Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 41 Departure to Sunset Forest

Yin Shu took Yang Fan to find an independent two-story building. The house was clean, and all the equipment and beds were new. He learned that Liu Erlong would take Yang Fan to Sunset Forest tomorrow. Although he had some doubts, He left without asking or assigning any tasks to Yang Fan.

The next day, as soon as a hint of white appeared in the sky, Yang Fan got up and set off. He walked to the big tree in Liu Erlong's territory and waited. He was about to kill the fallen cherry blossom tree. Yang Fan was extremely excited!

About ten minutes later, Liu Erlong walked out of the house, "Ha~ it's still dark, why should you be so anxious?" Liu Erlong, who was neatly dressed, obviously sensed Yang Fan and got up.

"Hey, Dean, you're up. Aren't I excited? If I absorb the ten thousand year soul beast, then hey hey hey hey~" Yang Fan drooled just thinking about it.

"Hmph, you came early in the morning to disturb my rest. Half a year's salary is gone." Liu Erlong, who had a bad temper, was obviously very angry when he got up. Yang Fan didn't realize it, and started doing various things on his own. As a daydream, Liu Erlong will have half a year's salary deducted if he disagrees!

"Dean~How can this be like this~" Yang Fan immediately perked up when he heard the salary. That's money. Even the lowest teacher still gets one hundred gold coins a month. With the Soul Palace subsidy, the Soul Sect doesn't have this. He immediately lowered his eyebrows and said ~ "Hey, Dean, you are so beautiful, pure and pure, naturally beautiful, like a fish and a wild goose, with a beautiful face and a beautiful face, the beauty of the country, the beauty of the country, the delicate makeup, the pink makeup and jade... (omitted. .) It must be a joke, right~"

"..." I didn't expect you to be such a person!Liu Erlong was speechless. Hearing Yang Fan's praise, he felt a lot better because he got up early. "Huh, no need to flatter me. Can you tell me how beautiful I am?"

"Let's go have a meal first." Liu Erlong said, crossing Yang Fan and walking towards the outside of the college.

"Dean, no salary deduction, right?" Yang Fan caught up and asked with a smile.

"Hmph, let's forget it this time, for Flender's sake." Liu Erlong said.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that after Shrek Academy, the title of Dean Flender is quite useful~" Listening to Yang Fan's words, Liu Erlong thought, maybe it is~

The two of them got up too early, and the restaurant in the college was not cooking yet. After leaving Lanba College, they found a breakfast restaurant that was already open, filled their stomachs simply, and set off towards the Sunset Forest.

It is very close from Tiandou City to Sunset Forest, and this Sunset Forest can also be said to be the place where soul masters hunt and kill soul beasts in most of the nearby cities centered on Tiandou City.

The Sunset Forest is located in the center of the Tiandou Empire, and the temperature is much lower than that of the Star Dou Forest. As a result, the plants here are more temperate plants unique to the north.

Tropical plants feel denser and more humid.While temperate plants feel cooler, they are not as dense as tropical plants.Therefore, to act in the forest, the Sunset Forest is much easier than the Star Dou Great Forest.

The soul beasts in the Sunset Forest that they met on the road were similar to those in the Star Dou Forest. Fortunately, Liu Erlong knew the approximate location, and Yang Fan was not weak. They had covered most of the distance in one day, so the two of them found a location at random. Rest and spend the night. Along the way, the thousand-year-old soul beasts without eyes were quickly beaten away by Liu Erlong~ Such a bad temper~

Yang Fan was speechless and thought to himself, this is still the time when Liu Erlong has a good temper. He really deserves to be a female tyrannosaurus~

Yang Fan was anxious to get the soul ring, and Liu Erlong wanted to go back quickly. The two simply ate some food and did not light a fire. Yang Fan was responsible for the first half of the vigil, and there was no talk all night.Early the next morning, the two set out again.

"Dean, we're almost there~" Yang Fan asked with a smile as he watched Liu Erlong swinging an 8000-year-old lizard-like soul beast around.

"Are you anxious?" Liu Erlong exerted force, and the half-dead rock lizard in his hand was thrown away within the sight of the two of them, "Come on, it will take about half an hour or so."

"Sweat~" Yang Fan looked at the direction in which the spotted rock lizard flew out, and sighed in his heart, poor soul beast~ It's all my fault, who can let this violent member of his family in Tiandou City~

"Follow me." Liu Erlong's voice came out.

