Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 21 The wabisuke of the Yin people

Li Yusong stood up suddenly, looked at Yang Fan carefully, and asked.

"You are nine years old?!"

"Nine years old!??" x2

Zhao Wuji and Dai Mubai shouted at the same time.

"Yeah, yes, I'm nine and a half years old this year." Yang Fan pretended to be very obedient and said.

"Nine years old? Didn't you say you are less than thirteen! You are growing up too fast!" Dai Mubai rolled his eyes. This is too deceptive. You are 12 years old and you can still say that. Nine years old?You've grown longer by taking hormones.

"Yes, nine years old, not yet 13 years old." He said and looked at Dai Mubai, don't you understand such a simple truth?

"You said your soul power has exceeded level 21?" Dai Mubai rolled his eyes speechlessly, and instantly felt that this potential junior was no longer as cute as before.

"Hmm, I'm level 29." Yang Fan stuck out his tongue and said he was cute.

"Level 29, level 29, come on, send your soul power in." Several people were already a little shocked. Li Yusong quickly took out the crystal ball for testing soul power and asked Yang Fan to confirm.

Yang Fan took the crystal ball and sent spiritual power into it. The crystal ball suddenly lit up!Yes, it is really level 29, and looking at the light in the crystal ball, Yang Fan may break through to level [-] at any time.

"Monster, monster! Monster among monsters!" Several people murmured.

"Yang Fan, what is your martial spirit?"

Several people stared at Yang Fan curiously. He was nine years old and level 29. According to the situation, the stronger the martial spirit, the faster the soul power upgrades. Yang Fan's martial spirit must be very, very awesome, maybe the most awesome in the history of Douluo Continent. Martial spirit.

"Uh, hey, this is my martial spirit." Yang Fan, who felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the three people, picked up the shallow sword hanging on his waist and raised it.

"Dagger?" Li Yusong

"Is it very ordinary?" Zhao Wuji

"Isn't it a soul guide!?" Dai Mubai

"The teacher said that my martial spirit is a mutated martial spirit~" Yang Fan explained.

"Teacher? Mutated martial soul? It should be very powerful, right? Come, follow me to the playground and have a test! Well, your soul power has exceeded level 25, so you don't need to take the next two tests. This is the last entrance test. !" Zhao Wuji was very happy to see Yang Fan's mutated martial spirit. He suppressed his arrogance by educating this awesome genius, haha.

"Ah? Teacher Zhao, shouldn't I be the one taking the test for this level? It's so unfair for you to fight Yang Fan!" Dai Mubai also wanted to compete with Yang Fan.

"No, there's not much difference in levels between you two. Let me do it. Haha, as long as you can survive half a stick of incense, you will be admitted!" Zhao Wuji became interested. How could he care about Dai Mubai and wait for Yang Fan to enroll? , he is a teacher, but he does not have such an opportunity to educate Yang Fan.

Yes, the nine-year-old and 29th-level Yang Fan is already a student of Shrek Academy in Zhao Wuji's heart. This competition is just to let Yang Fan know the motivation to move forward and the awe of the strong, which will help Yang Fan discover in the future. Zhao Wuji is not afraid of where Yang Fan comes from as a spy or something. Shrek School is still very powerful!Besides, who would send such a rare genius to a place like theirs?

"Boy, I'm a level 74 soul saint. Just use whatever moves you have. If you can't do a few moves in my hands, you won't be qualified to join Shrek School!" Zhao Wuji stood in the center of the playground like a hill. Seven soul rings emerged vigorously, yellow, yellow, purple, black and black, and the entire playground was filled with oppressive force.

"Yang Fan, Teacher Zhao's martial spirit is the Vajra Bear, a powerful beast martial spirit. There are no flaws in his body, and his defense power is extremely terrifying. Even a soul master with the same level as him can hardly break through his defense. He causes damage. Although speed is not what Teacher Zhao is good at, the gap in soul power between you and him is too big, and it is impossible to be faster than him in this regard. Teacher Zhao's strongest strength is attack power and defense. In There is a nickname of Fudo Mingwang in the academy, half a stick of incense time! I hope Teacher Zhao will not take it seriously!" Dai Mubai ran to Yang Fan and secretly provided Yang Fan with some information.

"The speed is not fast enough? Thanks, Dai Mubai, I will work hard!" Yang Fan said, the speed is not fast enough, well, you can use some tricks~

Yang Fan walked to the opposite side of Zhao Wuji and said politely: "Teacher Zhao, I'm going to attack! You have to be careful~"

"Hehe, boy, feel free to come at any attack. That boy Dai Mubai should have told you that my martial spirit is a powerful diamond bear, which has very strong defense! Haha, don't be afraid of hurting me!" Zhao Wuji continued to ramble. .

In Shrek Academy, Yang Fan did not hide. With the movement of spiritual power, two purple soul rings rose from the soles of Yang Fan's feet. The second soul ring lit up. Qian Da was already in his hand. As Yang Fan whispered: "Look up, Wabisuke!" The shallow knife in Yang Fan's hand instantly turned into a hook-like knife.

That's right, Yang Fan hasn't used it since he got Wabisuke. He only used Senbonzakura to fight against the dean of Notting Academy, because the dean is an attack spirit master of the agility department. It doesn't matter if he can't kill him with wabisuke. I used it. I finally encountered a defensive pretender today. I'm really sorry if I don't give him a good look.

