The mining ship of Prison No. 1 not only robbed the mines of Prison No. 10, but also thoughtfully transported the prisoners abandoned by Prison No. 10 back so that they could continue to eat the food of Prison No. 10. .shung

Then Cade couldn't say anything!

These foreign prisoners are what Steve is coming for. Steve is the warden of Prison No. 10 and the titular patriarch of the Antwerp family.

No matter how many people were dissatisfied with his decision, Cade could not openly challenge his authority.

Once he puts himself on the opposite side of Steve, even if most people in the prison agree with his approach, they will not follow him.

This is the role of "status". There is no way, who makes him just a branch of the Antwerp family. For Prison No. 10, where the Antwerp family accounts for the vast majority of the population, his appeal is naturally much lower than Steve's. Unless the residents had a clear sense that they had to abandon Steve, rather than a simple dissatisfaction, no one would rally around him.

If it weren't for this, Cade would definitely call a forklift over right now and shovel all the foreign prisoners directly from the port! !

People at the port began to spontaneously help the large number of prisoners get up.

The foreign prisoners on the lower floor were almost exhausted by the people above. Fortunately, people nearby came to help and dragged them out.

Most of those who helped others were the foreign prisoners who came back first.

In fact, although they are called "criminals," how many of them are extremely vicious criminals?

The crime of smashing the owner's youngest daughter's ant factory was enough to be thrown to this death row planet to fend for itself.

The aborigines in Prison No. 10 hesitated for a moment and then went to help.

"..." Cade was even more angry.

Carol also came to the front desk from behind the crowd.

Unlike Cade who pushed his way over, people took the initiative to make way for Carol.

She asked "So how much mineral gas was collected?"

"This, this... we don't have statistics either."

The jailer pinched his injured calf and said, "Oh, by the way! There is a miner who collected a full bottle in just half an hour! Well, there he is, that little kid."

Song Fangzheng dragged Brother Ji out of the crowd, who was foaming at the mouth. He heard someone was looking for him, so he went to Carol. "Hello, sister."

"Oh, it's you."

Carol said happily, "No wonder you insisted on going mining. You showed us real technology. We should all learn from you."

Song Fang looked embarrassed and chuckled, continuing to create his own cute and honest child character.

Carol touched Song Fang's head lovingly. She really likes this. "So, Mr. Little Model Worker, do you have time to help me with that favor now?"

"I am willing to serve you." Song Fang said.

Carol took Song Fang's hand and left the port in full view of everyone, especially Cade.




Song Fang was taken to her residence by Carol.

The prison platform is square, so the prisons on the platform are also divided into squares inside one another, similar to the ring road in Beijing. As one of the last direct members of the Antwerp family and the warden's sister, Carol's residence is naturally located within the "One Ring".

The most important "main pillar" of the life support system is right at her doorstep. It looks like a beautiful tall tower, painted in blue and white, with layers of small windows evenly distributed on it. The air will be sucked in from the opening at the top of the main column, enter the engine below the platform, and then ejected out to provide the lift required by the platform.

During this process, pure air is blown out from those small windows in perfect proportions for human needs. Although the air at this height is breathable, there are still some toxic gases that will be brought to the level where people are by atmospheric movement. Some form mineral gas clouds, and some are directly dispersed in the air. Staying in this environment for many years will definitely make people uncomfortable.

Some years, the owner of the Death Wheel would intentionally release poison gas near the prison during a musical contest. One must rely on the air filtration capabilities of the main column to survive. For those unlucky ones chosen to turn off their life-support systems, death is certain.

The main motor of the platform is also under the main column. It can be said that whoever controls the main pillar controls the lifeblood of Prison No. 10.

But when Carol strolled by the main pillar, the only thing she introduced to Song Fang was the magnificent view of the sky outside the prison from here. The terrain here is the highest and the view is unobstructed. Looking out, the clouds on the horizon are as majestic as a fairy tale.

The only task she gave Song Fang was to collect clothes. One of her brother's coats blew against the flagpole and she couldn't reach it.

Song Fang suspected that this was just an excuse. Because he followed Carol to her door and watched the clothes being scraped off with his own eyes.

Song Fang nimbly climbed up the flagpole and took off the jacket.

"Thank you." Carol smiled, "You can live in my house from today on. There is also a room next to my brother's bedroom."

"Isn't this... not appropriate?"

Song Fang said in embarrassment.

Carol tilted her head and said, "Why? Isn't this a bad place?"

OK, of course.

Compared with the dark and damp prison cell, which was just a tin can without even a blanket, Song Fang would think that Carol's home was not good until his brain was kicked by a donkey.

However, Song Fang did not want to get involved in the internal struggle in Prison No. 10.

If Carol wanted to keep him before going to mine just to save his life, then Carol's kindness to him at this time was more like an oath. These foreign prisoners are under my protection. If I want to touch them, I have to get through first. This is me.

Steve and Carol are highly regarded within the Antwerp family. For example, even if Cade is dissatisfied with Steve's decision to take in foreign prisoners, he can only take the prisoners back to prison according to Steve's wishes, and then think of various ways to get rid of these prisoners, without daring to directly resist Steve. Husband’s decision.

If Song Fang moves into Carol's home, there is a high probability that he will become the target of Cade and his supporters to attack Carol and Steve.

Moreover, it is difficult to say that there are no foreign prisoners who are jealous of Song Fang. After all, the conditions of Prison No. 10 are there, and most of the foreign prisoners still have to live in the dark and damp platform mezzanine.

Song Fang really didn't want to get involved in these bad things. He has one and only one purpose: quickly find a nest and put down the earth.

Living in Carol's home will most likely leave him with no time to escape from the various events that follow, and he will not be able to return to the pilot instance to complete the pilot mission.

Of course, if you choose to live here, the benefits are obvious.

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