Clark from the comic world

Chapter 51 Thor’s Friends

As for SHIELD's fortification base, shortly after Clark left, the radar alarm rang.

"what happened!"

Coulson heard the alarm and immediately came to the edge of the radar, and then he saw many red dots appearing on their radar.

"I don't know. These things suddenly appeared in the radar range. There is no even close track. Their location is in the sky!"

Hearing this, Coulson suddenly thought that when the Frost Giant appeared before, it also appeared directly in the sky. So Coulson immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and gave orders to those still in the base.

"Enemy attack! Attention, enemy attack!"

As soon as Colson finished speaking, he felt the temperature around him begin to drop dramatically. It was like it was summer just a moment ago, and then it was winter all of a sudden.

Then Colson and the others heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. When Colson ran out and took a look, they found that there were many more Frost Giants in the fortification.

After these frost giants landed, weapons made of ice immediately sprouted from their hands.

And the people from SHIELD are not stupid. Looking at these blue men with fierce faces and waving weapons, they don't look like they want to live in peace with them. In addition, they had just received notification of an enemy attack, so after seeing these frost giants, they did not hesitate at all and took the lead in launching the attack.

But what happened next made them dumbfounded. The invincible firearms on earth could only produce a little impact on these frost giants and lay some ice chips on them.

No shot can really cause damage to these frost giants, and they are all blocked by the thin layer of ice armor on these ice giants. Therefore, the attacks of these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had no effect at all. Instead, these Frost Giants rushed forward with the rain of bullets.

In order to ensure that Thor could never return to Asgard, Laufey sent a team of nearly 200 frost giants this time, which was also the upper limit that the passage discovered by Loki could accommodate.

After the frost giants passed through, the passage disappeared due to overload. So regardless of whether the mission is successful or not, it is impossible for them to return to Jotunheim. For these frost giants, they all carried out this mission with death in mind.

But as long as they can kill Thor, their sacrifice will be worth it, and the Frost Giants will remember their achievements.

And these Midgard bugs in front of them dare to stop their mission, which is unforgivable.

Withstanding the attack of SHIELD agents, the Frost Giant came in front of them, then raised the ice knife in his hand, raised the knife with his hand and dropped it with his hand.

And these agents, who only have the physical fitness of ordinary people, face these frost giants whose strength and agility far exceed them. When the firearm is useless, there is no ability to resist at all. The Frost Giants were no more difficult to deal with than they were to deal with a chicken.

"You go first, go northwest, as long as you find Clark."

Seeing that the people on his side were completely unable to deal with these frost giants, Coulson planned to run away first. After all, nothing can happen to Thor, at least not on Earth. After all, Coulson didn't know if Thor died on Earth, whether his brother Loki would be angry with Earth.

So no matter what, he must first ensure that Thor survives. As for whether Thor would be captured and sliced ​​afterwards, Coulson said he didn't know.

"No, as a soldier, how can I escape first!"

Although Coulson asked Thor to go first, how could Thor let others stop him and escape alone.

"You are crazy, you are no longer the God of Thunder, and you have no divine power."

Jane on the side saw Thor wanting to go out, and hurriedly grabbed him. She didn't know how powerful the original Thor was, but for now, he basically just went up to deliver food.

And just when they were in a stalemate, Clark came back from the distance.

After seeing the battle between the Frost Giants and SHIELD agents, Clark did not chat with Thor and the others, but directly joined the battle.

Although Laufey sent the elite Frost Giants this time, their combat effectiveness was still too low compared to Clark. So even though the Frost Giants had this numerical advantage, it didn't take Clark much time to deal with them.

After all, Clark basically punches opponents whose defense is lower than his attack. Although the ice armor on these frost giants can withstand bullets, it is completely useless against Clark's attack.

In the eyes of these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Clark is like a red lightning, interspersed in the battlefield, specifically electrocuting the Frost Giants. Every turn of this lightning means the fall of a frost giant.

In less than 2 minutes, all the more than 200 frost giants were eliminated by Clark.

"Why are there so many Frost Giants this time, and how did they get here?"

After dealing with these frost giants, Clark looked at Thor inadvertently. He remembered that there seemed to be no such scene in the movie. When will Laufey have to kill Thor? Doesn’t he want to kill Odin the most?

"I don't know either. Apart from the Rainbow Bridge, there should be no other means of traveling between the nine realms." Thor was also curious. The way these Frost Giants appeared was obviously not through the Rainbow Bridge.

"I don't know what's going on in Asgard now. How could these Frost Giants come to Midgard in such large numbers?"

Looking at the corpses of these frost giants on the ground, Thor was a little worried that something had happened to Asgard. After all, Asgard controls the Nine Realms, and everything in the Nine Realms is under Asgard's control.

And Asgard also has Heimdall, the guardian sentinel of Asgard who can see everything and hear everything. Logically speaking, he would not let so many Frost Giants appear in Midgard. Something happened in Asgard.

Thinking of this, Thor became anxious. But what's the use of being anxious? He has no divine power now, and there's no use even if he returns to Asgard.

But just after Thor saw Clark standing in front of him, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Oh, by the way, I just saw your four friends in the myth. Three boys and one girl. The girl's name seems to be Sif."

Clark, who didn't know that Thor had so much on his mind, thought about the four Sifs he had just met, and talked to Thor.

"Sif? Are they coming to Midgard too?"

Clark's words stunned Thor for a moment. He was just wondering if something happened to Asgard, but now Sif and the others are here. What happened to Asgard?

"Well, I chatted with them. If they are right, they should be Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard. But then I felt that something happened here, so I came back first, but I saw that they were coming soon. Here it is.”

As he spoke, Clark glanced in the direction where the Rainbow Bridge appeared just now, and found that Sif and the others were still moving very fast. It didn't take long before they were almost there.

"Thor! My friend, we have found you."

After a while, Sif and the others saw Thor and others coming out to greet them.


Looking at the four Xifu's outfits, Jian couldn't help but sigh. Although she was mentally prepared, Jane still felt amazing after seeing the four of them dressed in fairy palace.

After all, although we know that Thor is the Nordic God of Thunder, he has always been wearing human clothes and has no special abilities, so he feels normal. But Sif and the four of them are different. The clothes in Asgard look like they are going to be filming a TV series.

After Thor saw Sif and the four of them, he opened his arms and led him up.

"It's great to meet you!"

"By the way, let me introduce to you, these are my friends, Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard."

After being happy, Thor introduced his four friends from Asgard to Jane and the others.

"But why are you here? Did something happen to Asgard?" But then, Thor asked his question to Sif and the others.

"We're here to take you home."

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