Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 206 The Seed of Watching (Part )

On the way, Daisy briefly told Stark about the mechanics of SHIELD.None of the secret content was revealed.With a little mention, Stark understood the nature of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"There is a problem in my company? This is impossible." Tony was stubborn and still refused to admit it.

Daisy didn't need to insist on this topic with him. She kindly reminded him that it was all because he cared about Xiao Tang Yuan's face.

Along the way, Daisy thought about how her villa was gone and all the achievements in it were gone with the wind... and then she thought about Stark helping her drive like nothing happened.Originally, at this moment, he should be lying on the mound and eating one of his own missiles!

md, you helped people avoid disaster, Gan!

Stark, who was holding the steering wheel, was also muttering in his heart. Ever since he postponed the transaction with his friend Rhodes, Rhodes, who had been let go several times, left impatiently. He didn't explain the purpose of his visit to his friends, and he and his old friend Obadie never explained every account of the company in detail. Although this is a matter of division of labor, I originally believed in him.

Indeed, when Johnson said that, his first reaction was to maliciously slander the enemy company and break the trust relationship with his partners.


Just as he was thinking about it, Stark's cell phone rang, and Obadestan's unique bald head appeared on the screen.The old man complained that Stark had turned down a large 5 million deal. At this time, Stan was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with an expensive cigar dangling from his mouth.

Stark chatted with him for a few words, and Stan brought the topic to Johnson.She complained like a harem, saying that she should not be photographed by reporters with this woman, and sarcastically said that there is no grass anywhere in the world, so why hang a single flower.Daisy's goosebumps fell all over the floor when she heard it, and she forcefully inserted herself into the video call between the two.

"Hey, old bald man! After watching the news, you should know that I'm nearby."

When Stan saw Daisy, he immediately changed his face to a cheerful one, and followed Daisy to joke about interesting things during the live broadcast and interview. He asked jokingly, and Daisy did Tai Chi, ending the conversation.

"Look, what a warm-hearted partner." Daisy said teasingly. Such a sinister look made Stark uncomfortable.

Stan turned off the phone, and Nuanluo's face immediately turned cold.He got out of the car alone, walked through the stone gate and long bridge, walked through maple leaves and dense forest paths, and suddenly a party appeared in front of him.

There are five or six old wooden long tables and chairs, and people in suits and leather shoes are walking around carrying silver round plates.The big, plump meat sausages tumbling on the grill were emitting white smoke.Several people were holding knives and forks, eating and talking about recent interesting stories.

There are no waiters or guards here, so you have to do all the barbecue and meal sharing yourself.The famous watches that are inadvertently revealed on the wrists of some people are luxury goods that are priced but not available in the market, and represent their distinguished status.However, they were sitting in this small, unprepossessing venue. There were no ladies showing off their disgusting smiles, and women were not allowed to attend this party.The organizer will invite you if they think you can participate. There are no high conditions.If it’s not a woman, they think it’s okay and the president is not allowed to participate.Very simple and clear rules.

In the distance, Alexander Pierce was chatting happily with the people next to him.In another group of people, Stan saw that the core figure headed was Dario Agger, the chairman of the Roxon Group, a sturdy old guy.

Stan calmed down and went straight to the crowd next to the oven. Many people teased Stan for being late. At this time, the black man, who was flipping the grilled sausage with tweezers, was chatting familiarly with Stan, who had just arrived. The black man looked younger than everyone else in the party, but he himself was almost fifty years old.

"Give me the biggest one, I love oil. Hawaiian boy."

The journey on the road was not short, and Anna fell asleep again in Daisy's arms. When they woke up, Stark had already sent them to the Parker couple's villa. The chubby Anna rested on Daisy's thigh, and Gugu crawled on the side of Anna's thigh. The picture is extremely harmonious and warm.

"Anna, you..."

"Mom told me to follow Daisy." Anna looked like she hadn't had enough sleep.

Daisy held Anna's hand and turned around, seeing Stark looking at little Anna with doting eyes, reluctant to leave.

"You want to take Anna away? You have a lot of things to deal with."

"Not as much as you" After Anna rejected Stark, he sobered up from the good father persona and returned to the poisonous tongue state. "Take care of Anna, or I will buy you!"

