One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 8 1-sided battle

The roaring and rotating scissors struck straight down, shattering the wood on the floor and the soil below, bringing up large pieces of debris.

Casillas, on the other hand, had already retreated to the door and took out the Desert Eagle.

"The power is amazing, but the speed is not enough!"

There was an astonishing loud bang.

The 05-caliber Desert Eagle is the largest and most powerful type of weapon in this series. When a bullet that is enough to penetrate a steel plate of more than five millimeters is fired, it is also accompanied by a huge muzzle flame and violent gunshots. Already huge recoil.

The bullet, which exceeded the speed of sound, hit Jack instantly.

Under the influence of firearm proficiency, this shot directly hit Jack's chest and heart, opening a bloody hole.

However, what surprised Casillas was that he could see the color of the deformed metal slug embedded in the flesh. This proved that the Desert Eagle's bullet was not even able to penetrate the opponent's muscle. At best, it was just stuck. It's just inside this guy's muscles.

"Does this guy only have eight million?" Casillas fired another shot, hitting the opponent's thigh. Seeing that the results were almost the same, he thought to himself: "If this is the case, it seems that many things are not like It was as simple as I imagined. Are his muscles and skin like steel plates natural? Or did he eat a devil fruit?"

"This guy doesn't look like a Devil Fruit user."

In fact, although bounty and strength are two factors linked to each other, it would be too naive to really use bounty to distinguish strength from weakness. Jack Scissorhands actually received a bounty of eight million when he first became a pirate. After that, he was accepted by the nobles of the Kingdom of Goa as a subordinate. Although he was still a pirate, he no longer continued to work in the open. He was active on the Internet, and the Navy's reward for him only stayed at 8 million. If you want to give this guy a more appropriate bounty, it is not impossible to reach the level of Crick. After all, Crick can have a bounty of 17 million, and he relies more on his dozens of pirates. Boat.

In general, this is a simple-minded guy who only pursues a comfortable and comfortable life, so he works hard for the nobles.


The wound caused by the bullet caused Jack Scissorhands to roar like a beast and accelerate towards Casillas. The stimulation of pain makes the monster, which is already prone to losing its calmness, even more violent!

Casillas continued to retreat, knocking down two wooden doors and arriving on the street of Duanzhen.

Hawke just heard the gunfire, and then heard another roar, and saw Casillas' figure flying out. Just as he was about to get closer, he saw a thick arm waving scissors, cutting off the two missing people. The wooden door was completely damaged.

{}/ In other words, it’s not that Casillas is too fast, but that Jack is too slow.

The surface of the rough skin quickly turned red, and Casillas' right hand was like a branding iron that had just been taken out of the flames. This fist, like a calcined red iron, was stamped hard on Jack's lower back.

There was a muffled sound, and Jack's body shook.

In terms of strength this time, it's almost like scratching an itch.

But the next moment!

There was a stabbing sound, and Jack's screams spread along with the smell of burning flesh.

How someone feels when being tortured with a branding iron is basically how Jack feels now.

Currently, Casillas can raise his body or the objects he comes into contact with to a temperature of more than a thousand degrees. At this level of temperature, the skin and flesh of a creature can be instantly blackened and carbonized, and it is only a matter of time before it turns into a barbecue.

In two seconds, the skin, which was as hard as a steel plate, turned black and peeled off like a burnt carbon shell.

This kind of pain is much more intense than that caused by Desert Eagle bullets.

The severe pain made Jack Scissorhands unable to even fight back. After all, Casillas was standing behind him.

With a height of four meters, it was very difficult for Casillas to attack higher, so he had to aim at the guy's lower back.

Even though Jack screamed miserably, Casillas did not let go and continued to burn Jack, making this guy lose his fighting ability first!

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