Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 249: Refuse to Die in Sokovia

Daisy didn't spend much time looking for Kingpin's whereabouts.After just wasting a whole morning, Daisy met this big man.

Maybe her thoughts were so evil that when Daisy saw Kingpin, she felt that he had some benevolent intentions.Jin Bin's appearance first makes people feel honest, with a red face and a thick neck.Daisy left her and Kingpin in a room and talked about something that was not known to outsiders.

During this period, Daisy was a guinea pig for a while.

Daisy's superpower is nicknamed "Women's Treasure, Girl Killer". Although this is a useless miraculous skill, it proves that Daisy's superpower still has unlimited development capabilities in the human body. Among them, the frightening thing is one that Daisy has always wanted to try but has been suffering from no experimental target.

Fear is a physiological reaction of human beings, and when translated into a simple description, it makes people scared. Theoretically, fear occurs when the environment around a person changes and causes discomfort to the target. But this is too simple. Obviously, no vibration of any magnitude can directly make people feel scared. This is conveyed to the nervous system, making people isolated from their surroundings. The real fear is from the inside out.

In fact, as long as Daisy is happy, everyone who sees her can tremble unconsciously.Because Daisy can slightly make the other party feel shaking, thus making the other party feel that Daisy is threatening them.Therefore, in practice, it is difficult for Daisy to distinguish the direct fear in the other person's heart.

Although the results of the two are the same, they are essentially very different.

In actual operation, Daisy changes the amplitude of the opponent's body and the rhythm of the surrounding environment. If he is not careful, Jin Bin may go into shock or die on the spot. Even if she had reached this level of superpower control, she still wasn't very confident in performing such detailed microscopic operations. It is precisely because Daisy has such self-awareness that she has never taken the initiative to experiment on people. But to Daisy, the Kingpin is useful alive but useless dead.

Kingpin, the unlucky guy, could only admit that he was unlucky. Daisy's attitude towards Kingpin is not only because she doesn't regret the death of a scumbag, but also because she knows that she has an antagonistic relationship with her brother Peter Parker. Logically speaking, it would be easiest for him to kill Kingpin while he is useless now. It's just that she still hopes that the other party can integrate the Eagle Flag gang for her with peace of mind. This is certainly unrealistic, and I don't have the Three Corpse Brain Pill to fool fools. He can only rely on his own charming personality and the latent means to penetrate the sieve.

It's frightening. Daisy's research on this skill has always been in a theoretical state, and he was the first to be put into practice.When the two started talking, Daisy didn't use her ability intentionally.Then when the conversation got back to the main topic, Daisy deliberately showed an unruly look, but secretly it began to have an impact on her little by little.

"Okay...I promise..."

In Daisy's field of vision, Kingpin was sweating profusely, clenching his fists, his body trembling slightly, and his eyes bulging.His expression looked like he had seen a ghost, and he agreed to Daisy's request.Although Daisy was not very satisfied with the other person's expression, she was still affected by her.For an instant, Jin Bin's expression seemed to become much smoother, and his breathing became much smoother.

Apparently Fatty Jin knew about Daisy's actions. He was annoyed, angry and helpless, and looked at Daisy angrily.

"But...may I know why? You asked me to sort out those failed white and black LGBT people at the bottom, and let me play with fire and burn myself..."

"Typical gangster thinking, Wilson, if you want to get bigger, your current vision is too narrow. You call them losers, but I don't want to give up on them. This is a deal between me and you. What I fancy is Your ability. In the white powder trade in the gang, I know that it is impossible to give you a one-size-fits-all approach at the beginning, which will make it impossible for you to gain a foothold. But I will give you a degree. You know, hunger marketing is also a strategy. Your responsibility is Manage the group of unemployed people at the bottom. I will throw some miscellaneous items from the rising tide to you regularly, which can be regarded as funds for your development. "

Now comes Kingpin's favorite stage. When someone wants to talk to him, he has the conditions to negotiate with them. At this time, he can use his voice to pretend to be deep and say some nonsensical threatening words in order to strive for the greatest benefit. However, after experiencing the unpleasant feelings, Kingpin did not dare to show off this set of things in front of the devil Daisy Johnson.

Hey, life is not good...

Daisy then followed SHIELD's procedures and escorted Kingpin to a local prison. The people from the Red Command released him on bail, and Kingpin packed up his mood and returned to New York.

