Douluo's Innate Level 20

Chapter 469 Ren Xue Reappears


Tang Youyou didn't take the elder's order. Please, the elder's order is rare.

However, there is no saintess from the Elder Hall who is easy to use and honorable.

Moreover, it doesn't make any difference to her to join the Wuhun Temple earlier or later.Naturally, it was very wise to choose the latter.

Seeing that Tang Youyou confiscated it, Qian Renxue looked at her with admiration again.

You know, not everyone can resist the temptation of an elder order.

Just look at the expressions of other people in the Tang family and you can understand.

Qian Renxue: "Then just wait for me at home. If you can find me, I will be back soon, within a month at the latest."

If they haven't been found within a month, it means that Wang Sheng and Dongfang Jinghan have already left, and there is no point in looking for them again.

This is what Qian Renxue thinks.

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue left with Tang Tai.

But Tang Youyou's middle school elder brother finally got rid of his father.It shouldn't be said that it was the father who let him go, otherwise it would be useless to struggle with his little strength.

At this moment, I saw him glaring at Tang Youyou fiercely and roaring: "Tang Youyou, you disappoint me so much that you betrayed others."

Tang Youyou smiled bitterly, could she not understand her brother?

Does it matter to him that he bought someone else?

No, absolutely not

The important thing is that the person who was betrayed by Tang Youyou, Dongfang Jinghan

Are you still not determined to give up?


Tang Youyou couldn't help but spread her hands: "Buy the whole family or buy Dongfang Jinghan, choose one of the two, how do you want me to choose or do I have to choose?"

Tang Xiaosi's face turned red with anger: "You, you, you, betrayed Dongfang Jinghan and our family have a close relationship, please stop it."

Tang Youyou: "......"

She couldn't help but look at her parents. This is your fault. It's better for you to solve it yourself.

She really didn't want to explain.

It's a pity that my parents are looking up at the roof at this moment, as if they can see the flowers on the roof.

Tang Youyou: "......"

She had no choice but to change her focus and look at her grandparents. Brother, you are the one who spoiled me like this. You must take some responsibility. Please advise me.

Unfortunately, the grandparents, as if they had expected it, looked down at the armrests of the chairs.

Although the carving is indeed good, is this the time to appreciate it?

Tang Youyou: "......"

Now, she finally knows why her brother is so awesome.

Tang Xiaosi: "Look at what your grandparents and parents are doing, tell me quickly, why did you betray Dongfang Jinghan? If you don't tell me clearly today, I'm not done with you. Your brother, I finally fell in love with a woman. It's easy for me." "

Tang Youyou: "......"

This guy is hopeless. Actually, he is still thinking about Dongfang Jinghan. He was in the inner circle of the Extreme Ice Realm before. If it weren't for her, you would have been lying dead, right?

However, who told this guy to be her brother?

What evil did he do in his previous life to have such a superb brother.


Tang Youyou couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Then do you know why the entire family seems humble in front of these four people?"

"Since when do we have low-minded people? Don't talk nonsense. Our family is the most powerful family near the Jibing Region. Grandpa, father, and Second Master Tang Tai are all Contras."

"Being humble, who are we going to humble ourselves to in the entire Extreme Ice Realm?"

After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaosi had a proud face, obviously he was very proud of his family.

Tang Youyou covered her face, but it was a pity that she was too indifferent, so she couldn't help but glance again, grandparents, and parents, because these four elder brothers who often talk to the best, say what they say, take what they like, and see who they are Hit if you don't like it.

In the entire realm of extreme ice, they are the only ones who bully others, and no one can bully them.

You are indeed pampering him, not harming him

Are you really serious?


In other families, the sons are poor and the children are rich, but when Mao came to their house, it was just the opposite.

Helpless: "Brother, do you know Wuhun Palace?"

Tang Xiaosi: "There are three Contras in our family who are afraid of him."

Tang Youyou: "But there are more than three titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace, and one titled Douluo can easily destroy three Soul Douluo."

"In other words, if they offend the Wuhun Palace, they only need to send one Titled Douguo to come. Sending two of them will only give us face."

"Are you sure you want to offend Wuhun Palace for a woman you have only met twice, and who is already married to a man?"

"Aren't you afraid that the whole family will be buried with you for your whims?"

Tang Xiaosi was dumbfounded when he heard this. Isn't the Titled Douluo something in legend?

He couldn't help but look at his four big brothers.

It's a pity that the four bosses are so guilty at this time, how can they dare to look at him?

Although, he is the second, but he is not stupid, he immediately understands that what the little sister said is true.

This... He was silent. He really had to choose between a woman he had met twice and the entire family.

Although he will feel very sad, he will make the same choice as his little sister.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel depressed.Walked out like a walking dead.

Tang Youyou looked at the four big bosses and said helplessly: "Can you teach him well in the future? If you continue like this, if you are tricked by others, you will have to bury yourself in the dirt."

After finishing speaking, she also walked out.

Although she understands that her brother is from a single lineage, and there is only one man like him. It is understandable to spoil him a little, but he cannot spoil him into a waste.


However, before she could go out, she saw two figures standing in front of the gate, one of them was as cold as ice.

One was leaning on the door frame, smiling evilly at him.

After seeing the person clearly, Tang Youyou became frightened and her eyes widened.

Tremblingly, he said, "You, you, when did you guys arrive?"

Wang Sheng smiled: "When Qian Renxue invited you to join Wuhun Hall."

Tang Youyou's grandfather Tang Zhentian, grandmother Xiao Xue, father Tang Chengfa, and grandmother Song Xiao have now recovered from their previous guilty consciences.

At this moment, he looked at Wang Sheng and Dongfang Jinghan with vigilance.

It's a pity that they have never met each other. Her father can only ask: "Yuyou, who are they and your friends?"

Although he asked this question, his eyes were full of doubts, because if Tang Youyou was really a friend, he wouldn't look frightened.

Tang Zhentian instantly stood up from his chair, and ducked in front of Tang Youyou, blocking him behind him for fear of an accident.

Tang Youyou hadn't answered yet, but Wang Sheng had already stood up straight, looked at Tang Zhentian and said coldly: "We can just call them friends. After all, we have met and chatted. But now."

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