Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 9 Soul Hunting Forest

There are four hundred miles to the Soul Hunting Forest. During this period, under the guidance of the master, Tang San practiced the control of accessing items on the 24th Bridge on a moonlit night.The items used for practice are those white radishes...

At noon the next day, a few people finally arrived at their destination, the Soul Hunting Forest.

Outside the forest of the Soul Hunting Forest, there is a Nuo

In the big market, outside the forest, there are large houses, or shops.Various shouts were heard one after another, simple man-made paths crisscrossed the forest, and a noisy atmosphere permeated the entire periphery of the forest.

"There is a warrant to form a group to hunt and kill power-type soul beasts. There are still two people left."

"Hunting agile spirit beasts, seven people and other warrants. Ten gold soul coins."

The master led the two of them through the market. At the same time, he kept adding some external knowledge to the two of them on the way, such as "A truly outstanding soul hunting group must be composed of at least five parts. The food-type weapon soul master is responsible for The supply and restoration system weapon soul masters are responsible for restoring status and soul power. The agility system weapon soul masters are responsible for reconnaissance, the strength system weapon soul masters are responsible for resisting, and the attack system system soul masters are responsible for annihilating enemies. Only a group composed of these five parts can be regarded as complete. It is a complete group. And the cooperation between each other cannot be formed in a day or two. The subtle process alone requires at least several years of cooperation. More importantly, members of the same group must Trust each other. Absolute trust. Otherwise, when encountering danger, it will be easy to collapse in an instant."

After a while, the three of them walked through the market and arrived at the outskirts of the forest.

There is a huge steel fence on the outside of the forest, with a large number of spikes exposed towards one side of the forest.The fence is more than ten meters high and looks extremely solid.

That's not to mention, outside the fence, a group of hundreds of soldiers was cruising there. These soldiers were all wearing refined iron full-body armor, holding long spears, and their military appearance was strict. The hundred steel warriors stood together, giving people a chilling feeling.

The master showed his token, and the three of them walked through the steel fence and entered the forest. All the noise seemed to have disappeared, and the air became very fresh.Give people a feeling of comfort.

After entering the forest, the master did not rush forward, but silently observed his surroundings.

"From now on, neither of you will ever leave me!"

"Yes, teacher" x2

It was finally time to start hunting soul beasts. Yang Fan was very happy because he had a feeling since he had perfected his soul power. Adding a soul ring to the Zanpakutō should be a huge breakthrough point. After the breakthrough, the Zanpakutō would give him many answers. Doubtful, fortunately, the knife has a variety of additional soul ring options, making it easy to find a suitable soul beast.

"Come out! Luo Sanpao!"

The master summoned his martial spirit. It looked like a dog, but its size was more like a pig.The length is over 1.5 meters, and the waist circumference is probably about the same. . .

Two halos rose from the master's feet, and they walked back and forth on him. The halos were all yellow, obviously they were century-old soul rings.

"This is my soul beast, a mutated martial soul. The reason is that its cry is a luoluo sound, and its attacks can only be launched three times. So it is called Luo Sanpao. You can just call him Sanpao."

"Pfft~haha" Yang Fan couldn't hold it back. He finally saw this dog-headed pig. He looked very cute. Is that the name? Coming from the mouth of a serious master, it really made the veteran driver of the 21st century unable to hold back his laughter!

"Huh? Xiaofan! What's so funny?" The master didn't understand what three guns were, so he was a little surprised why Yang Fan suddenly laughed!

Yang Fan covered his mouth and looked at Sanpao. "Hey, teacher, it's okay. It's okay. I just thought of a funny thing," he said with a naughty look on his face!

"This kid~ Humph," one look at Yang Fan's reaction and knew that nothing good was going on. He looked at Yang Fan and laughed non-stop at San Pao. Tang San next to him could tell that he was designated to laugh at San Pao.

"Okay, stop laughing, be serious, it's very dangerous here! It's time to go, three shots, clear the way ahead!"

"I know, teacher" Yang Fan said, his face changed, as if he wasn't the one who was laughing all the time, and he was very serious.Tang San next to me looked like a sunken husky!Where did you learn this face-changing technique? My baby wants to learn it too!

It was not easy to find a suitable soul beast, and they couldn't find it until night. The few people found a depression with complex terrain and surrounded by many towering trees, and prepared to camp.

The master told Yang Fan and Tang San to spread the snake-repelling powder evenly around the perimeter.

With nothing to do, the master continued to teach the two of them,

"The training of a soul master is an extremely important process before the age of 20. It can be said that the results before the age of 20 determine future achievements. Level 20 is the threshold of the two heavens of ice and fire. Before the age of 20, crossing If you pass this threshold, your future prospects will be limitless. If you can't cross it at the age of 1, then you will never be able to cross it. Youth is an advantage, and only youth has potential. Therefore, you can't waste a minute now. . The teacher can still help you with your first and second soul rings. When you need to get the third soul ring, the teacher may not be able to do anything. Then you will have to rely on yourself. There is no trick in the cultivation of soul power. You can only increase your soul power through meditation. Although you have great advantages in perfecting your soul power, you cannot slack off, otherwise, you are not worthy of becoming my disciple."

"Hello." At this moment, Luo Sanpao's cry suddenly sounded.

It turned out that a few ghost wolves were solved with three cannons and one fart, but Yang Fan did not relax, because there was also a mandala snake!

Sure enough, before the master could be proud for two minutes, the mandala snake appeared!Although the master is a level 2 great soul master, his martial soul is not very powerful.