The cake Daisy gave was so delicious that he had no reason to refuse Daisy. This is an opportunity, not only to make a comeback, but also to dominate the Eagle Flag! So there is no reason for King not to come back, but as for how the future develops, that is naturally up to Kingpin. When he grows stronger, he will be qualified to negotiate terms with Daisy Johnson. Moreover, he also has a hidden line of Black Claw, which can be used to save operations.

But when he returned to New York, where the air was full of fragrance, the two capable men sent to him by Daisy found him very accurately.

"This is Tripp, and I'm Hunter. Under Daisy's order, we were sent to help you complete the construction of SHIELD's grassroots intelligence network. Listen, isn't it amazing? It's my first time to join the gang."

"This is definitely the worst assignment. My name is Antoine Triplett. Just call me Triplett."

"So... Daisy Johnson sent you to restrain me, Kingpin?"

"Absolutely" Hunter was a small man with a smooth tone. "Let's make an agreement first. If you do something that crosses the line, I can shoot you down at any time."

Kingpin replied with an angry smile, "Come on, we are doing gangster work. We are dirty and not clean."

"Dude, take it easy. Daisy said this would be easy. Let's go, our first stop."

Jin Bin sighed, put his hands in the pockets of his white autumn suit trousers, and sighed silently in his heart.

He just wants to come back quietly and become the underworld emperor. Now there are at least three waves of people staring at him... Even if he becomes the underworld emperor, these three waves of people can't afford to stir up trouble...

Ah, I feel so tired...

The three of them walked into Hell's Kitchen with bare hands, and Jin put out the cigarette in his hand unhappy...

"This is the absolute worst kind of attention!"

Sharon growled at Daisy.

When she learned about Daisy's thoughts, there were really 10,000 reasons not to understand Daisy.

"Are you talking about the part that let King Bin go or the part that established the underground intelligence bureau?"

"Of course it's the part about letting King Bin go. He's not a good person!"

On the Quinjet, Sharon was next to Daisy, pulling the lever with a really angry expression.

After hearing this, Daisy smiled and was still innocent.She moved her body to better embed herself in the seat, and said lightly with a smile.

"Both ideas are pretty bad, in my opinion."

"What?" Sharon was puzzled.

"The rise of populism in the future is inevitable. Breaking into this group of people in advance will help SHIELD protect the environment and the people in the future." Daisy told Sharon this truth in a very superficial way. This explanation was actually very vague. , but there are enough hints.

Sharon fell silent after hearing this. She immediately thought of the situation in Brazil and thought that Daisy was afraid of being in a situation like Brazil.

"The government has always been good at mediating and accepting the demands of various groups. Many universities have majors on gays and lesbians, and the government is willing to accept and listen to their parties. Daisy, don't you think this is unnecessary? "

Sharon turned around and deepened the question raised by Daisy. This was a very big question. Daisy could not necessarily move Sharon even if she circled the earth twice in a Quinjet.So Daisy simply talked casually, not expecting to be able to convince Sharon Carter of her political values.

"The key is that there are too many, and they are too scattered. Okay, little girl, let's not talk about this heavy topic. What should we eat for dinner? I want to take care of you. Look, you have lost a lot of weight, and your face is... She has a melon face..."

Since the rise of the famous Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panther Party in history, the government has begun to place informants among these groups and began to prepare for a rainy day.This is nothing new, so Daisy's proposal will be quickly recognized by S.H.I.E.L.D.In countries with the Eagle Flag, opium poppy sales are legalized nationwide, and opium poppy products are sold every year at a discount.A large part of the reason is that Eagle Flag's internal sales are so good.The Eagle Flag government's control of this route is stricter than the liquor inspections during Prohibition.


The Quinjet carrying two people arrived in New York at noon. When it came out of the tri-bend, it was already late in the evening.

There is a joke circulating on the Internet that the goddess of dawn goes to buy wine.

In 09, Daisy was only 19 years old.Any wine merchant who sees her coming to buy wine is obliged to remind the other party.Daisy is quite distressed because she still has two years to go before she can legally buy alcohol openly.However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

The two girls have a clear division of labor just like they did at the end of 05.Sirloin solves beer, Daisy solves fried chicken.

Even with their current status, the two of them should enjoy more exquisite food. But what can compare to beer-fried chicken?

"Yes! Lobster! Kebab! Hot pot! And beer!"

