Holy light elf as steward

Chapter 4 Early stage of travel

Baiying opened the door with joy and welcomed a new beginning.

"Bang bang bang" and "happy birthday blue prayer" were accompanied by fluttering ribbons and powdery snow. The four people present clapped happily, while Bai Ying's face looked like she was constipated.

"Hey, it's not Lan Qi."

"Who are you"

A series of questions were thrown at Bai Ying. Bai Ying spit out the snow that accidentally sprayed into her mouth and forced a smile, "I am Bai Ying, Lan Qi's housekeeper. I am here..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ying knew everyone here. They all used to be Lan Qi's chief combat team. Unexpectedly, with Lan Qi's return, these people would also return. If Bai Ying hadn't been carrying a suitcase in his hand, , had already rushed to give each of them a hug.

Lan Qi walked in from the door with his backpack. When he saw the scene in front of him, he pretended to be very angry, "You'd better clean this place up for me. I just bought the new house less than two days ago and I haven't lived in it yet. Clean it up quickly."

Lan Qi looked at everyone present, and finally couldn't pretend anymore. He threw away his backpack and ran towards the big cake, grabbing a little cream and smearing it on other people's faces.

Bai Ying saw them playing and having fun, and moved the salute to other rooms in a sensible manner.

The moment she walked up the stairs, Bai Ying accidentally bumped into someone, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." Bai Ying apologized quickly.

"It's okay, just go up."

This voice, Xia Yu and Bai Ying looked up at Xia Yu with cold expressions. The two looked at each other for a full minute without anyone speaking first. Bai Ying wished she could throw Xia Yu to the bottom of the sea to feed the sharks right now.

Xia Yu was not a fool. He could tell at a glance that Bai Ying was hostile to him. "Is there something going on between us? You don't seem to like me very much."

How could I like you? Bai Ying smiled and said, "You misunderstood. It was just my first day as a housekeeper, so I was a little nervous. And I bumped into you head-on, so I was a little at a loss." That's right, I don't like you very much.

Xia Yu helped him carry a small box, "That's good. I thought I offended you somewhere. Let me help you. You can't finish carrying so many things." Xia Yu led Bai Ying to Lan Qi's house. bedroom.

Bai Ying had some doubts. The current Xia Yu was also reincarnated, so he also didn't remember Bai Ying or what he had done. Moreover, he also liked Lan Qi a little, so Xia Yu should be harmless, but Dadi The Mother never makes wild claims, and everything she says will happen in unexpected ways in the future.

Xia Yu and his friends celebrated Lan Qi's birthday again. Bai Ying tidied the bedroom alone so that he had enough time to clear his mind. Is Xia Yu here a blessing or a curse? Will Lan Qi be killed again? Years ago, due to Xia Yu's betrayal, Lan Qi died, and the other four people also died fighting by the river, with no bones left.

Bai Ying quietly hid behind the stairs and looked at the people at the table. Everyone was happily eating cakes and drinking drinks. The scene was so harmonious, but often the calmer the water, there will always be huge waves in its depths. .

The short ponytail girl on the table, Qin Junhan, is small in stature but has excellent fighting skills. She likes to assassinate in secret, but now she looks like a rebellious child.

The nerd with glasses, Lu Zehui, was an invincible fighter at the time. He knew wolf language and easily won every battle.

The one with the most beautiful smile is Yao Xuanyu. She is good at bow and arrow. Standing on the treetop, she can shoot three people with one arrow.

The rough man sipping the drink is Yan Yu. He has a bold personality and does not stick to trivial matters. He holds a big sword and kills the enemy on his horse.

Xia Yu, a born warrior, followed Lan Qi in every battle, and he was able to handle any weapon with ease.

While observing everyone, Bai Ying discovered one thing. These people had the same personalities as before, but did not have the previous abilities. That is to say, Bai Ying had to take care of these people while protecting Lan Qi. Of course, except for Xia Yu.

Bai Ying rubbed her sore head and lay on the bed. He was now two heads and two older, and he came into contact with people from the past without knowing anything, including the culprit Xia Yu.

