Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 239 Farewell to Wuzi and the beginning of the watch

[This is a new era, a completely new era of technology! 】

With the last roar of full emotion, the rising tide of 08 came to an end.

At the press conference, the heads of each department of Tongtide and Daisy and other superiors gave wonderful speeches. Tongtide successively announced its development focus in the next five years and its general strategic direction in the next ten years.No reservations, put it all together.From 9 a.m. to dinner time, the whole process was not a problem for passers-by.The rapid switching between the whole scene and the content left many people with no time to digest what they saw. They even felt like they were watching a grand movie.No company sells the cakes that are actually made into cakes. The finished products that have already been formed or are half-finished are often used as selling points.Because the concept product itself is very magical, this led to the tone of the entire conference being magical.

Compared with the confused faces of all kinds of cosplayers in the audience, reporters from major media are more aware of the power of Rising Tide's statement. This is the largest event since the launch of the Rising Tide Carnival. There are nearly 2 people from the traditional media invited alone. This does not include self-media and uninvited news media. The press conference can accommodate people and is held on a large concert stage. This is just the tip of the iceberg for this carnival, Blizzard games also have a large venue. In terms of scale, Rising Tide Carnival is no different from Disneyland.

Almost half of the country's media came to the scene, just because of the shocking behavior just before the tide rose.Use the power of a company to challenge the constitution of a country.The occurrence of such things made the reporters furious and hard to accept. They felt like clowns repeatedly jumping around in the news front line, jumping around.In recent times, the density of big news events has been too high.

What’s even more magical is that when the tide rose to sue the Beibang Congress, only three days after the incident, the Beibang government gave up!

Upon hearing the news, Daisy was frightened and her heart trembled. Daisy was already mentally prepared to fight Beibang in a short period of time. How could she have thought that the opponent was faster than a Gallic chicken...

This is not to mention the opinions of other people who are paying attention to this matter. When old James heard the news from the resident reporter, he rolled his eyes and almost passed by. He hurriedly asked Lilith to get the news out quickly.

"This matter cannot be delayed!"

On the day when the lawsuit was decided, the rising tide not only caused Beibang's law firm to submit a lawsuit to Beibang Court, but also announced the cause and final decision of the whole matter on Weibo. Suddenly, there was an uproar. People who don’t know the reason despise Rising Tide’s arrogance, while fans of Rising Tide and Daisy stand up for Rising Tide’s righteous act. The Times, Voice of the Eagle Flag, Radio Tokyo, CCTV and other national news media all reported the news in their reports that day.

In other words, the matter of Rising Tide Company suing the North Korean Congress has already been widely circulated in newspapers, television and the Internet that day. Reports of this matter can be seen in the news of all large civilized countries on the earth.The vast majority of people are just watching the excitement. A few experts who care about current affairs and finance will think about it for a moment. Some people have imagined that such a move as Rising Tide is related to President Daisy Johnson’s secret talks with the White House.Some people soon questioned this statement. After all, if it really involves matters between the two countries, how could a company be instructed to make an issue.When the rising tide dropped this thunder to the whole world, everyone was not optimistic about her. This was such a child's play and it was completely confusing.

It is precisely because of this mentality that after learning about the series of lengthy statements issued by Beibang, when people found the word "coward" in this pile of official words, their eyes widened with anger and their eyeballs were broken. !

Such a change made the Foreign Minister of Yingqi, who has always been open-minded and open-minded, look a little confused when answering the media's questions about his views on this matter. He really doesn't know anything...

The first thing the Beibang government will bear the brunt of making such a decision is the pressure from its own country. The constitution of the "head of household system" is already criticized and should have been abolished in the 08 New Year. But at that time, Beibang was still in the turmoil of the financial crisis. The national economic turmoil caused uneasiness among domestic chaebols. The government coordinated The focus is on coordinating the domestic economy. In the intense pursuit of international economic relief, the passage of this bill was ignored, resulting in the overwhelming majority of the opposition, and unfortunately it was missed. There was a lot of dissatisfaction in the country, and the rising tide in Beibang at this time protested, which became the trigger of the whole thing. First, there was the crisis of Rising Tide Game's server suspension in China, and then there were rumors at home and abroad. This made everyone's opinions tilt toward Rising Tide, causing Beibang to be in chaos within a day. Even though it was not as serious as the school suspension and strike, demonstrations could be seen roaming the streets the next day. Such domestic factors caused the Beibang government to bow its head.

In this regard, all political parties in Beibang have different views on this matter. Some people suggested that changes should be made immediately, some said that giving in at this time would be too disrespectful to the dignity of the country, some said that all commercial activities of the company should be banned, etc. Everyone held a meeting and kept arguing, but there was no unified voice. They immediately asked Eagle Flag through diplomatic relations and received a definite denial. This made a large number of them breathe a sigh of relief, and began to reflect on the ins and outs of the whole thing. Even though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eagle Flag had good relations with Beibang, it did not tell the other party the whole process of inviting Daisy to the White House. This indirectly helped Beibang reduce some unnecessary suspicions. After a thorough interrogation and investigation of Zhao Helen's ex-husband, all the issues were sorted out. Beibang is not made up of stupid people, and it is precisely because of this that they have completely seen what Feng Tide wants to achieve in this matter. This is also the first thing they have seen clearly, and there is no roundabout game in it. But because of such an unreasonable and unreasonable act, he held himself tightly. After weighing the pros and cons and trade-offs, the upper levels of the Beibang government decided to immediately draft a bill to amend the constitution, in exchange for a long-term and in-depth cooperative relationship.

That's why there was such a good show.

Originally, it was not difficult to pass the bill to amend the constitution of the "Head of Household System". But when I thought about it, I admitted my mistake at the speed of light, but I felt that I had taken a big advantage.

Daisy looked at the subsequent request "made" by the other party and agreed to part of it. This in itself was an insignificant part in business.

The Beibang government issued a statement on women's equal rights, clearly and seriously pointing out the flaws in the constitution. Thanks to Rising Tide Company for righteously accusing our country of its faults, so that our country can repent in time.

It not only gave Rising Tide Company enough face, but also supported its good image of correcting its mistakes after knowing them.With one operation, you can see the whole world.

As a country, it is a joke that we were successfully forced by a company to amend our constitution. Daisy's single operation led to Beibang's compromise, which made many people feel complicated for a while. This galvanized the radical women's movement in the short term, for both good and ill. What’s even more shocking is that not long after, various countries started to reform laws, mainly focusing on women’s equal rights. The first person to do this was the footbath, in which two familiar figures of Daisy could be seen. These are things I won’t mention again.