Daisy collapsed in Sharon's arms with a smile, and Sharon pressed on Daisy with a smile.Strictly speaking, the two girls' conversation was monotonous.Life in SHIELD is about work, and everyone is tired of talking about work all day long, so the only common topic between Daisy and Sharon is the delicious food they have seen.

Sharon grew up in an upper-class environment in John Bull, and has always had little knowledge about food. While she was undercover in Brazil, snacks were everywhere. The two drank beer while chatting about delicious food from various places.

When they talked about really disgusting food, both Daisy and Sharon had very disgusting expressions on their faces. Apart from eating in the water, Daisy was always thinking about a series of authentic pig-in-the-water stir-fry dishes. Sharon, a girl from John Bull, still cannot experience the joy of going into the water.

This was largely due to mad cow disease in Western Europe. The spread of mad cow disease in the 19th century was severe. At that time, after the cows with mad cow disease were dissected, all their organ wastes were used to make cattle feed and fed to the cattle as growth promoters. Later, after years of research by biologists, they discovered that it was a certain protein in the animal's body that was causing the problem. After this protein comes into contact with other proteins, it will transform them, which is the same as the loss virus in "Resident Evil" and is contagious. Deteriorated proteins will attack other proteins crazily, terminating normally functioning organs. But as long as the same kind does not eat the same kind, it is impossible for it to spread on a large scale and develop into the current mad cow disease. This protein, called a prion, lurks in the brain and turns your entire brain into a sponge. So far, diseases of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, etc., all have the shadow of prions. The biological world is helpless about this, because the nerves in the brain are completely unable to repair themselves if they are damaged, and there is no technology to repair it artificially. Although prions are viruses, they are proteins and cannot be completely killed by high temperatures. When humans eat beef with mutated prions, they are at risk of becoming infected. It is said that the earliest birthplace of prions came from a cannibal tribe, and later the livestock industry in Western Europe was infected on a large scale. Prions evolve in an erratic way under various circumstances. Reassuringly, there has not yet been any case of prions being airborne.

Because of this history, this is one of the reasons why the West is so resistant to eating water.

To be fair, whether you eat or not, those who should be tricked will still be tricked. The deliciousness is overwhelming (?1?9 dishes?1?9).

Daisy and Sirloin carefully repeated the scene of stir-fried pork belly. Daisy, who was next to Sirloin, could only feel him trembling all over.

Only three of the four bottles of beer that Sharon bought back, the two of them were not drunk at all.In addition to fried chicken, I bought other things, but at this time there were only some bones and sticks left.

"Wait a minute, I remember there is a bottle of red wine in my room, bought wholesale from the supermarket."

Sharon walked around the room, looking here and there with the red wine.

"Daisy, I can't seem to find the bottle opener...forget it"

With a bang, Sharon decisively smashed the head of the red wine bottle and poured wine for Daisy.It was rare for Daisy to relax, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw what Sharon looked like.Sharon looked a little drunk and leaned against Daisy's abdomen.Daisy was half lying down. She handed the red wine glass to Daisy, but she drank from the bottle like a woman.Then he lay down in front of Daisy and rested his head on Daisy's outstretched arm.

The conversation between the two gradually moved closer to her aunt.From Sharon Carter's words, it can be heard that Peggy Carter's condition has deteriorated again.Daisy suddenly expressed curiosity about whether the SHIELD founder would survive the Civil War timeline.She herself had really only met Carter and Steve a few times.Sharon was worried and sad, but there was nothing he could do.

A woman's lifelong pursuit is to look at her aunt's back.

It's hard to chase one goal all your life, but you can live it knowingly.It's hard for Daisy to imagine her life after solving the Thanos crisis. What a terrifying and boring world it would be.

"But at least you are very pursuing in life now. When you look back on your life in the future, you won't feel that you have done nothing."

Sharon felt very benefited by Daisy's compliments. She came close to Daisy's mouth and nose and whispered

"You are also in front of me..."

"The butt muscles feel good, Carter girl."

Sharon didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

As he said that, he talked about the awakened Steve Rogers again, but this time the topic of Sharon was much less talked about, almost passing by.

Out of drunkenness, or perhaps due to the lack of fun between the two drinking, Sharon took Daisy's arm to the rooftop.

"You know, this is what I've always wanted to do, come on."

"What are you going to do..." Daisy muttered with a reluctant expression.Sharon was already on the sidelines, ready to go. She put the empty red wine bottle aside and raised her arms, obviously wanting to have a fight with Daisy.

