Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 56: Baodou uses ghost method...

"There is another one who is gaining experience by his side. Uh... he is learning and growing at his length." Yang Fan explained.

"There is another he also a dual martial soul? How old is he? What is his name?" Liu Erlong didn't pay attention to Yang Fan's strange words, but asked Tang San for information.

"Let me introduce~ Of course I can't tell you, I can only say that his talent is not much worse than mine." Yang Fan did not tell Liu Erlong Tang San's specific information. What if he was found, "Dean, you should be concerned. I didn’t lie to you, okay?”

"Then you have become a martial artist? No! It stands to reason that you have dual martial souls, and the mutated martial soul you have been using is particularly powerful. According to Xiaogang's reasoning, why are you only level 33!?" Liu Erlong seemed to have discovered something important. Secretly, he stared at Yang Fan and asked.

"Can you still talk properly! I said, Master, do you believe me or not! Believe me or not! Believe me or not!" Are women so strange?Yang Fan said airily.

"Master's wife? What do you mean?" Liu Erlong ignored Yang Fan's words again and asked.


"Teacher = master, master's wife = master's wife~" Yang Fan could only explain to Liu Erlong in detail.

"Master Wife! Hahaha, I like this title! You can call me that from now on!" Liu Erlong asked, smiling radiantly, "Xiaofan, do you agree that your master and I are together? We are brothers and sisters~ "

"In the eyes of an experienced driver, height is not a distance, and age is not a gap. As for status, you are not brothers and sisters! What, you can wait for the teacher for so many years! In the face of this relationship, these are not problems! Although you Wife, you are a bit grumpy~" Yang Fan smiled mischievously.

"I love hearing this! Hey~ Why can't Xiaogang accept me~" Liu Erlong became sentimental again.

"Master's wife, don't worry! The teacher will be happy to have a wife like you. I will definitely help you catch the teacher!" Yang Fan promised again, um~ I'm serious this time.

"Okay, then I'll thank you Xiaofan. Hey~ after all these years, I thought I had looked away. I didn't expect that when I heard the news about Xiaogang again, I couldn't control my emotions!" Liu Erlong said with emotion. He said, and then asked Yang Fan, "Xiaofan, didn't you tell me that you need my help with something? Since you call me master's wife, how about I become your godmother?"

"I'm not a mistress! Well... my mother is still alive, Master. In my heart, you are already the same as my mother~ Hey, hey~ Besides~ I haven't completed my promise yet, and you don't have a simple teacher yet."

"Mistress? Haha~ Is that so~ OK, you can call me whatever you want. If there is anything you need help from Mistress, just tell me. As long as Mistress can do it, I will definitely help you!" Liu Erlong smiled happily and looked at Yang Fan. The more pleasing to the eye, the master's wife, the godmother, they are all mothers, this son can't run away, hum.

"I originally wanted you to..."

"Huh?" Liu Erlong stared.

"Master Wife, I'm asking you for help this time because my second martial soul can... Then I can... This will speed up the increase of soul power, but every time I use it, not only will it have a big impact, but it will also use up all the soul in my body. I have strength, so I want to ask for your help~" Yang Fan explained the ability of his Zanpakutō to Liu Erlong, while drawing out the Zanpakutō.

"Qiyi Yi's martial spirit! Your two martial spirits are actually mutated martial spirits, and each one is extremely powerful. That's not right! How old are you!" Liu Erlong thought about it carefully, and here comes the important point! "Do you still want to hide it from me, your master wife!?"

"..." You are sick. Is this important?You have to hold on to it.

"Master's wife, you can't tell anyone if I tell you!" Yang Fan said weakly.

"Of course! I am your master wife, how could I harm you!" Liu Erlong patted Yang Fan on the head and said with a smile.

"I just celebrated my tenth birthday two months ago~"

"11 years old!!!"

"No! It's not the New Year yet! Ten years old!???" Countless codes appeared in Liu Erlong's mind, 070405010104050104.......

"Ten years old, ten years old! Genius! Monster! You have become a soul master at the age of ten, and your realm is very stable! How did you grow up! You have achieved such an achievement at the age of ten! Just now, I... I am here to be the soul master. I'll fight you with my body! A soul master with low defense who has just become a soul saint might have to somersault on you!" All the information in my mind condensed into two words, monster!Liu Erlong was shocked beyond measure. This talent has never been seen in the entire Douluo Continent!Maybe it won’t be possible in the future!

