When Douluo Continent returns to eight thousand years ago

Chapter 32 Is this an arena or a martial arts show?

&nb"Haha." Lu Xuan pursed his lips and smiled. He knew what Liu Ziyu had in mind.

&nbLiu Ziyu couldn't help but feel even more annoyed when she saw Lu Xuan's expression was indifferent and he seemed to be indifferent to him. He moved the corner of his mouth and snorted coldly: "Why are you afraid of laughing? If you are afraid, I can let you hit two more strokes."

&nb"How about it? Do you dare to play?" After mocking, Liu Ziyu asked provocatively.

&nb"Okay." Lu Xuan agreed with a grin, and said confidently: "Just give up two strokes. I don't like to take advantage of others for no reason."

&nb"Okay, then you kick off first." Seeing Lu Xuan agree to come down, Liu Ziyu was happy, thinking that he would give this ignorant boy some color later.

&nbLu Xuan was not prepared to be polite to him, "Okay, then I will tee off first and tidy up the table."

&nbLu Xuan and Liu Ziyu put all the balls that had been hit into the hole on the table and rearranged them into the starting state.

&nb"Pa" Lu Xuan hit hard, the triangular billiard balls scattered in all directions, and a 6 shot entered the hole in the corner.

&nb6 is a small ball, so Lu Xuan’s obligation is to hit all the small balls and then kill the black 8 to win.

&nb After scoring a goal, Lu Xuan got one more shot. He aimed at a 3 in the bottom corner, hit it with a "pop", and the 3 entered the hole.

&nbWith ​​another shot, Lu Xuan turned around and hit the number 5 next to the middle hole, and the number 5 ball entered the hole.

&nb After scoring two goals, he did not continue to play and deliberately missed the ball to let the white ball bounce to the most advantageous position for Liu Ziyu.

&nb"Boy, you're finished this time." Seeing this, Liu Ziyu grinned proudly.

&nbThe white ball is now in the middle. There are four balls with excellent angles and it is easy to score goals. As long as you control the rebound force of the white ball, you can easily score four goals. The remaining three balls and the black 8 can be scored if the angle and power are well grasped.

&nb"Papapapapa" Liu Ziyu also has good billiards skills in addition to his mouth. He hit the hole with four shots in a row without missing a beat.

&nb"Look here, kid, I'll let you understand what billiards is." Liu Ziyu raised the corners of her mouth and said arrogantly.

&nb "Pop!" A 11 entered the hole. After the white ball bounced and hit the table a few times, it stopped right next to the No. 13 ball. It was hit at a 45-degree angle. With good control of the force, it will definitely enter the upper left corner hole.

&nbThis shot scores No. 13, and the remaining No. 15 and Black 8 are almost no problem. As long as the white ball bounces back without touching the small ball and changing the planned route, the win is certain.

&nb "Oh, one shot wiped them all out. You kid has no chance to turn around. You should go back and practice for a few more years." Liu Ziyu raised the corner of his mouth and sneered proudly.

&nbLu Xuan rubbed his nose, and an imperceptible sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

&nb"Pa" In order to pursue the turning angle of the white ball, Liu Ziyu hit a hard shot. The white ball moved forward rapidly and hit the No. 13 ball. The No. 13 ball entered the upper left corner hole like lightning, and the white ball also ejected at the predetermined angle. go.

&nbAs soon as the ball entered the hole, there was another "pop" sound. Ball No. 13 popped out of the hole and fell to the ground with a "ta-da-da" sound.

&nb"What?" Liu Ziyu was stunned, looking like he couldn't believe it.

&nb Lu Xuan did not look at the reason why it popped up. He raised his mouth and smiled lightly. He picked up the No. 13 ball that fell on the ground and placed it in the middle. He said softly: "The ball goes out of bounds and the goal is invalid. Now it's time to It’s me”

&nb "Ha" Liu Ziyu calmed down and sneered, and then criticized: "Even if the ball goes out of bounds, I don't believe you can win with your skills, not to mention your 1 and 4 are connected together, how can you shoot If you don't score two goals, as long as the ball is in my hands, you're finished."

&nbImmediately afterwards, he glanced at the hole in the upper left corner to see what caused the ball to pop out.

&nbOnly when Liu Ziyu took a look did he realize that there were three small balls that Lu Xuan had scored before and two big balls that he had scored in the hole. The hole was almost filled with billiard balls.

&nbHe hit the shot so hard just now, the ball entered the hole and hit hard, and the hole became shallower, so it would naturally pop out.

&nb"This guy is really lucky," Liu Ziyu said secretly unhappily, not connecting these with conspiracy at all.

&nbTwo "pop" sounds were heard, and Lu Xuan hit the ball in with two shots in a row. Now apart from the black 8, he only has two balls connected together, 1 and 4, just like Liu Ziyu.

&nb "Haha, I don't know how to fight. If it's me in the next round, you'll lose." Liu Ziyu sneered proudly.

&nb Lu Xuan's face remained calm, and he smiled lightly and said: "I don't know how to fight, so I'll just fight casually."

&nbLu Xuan held the club and hit the middle of the two balls without looking.

&nb"Pa" hit hard and made a crisp sound. Immediately afterwards, the three balls, including the white ball, spread out in different directions and collided randomly on the table. Ball No. 1 also touched No. 13, and finally stopped next to it.

&nbAfter a few seconds passed, all the balls stopped. After the white ball flowed slightly, it actually stopped close to the black 8 and came to a stop near the edge of the table. The only angle from which the ball could be hit was blocked by a number 4.