The two of them moved forward quickly again. Less than half an hour later, Liu Erlong stopped and Yang Fan looked forward far away.

"What a familiar scene~" What comes into view is a circle of grass more than two meters high. From a distance, there is a cherry blossom tree more than ten meters high in the center of the grass. There are actually airtight cherry blossoms growing on the branches. , looks like a huge pink mushroom. A gust of wind happened to blow over, and the cherry blossom grass floated in the wind. There were more than hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms in the sky~ Damn it, there are still less than half of the cherry blossoms that have not fallen from the tree~


"Dean, are you okay?" He is the holder of Senbonzakura. The strength of this thousand-year-old soul beast, coupled with countless cherry blossoms, is a bit incomprehensible.

"I'm the Soul Saint!" Liu Erlong rolled his eyes, "And my fire dragon, it's a tree!"

The embarrassment in capital letters appeared on Yang Fan's face. Senbonzakura is the Death God Zanpakutō. In this world, it belongs to martial souls and weapon martial souls. No matter what the material is, it is not made of wood. Although the Falling Blade Sakura tree is the same as Senbonzakura. The ability is almost the same, but unfortunately it is still wood no matter how awesome it is. Of course it is afraid of fire, not to mention Liu Erlong, a fire tyrannosaurus!

"I'm on board, just wait here." Liu Erlong said, rolling up his sleeves and about to step forward to kill the fallen cherry blossom tree.

"Dean! Wait!" Yang Fan quickly grabbed Liu Erlong, "Don't be anxious, let's make a plan first~"

"What? Does this thing even need a plan? You don't need to take action, I will save you the last blow later." Liu Erlong felt that he was defeated by Yang Fan's IQ. Did she look weak along the way? ?Is there any mistake?

"No, no! Dean, you have such a bad temper, listen to me~" Yang Fan said seriously, holding Liu Erlong's arm without letting go. "I heard that if the soul beast does not have deep resentment when it is killed, then it will be relatively easy to absorb. On the contrary, if the soul beast has extremely deep resentment, then it will also be difficult to absorb the soul ring. There are two situations. It is most beneficial to the soul master if the soul ring is absorbed after the death of the soul beast. One is that the soul beast is full of extreme resentment. In this case, the chance of dropping soul bones will also increase significantly. The other situation is when The soul beast is killed voluntarily. When you voluntarily give yourself a soul ring to become a soul master, there is almost a [-]% chance that the soul bone will drop, and the soul ring will be perfectly absorbed without being limited by the age."

"Dean, please see if you can burn off its leaves so that it can't attack. I think it will take a long time for it to grow back with so many leaves. Then we'll wait here for a long time and then I'll go While it has no attack power, tease it and then chop it, maybe you can get the soul bone ~ This is a ten thousand year soul beast." Yang Fan also thought beautifully, but when he said it, it seemed like this, and with a light hand, Liu Erlong stopped, his eyes filled with strange color, and looked at Yang Fan.

"Who did you hear this from? Flanders?" Liu Erlong asked, staring at Yang Fan with twinkling eyes, "He doesn't understand this, but he knows a person who is particularly good at studying soul beasts. His name is Yu Xiao Just~ do you know me?"

"Yu Xiaogang? I don't know him~ I heard this information outside the Tiandou City Spirit Fighting Arena~ Dean Flanders really didn't teach me this knowledge. Dean, you may not know, Shi Lake College teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, has abnormal admissions requirements, and abnormal graduation requirements. There are more teachers than students, and the teaching is very loose and free for every student. To graduate, you must reach level 10, and you must obtain the Silver Fighting Soul Order. I am Under special circumstances, you will be released by me only if you can fight beyond the level..." For a moment, Yang Fan could only think of such a rhetoric, and could only see if he could change the subject. Hey~ It was really hard to talk to Liu Erlong. He was always afraid of revealing his secrets. It's like serving the emperor. If you say a few wrong words, it will be useless. You can drag him out and shoot him for [-] minutes...

"Huh? The requirements are so high?" Liu Erlong withdrew his eye-catching gaze.

"Are you trying to say that you are a genius? After all, you are only level 33. It seems that except for your stronger combat power, your talent is not much better than your classmates." See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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