"No wonder you can be called Canghui Academy. Since the establishment of the academy, you have the most talented genius! This power alone is enough to crush your peers. The title of monster is very suitable."

Ye Zhiqiu had a complicated expression on his face.There is a trace of decadence, but also a trace of appreciation!

Decadent, that's because he, a soul king, is actually not as powerful as Wang Sheng, a great soul master.

Appreciation is for Wang Sheng, which is out of his teacher's instinct.

However, the more he appreciated it, the more Ye Zhiqiu could not let Wang Sheng and several others leave.

"Be careful!"

Ye Zhiqiu reminded her, and her face became more solemn than ever.

After that, the fifth spirit ring on his body lit up.

"The body of mysterious ice!"

I saw a strong cold air appearing on Ye Zhiqiu's body, and the air around him froze into frost and mist, turning it into a white mist.

The ground in contact with his feet, directly centered on him, froze quickly.

And the scope is very wide.


Before, the two people's movements were not too big, but as soon as this move came out, almost everyone noticed it.

One by one screamed in fright.

The one who reacted quickly fled to the distance, and another one rushed directly into the shop on the side of the street, closed the door, and hid in it shivering.

Those who react slowly, especially those who are relatively close to Ye Zhiqiu.

When he reacted, he found that his feet had frozen, and it was still spreading to his upper body.

He began to struggle desperately, but he couldn't break away from the ice at all.

He started, frantically punching the ice on his legs with both fists.

"Bang, collapse, collapse..."

After a few blows, his fists were already bleeding, but he continued to strike.

It seemed that he didn't feel any pain at all, which showed how strong his desire to survive was, but no matter how strong the desire to survive was, it could only turn into infinite fear in the face of the cruel reality.

What's scariest?


Do not!

Death is just a moment.

Often people are already dead before they have time to fear.

Therefore, the scariest thing is not death.

Instead, he watched helplessly as death approached continuously, but he was helpless and could only wait quietly for death.

He immediately let out a heartbreaking scream: "Help...!"

However, at this time, the ground has been frozen, and it is impossible for others to get through.

What's more, other people have long been frightened by his current appearance.

save him?


It just makes them escape faster.

Soon, the man turned into an ice sculpture. What's frightening is that through the ice, you can still clearly see the fear and madness on his face.

"What a powerful soul skill!"

Wang Sheng's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. He couldn't even believe that this was just a thousand-year soul skill.

Then there is a possibility, that is, the soul beast hunted by Ye Zhiqiu, the fifth ring, is extraordinary. Just like his second soul ring, his flames turned into phoenix flames, greatly increasing their power.

Wang Sheng directly inserted the huge flaming blade into the ground, and the ice on the ground around him was evaporated immediately.


Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu had a weird smile on his face and sneered.

After that, the legs were slightly bent, and then suddenly exerted force.


The powerful force directly created two pits on the ground, and then he flew directly towards Wang Sheng, much faster than before.


Wang Sheng couldn't help but gasped when he looked at the pit on the ground and Ye Zhiqiu's current speed.

It turns out that this trick, freezing is only incidental, what is really powerful is to increase strength and speed.This is probably more than doubled!

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu getting closer and closer, Wang Sheng directly raised the giant flame blade.

However, as soon as the flame giant blade left the ground, the ground immediately froze again and came towards him.

The pupils in Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly shrank like needlepoints.

"So that's the case! This is for me to choose whether to resist the freezing of the ground or the next attack."

Because once he uses the Flaming Blade, he will be frozen.But without the huge flame blade, he had to face Ye Zhiqiu's attack empty-handed.

Without the flame giant blade, his strength would be greatly reduced. How could he stop Ye Zhiqiu in his strongest state?

"You really deserve to be a teacher of the academy. This fighting consciousness and this fighting strategy are far better than ordinary soul masters! But, don't you underestimate me, Wang Sheng?"

Wang Sheng's eyes became sharper, and three soul rings rose up on his body, one yellow, one purple and one black.


Ye Zhiqiu's body was stunned during the impact, because Wang Sheng's three soul rings, yellow, purple, and black, were too shocking.

Especially the last black soul ring shocked him so much that he almost left his body.

After all, the second thousand-year ring is already shocking enough. Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng created another ten-thousand-year-old third soul ring.

Looking at his soul ring configuration of one white, two yellow and two purple, he really wanted to die.

Thousand-year soul ring! He, the Soul King, couldn't even possess it.

At this moment, Wang Sheng's first soul ring lit up.

"Phoenix Flame Impact."

I saw that the flames on the huge flame blade surged for a while, and then completely covered Wang Sheng and the Wuhun flame knife.

Wang Sheng, who then transformed into a flaming man, rushed towards Ye Zhiqiu.

Therefore, wherever it passed, the ice layer on the surface was instantly evaporated by the powerful high temperature.


The two collided fiercely.

This time, Wang Sheng was directly knocked out, but under the protection of the flames, Wang Sheng was not injured.

I saw him doing a somersault in the air and landing firmly on the ground.


On the contrary, Ye Zhiqiu, who seemed to have the upper hand, took a deep breath.

Because his fist was red and the pain was unbearable.

"What kind of flame is this? It's too scary."

You know, he and Wuhun are mysterious turtles of ice attribute, this is probably the first time he has been burned in his life.

"The Great Movement!"

When Ye Zhiqiu was shocked again and again, Wang Sheng had already gone out again, quickly came to Ye Zhiqiu and patted him out.

"Hmph, although your flame is terrifying, it's a pity that your soul power is too weak, and it can only cause this little damage!"

Facing Wang Sheng's attack, Ye Zhiqiu punched directly, intending to fight back head-on.

However, just when they were about to hit each other with a punch and a palm.

Wang Sheng changed his palm into a claw in an instant, turned his angle, and grabbed Ye Zhiqiu's wrist.

"Dragon Claw Grabber!"

"what happened?"

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked because he felt that the power in his fist was greatly reduced in an instant. There is even a feeling of using up your strength!

With this blow, Wang Sheng naturally grabbed the door of life, making him unable to use his strength for the time being.

"Vajra Fingers!"

How could Wang Sheng miss such an opportunity? He stabbed Wang Sheng directly in the heart with one finger.

"not good!"

Ye Zhiqiu stared at the boss, looking at the fingers that were getting closer and closer to his heart, his eyes were full of fear.

Dear bosses, please kneel down and beg for recommendation, kneel down and beg for recommendation, kneel down and beg for recommendation, say important things three times!

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