Clark from the comic world

Chapter 38 Supreme Mage

After Clark entered this space, he found that the space in front of him began to move and the ground began to fold. Clark knew that he was obviously flying forward, but as the ground folded, Clark's direction changed to flying from top to bottom.

After discovering this, Clark stopped himself, and then he noticed that a person appeared in front of his field of vision.

This man was standing on the roof of Clark's house, wearing yellow clothes similar to ancient Chinese costumes, with a hood covering his entire face.

When Clark saw the other party dressed like this, he felt a sense of crisis coming towards him. Clark knew who the person under the hood was without clairvoyance.

He should be the current Supreme Mage Ancient One of Kama Taj, and this should be the mirror space constructed by their Weishan Emperor spells.

After discovering that Clark had discovered him, the figure lifted up the hood that covered his face, and then a bright bald head and a neutral face were revealed under the hood.

Then Gu Yi casually waved his hand, and the ground under his feet folded at 90 degrees like paper.

After Gu Yi's operation, he was on the same level as Clark. Then with just a few steps, Gu Yi crossed the distance of several hundred meters and arrived in front of Clark.

It's as if this space is folding, then unfolding, folding, unfolding with every step Gu Yi takes.

Looking at the ancient mage appearing in front of him, Clark couldn't remember when he had provoked this supreme mage with the highest combat power on earth.

However, as he thought about it, Clark suddenly thought that the duty of the Supreme Mage was to protect the safety of the earth and prevent alien creatures from invading the earth.

When it comes to alien creatures, Clark seems to be able to count them from every angle.

First of all, Clark's soul comes from another time and space, which should be higher than the time and space of Marvel. At least Clark feels that Marvel can only be regarded as a small world attached to the earth in his previous life.

Then there's the body. Clark remembers his dad saying that he came to Earth as a meteorite. Although I don’t know if it’s the Kryptonian fever in the Marvel world, but it can be considered a proper alien.

Thinking about it this way, although Clark didn't know whether the Ancient One knew that he was an outsider, Clark felt that the Ancient One mage came to him specifically to eliminate him.

But Clark thought about it again and felt that Ancient One might not be looking for him because of this. It's been 25 years since he came to Earth, so you shouldn't look for him now.

To be honest, there were very few people on the entire planet that Clark was afraid of. No! In other words, there is only one, and that is the ancient master of Kama Taj in front of him.

After all, no matter what setting he is in, Superman's magic resistance is close to zero, which is equivalent to that of a normal person.

But don't think this is weak. After all, Superman's magic resistance is low, but his health is thick. And if it is under the sun's rays, Superman is infinitely close to unlocking the blood lock.

So even for the Ancient One, Clark was only afraid, not afraid.

But thinking about the Infinity Stone in Ancient One's hand, Clark had a headache. After all, it had the ability to distort time. Although time is not a fatal weapon for Superman, if he encounters an entity that can distort time, Clark still has no way to deal with it.

Doctor Strange was able to use the Time Stone to keep Dormammu out of the earth with his weak ability. Thanos was also able to revive another destroyed Infinity Stone through the Time Stone.

So if possible, Clark doesn't want to have sex with the ancient pair who has the time stone now.

After all, without an Infinity Stone in hand, it is still very difficult to fight against another Infinity Stone.

"It's strange, you seem to know who I am."

Seeing Clark's reaction, Gu Yi was a little strange, because Clark's reaction told him that he knew who he was. But under normal circumstances, Gu Yi felt that it was impossible for Clark to know who he was.

After all, first of all, he had never appeared in front of Clark, and secondly, Clark in front of him didn't seem to have a skill similar to the Eye of True Knowledge.

But Gu Yi didn't seem to have any intention of wanting Clark to answer his question, and instead continued speaking on his own.

"I don't know why, outsider. I can't observe you in normal time. I can't see your past, nor your future. I don't know whether your arrival is good or bad for the earth.

Your existence is like a pebble appearing in the lake. You can see it but not see it. It exists but it doesn't seem to have a big impact. It's really a contradiction. "

However, although Gu Yi said something contradictory, his face was still the same as a person with facial paralysis, with no expression at all and as calm as water.

"Until just now, I don't know why, the future of the entire earth seemed to be distorted to some extent. It was only at this time that I noticed your existence."

As he spoke, Gu Yi looked at Clark, and then his soft gaze suddenly became sharp and aggressive.

Then Clark felt a majestic momentum rising like a huge tide, bursting out from the thin body, like a towering mountain rising from the ground, pressing straight towards him.

"Your existence has now affected the operation of this world."

Then Gu Yi stepped with his left foot, and the ground he added rolled over like a wave, thinking of Clark.

Faced with this scene that completely violated common sense, Clark, who had no good way to deal with it, could only choose to fly into the air first.

But just after Clark took off, the ground beneath his feet surged up toward Clark like a fountain under the action of the waves. In an instant, the wave caught up with Clark and enveloped him.

After being wrapped in these cement floors, Clark felt that the cement floor, which was almost like tofu to him, had become extremely hard under the influence of magic. It firmly trapped Clark inside, and it seemed that Ancient One planned to trap Clark to death.

However, although Clark's magic resistance is low, it is only a frontal attack against magical energy, and this trapping spell only uses magic to strengthen the hardness of the cement floor.

Besides, so what if it's a pure magic shield. There is no principle in this world that which force is stronger than another. In the end, the strength of the two forces still has to be measured by the specific strength.

A magic explosion that can only produce 1 ton of impact is no more damaging than an explosive that can produce 1 ton of explosion.

So facing this kind of power contest, Clark felt that he had not been afraid of anyone yet. Even if the cement floor is hard and solid on the edge, it still has an upper limit.

Clark said that his power is definitely stronger than this upper limit. So Clark just exerted force, and all the concrete floors surrounding him were shattered by Clark.

After breaking through the restrictions of Ancient One, Clark didn't talk nonsense anymore. Now that the fight has begun, let's see who can stand at the end.

At a speed exceeding Mach 20, Clark instantly rushed through the short distance of a few hundred meters between him and Ancient One. Then facing Ancient One, Clark punched out.

boom! ! !

Taking the place where Clark and Ancient One met as the center of the circle, a shock wave spread from here to a distance of nearly a kilometer.

After being swept by this shock wave, whether it was a normal building or a road folded by Gu Yi, they were all damaged under its powerful impact.

After Clark punched Gu Yi, he discovered that his attack did not achieve the result he wanted, because Clark's punch with 20 times the speed of sound and a thousand tons of force was actually blocked by a shield drawn by Gu Yi's hands. Blocked.

Although the shield was on the verge of breaking after blocking Clark's attack, it was blocked. Clark's punch could not hurt the Supreme Mage behind the shield.

"Then try this again!"

After discovering that his attack was ineffective, Clark took a few steps back, and then planned to use a skill he had been pondering during this period.

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