When the master asked Luo Sanpao to block the Mandala Snake, Yang Fan secretly helped, using the Eighth Binding Dao, Rebuke, to block it. He was not bitten by the Mandala Snake, but was knocked away. Huawei Purple Light returned In the master's body!

Just when the master was desperate, Tang San suddenly broke out and threw carrots with hidden weapon techniques. Finally, he used the sleeve arrows, but they couldn't penetrate the skin, which angered the mandala snake. In the end, he had no choice but to take out the sword in his belt and fight at close range.

When Yang Fan saw Tang San start a close fight, he also summoned his Zanpakutō to join the fight. Yang Fan's speed with the knife was not much faster than Tang San's, but every time he slashed at the Mandala Snake, he seemed to know where the Mandala Snake came from. The attack is the same, slash the snake in advance and draw blood marks!Tang San's sword still couldn't pierce the scales of the Mandala Snake, but the two of them cooperated with each other to attack for a while and the Mandala Snake couldn't do anything to them.

Yang Fan saw the wounds on Datura's body and became more and more helpless. The scabbard was still not powerful enough. It could cut but not kill Datura Snake.It doesn't matter, just create opportunities for Tang San!

Thinking of this, Yang Fan took advantage of the mandala snake to get up and attack Tang San, secretly increased his spiritual power and said: "Breaking Way" and pushed it hard. With a sudden impact, the mandala snake The front part of Luo She's body fell downwards, its mouth wide open, and Tang San saw the opportunity and stabbed through the brain...

"Coaxed", the impaled snake slid out more than ten meters and knocked down several trees.

The master was awakened by the vibration, and then he came back to his senses. He suddenly realized that his two disciples were so powerful in combat, even more powerful than him!Actually killed the Datura snake.Because Yang Fan stopped him, the master was not poisoned.

The master brought the two of them closer slowly. Seeing that the struggle of the mandala snake became weaker and weaker, the master gradually relaxed. Then, the expression on his face began to change, from the previous panic to the She became ecstatic, "Great, this is great. Xiaosan, your soul ring is here."

After the two of them guarded Tang San and absorbed the spirit ring, the three of them took a good rest. Tang San's skills were the same as in the original work, entangled with blue silver grass. The master confirmed his guess and everyone was very happy. Tang San obtained a powerful suit. My soul ring and internal strength have also broken through, so I am very happy. Only Yang Fan, I don’t know what kind of soul beast I want to kill~

A few people continued to wander around the outskirts of the Soul Beast Forest, continuing to look for a suitable soul beast for Yang Fan. After experiencing the intrusion of the Mandala Snake, a few people became more careful. In the blink of an eye, it was getting dark, and Yang Fan and the others found a suitable soul beast again. Location for camping again.

"If we haven't found a soul beast of the right year tomorrow, Xiaofan, we can only lower our requirements!" Soul beasts are too dangerous, and the master alone with two children is not sure of staying in the deep forest of soul beasts for a long time, even if Tang San has obtained a soul ring, and just like today, an old and powerful soul beast from nowhere may appear at some point.

"Yes, teacher!" Yang Fan also knew that, fortunately, what appeared today was a mandala snake that was more than 400 years old, and he barely killed it. If it had been replaced by one that was more than a thousand years old, the three of them wouldn't have been able to escape!Yang Fan only hoped that he could safely find a suitable soul beast tomorrow and return to school early. Although he knew the plot, he was still frightened when he fought the mandala snake. After all, this was the first time Yang Fan fought with a soul beast.

The master was closing his eyes to rest, Tang San was getting familiar with the new spirit ring, Yang Fan replaced his own Qian Da, and held him in his arms, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next day, after several people finished eating their dry food, they set off early. The time passed quickly and in a blink of an eye, it was getting dark again. Just when Yang Fan was very disappointed and was about to lower his requirements to find a soul beast that was over a hundred years old, he suddenly felt that he was going deep into the forest. There was an inexplicable attraction coming from the direction where he was, and towards him and the martial spirit in his body, Yang Fan stopped and slowly walked in the direction that attracted him. Every time he moved forward, the attraction to him in the forest became stronger. The bigger!

"Xiao Fan! What are you doing? We can't go any further into the forest. With our strength, it's too dangerous inside!" "Xiao Fan, it's dangerous there!" Master and Tang San stopped when they saw Yang Fan stop. He noticed that Yang Fan was looking into the depths of the forest, and then speeding up a little bit to walk inside. He couldn't help but shout to Yang Fan to stop.

"Teacher, mistress! I feel an attraction from there! The further I go, the greater the attraction for me! I feel that there is something I need there!" Yang Fan finally recovered from the attraction deep in the forest. Come on, he stopped, but without looking back, he looked in the direction that attracted him and said!

"How far is it? If we are more careful, we can continue to go deeper, but it is too dangerous inside. We may encounter thousand-year-old soul beasts at any time!" The master saw Yang Fan's look and understood that it might be the initiative of Yang Fan's mutated martial spirit. Attraction, no matter what it is, it must be of great help to Yang Fan, so he decided to take the risk and take a look!

"I don't know, but it feels like it's not too far away, teacher, mistress! If possible, I would like to take a look!" There is no way out, and the day is about to pass. There is no suitable soul beast. Yang Fan was originally very disappointed. Unexpectedly, something like this would happen at the last moment. This kind of attraction only happened once when he awakened his martial soul. This time, Yang Fan's intuition told him that his soul ring was there, and he needed it very much!

"Okay, in this case, let's be careful, everyone be vigilant, let's go." Tang San supported silently, the master agreed to Yang Fan's request, and several people headed to the depths of the forest vigilantly... See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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