&nbLiu Ziyu's face turned green when he saw this scene. Didn't this situation make it impossible for him to hit the shot, so he could only take a shot at will and give the ball rights to Lu Xuan?

&nb"It seems I still have a chance." Lu Xuan rubbed his nose and said calmly.

&nbLiu Ziyu's face was livid, and he secretly gritted his teeth and said with great displeasure: "It's just bad luck, any shot can interfere with my winning."

&nbHowever, when the beautiful woman watching the battle saw this scene, she glanced at Lu Xuan slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed deep in her eyes.

&nb"In this case, I will make the beating uncomfortable for you." Liu Ziyu sneered with the corner of her mouth moving.

&nbHe lightly hit the white ball, causing the black 8 to slide forward for a certain distance, and then stopped and the two balls stuck together again. This angle would make the white ball hit a small ball very tricky and difficult to hit.

&nbLu Xuan walked over without saying a word, raised his hand and fired.

&nb"Pop!" The No. 4 ball that had previously blocked Liu Ziyu was hit into the hole by Lu Xuan at an extremely difficult angle.

&nb"You really stepped on shit, how can you get in like this?" Liu Ziyu's face was livid, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said in embarrassment.

&nbThe bright eyes of the beautiful woman on the side flashed with a strange light, and she looked at Lu Xuan thoughtfully.

&nbWith ​​the white ball out of control, Lu Xuan's next two shots were not difficult at all. With two easy swings, he hit the hole with black eight without any suspense.

&nb"Sorry, I won in the end." Lu Xuan put down the club, clapped his hands and said with a smile.

&nb"I don't accept it, let's have a game." Liu Ziyu shouted at Lu Xuan with an ugly face and suggested.

&nbLiu Ziyu originally wanted to use billiards to humiliate Lu Xuan, but now the situation is reversed, how can he swallow this sigh of relief?

&nb "Forget it, we've already competed anyway." Lu Xuan waved his hand, showing an uninterested look.

&nbWhen Liu Ziyu saw this, he immediately became unhappy and shouted angrily: "What do you mean, do you think my skills are not as good as yours? You were just lucky enough to win. Are you really putting money on your face? Play again." Come on, I promise to beat you to pieces."

&nb"Heh." Lu Xuan covered his mouth and smiled, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, let's play another round, you can tee off first."

&nb"Okay, I'll let you see how powerful I am in this game." Liu Ziyu raised the corners of his mouth and said with disdain.

&nbAt the beginning of a new game, Liu Ziyu performed extremely well and scored four goals at once. If not all of Lu Xuan's balls were in the way, he might have missed them all at once.

&nb"It's your turn." Liu Ziyu seemed to be very satisfied with the result, and said playfully with the corner of his mouth raised.

&nbLu Xuan ignored his contented expression, smiled, walked up to the white ball with the club in hand, and started swinging.

&nb"Pap-pap-pap-pap" crisp impact sounds sounded, and four balls were knocked down into the hole.

&nbThere are still four balls left on the table with black eight, but the angles are very tricky and it is difficult to score.

&nbLu Xuan didn't pay attention at all. He swung and hit two more shots, scoring two goals at an extremely tricky angle. When he had the last two balls left, he hit the white ball in one stroke, bounced and hit the last ball, and then both balls went into the hole.

&nbAt this moment, Liu Ziyu's eyes widened, and his mouth looked as if he could swallow an egg raw.

&nbThe beautiful woman on the side also looked slightly surprised, and her eyes towards Lu Xuan were full of confusion.

&nb"Concession." After doing this, Lu Xuan put the club aside and said lightly before Liu Ziyu came back to his senses.

&nb"This" Liu Ziyu came to his senses and looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief, his face froze.

&nbOne shot swept across the area, and there were many balls at tricky angles.

&nbLiu Ziyu finally understood that Lu Xuan was not incapable of playing, on the contrary, he was a master at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Thinking of his arrogant and domineering appearance before, he couldn't help but feel a burning pain on his face, as if someone had invisibly slapped him in the face.

&nbOn the contrary, the beautiful woman standing aside looked at Lu Xuan with eyes full of deep curiosity.

&nbShe doesn’t understand why someone as good as Lu Xuan in billiards would deliberately lose to her.

&nbThe beauty walked up to Lu Xuan, stretched out her hand and greeted with a smile: "Hello, my name is Liu Mo, nice to meet you."

&nb"Lu Xuan, nice to meet you too." Lu Xuan couldn't understand why this beautiful woman named Liu Mo took the initiative to get to know him, but he politely extended his hand in return.

&nbLiu Mo grinned with a charming and charming look, smiled and said: "Mr. Lu is really low-key and interesting. He has such superb skills but hides them deeply. He doesn't show off like others. This kind of self-control It’s really admirable.”

&nb"Miss Liu is joking. I think the most important thing about playing billiards is happiness, and it has nothing to do with skill or winning or losing." Lu Xuan rubbed his nose and said calmly without any change on his face.

&nb "Yes, I think so too." Liu Mo agreed with a smile.

&nbLiu Ziyu on the side saw the two of them chatting happily, and being severely humiliated by Lu Xuan in front of Liu Mo, he couldn't help but grit his teeth angrily.

&nbHowever, Liu Mo is not his female companion, and he has no right to interfere with her freedom. He can only watch from the sidelines.

&nbLiu Ziyu could see that Liu Mo was very friendly towards Lu Xuan, even better than usual towards him. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

&nbHe is bound to win this woman

&nbThis article comes from Kanshu.com Novel Read More Prestige Public Account: hhxs665

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