Two years later, Yang Fan set out for Soto City alone.

You read it right. Yang Fan went to Soto City alone with the master's letter of introduction from Shrek, because in two years, Yang Fan had already become a level 29 great soul master, and could break through to level three at any time. Level ten, so in order to allow Yang Fan to better attach soul rings, the master had to send him away.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were a little reluctant to let go of Yang Fan, well... well, good friends, but they didn't feel too sad after learning that they would meet again at Shrek Academy in the future.

It is worth mentioning that after more than two years of hard work, Yang Fan's Zanpakutō can finally be unlocked. Perhaps because of the different rules of the world, Yang Fan's Zanpakutō does not have any skills after it has been unlocked. It seems that it can only add souls. After the ring, skills can be formed by absorbing the rules of the soul ring. Fortunately, it has been successfully unlocked. It is extremely sharp. Hold it in your hand and wave it gently as the blade slides, as if it can cut open the space. Unfortunately, how can Yang Fan increase it? Even the spiritual power failed to cut through the space. Under the test of the master, his Zanpakuto was not only able to cut through steel and iron, but also easily cut through the soul power. It was simply a dangerous weapon in the world.

The blade has not changed since Shikai, but the handle has become more beautiful. There are also three peanut-sized transparent gems on it. I don't know what they are for. The Zanpakutō has been slowly absorbing his extra spiritual power, so that It has been a month since Yang Fan reached level 29 but he has not yet broken through. However, this absorption can be controlled. If Yang Fan wants to increase his level, he only needs to control the Zanpakutō not to absorb spiritual power.

Therefore, Yang Fan was not in a hurry to level up, and just let his Zanpakutō absorb the spiritual power. Maybe he would know its use once it had absorbed enough.

Before leaving again, the master gave Yang Fan the Horcrux that he had promised to him to store. It was a bracelet engraved with a violet pattern. Although it was not as good as Tang San's belt, it could provide three cubic meters of storage space. Yang Fan was already very satisfied, and it took a lot of effort for the master to acquire this Horcrux.

Soto City is said to be the granary of the Balak Kingdom. The Balak Kingdom is one of the four great empires within the Tiandou Empire. Shrek Academy is located south of Soto City.

The distance between Notting City and Soto City is not close. Originally, Yang Fan wanted to find a caravan to go to Soto City. Unfortunately, the latest caravan to go to Soto City had to wait for half a month. Yang Fan was still confident in his own strength. Yes, I spent some money to hire a carriage.

The coachman was an old man, in his 50s. When one of them heard that they were going to Soto City at first, all the coachmen refused to go. Later, it was Yang Fan who showed his Great Soul Master badge and spent extra money to get one to agree.

The carriage traveled slowly and leisurely for a week, but it hadn't arrived yet. Fortunately, there was enough food prepared.

Yang Fan couldn't do anything alone in the car. He could only refine spiritual power for the Zanpakutō to absorb. Not to mention, through Yang Fan's efforts, he discovered that there were three transparent gems on the Zanpakutō, and the top one was faintly hidden. With a trace of blue water droplets, could it be that the spiritual power has been absorbed by it?Yang Fan thought secretly.

Although as the spiritual power increases, the water droplets in the gem are also slowly growing. Unfortunately, it is too slow. I don't know how long it will take to fill the entire gem.

Fortunately, the Zanpakutō's ability to absorb spiritual power has changed, and we now know that the spiritual power is not wasted. Once the gem is filled with blue water, we may know what its use is.

On this day, Yang Fan, who was refining his spiritual power, suddenly felt the carriage stop, slowly opened his eyes, and said excitedly: "Did we encounter a caravan with girls, or were we robbed, haha , the journey of the protagonist has begun, it’s time to go out and pretend to be a slap in the face!”

It's been too boring recently, and the coachman is not a talkative person. He has been refining his spiritual power for half a month. Yang Fan felt that some familiar scenes should keep happening on the protagonist's road. No, Yang Fan got out of the carriage a little happily. .

"Ah? Where is the enemy? Where is the girl!"

Yang Fan got off the carriage and found that the situation at the scene was different from what he imagined. There was no group of fierce men, but he found a caravan of more than 20 people on the roadside. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no girls on the side.

"Uh, little brother, it's getting dark. There's a caravan in front of us taking a rest. Should we take a rest here too?" The old coachman's name is Fudi. Most people older than him call him Lao Di. Listen. It sounds a bit homophonic, haha, I mean it, brother.

"Oh, haha, that's it, Mr. Di, let's take a rest here." Yang Fan smiled awkwardly, and then the two of them sat in the car and ate dry food. Soto City will be here in two days. When we arrived, the journey was boring but not dangerous. The food in the car was enough for two days.

After eating dry food, Di Lao led the carriage to the grassland on the side of the pipeline to feed the horses. At this time, Yang Fan saw a middle-aged man leading the caravan coming over.