But Daisy didn't want to fight her, even though after Rumlow's incident, no one from SHIELD took the initiative to cause trouble for Daisy. Daisy realizes that she is extremely violent at her core, and she is particularly uncomfortable with a life where no one is looking for a fight. This made Daisy feel that her fighting skills had declined. After all, the last time he had a direct fight with someone was during the Hulk Abomination incident. Because of the awakening of his alien constitution, his strength exceeded human limits. When fighting against others, I always feel that my side has been leveraged 20 times, and there is no fun (fighting) at all.

So when Sharon proposed such an idea, Daisy instinctively refused. Sharon's punch came, and Daisy couldn't dodge. She was punched in the face and fell straight to the ground.

"What are you doing!" Daisy felt so angry, and her mind was really affected by alcohol, and her words were a bit tongue-in-cheek.

Sharon was even more miserable. She was already drunk at this time, and what drove her actions was the subconscious in her mind.

"Oh, what... I just want you to teach me..."

"What? Do you want to learn?"

"Yes, Daisy, I want to learn this!"

"Oh... If you want to learn, you should have said it earlier..." Daisy patted her butt and stood up, walked to Sharon, and put her hands on Sharon's arms.

"Hiccup, fighting skills are the same all over the world, you know it. I'll teach you some things I learned from my experience. Let's start with push hands..."

Martial arts in the world are similar, and they all teach people how to use "strength" more skillfully. This is a display of human mechanics at its best.

Sharon's foundation is not bad. At the age of 19, he could beat a muscular sumo wrestler like Kingpin in a single fight.Daisy asked herself that without the blessing of someone with a different body, she might not be able to win over him.Under such circumstances, if Sharon Carter can understand the core of martial arts and control and control her hair freely, then her fighting achievements will surpass those of Hawkeye and Black Widow.Challenge her idol, Steve Rogers, Captain America.

At first Sharon, under the influence of alcohol, sneered at Daisy's methods of rubbing her left and right.

"Hey, why did you say what's on your mind?"

"This is too grinding, look at the punches!"

The drunk Sharon was unreasonable, slapped Daisy's hand away, and punched Daisy in the face.

"I, I, I..." Daisy had never experienced such humiliation, being slapped twice in the face.

This time it really pissed off Daisy, and she began to educate Sharon. Sharon took the opportunity to confront Daisy and came close to her.

Daisy was so angry that she had to pay for the treatment herself after she broke Sharon, so she decided to confront Sharon seriously. Feed her attack pattern with one kick at a time. Sharon was so drunk that he was delirious, and the fight was a bit like a drunken fist fight. The punch was powerful, but the accuracy was really off, and Daisy knocked him to the ground within a few blows.

After falling several times, she could never get up again. Daisy thought she had struck too hard, but when she looked closely, she found that Sharon had lost all the strength of his drink and had completely fallen asleep.

It’s time for Daisy’s favorite part of helping others take a bath again!


I cooked some sober stock for the sirloin and left a note asking her not to forget to heat it in the microwave.When I came out of Sharon's apartment again, it was already early at night.Daisy clearly remembered that she usually drank so much wine that she was already drunk alone and unconscious.Now, as the breeze blew by, she became more and more awake.

Taking advantage of the gorgeous night, Daisy first searched for Kingpin's lair and saw that Prit and Hunter were still working hard. Regarding the development of the gang, Daisy had carefully thought about how shady the development of the gang was, and the Plitt and Hunter she sent to Kingpin.

Plit was the black man who snitched on Daisy when he was encircling and suppressing the gang. Upholding her own concept of justice in her heart, Daisy was unhappy with him at that time and her mission no longer had anything to do with him. Upholding justice in your heart is a good thing, but upholding absolute justice can lead to misunderstandings. Daisy put him here not only to temper him, but also to remind Kingpin of the bottom line she had told him.

The little Hunter is a mercenary and the boyfriend of Mockingbird Barbie in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."Daisy knew that the other party was very capable and stopped beating around the bush.After capturing him during a border operation, Daisy immediately brought him over through the S.H.I.E.L.D. network.He is principled and unscrupulous in his dealings with others. He is also a talkative and can pass the time.Because of Daisy, Barbie left her post prematurely, which made the two of them seem to have missed it... This was unexpected by Daisy.

