to help Wade share the pressure.

A 2v2 melee between the two sides.

Wade's combat quality is 90, and Hunter's level is 80 in several battles. Both of them are blessed with years of combat experience, and their fighting abilities are extremely brave.

Matthew has little actual combat, his super power does not provide any blessing in combat, and his combat quality is only 70. But Danny Rand's reach was so terrifying. Although he lacked actual combat experience, his fighting skills were among the best, and his body had been tempered by the iron fist, which made him different from ordinary people. During the fight, one person suppressed Wade Hunter and the other two.

The four men fought in a melee, and the final victory went to Wade Hunter.

Due to his eyesight, Matthew was successfully attacked by Wade. He was tripped to the ground and suffered several more injuries.

Seeing this situation, Danny's heart skipped a beat, and he focused the energy of the Iron Fist into his fist.His hand glowed orange and he punched directly between Wade and Hunter.The huge energy knocked the two people away.Danny then anxiously helped up Matthew who was knocked to the ground.

"What god?" Wade stood up from the ground and complained.

"I just said this matter is very complicated..." Hunter held his waist. This was the third time he landed on his back today.

The two sides distanced themselves, but Wade was still eager to try. Both sides are waiting for the other's move.

At this moment, a huge long shadow slowly approached, and Steve arrived.

"O! M! G! You didn't say you were the captain!" Wade yelled at Hunter!

"I said today's affairs are very complicated!" Hunter replied weakly.

"What's wrong?" Steve walked in with a sense of coercion. Danny and Matthew leaned towards him in unison.

"Hey! Captain! I've long wanted to compete with you!" Wade passed over excitedly.

Seeing this situation, Hunter couldn't help but sigh. He was obviously tired, but he didn't hesitate to join the battle again.

Wade was so excited when he saw captain Steve that he unleashed his extraordinary fighting power.

Both Matthew and Danny were exhausted, especially Matthew, who played from beginning to end tonight.So after a while, it became a 2v2 duel between Wade and Hunter and Danny and Steve.

The combat effectiveness of the first two is weaker than that of the latter two, and Hunter is even more weak. He occasionally stops to take a breath after taking two moves.

Wade was extremely excited and was as fearless as a desperate Saburo in the battle. This made Steve look at him with admiration, especially Wade's reaching, which was very explosive. At the same time, he was also a little depressed. Why was this kid so excited?

The noise outside finally caught the drinker's attention. She knocked on the bar, paced staggeringly, and pushed open the small door of the bar. What caught the eye was this chaotic battle.

"You went out to use the bathroom and caused so much trouble?"

Daisy scratched her hair and breathed out the alcohol.

Everyone stopped for a moment, and everyone was stunned.

Danny was the only one here who didn't recognize Daisy. The young man just felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He thought the other party had come to play some powerful character again, and secretly said that he couldn't take it anymore.

No one but Wade expected Daisy Johnson to be here.Everyone also gave up and took a step back.

"Captain? Why are you fighting with my apprentice?"

Daisy pointed at the two of them doubtfully, and with one sentence, they both looked at each other, and for a moment there was no reason to fight.

"You condone gangsters?"

"You hit my friend?"


Wayward Girl Bar

Wade, Hunter, Danny, and Matthew sat in a row at the bar, each with a simple snack in front of them.Everyone looked disgraced and silent, chewing their food with unhappy expressions on their faces.

Wade's deflated look made Weasel laugh for a while.


"Special methods in special times, captain, you are more familiar with this than me." Daisy briefly explained to Steve what happened to Kingpin.

When it comes to dirty tricks in special times, Steve's Roaring Team has really seen all kinds of storms, and Steve is a little relieved about this.

"The question is when is the special period. When I woke up, they told me the war was over." Steve Rogers pushed his beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycle and walked with Daisy on the road.He obviously didn't care much about Daisy's problem in the gang, so he changed the topic.

"You don't seem to be old enough to drink."

"They say you are old-fashioned. It seems that the word retro does not apply to you." Daisy poked Steve's strong arm.

"Do I look like an antique?"

"It's nothing new."

"I've seen your file. How bad is it now that you joined SHIELD at the age of fourteen?"

Daisy took a breath,

"I thought you would thank me for helping you win your pension. The little eDonkey is pretty good~... This is actually not too bad. You haven't encountered anything worse yet."

"The world is changing so fast," Steve lamented

"But, not fast enough~ (pauses, turns around) Nice to meet you, Captain."

"Just call me Steve." The two stopped and shook hands.