It is precisely because of the influence of this incident that the Rising Tide Carnival was overcrowded.What was usually a fun gathering turned into a one-sided interview about the development direction of Tide Tide Company.

At this press conference, apart from the new mobile phone and computer hardware, [Internet Quick Payment] was officially launched, named Chao Pay, and was officially applied to all products of Rang Chao, and it is actively looking for partners.

It was officially announced that five semi-automatic mechanized hardware processing plants have been added, specifically used to take orders for the production of large mechanical parts and auxiliary robotic arms. At that time, Optimus Prime appeared on the stage together with Bumblebee, which clearly indicated that the factory's production direction was developing in the direction of artificial intelligence. The vivid bumblebee on the stage made the audience cheer.

This is what Daisy wants to change, to speed up communication and liberate productivity.Daisy is very greedy. She originally used her smartphone to break the conventions of the old mobile phone industry, and then used her smartphone to further break the conventions of the old news industry, followed by entertainment and economy.This system naturally has lessons learned from past mistakes. She found the connection between them in the process of following each other step by step. It was no longer just imitation.But in such a one-person state, it is simply impossible for one company to complete the development history of smartphones.Monopoly will lead to the development of smartphones that lack diversity, which will directly reduce market vitality and indirectly make smartphones an old industry with the next new product.Therefore, she chose to open up the relationship to competition and put the important work of the company's factory on production and assembly.The factory behind it customizes all mobile phone-related parts, makes auxiliary arms that can perfectly and intelligently assemble mobile phones, makes mobile phone batteries, etc.We will focus on supplying and assembling accessories at the top of the smartphone industry chain, prioritizing the supply of our own mobile phones.Open factories all over the world to stimulate local economies.

The quality of Rising Tide mobile phones ensures the reputation of the original products. If other mobile phone manufacturers want to establish a good reputation, they must adopt this top-notch production line. This starts with the earlier transfer of the Osborne factory to Feng Tide, which gave Feng Tide the qualifications to expand and occupy the production line. The speed of the production line directly represents the speed of shipment of a new brand of mobile phones. Even if your new mobile phone is the latest in terms of performance and price, and has sold tens of millions of units in pre-sale, if the assembly line is slow in shipping, it will cause supply to exceed demand, and pre-sales will be canceled on a large scale, causing a lot of negative brand effects. . If you change your thinking, it will lead to the birth of another marketing model (@小米). But in the end, this kind of marketing method only relieves the pressure of exiting the warehouse. If a good brand influence is formed, this kind of marketing may also lead to worse negative reputation. The upstream production line determines everything. In order to stabilize this supply chain, Rising Tide has already established two production lines in Eagle Flag. If you are self-sufficient, you can also find other mobile phone manufacturers to take orders. Foreign production lines are also actively looking for new factories. In addition to these foundations, the quality and craftsmanship of mobile phone materials are also the core of the core. There is also the research and development of chips, which almost squeezes out most of Tide's funds. Daisy attaches more importance to chips than anything else.

Rising Tide dominates this online market, not to compete viciously with other mobile phone companies and deliberately block each other. Instead, we are far-sighted and set our sights on a higher level, making comprehensive smartphones the main goal. Proactively help small and new smartphone brands survive the early stages of being easily suppressed. After Rising Tide has become a high-end brand, it has been unable to reach the market share of middle and lower-class brands. It is inevitable that there will be new stars competing with Rising Tide in price war. Those in the old mobile phone industry mistakenly believe that their own dusk has not yet come. Daisy is very happy to see the emergence of mobile phone brands positioned at the middle and lower price levels, which can fully cover the mobile phone industry and completely crowd out the old mobile phone market. But at the same time, we hope to reach a good cooperative relationship with these possible new brands as early as possible to avoid embarrassing scenes in the future such as spitting at each other or even threatening to explode mobile phones.

This is only the first step. The ultimate goal is to bring everyone to the same level, followed by liberating productivity.Fang Tide has been trying hard in this regard, but the results are very unsatisfactory.Because the smartphone market has not yet fully occupied the mobile phone industry, people in the middle and lower classes can still choose old-fashioned mobile phones that cost more than ten yuan as a simple communication tool.This is what the rising tide that wants to dominate the smartphone market doesn’t want to see.Since the advent of smart phones, many large online trading companies have seen the charm of Weibo transplantation.Many large companies have successively cooperated with Zhanchao to transplant their own web pages into APPs and put them on the software download list of Zhanchao mobile phones.The company that produces the most apps among them is naturally Zengchao itself.After the popularity of smartphones, Daisy originally planned to develop more outstanding apps. To this end, she spent a lot of time looking for coding masters, looking for icon designers, and organizing the best APP creative competition, etc.But the time is too short after all. The number of users of the rising tide is too large and the percentage of the world's population is too small. Many things cannot be accomplished.You can only continue to promote it over and over again.

In the past, one front desk salesperson at the counter could deal with one customer, but the performance in one day was not enough. In the future, a well-known celebrity will stay at home in front of the mobile phone screen and broadcast live broadcasts to let the world buy products, with daily sales in the order of tens of millions. This is true liberation. Daisy hoped the rising tide would lead to that point.

But the environment in Eagle Flag poured cold water on Daisy's head, and the difficulty of realizing it was far from reaching this level.The logistics cost of Eagle Flag is very expensive!The land here is vast and sparsely populated. The territory of Eagle Flag is not short of planting flowers, but the population here is only one-third of the number of flowers growing!Coupled with labor costs, car maintenance and fuel costs, etc., this results in the average logistics cost of an express delivery being much higher than planting flowers.Big cities are better, and individual villas are rare.But the urban area around them is very large. There are villa-type houses in patches, and medium-sized houses basically have lawns. This means that the area of ​​​​a community cannot accommodate many people.The same area of ​​Eagle Flag in a remote community may accommodate 30-50 times as many families.It is impossible to copy express delivery and takeout under the flower planting model to Eagle Flag, because it itself has particularly serious Eagle Flag characteristics.But Daisy felt that there was still a plan in this matter, and she was really at her wits end.You can't force this matter on your own, it's too extreme. You can only do it step by step and make everything look smooth.To be lazy, people can build ships and airplanes.Now Daisy has completely unlocked the most basic communication equipment, simplified communication, exchanges and financial transactions, spared no effort to popularize all of this, and created conditions where people can be lazy. The future road will be left to those who are starting their own businesses. Listen Pay attention to the aspiring young people in your press conference.