One of them is good and the other is evil. For the sake of Jin Bin, it is a test of Daisy's integrity before she reuses them. It is also a whistleblower that Daisy puts under Jin Bin's nose.

Seeing the blood in the room, Daisy was no longer interested in watching, and turned around to look for a secret whistle that could keep an eye on Jin Bin.

Daisy hadn't left for long, and Kingpin, who was acting handsome in a wheelchair, secretly wiped his sweat.The main reason is that this little man named Hunter is so fierce, he is truly the best among mercenaries.Fighting the gangsters on the street is just like making a fuss.Jin did not take action, and the two men cooperated to knock down the stronghold...

In fact, he just came over today to say hello and say something

The cruel words of "Hell's Kitchen, your emperor is back"...


Daisy didn't go far and found Barbie's dancing sister, Tandy Bowen.

"Give me 60 rounds of 7.62. I have an extra vertical grip here. The airdrop is coming, should we go? There is a motorcycle..."

In a dimly lit small room, a fair-skinned blond girl with her legs crossed, wearing a cute cartoon pajamas, was concentrating on playing a game.At some point, she floated to Daisy at the window.There will be a strange smell if you stay in the room for a long time. She opened the window for ventilation, but it happened to make Daisy lean against the window and wait for her for a long time.

The girl forgot about God for a moment and forgot that she was still in the game. She accidentally fell on her back and GGed with her teammates.Complaints from teammates also came through the headphones.

"Oh my 98x lens is k! If I had known better, I wouldn't have gotten into your car. I'm so annoyed!"

Tandy was also stunned. He said something hastily to his teammates and then logged off.She saw Daisy, sitting upright nervously, feeling sad in her heart.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Are you short of money?" Daisy looked at her coldly, not giving her a good look.

Such pressure makes the other party very uncomfortable.Since Tandy got help from Daisy, he has become accustomed to spending lavishly.She had no concept of financial management. After she spent all her money, she was too embarrassed to ask Daisy again, so she became a thief.

I was arrested once not long ago and lost my iron job on the stage. Nowadays, she looks like a little girl who is inexperienced in the world and can throw away her bottom line for money. Daisy's original plan for her was shattered. Tandy Bowen, the dagger in Cloak and Dagger, has a lot of power, Daisy doesn't know. Because I haven’t watched the TV series carefully, I initially had the impression that the girl was a magical being. She originally planned to give the book in her study to Tandy as the final reward of a series of tasks. Since the other party no longer has good qualities, the whole plan is put on hold.

"I I I..."

"I can give you another amount of money, but this time I want you to help me with something."

"What's up!"


After explaining things to Tandy, Daisy left. Standing alone under the moonlight, Daisy reviewed in her mind the seven layers of protection she had prepared to deal with the spread of Kingpin's power and the impact that Kingpin would have on the personnel he assigned. But she always felt as if she had missed something less important...

In the next few days, Daisy gave good guidance on Sharon's training. After the company went public, Jessica became president, which seemed to give Daisy more time to deal with trivial matters. On weekdays, Daisy has to attend various famous programs to increase her exposure. Contact with Eagle Fed began to become frequent, and most people within the company were inclined towards the fast payment aspect. This area will be a key project in the rising tide in 2010. The early supporting facilities and contract terms have become the most cumbersome thing for Daisy now. There is also a squeeze on existing internal resources. Hydra hopes that Daisy can take over the mess in Sokovia, which naturally cannot be done casually. The formal notice regarding the review of various related matters was only issued to Daisy's Rising Tide headquarters not long ago.

Daisy had held an internal meeting about this matter before going to Brazil. It was beyond her expectation, but it was also reasonable.Everyone within the company opposed the construction of Sokovia.Emma almost hit Daisy on the head with a folder.


After becoming the president, Jessica found it difficult to find words to help Daisy smooth things over, and she was not optimistic about this incident.

Sokovia, a land of war. The situation is unstable and the future is uncertain. Far away from civilized cities, the surrounding forces are uneven. This city in ruins has no value at all for Rising Tide to invest in early.

The key is that the amount of investment this time is not low, and it will affect the development of Rising Tide in world trade.If the project continues, Rising Tide will see many good projects delayed in the short term. Logically speaking, this project cannot be included in Rising Tide's plan.

The meeting was at a deadlock. Daisy was already in a bad mood because of matters in the White House, and she didn't have much patience to explain.Although Rising Tide and the United Nations are still negotiating the details of the matter, investment decisions in Sokovia have been delayed.