At this time, the two of them had walked back to the door of the Wayward Girl Bar. Daisy didn't wait for Steve and walked in first.He left a message in a low voice

"I dug you out, huh"


The four of them looked at Daisy who walked in. Daisy was leaning on the side of the bar with teasing written on her face.

"Lawyer Ma, I like your versatility."

"It's shocking, Miss Daisy. I left Miss Daisy's company not long ago." Matthew said the second half of the sentence for Danny to hear.

Danny took a swig of beer and looked like he was watching a show.

"First of all, I'm not a bad person. It's not my style to be a big boss behind the scenes. Secondly, Hunter, what you did is not authentic."

"Yes, boss, everything you said is right. It's my fault, no problem." Hunter agreed with a smile on his face.

"I hope you can keep today's events a secret. From now on, Hunter Wade, you will not be so violent." Daisy spoke calmly.

Danny couldn't resist the temptation of Cheeseburger King and was still chewing bite after bite.He is a man of principles, but today's fucking thing is not within the principles.Moreover, the beautiful boss of the other party is quite nice and provides him with food and drink.At that time, he nodded slightly and expressed his agreement.

Daisy frowned and looked at Danny, because she first discovered the situation because of the strong energy fluctuations in this man's body.

At this time, Matthew righteously refused and took back Daisy's eyeballs.

"Miss Daisy, you can't cover up what happened today with just one word! Although justice will be late, it will not be absent! If you do something wrong, you have done it wrong!"

"Well, that makes sense. So no matter what, I will never let outsiders know about my drinking today!" Daisy put her hands on her hips and nodded seriously.

Crowd: ...

"Today's matter, as the person involved, Hunter, it is the best outcome for you to handle it. No one can solve this matter better than him. It is difficult for an upright official to resolve family affairs, not to mention that this matter goes around and around. Rao I've been here since." Daisy's tone was light.

"No problem, leave it to me. You can come to me," Hunter said first.

After saying that, Hunter reached out to shake Matthew's hand. Matthew didn't extend his hand

"Hey, brother, let's shake hands. I'll take care of this for you." Hunter was still very polite.

But Matthew remained motionless, showing no intention of compromising.

"Problems must be solved." Hunter cleverly lowered himself to Matthew's side and whispered, "You don't want to let the person who really destroys the family go unpunished, do you?"

Matthew was slightly moved, and after thinking for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief. Very unhappy, he stretched out his hand, touched Hunter's palm, and then immediately pulled away.

When Hunter saw this, he immediately gave Daisy a wink, indicating that the matter had been resolved.

At this time, Steve pushed the door open and the weasel roared excitedly.

"Another big shot!"

The rest of the people in the bar smashed the tables to welcome him.Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures. They were all veterans and wanted to have a strong affection for captain Steve.By the way, Daisy was also photographed, and the next day everyone knew that this chick went to the bar to drink again, triggering a wave of condemnation.These are naturally things for later.

The next day, at the New York airport, Daisy bid farewell to Wade.

Seeing Wade leave, Daisy felt very unhappy. For her, a controllable unit left. This was her loss of control over the situation. It's a failure.

Wade, who passed the inspection, waved to Daisy. The two joked a lot with each other before leaving. He showed his cluelessness to the extreme with a smile. But when he turned around, Wade breathed a sigh of relief. Determinedly walked towards the waiting room.

Wade has always been a clueless, trouble-free guy. There are too many things in reality, and a world that is too real would be too tiring. It is precisely because of this kind of freedom that he has become what he is today. The charge last night was so heartless.

It's just that the friend in the past has become the person who gives him chains now, allowing reality to bind him again, and all the care becomes heavy.

A woman who can plan can run a family, but a woman who can plan really takes care of too much in her career. The past few interactions between Wade and Daisy were too suffocating for him. He wanted to be somewhere out of Daisy's reach and hide from her.

Wade moved his blue peaked cap, a look of anticipation on his face.

His first stop will be in Singapore, and then he will move on to growing flowers or potted chickens.

Daisy stomped her feet outside the airport and left without looking back.


Nothing to do during the day

At night, Daisy went to the basement where Steve worked out alone and took off her coat.

"I don't hit women..."

"Just think of it as a warm-up before you take office. Besides, you can't beat me."

After that, Daisy kicked the sandbag in front of Steve's eyes and exploded it with a volley.

Steve brushed back his wet bangs and tightened the bandage on his hand.

“That’s not how boxing works.”

After saying this, the two of them were on the verge of quarreling.

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