"Thousand-year soul ring!" x3 three people exclaimed

While Zhao Wuji was marveling, Yang Fan seized the opportunity and started to attack Shuai Xian. In an instant, a shadow flashed in Dai Mubai's eyes. Yang Fan was already behind Zhao Wuji, and the wabisuke in his hand quickly slashed at the person who had just reacted. Zhao Wuji,.

"Do not move the body of King Ming!"

Zhao Wuji was obviously shocked by Yang Fan's thousand-year soul ring and speed, so he used the soul ring skill safely.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Yang Fan's wabisuke quickly slashed three times at Zhao Wuki's back without breaking his defense. He dodged the fists swung by Zhao Wuki and continued to roam around Zhao Wuki's side, attacking with his wabisuke.

After several moves, Zhao Wuji had been slashed eighteen times by Wabisuke, but no one knew Wabisuke's ability. Zhao Wuji was slashed by Yang Fan's strange knife for a long time, but found that it did not have much power and was beaten. I just felt a little pain for a long time.

"Boy! Is this your Thousand-Year Soul Ring Skill? It's so incompetent! It's such a disgrace to the Thousand-Year Soul Ring. Hmm, you run pretty fast. It's really annoying." He couldn't catch you, a little great Soul Master. , This is not okay, it’s too embarrassing, huh, Zhao Wuji thought to himself.

Yang Fan's Ghost Step is very useful for changing directions in battle. Zhao Wuji always goes straight, but it's not easy to catch Yang Fan.

"Increased gravity!" The third purple soul ring lit up, and the entire playground instantly doubled its gravity. As Wabisuke's master, Yang Fan was particularly adaptable to gravity. Among the surprised expressions of the three people on the field, Yang Fan's overall speed It only weakened by one level, and Yang Fan adapted to the change in gravity in just one second!

Under the increased gravity, Yang Fan had some difficulty dodging Zhao Wuji's offensive, and struck Zhao Wuji three times. Yang Fan blocked Zhao Wuji's fist with unknown strength and flew away ten meters away. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Wuji with a smile. Wuji, I thought to myself.

"21 knives. 21/3=7. Two two is four, two four is eight, two is 86, 32, 64, 120 and eight? Wow, that's a big deal. The baby is a little scared..." Yang Fan muttered with some fear. , I thought to myself, hey, the boat has capsized in the gutter, old driver Zao Wou-Ki, it seems you are about to capsize!

Well, our Yang Fan knows how many times gravity is, and he just wants to show off to those who are doing it. Even if they don’t understand what he means now, they will soon~~~

"Kid, what are you muttering about? 120! Scared? Humph, I made you scared!"

"Gravity increase! Twice! See if I don't beat you to death!" Zhao Wuji didn't know what Yang Fan meant, and thought he was afraid of him. This is not possible. When did the battle begin?He was so scared that he didn't even hurt him!No, this talent is in vain, you must educate yourself!Zhao Wuji thought to himself.

The sudden increase in gravity bent Yang Fan's body a little, but...

"Afraid? No, no, no, Teacher Zhao, I just want to say, if you don't take it seriously, you will lose." Yang Fan continued to say to Zhao Wuji with a smile.

"Yang Fan! Don't talk nonsense!" Dai Mubai said anxiously, while rolling his eyes countless times in his heart. Isn't Yang Fan afraid of death?How dare you provoke Teacher Zhao!

"No, no, I'm serious~" Yang Fan stood up straight and naughtily stretched out a finger of his right hand and waved it in front of his chest to express his denial of the misunderstanding of several people.

"Pah~ four times the gravity!" Yang Fan snapped his fingers and said expressionlessly.

"Uh! Boom~" Zhao Wuji fell to the ground unexpectedly, but immediately stood up with some difficulty.

"Gravity? Since it is also gravity, and it is only exerted on me!" Zhao Wuji looked at the lawns around the playground that were damaged by his double gravity. After feeling the heavy gravity of his body, he finally said to Yang Fan with certainty.

"That's right~ Teacher Zhao, half a stick of incense is about to arrive~" Yang Fan had a faint and dangerous smile on his lips.

Zhao Wuji glanced sideways at the incense and found that it was already half burned. He gradually lost his composure and prepared to get serious!

"Boy, I'll kill you with two moves, positioning and tracking!" Following Zhao Wuji's dull cry, the second thousand-year soul ring lit up. Zhao Wuji made an aiming gesture, and the soul ring flew out and latched onto Yang Fan, and then The whole figure jumped over like Yang Fan!

"Yang Fan, be careful, Teacher Zhao's move is tracking, you can't run away!" Dai Mubai reminded.

Yang Fan heard the prompt, turned around and smiled gently at Dai Mubai, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, look, he can't get through~"


"Boom!!! Ah!" Zhao Wuji's skill was interrupted when he was about to hit Yang Fan two meters in the air, and he fell down from the air head-first. A scream came over him. It seemed that he was injured. ~

"Eight times gravity..." At this moment, Yang Fan's gentle voice came slowly.

"Hmph!" By the way, Zhao Wuji had suffered such a big loss before Tang San came to school at Shrek, and he suffered such a big loss from a student who was taking an exam!He was so angry that he suddenly became angry!

"Gravity squeeze!" The first ten thousand year soul ring lights up!The terrifying weight and gravity hit Yang Fan from all directions. I thought of crushing his body and flying towards the source of the pressure on Zhao Wuji's head!See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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