Douluo Continent's Soul Handwriting

Chapter 27 Dai Mubai vs Tang 3 Part

Dai Mubai became curious about Li Xuan's flowing red eyes, and raised a look at the two women around him, walked in slowly with his hands spread apart, smiling evilly at the corners of his mouth, Li Xuan tightly covered his eyes that didn't belong to him, in pain, Cai Ling only Can clasp hands and pray silently.

"Friend, what's wrong with you? You don't have to make such a fuss over a room! If something happens to you, will it be yours or mine?" Dai Mubai stepped forward to help him, and when he sensed the fluctuation of soul power, his body instantly moved toward He leaned back and did a high somersault, staring closely at Tang San.

"Li Xuan, Li Xuan won't bother you, Cailing Xiaowu, let's go." Tang San helped Li Xuan, who was kneeling on the ground beside him, silently covering his eyes, turned around and left with the key on the platform.

"You're not polite. Didn't your teacher teach you how to deal with others?" Dai Mubai raised his fist and rushed out, hitting Tang San directly. Tang San threw away the key and raised his hand to confront Dai Mubai. In boxing, how could Tang San, who had the Xuantian Kung Fu, lose to this man who attacked out of nowhere.

The force of the two punches collided with each other, causing the two of them to retreat one after another, and flew out. Tang San touched the platform lightly with one hand and finally maintained his balance. Dai Mubai was slightly pushed back by the surrounding people to maintain his balance.

Tang San stared at Li Xuan all the time, and found that Li Xuan put his hands down and his eyes changed back to their proper color, sighed and clasped his hands together to apologize to the man in front of him.

"Brother, there is no way to answer your question just now, so I apologize to you here"

"Apologise? Yes! Next, Dai Mubai, martial spirit: White Tiger, thirty-seventh level fighting spirit master. Please give me your advice."

It is generally accepted that reporting the martial spirit and level is to duel with that person. I heard from Yu Tianhan that dueling is the only way to prove your strength. In this world where the strong are respected, unless you can beat him, it will be futile.

"Tang San, martial soul. Lan Yincao, twenty-ninth level weapon soul master. Please give me your advice."

The blue silver grass in Tang San's hand was green with a hint of red, and with the blessing of two spirit rings, the blue silver grass seemed even more lush. Two yellow spirit rings floated beside Tang San, and Dai Mubai's white eyebrows teased.

"Your martial soul is blue silver grass? What use can a waste soul have?"

"There are no useless martial spirits, only useless spirit masters." Tang San said the words of the master unchanged.

"Haha! That's a good sentence. There are no useless martial arts, only useless soul masters. You are qualified to be my opponent."

Dai Mubai slightly moved the spirit possessed body, and the speed of the white tiger with crossed claws coupled with the spirit possessed had already arrived in front of Tang San, Tang San blocked Dai Mubai's attack with his body without hesitation, Tang San San quickly opened the distance with a few steps, and as soon as the distance was opened, the spirit ring on the blue silver grass poured into the martial spirit.

"Blue silver grass, entangled."

Swish! The Blue Silver Grass vines instantly surrounded Dai Mubai into a ball. Dai Mubai looked at Tang San in confusion as to why he had to use his body to block his attack. It felt like he could recover instantly no matter how injured he was. .

Dai Mubai didn't care about the release of these first soul skills, the tiger's claws instantly felt much sharper, but why did it cut off the vines in front of him, Dai Mubai was originally a person who refused to admit defeat, the white possessed light surged, and the double soul rings blessed Let Dai Mubai's White Tiger's Light Wave instantly become enormously powerful, the white light shoots out from the vines, blocking the vines along the way are broken by the White Tiger's Light Wave.

The hotel lobby was beaten into a mess, Tang San had just received Dai Mubai's punch, and his body was a little too much to release his spirit power, and he collapsed on the ground, fearing that he was seriously injured, Dai Mubai took back his spirit, not knowing what to do Cuo looked at Tang San who was lying on the ground.

"Hey! That's Dai Mubai, right? Why don't you come over and help him into the house?" Li Xuan lifted Tang San up, turned and said to Dai Mubai who was staying there.

"Oh! Alright, let me do it!" Dai Mubai also hugged Tang San amiably, picked up the key and ran into the house.

The room was decorated gorgeously, with flower petals scattered on the bed, Li Xuan walked into the room and saw Dai Mubai waiting here, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"What should I do next? Your martial spirit can heal your injuries!"

"Smart, you sit down too and I'm about to start." A blue flower appeared in Li Xuan's hand, and the blue flower was still purple. Dai Mubai's contact lenses were slightly surprised. No wonder Tang San didn't hide. It turned out that there was a big dad behind him. ah!

Although I don’t know what Wuhun is? But it was impossible for Dai Mubai not to feel the vitality of the martial arts spirit in the scene, and the blue butterflies pouring into Dai Mubai's eyes.

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