Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 5 Cultivation

Su Yunjing picked up her package and walked outside.

"Old Jack"

The door opened, and Old Jack greeted Su Yuntao nervously, "Master, how is it. Is it possible for the children in our village to become spirit masters this year?"

Su Yuntao looked at him, sighed, and said, "There are two, it's just a pity."

Su Yuntao said: "Among the eight children this year, two have soul power. One is born with full soul power. Unfortunately, his martial soul is blue silver grass. The other martial soul is a knife, which can My soul power talent is too poor, and even if I become a soul master in the future, I won’t have much development, which is a pity!”

The expression of disappointment on Old Jack's face is no less than that of Su Yuntao. Is he born with full soul power?But there is a Blue Silver Grass, and there is an ordinary martial soul with poor talent. Although he can become a soul master, hey

"Master! Is it really impossible to practice with Blue Silver Grass?" Old Jack asked.

Su Yuntao could feel the mood of Old Jack, but he was not as proud as he was at the beginning. He patted Old Jack on the shoulder and said, "It's not that you can't practice at all. It's just that you think that the Blue Silver Grass will grow with the improvement of the martial spirit." , What will it evolve into? A waste martial soul is a waste martial soul after all. Even if you become a soul master, you may still be a waste soul master. It's a pity that the innate soul power is full. Okay, I'm going first, and I have to go Go to the next village."

At this time Tang San and Yang Fan came out.

"Grandpa Jack, what is a soul ring? How can I obtain a soul ring?" Tang San asked

Old Jack seemed to be still thinking about Su Yuntao's words, and subconsciously replied: "I don't know what a soul ring is. If you want to get a soul ring, it seems that you want to hunt a soul beast. That is a very dangerous thing. Only Soul masters will do it."

"Oh" Tang San didn't say anything after hearing this.

At this moment, Jack had come to his senses, looked down at Tang San, and said in surprise: "Little San, you can't be the kid who is born full of soul power and Wuhun Blue Silver Grass that the master said."

Tang San nodded, said: "It's me."

Yang Fan, who was watching the two people talking and ignoring him, did not interrupt because he knew that Jack would let Tang San go to school. He opened his palms and looked at his martial spirit. Yang Fan really wanted to study what was in his mind right away. information!

At this time, I heard Jack say: "Xiaofan, is this your martial soul? Are you another one with soul power?"

"Yes, Grandpa Jack, I can become a soul master!" Yang Fan happily responded to the old village chief.

"Become a soul master? Do you want to become a soul master even if your future achievements are too low?" The old village chief looked at the two teenagers who had awakened their soul power.Holy Soul Village only has one place for a working student from Notting Soul Master Junior College every year, and that's because there was a Soul Saint in this village. In other villages, only two or three villages are eligible for one!

"Yeah! I want to become a soul master! This is my dream!" Yang Fan affirmed.

"Okay, okay, if you are ambitious, grandpa will definitely help you become a soul master. Are you two willing to go to a specialized school to learn the training methods of a soul master? Only there can you have the most accurate knowledge about martial arts." Old Jack said.

"Of course!" No doubt!Yang Fan replied affirmatively!

Tang San had also developed a strong interest in martial arts at this time, especially since this martial spirit was related to his own Xuantian Kung, but he still did not have a direct and definite answer, "Grandpa Jack, you have to ask my dad about this."

"Xiao Fan, you go home with your mother first. I will go to your house and tell your mother later that I will take Xiao San home!" After Jack told Yang Fan, he took Tang San away.

"Xiaofan, do you want to go to school? Become a soul master." Yang Fan's mother came over at this time. Although she wanted her child to be with her all the time, a man had the right to go out and make a living, even if Yang Fan was still just a child.

"Of course, Mom, I will become a strong person, you have to believe me~"

"Well, I believe Xiaofan, mom will support you."


After dinner, Yang Fan lay on the bed and sorted out the information in his mind. For unknown reasons, this shallow attack became his martial spirit. He hesitated because of his strength, but only received a small part of the information contained in the Zanpakuto. These include spiritual power training methods, as well as ~ Bai Da, Kidō, Slash, and Shunpo!

Among them, Bai Da is a kind of physical skill and unarmed fighting skill.

Ghost path, on the other hand, is an advanced spell that can only be used by the God of Death, including path binding, breaking path, and returning path.

Broken Path: A ghost path with the purpose of attacking and destroying

Binding Dao: A ghost path whose purpose is to bind and imprison.

He replied: It is a kind of ghost path used for healing.

However, due to limitations in strength, it only received ghost paths within the tenth size.

Shunpo is an advanced footwork used by the Shinigami to move at a speed that cannot be seen by the enemy.

Slash, a move in which the Shinigami uses his Zanpakutō to slash the enemy!

This knowledge was really timely for Yang Fan. Although he learned a lot of skills from Tang San, Tang San had never handed over to Yang Fan all the martial arts of the Tang sect. It was not that Tang San was hiding it, but because of the regulations of the Tang sect. Disciples were not allowed to spread the word, even in another world Tang San abided by this rule.