As he spoke, he drove away and threw the hornet's head out of the passenger seat. The little head rolled like a ball on the road for a long time, and the flashing lights went out while rolling.

Finally it rolled to the feet of little Parker.

When little Parker heard the sound, he thought it was his parents coming back and hurried to the door to ask about sister Daisy. The little half-mechanical head appeared suddenly. When he looked up again, Daisy and Anna came to him.

"elder sister!"

Snap, a naughty child stuck to Daisy's thigh.

Another snap, and another naughty kid stuck to my thigh.

Daisy tapped Peter and Harry on her thighs with her left and right fingers.

Anna picked up the bumblebee's head and looked at this touching sibling bond with disgust.

"Hey, little Harry. You played with Peter again over the weekend. How is your mother?"

After chatting casually with the two little kids at the door, Daisy pulled Anna into the house. The two took a shower and changed into Daisy's clothes from different periods.Anna was wearing the clothes Daisy had left when she was eight years old and watched Daisy change.She had kept several sets of regular clothes at home before, but they just didn't fit.

Daisy used the landline at home to call the Parkers, and took Anna to a nearby shopping mall to buy a new set of clothes and a mobile phone. Ana hesitated before entering the fitting room. Nick Fury appeared next to Daisy as expected.

"She built a bomb."

"I helped her eliminate the threat," Daisy said.

Nick Fury is serious about his expectations for Anna, who will replace Daisy or Stark as a special adviser to SHIELD.Compared with Stark's impetuous way of doing things, he prefers Anna, a calm and unemotional scientific genius.So when Anna appeared in front of the public so rashly, she did not blame her, but reminded Daisy in a friendly way.troubles you will encounter.

"Has it stopped?"


"If you were willing to accept the identity of the goddess of dawn, why would things like this happen today? Everyone in SHIELD is helping you wipe your ass." The director's tone was very impatient.

"According to the theory of cause and effect, whether Cheng admits his identity or not, the bomb will explode today." At this point, Daisy paused. "Is it really okay to openly admit that you are a superhero? The country has become so difficult that it relies on playing the hero card to stimulate the market economy? Or is it because of the shadow of the goddess of dawn that I have developed to this day?"

Nick Fury looked quite angry, glaring at Daisy with one eye, and Daisy's words choked him.

Daisy continued calmly:

"SHIELD, it's really strange. It's obviously a subordinate department of the United Nations World Security Council, but it's rushing to wipe the Eagle Flag's ass. Don't you think that the current SHIELD is just like the 7th District? It's too low-level? Our field of vision Isn't it too narrow? Is the private investigation of the emperor's organization over? I want you to appear in front of me twice, twice about the collapse of the Dawn Goddess. I thought it would be Hill or Hand. At least they appeared in Ms. There will be no violation at the door of the dressing room.”

Nick Fury turned his head, the corners of his serious mouth gradually raised, and then let out a chuckle.

"You seem to be questioning my Avengers plan."

"The original intention was good, but I can't say... now. It's like an unfinished product."

Fury shook his head, handed Daisy the spare "Skye" glasses left at SHIELD, stood up and left.

Anna opened the door of the fitting room with a bang, just in time to see the back of Nick Fury leaving.

"Is that a braised egg?"


"How much corruption he has committed, if you find out and report it, you can become the chief of the government."

"It's a good suggestion, I'll keep it for now. Now our mission is to go home."

"Why, is this suggestion stupid?"

"Tsk, a little bit."

Anna's suggestion was not only stupid, it was completely wrong. With information asymmetry, how could she give Daisy good advice?

When Daisy and Anna returned to Parker's house, the Parkers had not returned home. Daisy was bored for a moment, watching Anna as a child rummaging through the drawers in her room. She put her glasses aside and went downstairs. Little Peter and little Harry were playing with Legos in the living room, and Daisy said hello to them as she passed by.

Taking out the commonly used science tools from the room, Daisy returned to the room carrying half of the bumblebee's head. I patted off Anna's hand while studying "Skye" and studied the repair work with Anna. In the end, it ended in failure as it was completely scrapped.

"Bumblebee just disappeared? Didn't you have a backup of your data or something?"

"You still have the nerve to say..." Daisy scratched her head helplessly.