If there are too many things, the mood will be chaotic.

Daisy went to the White House twice for talks. Although she was secretly unhappy, Rising Tide Company received great support and development.White Queen Emma has never stopped having social gatherings in the evening, with people from world-class companies, Wall Street oligarchs, as well as Stark's Pepper Stark, Petroleum Roxendario and other big bosses, And a series of electronic product bosses from as far away as Silicon Valley lined up to invite Emma to the party.After Rising Tide was listed, especially being interviewed by two presidents, Rising Tide completely embraced capital and conducted deeply linked transactions with most relevant markets.

Daisy's original intention was to settle Eric's matter peacefully, settle the situation within Rising Tide Company that had reached saturation, and then happily go to Sokovia first. But the backlash within the company forced her to face the Sokovia incident with all her strength.

In the past few days after she came back, she complained a little to Sharon about this matter. Sharon just heard Daisy say that she wanted to help rebuild homes in war-torn places, and he agreed mindlessly.But what happened was no simpler than the cause of the war in Sokovia.

Daisy must not only satisfy Hydra's demands, but also take into account her own ambitions. Now, he still needs to get the members of the company's internal board of directors to nod their approval for this investment. Then this matter immediately became troublesome. This has nothing to do with personality worship. Daisy's personal prestige can easily dominate various shows. But in the face of capital, it is difficult for people to jump into the trap rationally.

Rising Tide is no longer the Chinese-funded company that Daisy herself once said in one word. She needs to prepare good information to convince the board members, including Emma Jessica.

"Sokovia, which occupies a small area, has been at war since 1999 and was mediated by the United Nations in 2005. 95% of the infrastructure was damaged, and not even 5% of the civilians survived. The surrounding three-country relations have become rigid. , there has been a long history of grievances. After the war stopped, some people immigrated to Sokovia one after another, replenishing the local population. However, the origins of these people are unknown. Many of them are interested in Sokovia's geographical location. In the past, Refugees. Urban reconstruction is now in its third year, and basic housing construction has been roughly completed. However, the lack of urban population has led to low local productivity. The city is still under military management and lacks various resources. The market is small, and the currency system has not yet been completed. Construction, a place like this, has nothing but valuable land. The investment risk is extremely high, how can you let us feel at ease?"

Emma and Daisy have had conflicts not once or twice. At the beginning of this meeting, Emma was the first to take the lead.Daisy's personal prestige, only Emma in the company dares to offend her like this.Among the 20 board members present, all of them waited silently for the results. They were all opposed to investment.While listening to Emma's report, Daisy sat on a swivel chair with her legs crossed and her eyes closed to relax. She waited until Emma finished speaking before opening her eyes.

"Look at such a miserable place, why don't you guys help? Haha." Daisy first made a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

She walked up to the projection screen and knocked on the glass panel.

"I know that everyone has resistance. From the perspective of businessmen, the market in Sokovia is still immature. But there are a few small problems that stand in front of everyone's opposition. Let me tell you clearly that in 05, I participated in the Sokovia market. I have a few old acquaintances there for the mediation work in Covia. The construction of a modern city in Sokovia is slow, and Rising Tide Company naturally cannot eat it all in one go. I think this is a good opportunity to show love."

Emma glanced at Daisy in surprise. Daisy smiled and continued.

"As a brand, Rising Tide Company cannot achieve a monopoly in any civilized country, but this is often what all brand companies dream of. Now, there is such a demand in Sokovia, and I think this dream can be achieved there accomplish."

There was some movement among other members of the board of directors, and it was not Daisy who persuaded them. Painting a pie is a conventional method of persuasion, and the dream of giving a speech is empty and empty. The people below want to see how Daisy can dig out profits from the ruins. There's no way there's gold hidden under that ground, right?