In addition to Kidō, Hakuta, Shunpo, and slashing training methods, there are all complete methods. Except for advanced techniques such as Shunju and Flash Flower that cannot be practiced due to lack of strength, Shunpo can practice everything, and it can also be practiced at will. Improve with the improvement of strength and experience!

There is no hint on how to unlock the Zanpakutō. Do you need to obtain a soul ring?

Yang Fan, who couldn't figure it out, could only cultivate the treasures in his mind first. This knowledge would be enough for him to practice for a long time!

At night, Yang Fan sat cross-legged and sensed the spiritual energy in his body, only to realize that the spiritual energy did not need to be controlled to circulate. Although the speed was very slow, an extra bit was added every day of the cycle, and it was absorbed when the soul awakened during the day. Most of his spiritual power had grown back, and before he knew it, the spiritual power transmitted from his Zanpakutō had been permanently absorbed by him.

With his eyes closed and no distracting thoughts in his mind, Yang Fan actively circulated the spiritual power in his body, and the cycle time was greatly reduced. He felt that a lot of spiritual power was slowly gathering in the air around his body, and gradually gathered into his body. The spiritual power that is running becomes more and more powerful.

Unknowingly, it was dawn and Yang Fan opened his eyes!Joy flashed in his eyes, "Spiritual power has more than doubled! Becoming a soul master is just around the corner, right?"

After breakfast, Yang Fan began to practice the four major skills of the God of Death. He practiced step by step. After gaining knowledge, he had to experiment and master it himself!

After dinner, Yang Fan went to find Tang San and learned that the two of them would go to school together in three months. They were both very happy.

Yang Fan told Tang San that he would stop studying with Tang San at night and practice his soul power. Yang Fan's soul power was too low. Although Tang San didn't understand where Yang Fan got the soul power training method, as a brother, he didn't After all, everyone has his own secrets, just like himself.

Although cutting sounds very simple, it is a way of using a sword that can kill the enemy. Although it is not considered a secret book of swordsmanship, there is still a lot of knowledge in it, such as how the enemy attacks, and how to attack. Use a knife, a sword, or a fist, etc., whether to attack from the left or the right, whether to attack in a half-crouching position, or to jump up and attack, etc., etc., all kinds of ways to teach you How to find Dawn quickly, how to defend, how to kill the enemy, these are not just knowing how to deal with them, they also require constant exercise, practice makes perfect, and let the body generate memory so that it can be acted upon immediately when being attacked or attacking the enemy. reaction!

Of course, there is also the most basic sword swing!This is top priority!Only by practicing again and again and swinging the sword again and again can you become a qualified swordsman.

The practice of Shunpo can be practiced together with the practice of slashing.

Only the ghost path needs to be practiced alone. Each of the ten ghost paths requires time to master. People with extraordinary talents may not necessarily become strong, but those who have talent and work hard will definitely become strong!

So and so~

Three months passed quickly!

"The four white thunders that break the path!"

As the sound rang out, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the forest and hit a big tree at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye!


"After practicing for so long, I can finally exert my full power without giving up chanting!" Yang Fan looked at the hole as big as a bowl in front of him, which penetrated the tree with a diameter of [-] centimeters!There were many tiny gaps around the hole, and there were still tiny arcs of electricity around the gaps, flickering slightly, and with a gentle push, the big tree fell down.

Then Yang Fan opened his right hand, and a knife with a scabbard appeared in his hand, and his whole body surged with spiritual power!The blade immediately grew in size, with a total length of eighty centimeters (centimeter). The whole blade was very simple, but with the blessing of spiritual power, it looked very powerful!

When he saw Yang Fan, he grasped it with five fingers!Grab the knife by the hilt!Although he was standing casually, he suddenly rushed towards the small tree about ten meters away on the right side of his body at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly, a figure was twenty centimeters away from the small tree. Yang Fan raised his head slightly and squatted in half. His body made a movement to retract the knife, and a breeze blew by, and his shoulder-length short hair was gently blown up!So handsome!

"Hahahahaha! This bi is so pretentious! This is the normal way for time travellers to open up! Only strong ones can pretend to be bi! The ancients didn't bully me!" Yang Fan laughed with some satisfaction, coming from time to time is approaching It’s been a year and I finally have some capital.

"Xiao San, Xiao San, it seems that I am the eldest brother of this protagonist! Uh~ No! Counting the time, Xiao San's hidden weapon has been prepared! Misstep! Mistake!" Yang Fan suddenly remembered, Tang San But the master of hidden weapons!The deepest and most powerful skill he has now is hidden weapons. Not long before he went to school, he chiseled the pig iron he had been hammering into an iron mother, and made the first hidden weapon in his life! Where can I hit within 30 meters?

"Oh, I was so focused on improving my strength that I forgot about this. It's not easy to be the big brother. The mistress also has cheats~ It's nerve-wracking." Of course, Tang San wouldn't use his trump card against Yang Fan, which was a hidden weapon. Neither did Yang Fan, nor Bai Lei. It is also very powerful and faster, like thunder and lightning, of course it is fast, but this is a killing move, and it is impossible to use it on Tang San, because they are friends and brothers.See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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