"The chip is completely broken inside and there is no way to save it. The idea of ​​using a traditional mechanical structure to support the Transformers is really stupid!" Anna on the side turned on the strong-mouthed king mode and listened to Daisy sit down impatiently. on the ground. With only half of its head left, the bumblebee has completely turned into a decoration.

When Anna saw Daisy get back the "Skye" glasses, she understood that all of Daisy's systems were still there. The villa is just a terminal of "Zophi", not the system's hiding place. When Daisy was repairing it, she told her the location of the "Skye" database, which was a large server cluster at Rising Tide, using the backdoor of a military satellite. The same goes for "Zophie". Hearing this, Anna breathed a sigh of relief, as if her responsibility for blowing up Daisy's villa was reduced by half. But Daisy talked about the uniqueness of the bumblebee. When Daisy clearly explained the robot's self-awakening, Anna almost thought that Daisy wanted to create "Ultron". Daisy rolled her eyes. What they are rescuing now is Bumblebee's memory. Bumblebee's system Daisy naturally has a backup, but if she loses her memory, then Bumblebee is no longer Bumblebee.

If you lose the memory of "you", is it still "you"?

"Then what's your opinion? You're not too fat when you stand and talk." Daisy angrily poked the tender flesh of Anna's waist with her big toe. Ana sat down and said casually:

"Deformation factor!"

? ? ? Daisy flipped her hands in the air, but didn't say anything.

"We are not in a comic that says we need a deformation factor, we can just turn a page and get it."

"Mortal" Anna gave Daisy a long-lost "Humph! Weak" look, which made Daisy, who was already familiar with Anna, very angry.

In order to prevent Daisy from going crazy, the old and new accounts were settled together, and Anna quickly explained.

"This thing is actually very simple. It has two steps. The first is programmable inert metal, and the second is a powerful power system that provides energy support. After completing these two steps, you can create a pseudo-Jobs theory Transformers."

"I'm painting, I'm painting!" Daisy complained angrily. Anna's shameless tone made Daisy vomit blood.

"The first step is programmable inert metal. The best materials are vibranium, Adamant metal and Ulukin." Anna said so eloquently that Daisy wanted to strangle her to death.

"Where do you get so many rare metals! If you want to keep making Transformers, you have to go mining in Wakanda to save up so much! What the hell is Urujin? I've never heard of it..."

"Asgard metal, just like stone" Daisy vomited blood...

"Be confident. Can't you just melt the Meowth Hammer two years later? And I don't need too much." Anna looked indifferent, then changed to a serious expression. "After getting the raw materials, the rest can be solved with Zhao Hailun's nanotechnology. The next step is to program the metal. Although it sounds unrealistic, as long as we get the stone..."

Just as Anna was halfway through speaking, the sound of the Parkers returning came from downstairs.Daisy heard it and immediately went downstairs, and Anna's great speech was broken.Anna grimaced, a little disappointed.

She went out and saw a warm scene of Daisy and the Parker family on the stairs, and kicked the stairs with her little feet that had nowhere to rest.

Mary Parker looked frightened. She had heard about Daisy being in danger several times in just a few days, making her look a little nervous.Seeing Daisy, she was chirping with a lucky look on her face.It took Daisy several hugs to calm her foster mother down.

Richard Parker had noticed little Anna squatting on the stairs and greeted her very politely.

"Welcome to Parker's house. You didn't bring anything strange to the house, did you?"

"Don't worry, I came here empty-handed this time."

Parker's father was a little scared. He knew about the existence of Anna, the devil incarnate, just from the news. It turned out that he learned about this most talented and intelligent child, Maya Hansen's baby daughter, from the future information conference this month. But she secretly researched bombs and blew up Daisy's villa. Such deeds can only be said that Anna is too good.

Anna came to Parker's house, giving Parker's father a little headache.But the real headache is none other than Maya Hanson.Problems such as the poor supervision of children by single mothers caused by an explosion were exposed.Many people, including Rising Tide fans, agreed that Annabelle Hansen's mother had an unshirkable responsibility after the Sanity Dialysis incident.All kinds of prosecutions were on the way.And little Anna is about to face lawsuits for making bombs privately, causing huge losses and causing panic to society.This is why Daisy made excuses to deny the explosion, even though it was a bit ridiculous.Anna understands that Daisy is trying to protect her.

