"I know Mark. .shung%∷eight%∷eight%∷read%∷book, ≮※o I hope Kane can take the right path in the future."

Charles said, politely but coldly, sounding very tired, "But Kane is not my brother."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Song Fang and Ruiwen.

The corners of Mark's mouth twitched.

What kind of brothers are these two outsiders? !

But thinking that today was Charles' mother's funeral, Mark swallowed his words.

On the way back, Charles made an excuse and didn't go with Mark. Instead, he got into Song Fang and Ruiwen's car.

"Your stepfather is also very sad today." Song Fang said.

Charles was looking out the window to admire the scenery. When Song Fang said this, he turned back and glared at him.

Song Fang raised his hand and begged for mercy.

Charles said to Song Fang in his mind,

Song Fang thought about it and said,

Charles shen y said,

Song Fang said.

But when Charles arrived at Song Fang's house, Charles was restless again. In the end, Song Fang had to ask the driver to drive Charles back. After all this trouble, it was already dark by the time Charles got home. .


Before Charles arrived home, Mark had already returned home alone. ¥♀eight¥♀eight¥♀Read ¥♀book, 2≠3o◆

After pushing open the door, Mark stared at the empty front hall for a while.

The nannies and hourly workers have left. The entire big house was empty.

Even if there is a thick carpet, you can still hear the echo of your own footsteps when walking on it.

Mark sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window for a while, until the setting sun shone on his face and stung his eyes. Then he blinked his wet eyes and got up from the rocking chair.

What should I do?

Seems like there's nothing left to do, right?

Mark felt that he should be happy. After all, he only pursued Sharon because of her money in the beginning.

Okay, maybe there's a little bit of revenge in there too. Sharon’s husband, Charles’s biological father, is like the rising sun in Armageddon.

Mark wouldn't admit that he was jealous of him. Absolutely not.

Mark flipped through a few pages of the book out of boredom, but didn't read a single word. He dropped the book and walked aimlessly around the house, finally stopping in front of Charles' laboratory.

Since establishing the Magic Transformation Company, Charles' time has been occupied by various matters, and he almost never goes to Armageddon. However, Charles was still very interested in scientific research, so he set up a small laboratory at home. Normally Mark would not go in, and Charles would lock the door and not let anyone in the family in...


Why is the door ajar?

Charles is back?

Mark was actually a little excited. He pushed the door open and went in, then remembered that he should ask Charles for permission first, so he hurriedly stepped out.

But there was a sound of bottles and cans being broken inside.

Mark felt something was wrong, thought about it, and went in anyway. He had not forgotten the laboratory operating procedures. He changed into a set of protective clothing, headgear, gloves, shoes, goggles and a mask to ensure not to contaminate Charles' laboratory, and then opened the isolation door.

"Charles, are you there?"

Mark asked.

No one answered. I glanced over and couldn't see anyone.

Mark went inside to see what was broken.

Suddenly a dark figure rushed out from inside and ran towards the isolation door.

Mark subconsciously rushed over to stop him, but was hit by the black shadow.

The shadow got up and wanted to run, but Mark grabbed his sleeve.


Mark was extremely surprised, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you have reported for duty already?"

Kane swung his sleeves twice but couldn't, so he tried to kick him. Mark got angry and got up to beat Kane.

The father and son fought until a small bottle fell out of Kane's pocket.

Kane finally found an opportunity, threw away his biological father, grabbed the small bottle and ran out.

Mark took one step ahead of him and closed the door to the outside of the laboratory.

"Hand over it!"

Mark yelled.

Kane was panting like an ox: "Get out of here!"

Mark was simply shocked: "Why are you talking to me! I am your father!"

"I don't have a father like you!" Kane yelled, "Go away, go and be a dog for Charles and his wife. I was not born to you, and you don't have to look down on me all day long."

Mark's veins popped.

Kane ignored his father at all. Instead, he carefully took out the small bottle from his pocket, checked it carefully to make sure it was not damaged, and then put it back in his pocket with confidence.

Mark saw the sign on the bottle: "What you took is the original solution of the magic drink? This is Charles's thing, put it back for me!"

"Look, you also said that you are not a bitch for Charles and his wife." Kane sneered, "I won't need your advice for the rest of my life. When I drink this original liquid and become a superpower, you and Charles will No one can underestimate me anymore, haha!"

"What's the use of this potion? Are you going to hit 10,000 balloons and compete for the world record?" Mark shook his head and said, "I don't have any other requirements for you. I just hope that you can become a master and do something." It’s business. As for you, you’re either fighting or hanging out with gangs. I finally found a way for you to join the army, but you don’t cherish it and instead come here to steal things. What do you want!”

"I want to be a human being! Be a person that you can look at!"

Kane yelled, "You have the nerve to teach me a lesson. Don't you see what you are! You eat soft food and kill people! Believe it or not, I will announce that you killed Charles's father!"

A surge of blood surged into Mark's brain, and Mark's ears were filled with the sound of blood flowing back, and he even felt dizzy.

He heard someone growling, saying words that no one could understand, and it took him a moment to realize that it was him.

Instead, Kane calmed down a bit and looked at him contemptuously, moving his mouth as if to say, "I feel so sorry for you."

Mark's back suddenly felt empty.

Mark stumbled and finally stopped. When he looked back, Charles was standing behind him.

A head of cold water was poured on Mark's head.

"Kane, I heard that you want to reveal the truth?"

Charles came in. "I'm right here, announce it to me."

Seeing Charles suddenly appear in front of him, Kane was also stunned.

Suddenly, he unscrewed the cap of the small bottle in his hand and drank it in one gulp. 11

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