This press conference not only made it clear about the mobile phone production line, but it was also a big deal in itself. Daisy had already made it known during her live broadcast accident. Daisy even made it clear her cooperative relationship with the military, directly naming the five new factories that will be used to manufacture and build intelligent machines such as Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. He also solemnly apologized to everyone for the mechanical rampage incident that occurred not long ago. This was indeed a chaos caused by Daisy's own personal mistakes.

Things that were about to be forgotten after experiencing [explosion, Iron Man, nuclear bombs, the White House, Stark, and Beibei], at this time Daisy actually took the initiative to propose it, which suddenly cheered up the audience. It also energized the reporters.

"Miss Daisy, can you tell me what caused Ironhide to go berserk?"

"Miss Daisy, does the robot's uncontrolled rampage indicate that it is uncontrollable and will there be greater unrest in the future?"

"Miss Daisy, Miss Daisy, could you please explain whether the White House invited you to discuss this matter..."

"President Skye..."

"Miss Daisy..."

Daisy didn't want to hide this, it was something she fought hard for on the board. The truth can never be buried. If the incident comes to light in the future, Rising Tide Company will definitely suffer an unprecedented blow. Emma didn't understand what Daisy was thinking, but Daisy was deeply afraid. One day in the future, after the globalization of machinery, if a robot accidentally becomes as brain-draining as Ultron due to various factors, then all accusations will definitely point to the emergence of this first mechanical rampage.

"The reason why Tiepi went berserk was because I compromised and equipped him with a weapon system. This caused Tiepi's smart chip to become disordered for a short period of time. This was completely an accident. Regarding the positioning of the robot, there has been a problem since the concept was born. Thinking about the relationship between humans and robots, they are afraid of becoming opposites. I think this is very worthy of reflection. First of all, I want to state again that I hate equipping robots with weapons. Secondly, I want to make my position clear and the responsibilities of robots , should help humans liberate productivity, rather than exist as a deterrent threat. The five newly opened production plants of our company are specially used to mass-produce auxiliary smart arms that can replace labor, and can also meet the needs of the weapons department and other countries The demand for intelligent robots for government agencies. However! I am not responsible for loading weapon modules. For the intelligent machines with weapon systems that may appear on the market in the future, they will only be secondary modifications from other parties, or from other intelligent machinery companies. Excellent work. I feel very sad and silent about the accident that happened on the street. The rising tide has already made corresponding compensation to the passers-by and the injured who were affected that day, and after the incident, as quickly as possible, summoned the people I had formed The post-disaster reconstruction department will carry out rescue and repair work on severely damaged roads. Next..."

Daisy finally ended by introducing this department. This post-disaster reconstruction department was formed by Daisy because of the 121 Street incident to carry out reconstruction work on the affected streets. Afterwards, Daisy did not disband the team. On the contrary, it continues to this day. Post-disaster reconstruction sounds nice, but to put it bluntly, it is just a small construction team that does everything. Due to the high tide and the peaceful atmosphere, it is not difficult to find jobs for the construction team, so it has been maintained until now. Recently, this department not only helped the Osborne Group clean up the gravel on half of the floor, but also helped Daisy rebuild the villa. It is natural that they are specially launched at this time. Before Rising Tide Company went public, there was a shortage of funds, and Daisy did not dare to touch real estate at that time. Now that the financial crisis has slowed down, and I am going public again at this time, I am making drastic changes, and I have to start to get in touch with many things. The downturn in real estate has given Rising Tide a very good entry point, especially in the market that is recovering at this time. Under the influence of market relief from Dongfang Zhonghua, Rising Tide has a good opportunity.

The reporters are still recalling the last thing Daisy said, the rampage caused by a mistake. This is a rare piece of dirty information about Daisy Johnson. And even though Daisy said it sincerely, the facts were still unacceptable. There are two sides to everything, but as long as someone is thoughtful, they can always make fun of you by looking at your unhappy side. Daisy's media persona is so invincible that when a dark spot appears on her, all her beauty can hardly cover up her ugliness.

The movements of the reporters in the audience were considered normal in Daisy's eyes, which made Emma on the side feel speechless.Obviously there is no need to expose it, but it is not a wise move to add black information for no reason.

At this press conference, Daisy took the stage again in the penultimate session and talked about the last basic piece of territory she wanted to make to liberate productivity.Before her, it was Jean Gray who took the stage to give a speech on matters related to the Rising Tide investment TV series.When she appeared, the audience was excited for a while.Qin is not only a close relative in Tsinghua, but on such a grand occasion, Qin's dress further highlights her feminine beauty.The whole person is elegant, dignified and elegant, with a good appearance, and a pair of big eyes that shine particularly brightly in the spotlight.This is simply born to be a star!

Unfortunately, Qin's rise to power did not give her a chance to turn around her poor project.When the audience learned about the content of the story requested for filming, it turned out to be about flower-planting Hua Mulan, and the protagonist was not performed by Qin Lai herself.This kind of manipulation made the audience suffocate, and there were so many flaws that I didn’t know where to start.Seeing the audience's reaction, Jean Gray knew that her content was a hit, but she also did her homework for it.Eagle Banner people will not have any obvious resistance to video content of any subject, because they themselves have no stories to tell.They can't all be blamed for the reaction in the audience. Qin and the project team had the same reaction when they first heard about Daisy's decision.This is not a single word [racial discrimination] that can explain its central course. It can only be said that pride and prejudice are deep-rooted.

For this reason, Qin began to describe the position, deeds, and experiences of the woman Mulan in historical description. Qin can already recite the entire text of "Ode to Mulan" in her not fluent Zhongwen. From the information read by the crew in the past, we learned about Mulan's short and glorious twenty years in the army. Therefore, she can express her entire life in a clear and emotional way. We also did a very simple science popularization, briefly describing why Mulan is a surname and not a given name, and why Mulan is called Hua Mulan by the world. Qin expressed the virtue of women's equality expressed by Mulan, and the strong feelings of longing for her hometown and loving her family behind Mulan giving up the reward and returning to her hometown, and conveyed it to everyone in the audience. Such a defense-style speech brought Qin Gray back to the all-powerful state of the university. Such a confident and contagious speech made her highly praised by the audience. This made many big-name stars want to participate in the first TV series funded by Rising Tide Company. Facing a big star with a net worth of eight or nine figures, Rang Chao had no choice but to reply "I will definitely (can't afford to ask) next time...". With a seven-digit investment, the crew is all new, and just polishing the script takes a long time. The TV series is initially scheduled to have a total of seven episodes, but the actual situation has to wait until the final script is released. Obviously Qin's speech had a very good publicity effect. This was not the result Daisy wanted to see, and the subsequent headaches were a thing of the past.