Daisy was cooking dinner in the kitchen with Parker's mother, and little Harry seemed to want to finish the meal before leaving. He was playing in the living room with little Peter. During this period, Daisy took some time and called Maya to tell her about little Anna's situation. Maya was held back by her current experiment and would not be able to come back until tomorrow at the earliest. Daisy comforted her not to worry. Black Widow Natasha has penetrated into the laboratory at this moment. With the dual support of spies and surveillance, Daisy knew everything about the "Desperate Virus".

Anna was bored for a moment, and her original plan to repair Bumblebee disappeared with the wind as the core chip was completely scrapped. She didn't know what to do for a while, so she waited for dinner and flipped through the TV stations in boredom. Most of the news is reporting on today's accident. Let her smash her mouth in frustration.

Little Peter and little Harry came to bother her. They mistakenly thought that Anna was lonely now and needed the company of friends.But how could Anna look directly at a life form that was not on the same level as her?Seeing the two little kids playing around with Lego toys in their hands, Anna suddenly felt tired.In the end, Ge You, the fattest one among the three, lay on the sofa, watching the TV station reporting on various situations in Tokyo, listening to the poetic "Like You" by Huaiya in the report, and fell asleep in a daze.

In her dream, she had the strangest dream in her life.

Of the two Daisies, one became her mother and the other became her father.

Little Parker on the side very thoughtfully covered Anna with a small blanket, and very quietly pulled little Harry aside to play.

I worked hard with Parker's mother to complete this dinner that was more like Daisy's.Daisy took off her apron and came to wake Anna.Little Anna opened her eyes and saw Daisy, her face turned red.

"Rub your face quickly and don't catch a cold. It's time for dinner."

Daisy thought her face was getting hot while sleeping, and gently rubbed Anna's hot cheeks with her hands. Anna was made uncomfortable by the sudden big hand, and she bit Daisy on the arm.


Daisy was talking and laughing and carrying Anna to the restaurant. Anna was still fooling around in Daisy's arms at that time. Seeing so many people looking at her, her expression changed and returned to a quiet look. Daisy first poured Anna a glass of warm water, and then collected her second tooth that had fallen out due to biting herself.

Anna, who was missing one tooth, was very embarrassed. She didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the Parkers and her uncle and aunt, and quietly chewed her dinner bit by bit.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" Lilith looked at the old James walking over angrily. The heartless old man laughed and brought coffee to Lilith.At this time, Lilith was working overtime to sort out questions and related documents for the interview transcript at the Rising Tide press conference tomorrow.Many people on the stage were in the same situation as her. Old James had always been very fond of Lilith's drive, so he deigned to help his subordinates make coffee.

James Sr.'s son is a serving pilot for NASA, with the rank of fifth-level warrant officer. The next step up is the rank of second lieutenant. It can be said that he has a bright future.At this time, James Sr. was already old and could do without such hard work. His son's filial piety and the savings accumulated in previous years were enough to cover the expenses for the remaining years.But James Sr. likes this job very much, and most enjoys the feeling of being vigorous and resolute when working.

"What are you laughing at?" Lilith scratched her head, her hair was disheveled after working continuously.Only then did the rosy-faced old James stop laughing.

"Daisy Johnson is home." Lilith tilted her head and drew a question mark on her hand.

Old James nodded, "Daisy Johnson is home. Hahaha..."

"What the hell are you going to say?"

"Don't you understand? That guy Ben said he was going home for the family dinner. At this time, he came into contact with Daisy Johnson before everyone present. Hahahaha, it made me laugh. Not everyone has a news-focused Relatives. I'm crazy, hahahahaha." Old James laughed out loud.Lying down on Lilith's messy desk.Lilith responded with a smile on her face.

"Think about it, last night you squatted at the entrance of the casino to block Stark, and look at this bastard Ben Parker, he went home and had a meal and finished his work. Hahaha, this is the gap, you know, Lilith." Old James squatted down in a very unimpressive manner, and Lilith kicked old James uninterestedly.

"Go, go crazy, go crazy, I have to catch up on the manuscript. Leave the coffee! It's outrageous if you just bring it over and carry it away."

Eliza woke up faintly and heard the sound of a whistle, like the sound of a ship, coming from her ears.Erica was now on the opposite side of her cabin, sitting opposite her very aggressively.Playing with the shiny knife.

"Where is this? Where am I? Who are you?"

