Clark from the comic world

Chapter 16 Shameless

"This is... Superman? By the way, Clark even got a Superman suit in order to make himself more like Superman.

This style is not very mainstream, but it looks pretty good. "

Looking at Clark in a tight suit, Tony couldn't help but decide that he was getting more and more poisoned by Superman.

"Forget it, Jarvis, bring them over to see me. I don't know what's wrong with this little superman bringing a naked man over to see me so late."

Tony didn't think Clark happened to be passing by here, and he was taking someone with him.

As for Clark, he discovered a problem after landing, that is, he did not have Tony's contact information. Fortunately, he discovered that Tony had discovered him, so he took the unconscious Banner and waited on the rooftop.

"Hi, Mr. Superman, why are you free to come to my place today? And, uh... I don't know what to call this.

Don't tell me you're coming to my house to have a nude party. "

Not long after, Clark saw Tony on the rooftop.

"Bruce Banner, I think you should know him."

Clark briefly introduced Tony.

"Bruce Banner? The name sounds familiar!"

As he spoke, Tony glanced at Banner again, and then remembered where he had heard this name before. After all, he has been busy in the laboratory these past few days and has barely paid much attention to the news.

"Hulk?" Tony said the name uncertainly. As far as he knew, wasn't this man supposed to be escaping from Rose's pursuit all over the world? How could he fall into Clark's hands?

"Hmm, yes, that's him."

Clark nodded, confirming Tony's suspicion.

"This is the man the military has always wanted to catch. How come he is in your hands?"

"It can be regarded as a coincidence. Now I don't know what to do with him. After all, the thing in his body is quite dangerous. If he is caught and studied, I don't know how big the problem will be. Woolen cloth.

Like today, I dealt with a monster that was created and processed because of his blood.

So in order to prevent some people with ulterior motives from getting hold of him and something having serious consequences happening, I felt that I had to find a place where he wouldn't be harassed. "

Clark looked at Tony as he spoke.

"Today, what happened today? Jarvis."

Hearing Clark say that he dealt with a monster today, Tony was curious about what happened today. But after he asked Jarvis, he saw Clark looking directly at him after he finished speaking. Tony's mind turned around and combined with what Clark just said, he still didn't know what Clark meant.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that? I don't accept men here!"

Then, as soon as Tony finished speaking, Jarvis released the video that someone secretly filmed and posted to YouTube today about the melee between Hulk, Abomination and Superman that took place in New York.

"Who is this yellow one? So ugly!"

"Blonsky, Ross's soldier."

As soon as Clark finished speaking, the smart Jarvis found out for Tony the information that Blonsky could find.

Looking at this information, Tony frowned in disgust.

"I told Ross a long time ago that the failure of the super soldiers was not without reason. These biological enhancements are basically unreliable. Only machines will not betray."

"But Ross doesn't think so. He has always believed that only super soldiers can give him a sense of security. That's why I brought Banner to you. After all, his blood is too dangerous.

And the yellow monster in New York just now, I estimate that his power exceeds 20 tons. Although it's nothing to me, if such monsters appear in large numbers, I think there won't be many people who can deal with them except me. "

Clark shrugged at Tony, and then praised himself again.

"Haha, since he is so powerful here, how dare you let him forget himself here? What should I do if he transforms?"

Tony didn't agree with Clark's words, and he didn't think his Mark Steel Suit would lose. But more than this, he didn't want to take in a stranger in his home, especially a man.

"He usually won't transform when he's not stimulated, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape Rose and end up wandering around the world. So basically every time he transforms, it's Rose who stimulates him. Under normal circumstances, In other words, Banner, who has learned how to manage his emotions, has a better temper than most people because he can't get angry.

Moreover, you should feel it now, the threat posed to you by the life-saving device on your chest. "

Clark first explained the principle of Banner's transformation, but he knew that he would not be able to convince Tony. So he also had a trump card, which was Tony's palladium poisoning. He felt that Tony would definitely take the bait.

After all, for Tony now, the sense of accomplishment that the identity of Iron Man brings to him makes him feel that his life has begun to have meaning. Therefore, in order to retain the identity of Iron Man, he would rather endure the fatal threat caused by palladium poisoning than undergo surgery to remove the shrapnel in his body.

But Clark won't tell Tony directly that your father has left you something that can save your life.

"How do you know? I remember that I have never told anyone about this."

"Superman can see through, you don't know, right? I see here in you." Then Clark pointed to the reactor on Tony's chest, "It's constantly sending some not-so-good things to your whole body."

So it is also good for you to keep him. You have not forgotten that he has a PhD in nuclear physics, right? He is just what you need. "

After being told by Clark, Tony finally remembered that the comatose man was also a famous Ph.D. in nuclear physics, so famous that his avatar could be hung on the wall of the school classroom, and his transformation was also related to radiation.

Thinking about it this way, Tony felt that it was not unacceptable for Banner to live with him. As for the threat of Hulk, Tony believes that his steel is not afraid of him.

"Okay, this naked man can stay with me during this time."

After thinking about it, Tony no longer objected. Now he really needs someone whose IQ can keep up with him and who has his own unique insights in physics.

"That's good. Now that his problem is solved, I'll leave first."

After seeing Tony agree, Clark was ready to go back. After all, it's already very late now, and his parents should be careful if he doesn't go back.

"It's time to move out and live on your own. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for everything except the rent! By the way, why don't you borrow some money from this rich man to buy a house."

Thinking of this, Clark, who had no moral integrity, just hesitated for a moment, and then decided to ask Tony, a rich man, to borrow some money. As for repaying the money, if I save Tony a few times in the future, it will be considered even.

"Well, Tony, you see I have helped you so much. I found someone who can help you with your situation. I even offended Rose for this. And now I am going to buy a house. In terms of funds, If there is still a little bit of improvement, would you like to sponsor me?"

After hearing Clark's words, Tony looked at Clark like a stranger.

"Did you make a mistake? Did I ask you to find this person? Did I make you offend Rose? Also, what does your buying a house have to do with me? Well, do we know each other well?"

Tony felt like he got to know Clark again today. He never expected that the Clark in front of him didn't have the restraint that a Superman should have.

"I'm planning to move out, and I've just started working, so I don't have much savings. It's hard to say if something happens to a renter and it gets damaged, but I can't afford to buy a house now.

So once I move out, I won't have anywhere to live. If you don't want to sponsor me, why don't you think I'll live with you? Anyway, I’m fast. I get up every morning and fly to New York. It’s not bad to fly back after get off work in the evening. What do you think? "

Looking at Clark who had completely abandoned his moral integrity, Tony had a headache.

"Forget it! Let's do this. I have several villas in New York. You can choose one."

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