Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 89 Master’s Training

Early the next morning, after Yang Fan and his team had dinner, the special training began. The battle was between Yang Fan and Dai Mubai, and the remaining six people were divided into two teams, three against three.

They divided the venue with each other, and while Yang Fan looked dumbfounded, pale light suddenly burst out from Dai Mubai. His arms stretched to both sides at the same time, his chest stood up, and the bones of his whole body crackled. His muscles expanded instantly, and all the muscles on his body expanded. Clothes hold up.The air around him seemed to have become manic, and he attacked Yang Fan with a smile on his face. "Haha, Yang Fan, I can finally correct my reputation as the Shrek boss!"

When Yang Fan heard this, a black line suddenly crossed his face, "Xiao Bai, even if you don't use martial arts and soul skills, you can't do it!"

Saying that, Yang Fan rushed forward and punched Dai Mubai's tiger claw fearlessly. "Fuck!" Dai Mubai flew backwards instantly.

Dai Mubai, who was flying upside down, paused, and his body expanded again. The third and second soul rings lit up at the same time. A light bullet flew out of his mouth and hit Yang Fan. At the same time, he stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot and stopped retreating. , followed by the white tiger's fierce light wave rushing towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled evilly. He couldn't use soul skills or martial arts. He didn't say he couldn't use soul power, right? Yang Fan's soul power has always been strong. Otherwise, how could he have used so many abnormal soul ring skills, deep blue soul power, etc. Power wrapped around his arms, Yang Fan was like a boxer, punching the white tiger's fierce light wave into pieces with his left arm, while his right hand continued to attack Dai Mubai into a fist.

The two fists faced each other, and a muffled sound rang out. Dai Mubai was knocked back again, "I already have the bonus of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, but my strength can't be compared to you, pervert!"

"Haha, the title of boss is right here. If you defeat me, it's yours!" Yang Fan laughed. Seeing Dai Mubai being repelled, he didn't give Dai Mubai a chance to attack. He stamped his feet and followed immediately, fists He charged up and continued to hit Dai Mubai. For a moment, Dai Mubai could only defend passively with a bitter look on his face. The first soul ring skill was also used. Although he was not injured, his soul power was violently consumed.

The master has been paying attention to the battle between the two. He did not expect that Yang Fan's physique is already so strong. Dai Mubai is also a power-type soul master. The 38th level soul master can't defeat the 41st level soul master who does not use martial soul skills. ?This physical fitness is terrible, and Yang Fan's movement speed and attack speed are also faster than Dai Mubai, leaving no room for Dai Mubai to fight back. Such unilateral abuse has no effect on Yang Fan. The order came, "Xiaofan, you can't use soul power!"

Dai Mubai was overjoyed when he heard this. He used the arm that was blocking Yang Fan to push Yang Fan out. He put a smile on his lips again, "Haha, you must be tired from beating me for a long time. It's my turn ~ White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

When the light bomb came, Yang Fan hurriedly dodged. At this time, Dai Mubai had already rushed over. Unable to use his soul power, Yang Fan's speed was obviously slowed down a lot. Moreover, he did not dare to resist Dai Mubai's soul ring skills and tiger claws. .The two men's offense and defense switched instantly, and Yang Fan could only dodge and block Dai Mubai's attacks to avoid being hurt by the tiger's claws.

Yang Fan, who was in a weak position and unable to break the situation, finally remembered a skill that he had not practiced for a long time, which was white hitting and slashing. Since adding martial arts, Yang Fan used soul ring skills in almost all competitions, and various Zanpakutos were used. Shunpo can easily solve all problems. The same goes for Kidō. However, there is no room for white attacks and slashes. The knowledge of the two skills flashed in his mind, and Yang Fan gradually began to fight back.

After a few moves, Yang Fan already had wounds scratched by Dai Mubai's tiger claws, but Dai Mubai was not complacent. Yang Fan counterattacked more and more times, and his dodge ability was also improving, as if he had seen through his attack routines and attack methods. It became more and more fierce and the angle was tricky. After half an hour, the two were almost evenly matched.

It’s time for White Tiger King Kong’s transformation…

"Stop!" The golden light on Dai Mubai's body began to flicker, and he suddenly retreated quickly, calling out to Yang Fan.

"Huh?" The attacking opponent suddenly retreated, coupled with Dai Mubai's shout, Yang Fan stopped about to rush forward and looked at Dai Mubai, "Is the skill duration up?"

"Nonsense!" Dai Mubai rolled his eyes, sat cross-legged a little tiredly, and began to recover his soul power.

At this time, the master came over, looked at Yang Fan and ordered, "Yes, you have not wasted your physical fitness. Remember, your body is your capital. It seems that the effect of using gravity to train is really great. It can not only increase your physical fitness in all aspects" Strength, but also increases physical strength and endurance.”

