Pokémon: Escape

Chapter 86 Meow Meow VS Cunning Tengu

Xiaoyao looked at the cunning tengu who was approaching Miaomiao quickly. The two palm-like leaves were shining with beautiful green light. , yelled to dispel the fear in his heart. Xiaoyao just wanted Miaomiao to avoid it, but the distance between the cunning tengu and Miaomiao made it impossible for Miaomiao to avoid this blade attack. Xiaoyao coughed lightly and said calmly: "Ignore the attack and use coquettishness."

Miao Miao calmed down quickly, as if he couldn't see the blade attack coming towards him. He narrowed his eyes, and his smiling eyes were bent into a line. He gently shook his tail and called sweetly. She screamed, and pink hearts appeared on Meow Meow's body. Then, blue light appeared on Meow Meow's body. At the same time, Meow Meow's blade also hit Meow Meow. With a cry, he flew backwards and fell to the ground. There were obvious injuries on his body. He stood up reluctantly, breathing heavily, as if he had been seriously injured.

Xiaoyao frowned slightly and looked at Miaomiao. His eyes were fixed on the injured position of Miaomiao. He immediately understood the reason why the damage was so high. It actually hit the vital point. Although coquettishness reduced the two-level physical attack of the cunning tengu, but Hitting a vital point ignores the increase or decrease in ability, and the damage will increase a lot at the same time. Xiaoyao gritted his teeth.

Wutong smiled softly and said: "Don't give him a chance, Cunning Tengu, use the blade." Miao Miao's body was already shaking slightly. I'm afraid I can't withstand this attack, but Miao Miao, who was seriously injured, should The site collection is incomplete, please contact Gege Party. If you are already on Gege Party, please turn off the browser ad blocking plug-in to display all chapter content.


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