Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 79 Oscar Promotion

"I have a fragrant body, and my friends in the Menghun Master world look up to me. I gave him the title of Snake Woman. My husband's name is Meng Shu. He is also known as Duke Long. This time I came to the Star Dou Forest to find a suitable first wife for our granddaughter. Three soul rings." The situation was not right, so Chao Tianxiang could only tell her family, "This thousand-year-old wind-tailed cockscomb snake is extremely important to my granddaughter. She has just reached level [-]. She needs a suitable martial soul. I wonder if I can give it to her. Give it to us, I can pay a corresponding price, and this love will definitely be remembered in my heart, and it will be rewarded in the future."

When Zhao Wuji heard this, he wondered, could it be true?He asked, "Are you the senior snake lady among the unparalleled dragons and snakes?"

Chao Tianxiang smiled lightly, "Don't dare. Exactly, haven't you consulted the soul sage's name?"

The expression on Zhao Wuji's face changed slightly, he had heard the name Unrivaled Dragon Snake long ago.The couple made their debut very early.The strength is extraordinary, especially Longgong Mengshu.When I heard about him, that Duke Long was already at the Soul Sacred Land level.Even if he has reached the Contra realm now, he will never be surprised.

Long Gongdi's martial spirit is a walking stick with a dragon head.Complementing Snake Po's snake-headed crutches, the couple has an extremely domineering spirit fusion skill.Unless you have the strength of a titled Douluo.Otherwise it will be difficult to resist.

Zhao Wuji is just a soul saint.Although the snake woman in front of him looks weaker than him, as long as Duke Long appears.A Duke Long is no longer something he can deal with.

The Unrivaled Dragon Snake and Husband and Wife have an excellent relationship, and the husband and wife never separate.The snake lady is here.Presumably Duke Long is not far away.

Not everyone in the soul master world can be reasonable. Without strength, there is no reason. If Duke Long was not here now, where would Chao Tianxiang come from with so much nonsense? He would just grab it.

"I am Zhao Wuji." Zhao Wuji looked gentle at that moment and announced his name. Duke Long was not here, so there should be no problem.

Chao Tianxiang's expression also moved slightly, "No wonder, I said, how could I meet such a young soul sage casually. It turns out that he is Fudo Ming, who is well-known in the world of soul masters."

Zhao Wuji smiled and said: "I don't dare to take it seriously. I was quite notorious back then. But these years I have been living in seclusion and teaching some students in a college. This time I brought these children to the Star Dou Forest. First, I wanted to bring a few children with me. One student came to attach a soul ring, and the other one also came to show them the world. Unexpectedly, they met a senior." Then he pointed at Oscar and said, "However, senior, this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is a relatively gentle soul beast. It is also a great help to my student’s martial spirit. Moreover, my student is a soul master of the food department. It is extremely difficult to find a suitable soul beast. And with the strength of you and Duke Long, give your granddaughter It should be easy to find a suitable soul beast!"

"What! You said he is a food-type soul master?" Chao Tianxiang looked at Oscar in shock. Food-type soul masters are already rare, and Oscar has reached level [-] at such a young age. It is unprecedented. He couldn't help but ask. He came out and said, "Young man, are you really a food-type soul master? I wonder which sect you are from?"

Oscar shook his head.He said: "I don't belong to any sect. The dean said that my martial spirit became like this because of mutation."

A flash of light flashed in Chao Tianxiang's eyes, and just as he was about to open his mouth to solicit, Zhao Wuji spoke, his expression unchanged, and he said with a smile, "Senior, the Star Dou Forest is full of dangers, it is not easy to stay for a long time, and this time not only does this child need a soul ring, but also You two, this soul beast is indeed suitable for Xiao Ao, do you think?"

"There are still people among them who need to obtain soul rings!?" Chao Tianxiang looked at Yang Fan and others in shock, but since Zhao Wuji's words interrupted her attempt to recruit, the meaning was self-evident. How could Chao Tianxiang not Knowing that Duke Long was not here, the phoenix-tailed crested snake couldn't force it. Chao Tianxiang sighed slightly, "I'm a little older than you, so I'll ask you to be older. I'll just call you Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao. In that case. , I’ll take my leave first.”

"Grandma! But..." Meng Yiran interrupted for the first time. If the crested snake hadn't rushed towards Yang Fan and his group, they might have gotten it first.

"Okay, Yiran, let's go find your grandfather later. The Star Dou Forest is so big, we will definitely find a soul beast that suits you." Chao Tianxiang interrupted Meng Yiran, looked at Zhao Wuji and asked, "Zhao Brother, I wonder what the name of your school is?"

"Shrek Academy!" The little fat man shouted proudly.

Chao Tianxiang was slightly startled when she heard Ma Hongjun's words, and looked at a group of young people who were not very old. Shrek Academy?Why have I never heard of it before? "Okay, I won't be here to clean you up. I believe we will meet again. Haha." He held Meng Yiran's hand and retreated.

"Oscar, kill it!" After Chao Tianxiang and the two disappeared from everyone's eyes, Zhao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.Raising his hand, a short knife appeared in his hand.

Oscar was overjoyed. He had been waiting for this moment for too long. Fortunately, nothing happened. He hurriedly came to Zhao Wuji.He took the short blade from Zhao Wuji.Unceremoniously inserted into the vital part of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake.