By the time "Qin" ends, many people have already accepted the fact of "Mulan", and truly feel the vivid colors of the historical figures behind the show, and are beginning to look forward to how expressive the TV series will be after it comes out. With this expectation, it is Daisy's turn for the finale. Daisy returned to the conference and caused quite a stir. To say that the popularization of smartphones is not only to make money for ourselves, but also to make Ride Tide make better money in the future, and also to achieve the hidden achievement of liberating productivity. Not many people can clearly see Daisy's steps, but if you look at the overall situation, you can still get a glimpse. But what Daisy is going to say next is the most lofty step that must be taken to unlock the hidden achievement of liberating productivity. This step surpassed all the steps Daisy had taken before, so that even someone with a high-minded vision like Emma, ​​when hearing Daisy's initial proposal, thought it was Daisy's whim, playing with her mind.

Daisy said that she bought the Midtown High School where she lived in middle school and it will completely change the current Midtown High School education. I will hire more than ten teachers with high salaries to improve the quality of school education. School fees will not be raised, but book fees will be reduced, students from poor families will be encouraged, and there will be preferential policies on tuition fees. The condition for all this is to strictly abide by school discipline.

If anyone with a discerning eye can understand, Daisy wants to provide elite education to middle- and lower-class children.But I don’t understand why Daisy did this. This is a very expensive and large ongoing expenditure.Everyone thought Daisy was doing charity, and they couldn't find out why Daisy did this.Many people secretly sneered. They thought Daisy wanted to cultivate a group of young people who were absolutely loyal to her brand from an early age. Such an approach was simply stupid.But the real situation is that Daisy’s purpose of doing this has not been told the truth to anyone. This is something that requires long-term development. Before it takes root and sprouts, Daisy also paralyzes herself to do charity.

The development of mobile phones, the development of chips, the popularization of mobile phones, the globalization of information, and artificial intelligence. On this map, Daisy sees a bloody self-civil war in the future. She wants to adjust and open a school with her as the rule. It is a one-step tentative layout.

But the audience in the audience couldn't see anything unusual. Even if they could understand Daisy's desire for elite education, they were only a handful of upper-class people with macroeconomic concepts.Such a person cannot exist in the audience crowded with cosplayers and reporters at the press conference.Daisy finished talking about her dream of establishing the school, and cooperated with all the upper-level representatives who gave speeches to perform a unique closing ceremony.In the cheers, people bid farewell to the rising tide of 2008, bid farewell to all the bosses with distinctive personalities on the stage, and bid farewell to Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.When they recalled this press conference, they still had unfinished thoughts in their minds.Just because the conceptual designs I saw in the past were confirmed by the rising tide here, one by one, they will appear at a certain node in the near future, and I saw the huge scene of the rising tide.When they once again recalled what Daisy said about the school at the end, they all couldn't help but think that it was a charity project that Tide filled in at the end.

Then came the curtain call of the press conference. Tens of thousands of people present felt hungry and dispersed to the food court and convenience stores of the Rising Tide Carnival. Goo and Emma were still busy with their own affairs, so they all left with everyone. Daisy herself also has a small oil bottle hanging on her head, which is Little Hana. After her mother, Helen Zhao, received the privilege of Beibang, she returned to Beibang and began to move her research laboratory. During this period, little Hana was thrown to Daisy.

She was choked by her ex-husband and felt wronged, but she successfully obtained an additional research fund from Rising Tide Company and the privilege of amnesty from the motherland.While carelessly throwing little Hana to Daisy, Helen Zhao still couldn't help but sigh, female boxing is really good.

Little Hana obviously likes the atmosphere here very much. She deliberately wore a very small skin like the video game goddess Ahri today. She borrowed pink lipstick to draw triangle strips on her face. She is short, cute and cute. The little girl is very happy. . There were a bunch of uncles and aunties in the background, waiting for Daisy to finish. Sometimes they stuck their heads out to observe the cosplay in the audience, and then came back to hold Gugu and tease her.

Daisy promised Hana to take her to visit the exhibition in the afternoon. The afternoon and evening of High Tide Carnival is a paradise for acg lovers. Blizzard still has a lot of responsibilities at the carnival. After cooperating with Rising Tide, the company itself has also improved to a certain extent. The relationship between the two companies is very good. Blizzard unilaterally wanted to merge directly into Rising Tide Company. Due to various considerations, Goo of Rising Tide Games rejected this. In terms of games, Daisy has long stopped interrupting in front of Goo, and she will not make any comments on such behavior. But Blizzard's own intention to cooperate has made the two games the same company. Fans of the two games have long been enjoying themselves. It is said that whenever the Alliance and the Horde quarrel, Demacia steps in to mediate the dispute. This is outrageous.

I took Hana to the old tavern and watched several cosplay shows while eating. The original Hearthstone show of Noxus vs. Jaina was retained as a repertoire, and new characters were rotated. From time to time, you will see some new battles in the tavern, and the content inside is also much more casual, but it is no longer as amazing as the first time, and it is equipped with 3D effects. The advantage of this is also obvious, that is, the content of each battle is unexpected and random, and it can also stimulate the interest of visitors on site in Hearthstone.

At the suggestion of the former BlizzCon creative director, Rising Tide Carnival hired a large number of professional cosplayers to serve as NPCs for Rising Tide Carnival, who can watch, take photos, and interact with each other. This proposal was adopted at the first High Tide Carnival and is still used today. Nowadays, the cosplay of these NPCs is even worse. They are required to memorize all the famous lines of their characters, train the temperament and accent that the characters should have, and while serving as carnival guides, they also have to randomly put together some Easter eggs of a chaotic nature. interactive. With a passionate heart and a hefty performance fee, these demanding requirements were realized and became a feature of the Rising Tide Carnival. Such changes led to the performance of the Rising Tide Carnival in 07 being so successful that it achieved a very good reputation, which led the Rising Tide Game Operations Department to start adding more events. The original once a year was changed to three times a year. At Daisy's request, the previous High Tide Carnival was not profitable and relied entirely on losses to provide visitors with a gorgeous and grand experience. But because of my good self-operation, I achieved an iconic brand in the industry, and after opening some booths, it became a revenue project. It was originally planned to open once a month, but such an idea was rejected after calculating the start-up cost and cost recovery rate, as well as keeping fans fresh about the Rising Tide Carnival. This kind of openness makes everyone online dissatisfied, because they still feel that there are too few shows, but no one can escape the law of true fragrance. There was still a long queue on this day of the High Tide Carnival. The qualitative change in operations has brought about the strongest acg atmosphere, and there is an unwritten rule in the industry that you must wear cosplayers when attending the Rising Tide Carnival.

