Years of efforts by Song Fang and Charles have been effective, but they failed to get overwhelming support for the latter item.

But that's all. There is no way, compared to ordinary people, the number of mutants is too small. If Song Fang and Charles hadn't been like chicken blood in recent years, regardless of blood, they would speak out through various channels, and the outside world would never hear them. The voice will not understand their existence, and will not care about their life or death.

It is not easy to have another bill that benefits people with super powers to compete with it.

As for Shaw and Eric's point, super-powered people have more power than ordinary people.

Neither Song Fang nor Charles dared to expect that someone would make such a proposal. Not only because this kind of statement is not in line with the values ​​​​of the two people, but more importantly, even if it is proposed and passed, the final result will be unlucky for the person with super powers.

The reason is still the same: there are too few people with super powers.

Too few to be able to organize a complete social system, too few to be self-sufficient, and so few that once ordinary people become hostile to them, they will not be able to escape destruction no matter how powerful they are.

Why did Xiao want to trigger a nuclear war?

This is the same reason why the Mongols massacred cities after they went south.

Otherwise, this is just another Hotel Rwanda .

"We must do our best to support the passage of the 'Plain' bill." Song Fang said, "At this critical moment, we must not let Sebastian Xiao disrupt the situation."

Charles nodded, "But that's not enough. Are you... that thing, ready?"

"Three rounds of animal experiments have passed." Song Fang sighed. He really should have a cigarette at this time. "To be honest, there is still one final step left, and I'm a little scared."

Charles spread his hands and deliberately showed a relaxed expression: "There is no way, who asked you to create such a shocking thing."

Song Fang smiled: "I feel like I'm doing what the movie's villain is doing."

"The same thing, for different purposes, will have different results." Charles said, "Come on, young man."

Song Fang looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them stretched out their fists and collided with each other.


In the next few days, Song Fang and Charles made several phone calls and went to several places.

Life seemed very peaceful. Children in the Early Childhood Department are returned to their parents or, if the parents are unfit to raise the children, sent to reliable foster homes.

For those who stayed at the X-Men headquarters, life was as usual. The teaching, classes, and soap opera script writing have not fallen behind.

Eric once intended to leave the headquarters in the middle of the night, but after lingering at the door for a while, he came back again.

After that, he actively participated in various affairs of the X-Men. Charles placed him in the Emergency Response Unit. This is a department that needs to quickly handle various incidents related to superpowers. It is equivalent to xiao fang dui. Most of its members are superpowers and there are fewer ordinary people. This can give Eric a stronger sense of belonging and prevent him from interacting with ordinary people. Too much contact between people creates unnecessary friction. Eric's abilities are also more useful.

Moreover, this department is the best department for ideological construction. By placing Eric here, Song Fang and Charles don't have to worry too much about their members being "coaxed and corrupted" by him.

In his spare time, Charles enjoyed catching up with his new friend. After learning from Song Fang that Eric was triggering defects in his own abilities, his "teacher addiction" came back again. Coaching Eric gives him a great sense of accomplishment.

And Song Fang is busier than Charles. Even if Ruiwen came to see him, it would be difficult for him to spare time to spend time with his sister. This made Rui Wen so angry that she stamped her feet and threatened to part ways with the Magic Company.

But before she finished speaking, she hurried back to work. Not only did she work hard for the new film, but she also took charge of the specific matters of the Magic Company, freeing Song Fang and Charles from the affairs of the Magic Company, so that they could concentrate more on their work. own business.

Finally, one day nearly a month later, there was a surprised thunder.

The Machu Picchu Research Institute issued a statement announcing that Magic Potion 20 has been successfully developed.

Different from the 10 potions added to the magic drink, the 20 version of the magic potion can give the user a certain superpower for a long time. After one dose, the effect can last for more than five years. The effect and intensity of the ability can be customized.

At the same time, Magic Potion 30 has officially entered the development stage. At this stage, the medicine actually acts on the superpower genes in the human body, fundamentally turning ordinary people into superpowers. The specific ability that will be obtained depends entirely on the genes in the user's body.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Some people have commented that the Machu Picchu Laboratory may become a weapons association in the new era.

Aren't you afraid of people with super powers? Then you just need to become superpowers yourself!

Suddenly, there were many demonstrations on the streets, and researchers at the Machu Picchu Laboratory even had to be protected by force before they could go to get off work normally.

However, what is surprising is that the main marcher is not an ordinary person, but a person with super powers? !

What's going on? Do you behave well even if you get a bargain?

From a superpower's perspective, this is not the case.

They will still encounter many unfair treatments in their lives.

Even though there is a culture of worshiping people with super powers in society, there are still people around them who treat them as freaks.

Nowadays, there are potions that can turn ordinary people into mutants. Wouldn't that make some naive people encounter the same predicament as them?

This will not work.

So they have to stand up and tell people with similar ideas to think deeply: being a person with super powers is not that easy. Five years is not a long time, but it is enough to change a person's life.

This kind of overly warm parade naturally has the shadow of the X-Men behind it.

But these "shills" are not the only ones taking to the streets. There are also some people with superpowers who regard their superpowers as the reason why they are outstanding. Naturally, they are very unhappy when they can suddenly be copied in large quantities. However, with the presence of Mobian Company, an organization that is particularly experienced in controlling public opinion, it is natural that the public will not pay too much attention to this information. Instead, they will gather the momentum of these people and inject it into the voices they want others to hear.

If you can even do this, then it's even easier to completely conceal the driving role of the X-Men.

At the same time, other operations are essential. Newspapers, radio, and talk shows have taken a multi-pronged approach to popularize the various injustices encountered by people with super powers in their lives. Suddenly, the public's sympathy for people with super powers reached its peak, and the enthusiasm for the magic potion 20 launched by the Machu Picchu Laboratory began to quickly turn cold.

The voices resisting Magic Potion 20 and 30 are getting stronger and stronger.

The Machu Picchu Company has launched various public relations campaigns to promote the benefits of the magic potion.

A grand drama is unfolding across the country, and both the protagonists and the villains are from the same origin.

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