"To get serious, Sokovia is located in the north of the Middle East, close to Eastern Europe. The war lasted for 6 years and the renovation took 4 years. Now the city is independent and the population is declining. You all think this is a piece of rotten meat, don't you see? On. But the first gold in front of everyone is this cheap labor force. The current production robots of Rangtide Company have not yet entered the market. In the future capital hedging, employment-based production costs will continue to increase. In this situation Under the general trend, we will add some factories here, which will help the company reduce the cost of some key production lines. At the same time, it can meet the production needs of the EU. Sokovia's geographical location can help us save a lot of transportation costs. This is the second gold! Looking at the map of the world, regarding the supply problem in European countries, opening a factory in any country has high production costs. The cost of opening a John Bull Gallic chicken factory is too high, and local policies do not support it. These problems can be solved very well in Sokovia. This is the most important point! Geographically, the north is a commodity importing country, while the south is an exporting country of land resources. Oil and bulk rare earth business are always cheaper than here. . We can save a lot of transportation costs. Our company has formed a monopoly in this area, including all the company's internal products, and the experimental fields for newly developed products can also be placed here. With Sokovia as the center, as the hub of two continents, With the processing transfer station, we can ensure that Rising Tide’s interests come first here.”

"Wait!" Emma interrupted Daisy's speech

"You mean to make it a second strategic point?"

"Yes, Sokovia is a vast country with a lot to offer."

Daisy's proposal was more strategic.

Capital is short-sighted, and they value short-term gains more. But this is a rising tide. After Daisy's training, the psychological period for long-term gains has been relaxed. I have a preliminary sense of agreement with this proposal.

"It is crazy to let a group of people live in a world of rising tides. We can vigorously publicize the tragedy of Sokovia, and then launch an online crowdfunding to let our fans and the public netizens participate. Increase Sokovia Increase the exposure of Sokovia and help attract investment, so that our development will not be so tiring. I think everyone understands the strategic significance of Sokovia I mentioned. Now, do you have any objections? "

"Then what if a war breaks out? Sokovia has an excellent geographical location and is well connected in all directions. It is because of this geographical location that the war was triggered. We still need to bear extremely high war risks. If we rashly focus on the company it's here,……"

At first glance, it was said that the old minister was seeking for the country. This was a question raised by an extremely elderly new member of the board of directors. Daisy answered his question.

"Due to historical reasons, the two major surrounding countries are on the side of the Eagle Flag. As long as we link our interests with the Eastern European countries, the free urbanization of this area will have the greatest guarantee. As for the issue of urban border defense, this is a good question……"


The aroma of milk under the morning sun is particularly melancholy.Adrian is helping his nine-year-old daughter Liz cut crispy toast.

His wife came out of the bedroom and helped Adrian get the ironed suit.Adrian took over the suit and kissed his wife's cheek happily. The little naughty guy on the side looked at it with joy.

"Ed, don't forget to say goodbye to your daughter."

"Don't worry, it's just a small business trip."

Adrian knelt down and caressed his daughter's cheek affectionately.

"Parker in class is always playing pranks on me."

"Don't worry, honey. Wait until dad comes back to beat him for you."

"Dad, Dad, how long will it take for you to come back?"

"Maybe... I can come back when your teeth grow back. Come and have breakfast. I will still be your driver today. Maybe we can meet that little bastard on the way."

Little Lizzy was stunned for a moment after being coaxed by Adrian, then she picked up the warm milk with a smile.

Adrian walked to the kitchen and made out with his wife.

"I heard from Matt that the company allows families to be brought there?"

"Yes, this is a big project this time, and the cycle time will not be short. The company's benefits allow you to bring your family, but I don't think this is reliable. You should stay in New York. The worst I can do is come back a few times during my vacation. "

"The welfare of Rising Tide is the best as ever. I'm so glad you stayed on the construction site."

"So the work we do is the most tedious, and there are a lot of broken rules in the company."

"Haha, don't complain in front of your boss! No one can offend her now..."

"I try to restrain myself..."

The wife knew that her husband had told a joke, and they laughed in unison.

Adrian Toombs was originally just a down-and-out electronic engineer.In order to make a living, I went to work on a small civil engineering project with my friends. Later, this project was favored by Tide.Acquired and renamed, Disaster Reconstruction Department.There were only a few people at the beginning, and many people were not optimistic about the new owner at that time. They believed that the acquired department would not have room for development, so many people left.Adrian was also worried, but he stayed because his daughter was ill and needed a stable job to support family expenses.Originally, his major was in electronic engineering, which was closely aligned with the job of Rising Tide Distribution, and he gradually moved up to the management level.Now he has traded shotguns for cannons, and his life is particularly comfortable.

But there are unforeseen circumstances, or it may be a time when his situation changes.The company sent departments to Sokovia to carry out infrastructure work.He learned through online reports that the area was liberated from war only three years ago.In his impression, it looked like everything was in vain.

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