Sejuani, who was on the next table, was scratching her cheek. Seeing her [Fording] being ridiculed by Ashe's [Fatal Shot] on the other side, she leisurely took out the little wild boar and killed Sejuani. At that time, Daisy was holding a pistol leg and chewing it. Gugu was disdainful of the things around her. Opposite of her, little Hana was happily holding a soda and having fun. Suddenly, the familiar Jonouchi cosplayer yelled, and then the cosplayer who looked like Muto Yugi responded. They faced each other with duel plates, successfully attracting the attention of everyone in the room. I watched the other party play Yu-Gi-Oh in a serious manner, and every time he summoned a monster card, someone from the cosplayers watching the battle actually responded and came between them to act as the summoned monster card. When Daisy saw this scene, she was stunned with her white teeth biting the leg of the pistol, quietly watching them pretending to be sexy.

You can see Rocket Warrior being summoned within the castle, and the game specifically recruits the Dark Magician Girl.The warrior of fire inside the city had a buff, and half of the blood of the game was deducted for the special move black magician.Back and forth, the fight actually started to get choppy.This pair of real treasures for loyal Yu-Gi-Oh fans successfully attracted everyone's attention, and they gathered around to watch.Even though it can be seen that both parties have a script for each other, the careful production behind it is evident.How could it be that just what kind of card is used and what kind of cosplay is at the scene, and they happen to be interested and come to join in the fun.When the black magician girl hit the Flame Swordsman on the head with a stick, she couldn't help but laugh, and also inspired the people around her.

This may be an extension of the added value of the Rising Tide Carnival, where everyone lets themselves go.

Maybe it was because she was smiling too hard and getting some weird angles that finally made the dark wizard girl notice Daisy in the corner.At that time, Daisy was eating French fries and greeted the Dark Magician girl.The other party ran towards Daisy excitedly, leaving Yugi who was still in the scene confused.

"Where is my dark magician girl?"

The cosplay of Dark Magician Girl is really good, Fu Huadao embodies the Dark Magician Girl with 4k texture. Her expression and spirit are almost % restored. Such a lively and beautiful girl suddenly approached, and little Hana was the first to be excited. She approached her, touched her, and greeted her cheerfully.

"Hello, Dark Magician Girl"

"Nice to meet you, little video game goddess Ahri."

The interaction between the two was short-lived, but unfortunately, the movement of the dark wizard girl attracted countless eyes from Daisy, and instantly she, Hana and Gugu were crowded into a crowd.

"Nice to meet you, my cosplayer today is Daisy Johnson."

After a short period of crowding, the cosplayers here were very friendly and left some space for Daisy. The price was that Daisy greeted each other one by one. This made Hana feel very uncomfortable, so she pulled Daisy away from here.

The water among cosplayers is very deep. In fact, many cosplayers are playing a marginal role in the name of restoring the characters.If Daisy herself looked at it with a critical eye, she would naturally give more.But this is not conducive to the healthy physical and mental growth of children, so Daisy took advantage of the fact that little Hana was resistant to such a group and began to instill some normal thoughts on the road.

Daisy has always felt that little Hana is very lucky and very unfortunate. She has a very rich and very busy mother. When she does not strictly discipline little Hana, she also allows little Hana to play games as she pleases.Parents like this, please give me some.I have been happy since childhood, heartless, and have no psychological burden, which is good.And according to Daisy's inspection, it seems that little Hana's homework has not been left behind, which is very scary. She is simply someone else's child.But unfortunately she has a mother like Helen Zhao. The child has to experience the divorce of his parents since he was a child, and Daisy's operation has become a thing known to the whole world. If future generations think it is of great significance, it may be written Entering the history books... Daisy had no experience of parental discipline when she was a child. Daisy always felt that such a life was imperfect.If you have a child, how should you choose your own education method?Daisy now thinks that she will probably escape like Maya and Helen Zhao.In short, during the time when she helped Helen Zhao take care of little Hana, Daisy wanted to benignly improve the child's outlook on life.If you are not busy.

Just walking like this, still chatting with Little Hana, suddenly the Gu Gugu next to Little Hana rushed out, which made Little Hana, who had been playing with the cat, stagnated.She ran out after the cat without hesitation, which caught Daisy off guard.Because Hana's reaction like this proves that what Daisy just said may not necessarily be heard by Hana.Daisy was not in a hurry, how fast a little girl could run, and Gugu was usually very well-behaved and would not do anything dangerous. Daisy paced confidently.

Little Hana followed Mao Tail to escape, and finally saw Gugu stopping in front of a man wearing a black cloak and mask, Gugu rubbing his ankle crookedly.The other party looked at the sudden cat in surprise, squatted down, and gave it a good rub. When Hana stepped forward, the other party nodded kindly to Hana.

"Is this your cat?"

"Yes, his name is Gugu."

"Gu Gu? He's a very cute cat. You have to keep an eye on him."

The other party picked up Gu Gu and handed it to Xiao Hana, who reluctantly hugged her.Gugu looked at the other person and meowed.At this time, Daisy came over. The other party looked at Daisy and left silently.She first accused Hana, and then Hana told her what had just happened. Daisy nodded in confusion, but she always felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, three teenagers dressed as junior high school students walked forward.One man and two women, holding a black cat in their hands.They held the map and greeted Daisy. A girl with twin tails spoke a lot in broken Eagle language, leaving Hana, who was originally greeting the person, confused.

Another girl with short hair said in Mandarin with embarrassment, "Your Eagle Language sucks..."

Twin Ponytails was unconvinced, "Why don't you give it a try!"

"Uh... no need." The boy wearing glasses looked at him and grinned. The girl with double ponytails felt that she was being despised again, and once again said unhappily, "What are you doing, you want to fight!"

"You can't beat me... Stop arguing and think of a way to communicate."

Mentioning this matter, the twin-tailed ponytails who were so high-spirited just now couldn't help but complain, "If I had known, I would have delayed World of Warcraft. I won't talk about it until I pass level 46. I, Shanxin, don't accept it. Are we going to die here!"


