"I am blind, but my heart is not blind. 6 6 6 6 read books, □≠o

"There are a lot of things I can't see, but I can also see a lot of things that others can't."

Carol laughed.

Song Fang raised his eyebrows. "Genetic abilities?"

Carol nodded.

Song Fang asked tentatively: "What is your ability?"

"What is your ability?" Carol asked.

"Shrink down." Song Fang spread his hands, "I said I'm almost thirty, do you believe it?"

Carol covered her red lips and smiled. "No wonder. I just don't think you are a child."

"No way, I'm not born young." Song Fang shrugged resignedly and said in a relaxed tone, "I've already answered you. What about yours?"

"With these eyes of mine, I can see the first element."

Carol said truthfully. "Ah, don't ask me what the first element is. I don't know, I'm just following the person who made me like this.

"I can feel other people's emotions, and then infer other people's thoughts. However, I think it is a bit narrow to simply understand the first element of human emotions."

"All right……"

Song Fang was speechless. He thought he could get more information from Carol. Next time Dan teases him with information about the first element, he will have something to fight back.

But since Carol doesn't know, forget it and don't rush for this moment.

Song Fang found a way for himself: "When I woke up, I became like this. I don't know who to thank for it, and I have no place to ask. What on earth is this genetic ability? Do we have super powers in our bodies? Ability genes?”

"A small number of people are born with genes that are different from others, but most genetic abilities come from genetic modification and grafting."

Carol sighed. 】八】八】Read 】Book, @∞o "We are human beings, but in the eyes of some people, we are not. Your friend with the bird head probably used cutting-edge technology, otherwise his head would not be possible It integrates so well with the human body. I'm afraid he was once the work of someone who was quite proud of it."

"Oh, I understand." Song Fang said, "All genetic abilities are just for fun, right."


"This truth is really inspiring."

"Haha." Carol smiled softly, "But I can see that the first element in you is very abundant. Your abilities should not only be getting smaller."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Song Fang did not let the topic linger on him, "By the way, you have already noticed that something is wrong with Cade."

"You can see this without genetic ability." Carol's angle was still perfect, but her tone was unpleasant. "What does he want to do next? Can killing Steve bring back a bus to Prison No. 10?"

"If he could, would you?"

"He could kill me."

All right. Song Fang understood.

"The current bus in Prison No. 10 can hold one-half of the people." Carroll said, "If you can get a bus and hold the remaining one-half, then you can also Can kill me."

"Why should I kill you?"

Song Fang smiled.

However, he was seriously considering Carol's proposal.

Getting another bus...this is a bit difficult.

After all, he didn't know where this thing was made. It certainly wouldn’t have been possible in the 1990s.

But saving the remaining half of the population of Prison No. 10 is something we can consider.

He needs to escape the death penalty wheel. At present, it may not be feasible for him to fight alone.

If he can get the full support of Prison No. 10, can he be given a helping hand?

He told Carol this.

"If you can escape with the people from Prison No. 10,"

Carol changed his mind and said, "Every person and every brick on the high-altitude platform of Prison No. 10 belongs to you."

"make a deal."

Song Fang said. "Well first, I need to get enough time to sleep."


It took two hours for the supplies in the bus to be properly placed.

Cade also contributed a lot. He was sweating profusely, but he didn't feel tired at all. He was like an old farmer who had a good harvest, and his heart was full of joy.

When he returned to his room, the joy gradually cooled down.

When he walked to his desk and saw the brand new note on the table, this joy was completely replaced by a biting cold.

——Are you satisfied with today’s gift?

——Kill Steve within seventy-two hours and you will get double happiness~

In other words, if you kill Steve within seventy-two hours, you can get another bus?

Can the other half of the tribe also hop on the bus? Escape from this mortal hell?

Cade gripped the paper tightly and buried his head in his hands.

The so-called turning off the life support system is actually not just for game effects. Clearing out the population on the execution wheel to make room for subsequent prisoners is not its entire purpose.

Shutting down the life support system is actually to overhaul it.

In other words, if the life support system of a platform needs to be shut down for maintenance, it will definitely be selected in this year's competition.

Even if there is a small chance of not being selected, it will be difficult for the survival system to survive until the next year's game of musical chairs.

The life-support system in Prison No. 10 can only last for another three months at most. This is on the premise that Prison No. 10 is not selected, otherwise this time will be reduced to half a month.

In any case, at least half of the tribe is about to die.



There was a knock at the door.

Cade was startled, hurriedly hid the note, and then went to open the door.

Steve stood outside, holding two apples and three peaches.

"Here, here's your share."

"I, I don't want it anymore... I'll leave it for you and Carol to eat..."

Cade stammered.

"Who else can blame me and my sister?" Steve smiled, "Won't you let me in?"

Cade made room for Steve and almost fell down.


Steve pulled a stool and sat down, as casually as if he were at home. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"No...oh, yes!"

Cade's brain was running wildly and he came up with an excuse in a few tenths of a second. "We have enough space on the bus this time. Who do you want to take on board?"

"It doesn't matter who you take."

"How can this be the same! In the stool grabbing game, players have to take a bus and compete with teams from other prisons to compete for the remaining prison platforms. We have to pick out those with strong combat capabilities and place them on the bus first."

"In terms of combat effectiveness, foreign prisoners are stronger." Steve said, "Don't forget, our prison has old and young prisoners, and most of them are women. We want to find someone who can carry mineral gas bottles. It’s hard for everyone. So what you’re saying is that these foreign prisoners should be put on the bus first?” 11

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