The phoenix-tailed crested snake immediately struggled violently because its vitals were hit, but due to Zhao Wuji's soul power, everything was in vain.

Yang Fan and others also walked over, but Xiao Wu lowered her head, her eyes full of unbearable color, and whispered a few words with Tang San.He didn't see him raising his head, and his face was pale. Yang Fan glanced at it from the corner of his eye and sighed softly. He clearly remembered that today, Xiao Wu's younger brother, the Titan Giant Ape, the king of the forest, would be attracted by Xiao Wu's breath. , what should he do then...

The life force of the crested cockscomb snake passed away rapidly, and it died after a while. A purple soul ring floated out from its body. Oscar raised his hand to summon his big sausage, and the soul power pulled it and began to absorb it.

With everyone watching, Oscar opened his eyes in about half an hour.Three soul rings rose from beneath his feet, Soul Lord, here he is!

"Congratulations, Xiao Ao," Zhao Wuji smiled.

"Yes, congratulations." Yang Fan and others said their blessings in unison, and with a strange smile, Yang Fan said to the excited Oscar, "Xiao Ao, show me your third soul ring skill~"

"Uh~ Let's forget it!" As soon as Oscar heard Yang Fan's words, he stopped laughing immediately.So embarrassing.

Ma Hongjun said angrily: "Xiao Ao, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that we will laugh at you? Your third soul skill, Soul Curse, can't be more funny than the first two."

"That's right, Xiao Ao, we are very curious!" Dai Mubai responded, "Don't worry, we will never laugh at you!"

Oscar was helpless, seeing everyone's curious looks, he had to use it in the future anyway, "It's agreed! Don't laugh!" He gritted his teeth and said, "I have a mushroom sausage!"

"Pfft--" After hearing his words, almost everyone burst out laughing at the same time.

Oscar stared at everyone with wide eyes. "Didn't you agree not to laugh?"

As soon as this remark came out, it had the opposite effect, and everyone laughed even harder.

"Haha, okay, don't laugh. Tell me what your mushroom sausage does. The effect of the Thousand-Year Soul Ring skill shouldn't be too bad!" Yang Fan interrupted everyone's laughter.

Everyone's laughter stopped, and their eyes were full of curiosity. Oscar snorted angrily, raised the mushroom sausage in his hand, and said loudly and proudly: "Mushroom sausage, the third soul ring skill. The effect is flying."

Except for Yang Fan, everyone looked at Oscar with stunned expressions. Flying?How can it be flying?

"Ahem." Oscar looked at everyone's stunned expressions and felt secretly happy.He coughed twice and continued: "Well, I'm not done yet. My third soul ring skill is to fly for 1 minute."

"Damn!" Except for Yang Fan and Zhao Wuji, everyone else cursed.

Dai Mubai looked like he had been tricked by you. Just as he was about to step forward to deal with Oscar, Oscar said again, "Hey! Fly for one minute, at the speed of a crested snake!"

"What?" Dai Mubai was shocked. "You mean, after eating this mushroom sausage of yours, you can fly at the speed of a wind-tailed cockscomb for one minute? Is this possible?"

A phoenix-tailed cockscomb can fly for one minute, which can cover a distance of at least 1 meters, and the terrain is safe. It is definitely a top-notch auxiliary soul ring skill!

Zhao Wuji asked, and Oscar explained that with his current soul power, he could only make ten mushroom sausages. After that, all his soul power would be exhausted, and he could only summon it again after all his soul power was restored.But this was good enough, and the group set off again.

Yang Fan can be attracted to the right soul beast. Zhao Wuji has experienced the strangeness of Yang Fan's martial soul in the soul beast forest in the past few years. It is too difficult to find soul beasts in this area, especially those that are more than a thousand years old, so in front of him Mainly looking for a suitable soul ring for Tang San.

Until two days later, no soul beast suitable for Tang San was found.

Zhao Wuji looked at a group of students and said seriously. "It seems that we can only think about going deeper into the Star Dou Forest tomorrow. There are still a few thousand-year-old soul beasts within the range now. However, the chance of encountering thousands-year-old or ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts again is very high. You must be careful!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Teacher Zhao, don't worry. Tomorrow I will spread the cherry blossoms to the maximum extent. There should be no danger. Moreover, my Senbonzakura is both offensive and defensive. I believe that as long as it is not a ten thousand year soul beast, it should not be difficult to deal with it." Yang Fan's words made Zhao Wuji felt relieved, nodded, and agreed with Yang Fan.

"Okay, get some rest early. I'll stay up until midnight today. We'll set off early tomorrow morning!"

Although the two days did not find a suitable soul beast, it was not wasted. The student team of Shrek Academy has gradually become tacit understanding. When encountering a soul beast that cannot be avoided, Zhao Wuji never takes action. Of course, Yang Fan belongs to Boss, the mobs didn't need his intervention at all. If he hadn't let Sakura go intentionally, these 2000 or so soul beasts might have been dealt with by Sakura without being able to touch them.This also allowed the other seven people to free their hands and feet. Tang San and the others also saw the soul ring skill of Yang Fan's second martial soul for the first time. They were invincible in saving the day... See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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