Daisy blinked and looked at the three children in front of her. Due to the language barrier, they were racking their brains to find ways to communicate. The twin-tailed one with the biggest brain came up with many brain-dead methods, which put Daisy beside her to shame.

"Ahem, actually I can speak Mandarin."

The three of them were stunned...

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

The girl with short hair holding a black cat said speechlessly, "You didn't even ask..."


Daisy helped them solve the problem, but due to speculation, the two parties suddenly started talking. Especially when both of them are holding cats, there are a lot of common topics.

"I also have a cat named Huang Shou." said the girl with twin tails.

Due to the language barrier, little Hana could not understand the communication between the two parties, but this did not prevent her from teasing the black cat in the arms of the short-haired girl.

"Auntie, this is your daughter..."

"Be polite when you speak!" The short-haired girl next to her licked her ponytails angrily.The hand he sent away happened to let go of the black cat in his hand, and Hana stopped him in his arms.The little girl happily came to Daisy holding the black cat.

"What's this cat's name?"

"Xiao Hei! Sister Daisy, where's yours?"

"Xiao Hei is so good, he doesn't make any fuss at all. Gugu, my friend gave this to me."

"The same goes for Sister Daisy's cat. I picked up Xiao Hei on a rainy day."

"Our cats are so miserable, hahaha..."

"Hahahaha" X3

The short-haired girl was full of energy, and Daisy chatted a lot with her with great interest.The boy with twin ponytails and eyes on the side bit his ears.

"Do you feel strange?" the man asked


"Since the beginning, these two women who raise cats have never discussed things like cat litter, cutting balls, and bathing."

"There's no need to talk about this when we first meet..."

Gugu was held in Daisy's arms, and he happened to be looking down at Xiao Hei in Xiao Hana's arms. Xiao Hei turned around and saw Gu Gu's "He Shan" eyes, and meowed at it, and Gu Gu returned the favor. A sound.The two cats looked at each other, and with a scornful aura, they stretched out a cat paw and pressed it firmly on Xiao Hei's forehead.Little Hana was amused by the actions of the two cats and giggled.Daisy and the other three people looked at it and broke into a cold sweat.

"By the way, you must be junior high school students. How come you are here? Where are your adults?"

At the same time, in the Rising Tide Carnival Blizzard Exhibition Hall. Since Blizzard embraced the rising tide, it has always been rich in external publicity funds. This caused them to become more exaggerated every time at the Rising Tide Carnival. Many have become landmark buildings here, such as the huge Void Gate for the first time. Nowadays, there are more eye-catching statues and buildings that can be seen everywhere in Blizzard areas.

A girl is holding a mobile phone, facing the camera, and reciting in a particularly hearty voice under the latest Thrall statue sculpted by Blizzard.

"Dear viewers and wives, hello everyone. I am..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a violent explosion on the roof, and the earth shook in an instant!A huge sinkhole was blown out of the roof of this guild hall, and two combat helicopters were seen outside attacking the place indiscriminately.

The girl was so frightened that she knelt down under Sal.shouting

"Oops, Mamma Mia!"

Daisy and her group were not far away from where the stadium was bombed, but they were not affected.The plane in the sky launched a second round of indiscriminate attacks. Daisy hurriedly grabbed Hana and protected her under her body.At this time, the cement block falling from the roof fell down. Daisy protected Hana tightly, and the large piece of cement fell on Daisy's back.Daisy didn't know what happened. She didn't even feel a helicopter approaching the carnival.She hurriedly looked up at the three people who had just been chatting familiarly, and found that they had all escaped safely.

But at this time, they were quite surprised to see Daisy carrying such a big piece of cement but nothing happened. Daisy tried to hold up the cement on her back, but unexpectedly found that the cement became extremely light. She noticed ice appearing out of thin air next to her, supporting the weight of the cement. She looked at the boy wearing glasses among the three people not far away in surprise, because he was the one who made the ice cube. After helping Daisy, he and the little black cat jumped up and down, and many cosmos were saved by the two of them. It was no longer time to be surprised by these things, because the third round of bombing by helicopters in the sky was about to come. The first two rounds of missiles had blown off almost most of the roof of the clubhouse. At this time, the third round of missiles must have hit the house.

Daisy straightened up without hesitation and raised one hand to face the incoming missile.The missile exploded in mid-air for no reason.The violent smoke obscured the view of the two helicopters. When they were waiting for the explosion smoke to disperse, they were shocked to see a figure rushing out of the fog!A straight uppercut hit a helicopter. The helicopter was torn apart like paper. Because of the force, the pilot was killed on the spot.With an angry look on her face, Daisy took advantage of the inertia of the powerless helicopter before it fell rapidly, and she jumped from one helicopter to another.The driver and the driver were suddenly pulled out of the air. When Daisy returned to the ground, she threw the surviving pilot to the ground angrily.

At this moment, Daisy felt that the surroundings were too quiet, and she raised her head and looked around.He was surprised to find that everyone was looking at him and was speechless.Daisy scratched her head in embarrassment, while the driver on the ground was still moaning in pain.

Daisy's sharp attack brought this long-planned large-scale terrorist attack to an end. Before the opponent's ground forces started taking action, the air-to-ground units were already scrapped. This scared the other party to stop the action quickly. This is the result of SHIELD Fitz's analysis afterwards.

Because of the actions that day, Daisy only saw these two planes, and there was no further disturbance.There is no suspicious person in the detection of divine consciousness.Except I just met three strange teenagers.They helped Daisy take care of little Hana for a while, and Daisy was especially grateful to them.After leaving each other's names and bidding farewell to little Hana, they all disappeared together as soon as they turned around.As expected, they are capable people and strangers. Daisy does not doubt the motives of the three of them and the cat, because the capable people among them were all saving people just now.

Regarding this sudden accident, which alarmed many forces, Daisy at least captured one pilot.After SHIELD arrived, Daisy handed the man over to John Garrett for interrogation.Not long after leaving at noon, reporters from all walks of life who had been stuck in traffic jams all rushed back with mixed emotions.It was hard for them to imagine that the place where they stayed not long ago would be subject to a terrorist attack, and they were in awe of Daisy Johnson's self-destruction rescue.

Apart from the damage to the ceiling of the clubhouse, there were no real casualties at all.It can be considered that the character of cos is amazing, but no one died.Most of the tourists who were about to suffer were saved by the mysterious power. A few of the more miserable people were seriously injured, and Daisy carried them out one by one immediately.Many people at the scene were medical professionals, and they worked with Daisy to provide the most timely rescue.