"No. [-], No. [-], you fight No. [-]." At this moment, Tang San and others had also finished fighting and came over, the master ordered.At the same time, Yang Fan was required to be unable to use soul skills and martial arts, but he could use soul power. After all, Tang San and Ma Hongjun were not of the strength type.

Both sides stood still, Tang San and Ma Hongjun both still had more than half of their soul power, and the same was true for Yang Fan. After fighting Dai Mubai for half an hour, his physical strength was exhausted by two-fifths, but his spiritual power was almost full.

"Blue Silver Grass!" Tang San made the first move, the first spirit ring on his body lit up, and the Blue Silver Grass grew crazily towards Yang Fan. The martial spirit of Ma Hongjun beside him had already possessed him, and his two spirit rings flickered, ready to attack at any time.

Dark blue spiritual power instantly wrapped around the entire body, and under Tang San's control, the Blue Silver Grass rushed around Yang Fan, obviously leaving no room for Yang Fan to dodge.Yang Fan thought to himself, if this is the case, then Ying Gang!

"Punching to the flesh is a man's romance!" Yang Fan rushed towards Tang San and the two of them. Tang San, who was over level 30, might be able to control Dai Mubai with his first soul skill, but he was still a little short of catching him.

The next moment Yang Fan rushed forward, all the blue silver grass around him was instantly surrounded. His feet, arms, body, and his whole body were surrounded by blue silver grass. "Open!" With the blessing of spiritual power, Yang Fan broke away from Lan Silver Grass in less than a second. Silver grass, at this time, a line of fire with terrifying temperature struck. Yang Fan just wanted to dodge but felt that his legs were entangled again, and blue silver grass grew on his body. He hurriedly crossed his arms just before the Phoenix fire line attacked. on the chest. "Boom~!" Even the strong spiritual power could not block Ma Hongjun's line of fire. Yang Fan felt a sharp pain on his arm and hurriedly increased his spiritual power output.

"Boom~!" The Phoenix line of fire collided with Yang Fan's arms full of spiritual power. The blue silver grass on Yang Fan's body was instantly melted. He hurriedly let go of the Phoenix line of fire and waved his hot arms. Yang Fan lowered his head and saw that Phoenix The area hit by the line of fire was already red, and it was obviously a severe burn. He was not allowed to use his soul power during the battle. He gritted his teeth, feeling the pain in his arms, and rushed towards Tang San and the two again.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and Yang Fan lost. One of them could still output strong control, and the other was a powerful warrior and magician. Without the use of martial arts and soul skills, he couldn't catch the two of them at all, but the same could be said for the two of them. He didn't dare to confront Yang Fan head-on. If he hadn't accidentally been caught by Tang San's third soul skill that he had been waiting for, the battle might have lasted longer.

"Reply!" Yang Fan silently treated himself while thinking, "I'm careless. I know that Xiaosan's Bluesilver Grass can parasitize me, but I'm so bold. Xiaosan's parasitism is Shunfa. When I was surrounded by Bluesilver Grass, At that time, he should have used the second soul ring skill, parasitism, and Fatty had been prepared for a long time. In an instant, the phoenix line of fire came over. One step was wrong and the other was wrong, so that he could only keep dodging. Both of them were fighting. Soul Master, his movement speed is not slow, he has control and output, so the loss is not unfair, but the mistress is really insidious, he only used the third soul ring skill when he knew that the neurotoxin in my body was erupting, it's amazing!"

At the end of the first class, the master eliminated everyone. Yang Fan, who missed the opportunity due to his recklessness, was punished the most severely. One person was given twelve laps, and the others were ten laps. Everyone was about to run out, when the master spoke again, "Xiao Fan" , giving everyone twice the gravity and you four times.”

In the desperate eyes of everyone, Yang Fan helplessly applied gravity to everyone, including himself. After fighting for so long, he was still not allowed to use his soul power. The most important thing was that when Yang Fan and others ran to the gate of the academy, here There are also eight bamboo baskets made of woven bamboo containing stones of different sizes. Each bamboo basket has a strap and a name written on it.

Perhaps because of Yang Fan's gravity, Tang San and the others' burdens were reduced a lot.But Yang Fan has to carry [-] kilograms of stones...

"I felt a burst of despair..." After all, Yang Fan was the most physically exhausted of all the people.

"..." Who wouldn't despair? It's obvious that gravity has already been added, and you still have to carry stones, which makes you even more tired...

There is a distance of three or four kilometers from Shrek Academy to Soto City. Ten round trips are nearly six or seventy kilometers, plus two cups of gravity carrying heavy stones on the back. During the last round trip, everyone almost supported each other and climbed. When they came back, they all passed out from exhaustion after completing today's tasks.

Yang Fan still had physical strength, and was soaked with sweat. If he took off his clothes, he would be able to squeeze out the water. However, because Yang Fan had been carrying heavy loads for many years, his physical strength recovery speed was much faster than that of others. He still had some energy left, so he put down his steps to stand for Ning Rongrong and Oscar. With the rocks on his back, Yang Fan started running again. He still had two laps to run.See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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