"Brother, I see that you are heading towards Soto City." This middle-aged man is about forty years old, with thick and neat eyebrows, a pair of sparkling eyes, and is dressed like an adventurer. He has a badge issued by the Soul Palace on his chest. He is a great soul master and his manner of speaking is very gentle.

"Uh, yes, uncle, this is not far from Soto City, right?" Yang Fan didn't expect anyone from the caravan on the opposite side to come over. People are most dangerous outside, so caravans rarely interact with each other. They all rub shoulders with each other or set off separately after resting not far away, unless they have acquaintances.

However, seeing that the leader of the other party was also a great soul master, Yang Fan was not worried or afraid. Before departure, Yang Fan had a competition with the dean who had completed his studies in Nuoding. Although Yang Fan lost, the dean said frankly that with Yang Fan, Xiao Yinbi's strength, as long as it is not an opponent's soul skill or a rare spiritual skill, no one below the Soul Sect can be his opponent. His Zanpakutō ability is almost unmatched at the same level. At level 29, he has a leapfrog fighting soul. Sir, if there is no thousand-year soul ring skill or spiritual skill, Senbonzakura will teach his enemies how to behave, and Wabisuke will let his enemies know what to do!

"Haha, we'll be there in about two days along the official road. I see that you two are so busy. It seems like you have been walking for a long time. We are also going to Soto City. Why don't we come together? I heard Recently, a group of bandits appeared on the road. The leader is a great spirit master who specializes in picking out caravans with few people passing by to rob. Together, we can take care of you two." The uncle is a warm-hearted person, and it is also because the two of them are alone. The young man, an old man, only extended the invitation under the premise that there was no danger.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, it's so troublesome for you, uncle!" Yang Fan is not afraid of the great soul master, but driving for half a month is really boring, so it would be nice to have more people.

"Haha, it's okay, no trouble, my name is Langton, I am the leader of this caravan, and I am also a great soul master," Langton said, holding out the badge on his chest.

"Hey, Uncle Lan, I'm a soul master too~" Yang Fan curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Really? That's great. Let's go, brother. It's safer to go to the Chamber of Commerce this time. Soul Master~ Brother, you have a good talent. Unlike me, I am a level 40 in my 23s. Great Soul Master! Are you going to Soto City this time to attend the Intermediate Soul Master Academy?" Langton thought that Yang Fan should be a soul master of more than ten levels. After all, there are so many geniuses, and he happened to meet him. .

"Yes, uncle, I came from Notting City, and my teacher asked me to go to Soto City to study." Langton didn't ask in detail, and Yang Fan didn't elaborate. They separated after two days, so there was no need to worry about it.

"Notting City, it's so far away. I'm really lucky. This road is not easy to walk, haha. But Soto City is almost here. In two days, it's getting late. Come and camp together. We'll camp together early tomorrow morning. Let’s go!” Langton looked at the sky and said.

"Okay, uncle."


At dawn the next day, everyone set off after breakfast.

"Everyone, cheer up. Soto City is coming soon. After finishing this job, we can rest at home for a few months!"


"Boss, no problem"

"Hey, I'm finally home."

As time passed slowly, everyone in the caravan began to be cautious, because not far away, there was a forest on the left and right of the pipeline ahead, and robbers often appeared there.

"A lot of people have been robbed recently, so everyone must be careful." Langton warned.

"Akui, the forest is almost here. Go ahead and explore the road. Be careful."

"Yes, head."

A young man in the car on the left side of the team jumped out, flashed a soul ring on his body, and ran as fast as the forest ahead.

Yang Fan looked at A Kui in confusion, why was there no change in the martial arts soul skills?

"Akui's martial soul is the eyes, and the use of soul skills does not change much. Unfortunately, the talent is not good. He is only level 23 at [-]. The first soul ring can make the eyes see further. He is usually responsible for investigation. "Seeing Yang Fan's doubts, Langton explained.

A few minutes later, Akui came back and said with a serious face: "Boss, the road 2000 meters ahead was blocked by trees!"

"It seems that the group of robbers haven't left yet! We have no choice but to rush over. I am also a great soul master. If we pay a little price, they will let us go!" The forest in front of the official road is very large and cannot be bypassed. It’s such a detour, and if we go back this time, we’ll be wasting our time. There’s not enough food, so we have to fight for it.


Following Langton's order, the motorcade stopped and started again.

"Brother, should we separate from them and go through the forest?" Yang Fan's carriage is not big and can barely drive in the deep forest. As an ordinary person, Fudi obviously does not want to lie in this muddy water.

"No, Mr. Fu, that would take too much time! And I am a level 29 great soul master!" Yang Fan said as he waved and took out the soul master certificate from his bracelet.

"Level 29?!" See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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