A grumpy reporter poked Daisy in the face with a microphone and asked rudely.

"Miss Daisy, haven't you always stressed that you are not the goddess of dawn? How can you explain this? Say it! Say it!"


One day later, all the prisoners who planned a terrorist attack on the Rising Tide Carnival were arrested.At first, Daisy thought it was Black Claw coming back, and she almost lost her mind in anger.But obviously he underestimated Black Claw's IQ, and this matter had nothing to do with them.Apparently, Black Claw gave up harassing him after thoroughly understanding his own strength.At least it hasn't been directly directed at Daisy for a long time.If Daisy hadn't ended her grudge with a headshot, Daisy wouldn't have wanted to do anything next to them.But the real situation was really beyond Daisy's expectation.

Rising Tide Carnival announced a semi-automated production line, which covers the production of fully automatic machinery and the use of this machinery to manage automatic assembly lines. This has almost reduced Daisy's labor costs to a certain level, which in itself is a good thing that reflects rising productivity and demonstrates technological capabilities. But blue-collar workers saw at a glance the end of their industry due to such production. If machines could replace workers, workers would be worthless. From now on, this industry no longer needs new workers to maintain the supply of factory productivity. Senior blue-collar workers who want to understand this feel as if they have been denied their entire lives. Fear and panic spread among this class. As a result, extreme ideas are being nurtured and terrifying organizations are planning.

Rising Tide did not announce the matter only during the carnival. When planning the new factory, the senior blue-collar workers on the scene had already learned about the matter.So there is time to buffer and breed errors.

This is very speechless for Daisy, this is simply a disaster from heaven!

But the other party was just an ordinary person. Since the captured pilot was not the mastermind, she could still ask the other party in a friendly manner about the origin of the other team's guns, ammunition and helicopters.

"Mr. Cassady, I want to know where the helicopters in your team come from. If you confess, maybe you can get a reduced sentence."

"Look at the heinous entrepreneur, Daisy Johnson! You xxxx, xxxx, xxxx."

Daisy ignored the trash talk that followed, didn't care, and spoke in a calm tone.

"So, don't you want to talk about weapons? I want to know where the source is."

Daisy could bear it, but the Hydra members following her couldn't. Faced with Daisy's indifference, he walked up to her without hesitation and slapped her mouth twice.Daisy was not angry, nor did she stop her younger brother from being rude.She waited for the other party's reply without changing her expression.

The burly little brother is definitely the future pillar of Hydra. Two slaps have already made the opponent's mouth full of blood.But not only did the other party not scream, but he laughed unscrupulously.

"Hahaha, you are ruining this country! Hahaha, you are an inhumane vampire, you evil Fxxk boss!"

Daisy tapped the ballpoint pen in her hand, still calm.

"Since you want to talk so much, I'll accompany you. Come on, let's talk about it, why did I become rich and why did I suck blood?"

"Your robot is not used to kill people at all. That's too childish. Your robot is used to chop bones into pieces! Cold weapons should be pointed at the enemy, and smart machines should be used for work. You want to use Robots replace workers! Do you know how many people will lose their jobs because of you! Do you know how many people will lose their families because of you! How many people will be forced to jump off buildings! Do you care?"

"emmm..." Daisy whispered for a while

"So, because new technology will cause some people to lose their jobs, it will no longer develop? Mr. Cassady, I don't care how your conspiracy theory is spread. I just ask so far, how has my rising production line affected Are any workers unemployed? No? On the contrary, because of the location and establishment of Rising Tide Factory, we have provided an additional 5000+ jobs, generous welfare conditions, and good medical insurance. Under the existing policies, there are almost no It’s a word of mistreatment.”

"These are all your sugar-coated bullets! They are your clever words! If they are really implemented, all the lower-level workers will be unemployed in the future! Simple jobs can be completed by your robots. How many homeless people and poor people rely on simple jobs to survive? How many people will be forced into desperation because of your Roshizi robot! How many people will completely lose the value of being human because of your technological change! Just tell me!"

"You didn't answer my question. New technology will cause some people to lose their jobs, but doesn't that lead to development? I can now do the output of ten manual workers with just one robot. What a great liberation of production this is. You were once the leader of a company, so you know what this means, don’t you?”

"It's precisely because I know better that I want to stop you! They are human beings! Poor people who stink every day and are slovenly! They no longer live like human beings! If you don't let them work, God is not so cruel!"

The other party suppressed his blush, had an angry look on his face, and looked like he was willing to die generously. It actually made Daisy think of the word "just man" in her mind. This was a big joke.He looked furious and did not give in at all, as if he had reached the point where he was ready to accept death.Daisy leaned back quietly on the chair and spoke slowly,

"Since you keep talking about poor people, poor people. Let me ask you, who made the poor people you call homeless? Who made them have no food to eat and no clothes to wear? Could it be me? Trace the origin Chasing the source, shouldn't you first take care of other people who caused these causes? Mr. Cassady. People are poor because they are too lazy..."

"They're not lazy at all!"

"I hate this sentence deeply. There are many reasons why people are poor, and laziness is one of them, but it should not be absolute. This has led to the emergence of a culture of discrimination against the poor. I have been frantically creating more jobs as much as possible, for It is to be able to help those who have not yet emerged from the financial crisis and bankruptcy. I actually want to help those homeless people, but unfortunately they lack relevant abilities, good moral character, and self-discipline. I am very satisfied with this. Helpless. The company once organized a plan to go to homeless areas to distribute food and clothing on a voluntary basis, but I seriously stopped them."


"Because it's not safe there. I don't know if there are winter clothes in each small tent, but there must be guns. A few little girls are holding a pile of food and clothes, and one shuttle of bullets can get them all... We are here What are we talking about here? Didn’t we talk about my production line at the beginning? I won’t blame these people in the slums for their choices. It may be that I am too obscene. But Mr. Cassady, if you think about it carefully, what is the reason? Leading to such a possible result? These poor people can't really be so depressed because the capitalists are too bloodthirsty, right? Think about it, how much does a cup of coffee cost, how much does a sandwich cost, how much does a pack of cigarettes cost, and how much does a pistol cost? , how much does an effective medical insurance cost? Mr. Cassady, since you have clearly seen the decline of a profession from one level, please look at the whole macroscopically clearly, who caused the death of those poor people, their wives and children, Living on the streets! Those smelly homeless people are really pitiful! Think about this, and then we will talk about how you bought the helicopter."