"Do you want to know how your father died?" The woman threw the information into Elisa's arms very handsomely.Eliza, who had just woken up, was dizzy and started reading subconsciously. She couldn't read the words clearly in a short time.Holding back the nausea of ​​retching, I managed to take a rough look at the information.

Seeing the purge of Hell's Kitchen in early 06, Eliza clearly saw Daisy wearing the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo.

"Father, dead?"

She always thought that the unreliable father just disappeared. Thinking about the actions of the police at that time, it was completely normal for her father to run away from home and seek refuge. But the woman named Erica in front of her showed her the evidence from the scene, and she saw her father's body very clearly.

"Oh, when I was at your house, I saw posters all over the house. Are you a big fan of Daisy Johnson? This is very interesting." Erica said slowly, but Elisa was very angry.

"You are lying to me with false information! How could Daisy Johnson kill my father!"

Seeing that Elisa didn't believe it, Erica laughed, kicked Elisa over, put her knee on her back, and pushed her down on the bed.The long knife in her hand pierced Eliza's face.

"I don't expect you to believe me. You have two options now. The first is to follow me. The second is to find your own way back after getting off the boat."

Eliza, who had just woken up, was completely powerless, and it was even less possible for her to resist Erica. Erica threw a pack of compressed cookies at her,

"This is your food for the past few days. By the way, the destination of this trip is Mumbai. You can decide how to distribute the food yourself."

With that said, Erica turned around and left the small cabin, placing Eliza inside. The cabin is in a remote location on the cruise ship, with very few people passing by outside. At this time, there was a man standing outside the door waiting for Erica to come out. It was Widowmaker Minerva's fellow villager, another rebellious Kree, Dark.

At this time, he looked at the confusing behavior of the woman in front of him in confusion.

"So we brought an extra little tongue with us on this trip?"

Erica looked at him angrily, "No, there is an extra toy."

Duck adjusted his captain's hat and shrugged. "If you secretly show some of the stolen information to others, I will report it to you."

"It's up to you." If it were an ordinary person, Erica would have been irritated by Duck's words.It's a pity that the other party is an alien and comes from the same civilization as Widowmaker Minerva in the organization.

Their physical fitness is generally five or six times greater than that of humans, making them very difficult to deal with for people on earth.Such individuals have spent a long time learning combat skills within the Talon organization.Not to mention Dark, even Minerva can knock herself down in five breaths, and she is still at full strength.

During this trip, Elisa was an unexpected surprise. She took a fancy to Eliza's malleable reach. As long as she trained it, it would be a great help. The next thing is to surrender her and make her work with all her heart. Lock her in a small room with a faucet in the toilet, which is enough to survive for a long time. He planned to torture her for some days first.

The family dinner at the Parker family was very thrilling, at least for everyone else.Faced with Ben Parker's question, Daisy admitted this generously, which surprised little Peter and began to doubt life.

"Didn't Sister Daisy say not long ago..."

"You're asking, I definitely can't tell the truth. You are a child, why do you know so much?"

Then a series of scenes of surprise, panic, horror, screaming, crying, consideration, understanding, comfort, etc. occurred at the dinner table.In short, in the end, when Ben Parker left, he hesitantly asked Daisy for her opinion on whether she would admit her true identity during the interview with reporters tomorrow.He likes to catch up on manuscripts and write copy.Daisy shook her head and denied it.

At night, in the Parker House, on the bed, the lights are turned off.

"What? Want to listen to a song? What do you want to hear?" Daisy hugged Anna funnyly.

""like you""

"Ahem" Daisy cleared her throat and used the shock waves to block the propagation of sound in the room.

"Black pineapple, freeze it hard with frost, nitric acid is more charming. I would like to drink it again. Black pineapple, drink it until it melts in the dough. I will buy it in the evening, just like yesterday, the pears are for me..." Daisy hummed the high part in a low voice, Ana put her hand to her mouth.

"It sounds so bad, stop singing." Anna complained

"How is it possible? I can use my ability to change my voice. How can I be invincible in singing? It's like being able to adjust my vocal cords by myself. Doesn't it sound nice?" Daisy was unconvinced.

"The main reason is that your Cantonese is not authentic, which makes it uncomfortable to hear. I originally wanted you to sing "The Love of My Life" for the next song, forget it..."

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