"At your age, I was just an ordinary soul master!" No one could hear Yang Fan's message without envy. Not to mention the high level, would dual martial souls turn him into a pervert?Here are the double mutated martial spirits!Where's the ten thousand year soul ring!I fought with Soul Saint!Oh ~ there is also an attached soul bone!Fortunately, Liu Erlong still knew his identity, and there was only envy and happiness in his eyes for Yang Fan's achievement!Until now, Liu Erlong has been sure that the master will not be able to escape. With such a disciple, who will disappear? No more!

"Let's go! Go to the martial arts arena with Master! Let me take a good look at the power of your second martial spirit!" With that, Liu Erlong took Yang Fan's hand and rushed to the martial arts arena quickly.

"Master...Mother..." Yang Fan took no haste and was pulled up by Liu Erlong. Due to the force of inertia, he shouted inaudible words in the air ~

There are usually no people in the martial arts field without actual combat classes. Liu Erlong dragged Yang Fan to the martial arts field and shouted, "I want to use the martial arts field! No one can come and disturb me!"



"What happened to Dean today? It's so strange."

"I didn't know~ I had a fight with Teacher Yang first, and this meeting~"

"Hey, Teacher Yang Xu, how many seconds did you last in the competition with Teacher Yang Fan that day?"

"Pfft~ He wasn't so perverted that day! It was too scary!"

"Hey~ Dean, is he going through menopause~?"

"What are you talking about! Dean is not yours to discuss!"

"Yes! Bishop Yin Shu!"


"No one will disturb you now, Xiaofan! Let me see the martial arts skills you mentioned!" Liu Erlong said, and the two of them were already in the middle of the martial arts field.

"Hehe! Master, you must be careful about that!" He raised his head narcissistically, and the hand on the handle of the knife slowly moved, "Buzz~" and with a cry of contention, Yang Fan pulled out the Zanpakutō.

"It looks so sharp!" Liu Erlong praised.

"Cut through the sky, the end of all things! Wake up! Tianyu!" As the last word fell, the Zanpakutō in his hand changed instantly. His spiritual power increased tenfold, and a powerful aura spread out from Yang Fan. Come on.

The knife is 1.5 meters long. The snow-white blade is covered with complex black lines. There is a thin black line on the blade, and there are faint spatial fluctuations. One of the three gems on the handle is shining with light, and the energy inside It flew by quickly, and the whole knife exuded terrifying oppression and lethality, noble and gorgeous.

"Whoosh~" Liu Erlong stepped back ten meters. Unexpectedly, the impact of the Zanpakutō's initial release was not weak. Looking at Yang Fan's sudden increase in soul power, it was almost close to the level of the Soul King's soul power. .

"The attack power is so strong! But it doesn't feel better than your Senbonzakura? What kind of ability is it?" Liu Erlong asked doubtfully.

"Master Wife, did you listen to me carefully before..."

"Tianyu can increase my speed and strength tenfold, and Tianyu's own attack power will also increase tenfold," he said, waving Tianyu, and a trace of nothingness flashed across the space passed by the blade, "and Tianyu is A space-based martial spirit, I have just unlocked it, and the blade can cut through space!"

"Shijie? Can you still hunt the soul beast Swastika? Just like Senbonzakura!" Liu Erlong said excitedly. Senbonzakura's Swastika is so powerful. If Tianyu can also swastika, he wouldn't be invincible!With the ultimate increase in speed, strength and attack power, this knife can cut through space!Most spatial abilities are unsolvable!Especially the attack ability, basically relies on hiding!She didn't dare to touch him head-on even after the martial spirit avatar was activated, no!It should be said that I dare not touch it!It will kill people!

"Master, please step back~" Yang Fan said.

Liu Erlong retreated ten meters in confusion. Why is the increase so abnormal? Does he still have skills?

"Back 50 meters!"

"..." You are so awesome, I will retreat.

Yang Fan dodged and retreated 50 meters. He stretched his free right hand forward, "Broado no 32 Yellow Fire Flash." As Yang Fan softly chanted, a dazzling white dot appeared in his hand, scattering out several thunder-like lightning bolts. The stream of light hit the center of the martial arts arena, "Coax!" Liu Erlong's eyes were filled with only a bright white flame!

"Damn! What the hell is this?"

"..." After a few seconds, the flames disappeared, leaving only a huge pothole!Nearly a hundred meters long and deep... "Yang Fan! This is my martial arts arena!!!" See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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