Daisy's hint was too obvious, which caused Cassady to collapse and hold his head in pain.When he heard Daisy getting up, he raised his head and said weakly

"I don't know who they are. It was the other party who contacted us proactively. I only know that there is a black claw on the other person's tattoo. I saw it accidentally..."


That night, Daisy sat on her desk and gently stroked the bulging veins on her forehead with her fingers.The matter was soon discovered clearly. It was Black Talon who planned the entire plan, but Black Talon itself never showed up.

This move is simply poisonous...

Daisy comforted her for a while before turning on the stereo projector on the table. She listed all the special events that she noticed. Part of it is about the report of the carnival disaster, part of it is about reporting that she is the goddess of dawn, one part is about the riots in Times Square in New York, part of it is the disaster memorandum within SHIELD, and part of it is about the weirdo who has already broken the law. The file, in part, is the criminal file of the Eagle version of "Ruyi Hero". In the middle of the stereoscopic projector, Daisy placed the video of Stark's interview in the middle. Strictly speaking, most of the bad things in the surrounding area were caused by Stark. It was because of his bravery that the evil happened. He took the lead, a perfect display of heroism.

Daisy sighed secretly and rubbed her cheek. Looking at the projection screen, Stark simply said "I am Iron Man", solemnly lost in thought. Finally, as if she had made a final decision, Daisy cut out a bunch of pictures on the desktop, created a new file, and named it

"Overwatch Plan"

Fireworks rising from Chinatown illuminated much of the darkness in the room. Hana finished installing the last redstone circuit in "Minecraft" and pressed the switch. She put down the mouse and walked towards the window. Looking at the lively fireworks outside the house, no one knew what the little girl was thinking. Looking through the glass window from the outside in, the lovely little Hana looked down at the fireworks on the ground floor, propped her head up, and stared blankly at the stars and the dark night. On the computer screen behind her, a house dance with a grainy texture of white people on a black background is projected, playing in a very smooth self-loop. The house was quiet as if no one was there.

At one end of the world, the Black Claw organization's hiding base was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and most of the leaders gathered here.With the song "Unforgettable Tonight" playing in my ears, I dragged the huge tray with a smile and congratulated everyone I met.

He walked up to Erica, congratulated her, and handed her a bowl of glutinous rice balls on the tray.

"You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, be happy, be happy, haha." Erica didn't hesitate, she didn't say any festive congratulations, she just started eating the glutinous rice balls.

Man nodded and walked nonchalantly to Dr. Stern, who was kidnapped here by them, and repeated the actions just now.Dr. Stern's forehead was a little bigger, but he was grateful for the extra excitement with a smile.

"Your forehead looks like the God of Wealth, haha, eat more and have good luck in the New Year."

Erica, who was not far away, said angrily, "That is the birthday boy, not the God of Wealth. After hundreds of years of New Year, this is still not clear..."

Mitsuru and Stern both laughed, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm going to my next house. I want to eat more. There's still some in the pot."

He walked around a circle of tiger-backed people, and then walked around a circle of fierce and vicious people. Everyone was smiling when they saw him. Man held a bowl of dumplings before walking to the woman in a red dress. His voice became much softer and more cordial in front of this woman.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, here are the dumplings specially prepared for you, while they are hot, while they are hot."

I found the woman's appearance pitiful, with a wine glass in one hand and a bottle in one hand, but she was sad but not sad. She became impatient when he saw that he was full and interrupted him quickly.

"No, no, give it to that green hairy snake. I don't want to eat what you made...don't bother me..."

"How can a foreign girl eat well? I'll leave this here for you. Don't let it get cold."

Full of laughter, looking at the white smoke curling up from the fireworks around them, everyone was immersed in the happiness of eating meat and drinking wine. As the oldest old man, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.Man quickly ran to the kitchen and distributed the glutinous rice balls, wonton dumplings, etc. newly fished out by the chef to everyone in the organization.Being busy is a joy.As I walked in and out, I could still hear the intercepted Spring Festival Gala program in my ears, and many people who knew Chinese enjoyed watching it.

Man carrying the last two bowls of dumplings, he came to the room of the leader of the Black Claw organization. This room was much quieter.Not afraid of spilling the contents in his hands even as his body swayed, he steadily placed a bowl on the edge of the chair.

"Ah, lulu, the dumplings are here. Even if you don't turn on the light, you'll kill me, an old man. Let's see what you do."

Turning on the lights, the room was illuminated a lot. A man in a black cloak and a mask was sitting on the throne with his back. Seeing Man Man's cheerful face, he happily picked up the dumplings Man brought.The mysterious man took off his mask and slowly put a dumpling into his mouth with a spoon.Man turned his head and saw the leader moving food, chewing the three dumplings he had stuffed into his mouth.The soup overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he wiped it away with his sleeve with a smile.

"Purely stuffed with pork, hey, I made it myself, and it tastes so good. I gave it to Ah Hong, and the ignorant little whore didn't even want to eat it. This is the extra stuff I added for my own sake, and it's quite enough!"

The mysterious man listened to Man's nagging without saying anything. After eating a dumpling not very quickly, he put down his mask and stopped eating. When Man turned around for the second time, he had already quickly licked the dumplings and soup in his bowl clean. He didn't care when he saw the bowl held out by the other party.

"Ha, you only eat one again? Eat more next time, you make it seem like what I cooked is not tasty enough. Bigu isn't your kind of fasting."

He generously accepted the handed bowl and started huffing and puffing again.After a meal, he stacked the two bowls together and sighed with contentment.

"It's another year, old friend..."

Daisy did not live a peaceful life in the last month and a half of 08. Many things that were more troublesome than she expected were happening intricately.Ever since she drafted the Overwatch Plan, it seemed as if all invisible forces were trying to pull her away from this strange branch.The Security Council's refutation was quick. They could no longer support a weird group. The "Emperor Organization" was a lesson, and there were calls within the Council to stop the "Avengers Project."

Rising Tide was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange on January 2009, . At that time, Tide had billion in liquidity and a market value of billion. Everyone's face was filled with smiles, Emma, ​​Goo, the Parkers, Cynthia, Jessica, Holly, Jean Grey, as well as Joey, the Meachams and his son who came over to attend the ceremony, they all witnessed Rising Tide is powerful and heartfeltly hilarious. But Daisy felt a little depressed, a little tinny, and she even felt that the company's money was not enough.

Fortunately, Pierce has good news for Daisy, and Hotwire wants to see her.

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