His majestic Holy Light Elf, the guardian of the earth, Lan Qi's little follower, is actually tied up because of Xia Yu, and he wears it out without making others laugh.

Time passed by, and the birthday party was over. Lan Qi saw off her friends. Drunk, she climbed up the stairs top-heavy. Bai Ying saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

Bai Ying helped her get on the bed, poured a glass of water, turned her back to Lan Qi and used spiritual power to turn the water a little green, "Drink this glass of water and you can sleep peacefully." Bai Ying put the water glass away Hand it in front of her.

Lan Qi tried his best to open his eyes wide and try to see Bai Ying's appearance clearly, "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. You're very familiar, but I can't remember." Lan Qi burped, "You look very similar. one person..."

Bai Ying's face was stiff. He was afraid of hearing that answer. He was afraid that Lan Qi would say the answer he never wanted to hear, "What do I look like?" No, don't say it, not even when you are drunk.

"I really want to be an idiot, hehehe..." Drunk Lan Qi was like a child, saying strange words that made people angry, but he was reluctant to get angry at her.

"Okay, okay, I'm an idiot," Bai Ying hurriedly fed Lan Qi some water, "Drink the water and have a good sleep. The idiot will look at you."

After drinking the water, Lan Qi lay down in a daze and muttered, "Idiot, you are an idiot, hey hey hey, tomorrow we are going on a trip before school starts, you prepare the things I want to bring, don't... Forgot..." Soon, Lan Qi fell into a deep sleep.

Bai Ying covered her with a quilt and closed the door gently. He lowered his head. You still said it. When you were drunk thousands of years ago, you also said that I was an idiot. Should I be happy?

In this lonely night, Bai Ying is destined to have trouble sleeping.

"Didi, didi." Bai Ying turned off the alarm clock, got dressed, washed up, packed her travel luggage, and made a hearty breakfast in the kitchen.

Opening the door to Lan Qi's room, he opened the curtains and let the first ray of light in the morning shine in. "Wake up, Your Highness Lan Qi, who is so sleepy." As soon as he said the words, he realized something was wrong. He used to call Lan Qi this way. Those who got up can't change it for a while.

Fortunately, Lan Qi didn't hear the problem and said in a daze: "What time is it? I want to sleep for a while." After saying that, he covered his head with the quilt and ignored him.

Bai Ying opened the quilt and forced Lan Qi to get up, "That's not possible. You have to go on a trip with your friends today. What will you do if you are late? Besides, I am your personal butler, and my good professional ethics do not allow me to let you sleep in. "As he said this, he helped choose light clothing for travel in the wardrobe.

Lan Qi was irritated and hugged the quilt tightly, refusing to let go. Bai Ying hooked her fingers and the quilt fell from Lan Qi's arms. "Look, Quilt doesn't want you to continue hugging it. Get up quickly."

Lan Qi got up depressed and brushed his teeth and washed his face. During this period, he even thought about quitting Bai Ying. "Does your good professional ethics have any rules that say you can force your master to do something she doesn't want to do?"

Faced with Lan Qi's inquiry, Bai Ying thought for a moment, "It seems not, but I added it myself to help you develop a good habit of getting up early." Bai Ying's glib tongue has always left Lan Qi speechless. right.

Lan Qi, who was eating breakfast, listened to Bai Ying's report, "I called yesterday to confirm. The bus departs at eight o'clock and is expected to arrive at Yanli Mountain in City Return the same way, and I have prepared lunches on the way so that you will not be hungry on the way, and I have also put the emergency medical kit in your backpack. Bruises are inevitable when climbing mountains. I wish you a happy trip."

I have to say that Bai Ying's preparations were really thoughtful. Lan Qi nodded, "I'm too lazy to bring these things. You bring them."

Bai Ying hasn't reacted yet.

"I mean I'm going to take you with me on this trip." Lan Qi looked at Bai Ying as if he was an idiot.

Bai Ying responded to her gaze with a shy smile. Even if Lan Qi didn't take Bai Ying with him, he would follow behind and not be discovered by her.

After breakfast, Bai Ying locked the door, and the two of them walked towards the starting point one after the other.

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