When Douluo Continent returns to eight thousand years ago

Chapter 22 Freshman Assessment? Form a team? Let’s train first! (Down)

Although Li Siwu was angry and wanted to beat Li Sitian violently, he still stopped after hearing Song Yan's words.

He looked at Song Yan in confusion: "Second brother, what else can you do?"

Song Yan said in a deep voice: "Things have already happened. Even if the eldest brother comes to find him, the most he will do is scold the second prince, and he may even be humiliated by him. Therefore, it is best not to go."

Li Siwu thought for a while, and it was indeed true. No matter what, Li Sitian was his second brother, and the royal family had regulations that princes could use various means to fight for the throne, but they could not kill each other, otherwise, they would be abolished. He was qualified to be the heir, so Li Siwu was quite unwilling: "Is this the end of it?"

"Of course we can't let it go."

Song Yan shook his head, and then his face turned cold: "As far as I know, there are only about 500 distraction-level masters in the Second Prince's Mansion. In just two days, they killed more than 300 casual cultivators who came to do the task. .

Therefore, he sent at least two hundred masters of distraction, but we have 8,000 masters in our house, even ten of them are more than enough to deal with one."

At this point, Song Yan's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "Let's send a mission to Tian Gong to arrest the assassins who assassinated the casual cultivators. Those caught alive will be rewarded with one thousand merit points, those who are dead will be rewarded with one hundred merit points, etc. After we have caught enough assassins, we will kill them in public again. This will restore the confidence of the casual cultivators in our heavenly skills. At the same time, it will also make the second prince suffer a loss because he does not dare to blatantly admit that those assassins were sent by him. Yes, once he admits it, he will be cast aside by the casual cultivators all over the world."

"Master Song's proposal is good," Li Shan said, his eyes filled with admiration.

Li Siwu also nodded: "Uncle Shan, just do what my second brother said."

"I'm an old slave, let's go and make arrangements now."

"Uncle Shan, remember, to accept this task, more than three people must accept it at the same time," Song Yan added.

"It's the old slave who remembered it."

Soon, Li Shan came to the Tiangong Mission Hall and handed out this mission.

There are still more than 2,000 distraction masters in the mansion who are not on mission.

Therefore, when I saw this mission, I was very excited, because the reward for this mission is so high. Catching an assassin is 1000 merit points.

As a result, almost all of the more than two thousand people accepted this task, and then secretly left the Prince's Mansion as ordered.

Chang Hao has been a guest of the second prince's house for eighty years.

This time, he received a mission to assassinate a group of low-level cultivators. Although he felt a little uncomfortable and felt that His Highness was overqualified, the reward given by His Highness was quite generous. Regardless of his level of cultivation, as long as he killed one person, he would be able to kill one person. Obtain five top quality spiritual crystals.

In two days, he had killed three casual cultivators who had taken over the mission, which meant that he had obtained fifteen top-quality spiritual crystals.

Next, he planned to assassinate a boy who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

An hour later.

Chang Hao finally discovered the fourth mission target, took back his consciousness, and quickly flew in that direction.

After a while, he saw the mission target.

With his cultivation in the early stage of distraction, it would be extremely easy to assassinate a mid-stage Nascent Soul. Therefore, he did not use any magic weapon and raised his hand to point out a finger.


Finger strength breaks through the sky

In an instant, he rushed to the chest of the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

The mid-stage Nascent Soul felt an aura of death enveloped him, and a look of panic and despair flashed across his face. However, the finger force was too fast, and he could not dodge at all. He could only desperately encourage the real energy to form a real body outside the body. Yuanshi, hoping to block that terrifying blow.

Seeing that the finger strength is about to penetrate the opponent's body.

A sword light suddenly struck

He directly chopped off the finger strength. Immediately, the mid-stage Nascent Soul showed an expression of surviving a disaster, but his body was a little weak.

At the same time, eight figures flashed past and landed around Chang Hao.

For a moment, Chang Hao's face became extremely ugly, because he discovered that each of these eight people was in the early stages of distraction.

Eight and one

Even if you are distracted in the mid-term, you can't beat it.

There was no suspense in this battle. With the joint efforts of eight early-stage distractions, Chang Hao was captured alive.

Things like Chang Hao are constantly happening in different places.

One day.

two days.

Three days.

The diners who went out to do tasks returned one after another.

The people sent by the second prince Li Sitian relied on their advanced cultivation and the support of the second prince, so they did not hide their figures. In addition, the disciples of the fourth prince who went out to do tasks all received a copy of the information about the casual cultivators who took over the task. With this mission information, they could quickly find those casual cultivators who had not yet been killed. After finding them, they hid around them, waiting for the people under the second prince to fall into the trap.

Because the retainers in the Fourth Prince's Mansion all worked in teams to carry out missions, with the numerical advantage and the fact that they used sneak attacks, it was easy to capture or kill the assassin alive.


After three days, as many as one hundred and ninety-eight assassins were captured alive, and many assassins fought to the death. In desperation, the disciples of the fourth prince's house had no choice but to be ruthless, so ten more were brought back. Multiple assassin corpses.

Of course, there were a few who were quite vigilant among them, and they escaped before the retainers of the fourth prince's house could complete the encirclement.

Fourth day.

A news spread in the royal city that at noon today, the assassins who were doing missions before the Tian Gong Kill would be killed.

After receiving this news, the second prince's face became very ugly, and those casual cultivators who were planning to go on the Tiangong mission were particularly happy.

After some hesitation, Li Sitian sent his housekeeper to quietly go to the Fourth Prince's Mansion to see if he could get Li Siwu to let go of his men. After all, they were one hundred and ninety-eight distraction masters. You know, the distractions of his men The total number of masters was only five hundred, and he couldn't bear to lose two-fifths of it at once.

Originally, Li Sitian had planned to spend a lot of money to replace those distracting masters. Unfortunately, the housekeeper he sent was driven away without even entering the gate of the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

After getting the news, his face suddenly turned livid, and at the same time, he was still very depressed.

There is still half an hour before noon.

Song Yan, Bada, Li Shan and a group of masters accompanied the fourth prince Li Siwu to Tiangong in the outer city.

Because they learned that the assassin was going to be killed, a large crowd had gathered here.

One hundred and ninety-eight execution platforms have been set up long ago, and one hundred and ninety-eight executioners are in place. Only the captured assassins have not yet been sent.

With a flash of figure, the fourth prince Li Siwu arrived on the high platform.

Facing the tens of thousands of people below, he said loudly: "Everyone, I am Li Siwu, the fourth prince of the Tang Dynasty. I believe everyone knows that a few days ago, more than 300 monks who came to my heavenly power mission were brutally murdered. To this This temple feels very sad about this incident, but people cannot be resurrected after death, so we can only avenge them. Fortunately, the disciples of our palace have not let us down. A total of 213 assassins have been arrested. After returning to justice, we will behead them here at noon today to pay homage to the more than 300 comrades who died."

After hearing Li Siwu's words, a casual cultivator suddenly shouted: "Thank you, Fourth Prince, for taking the decision for us casual cultivators. Long live the Fourth Prince."

"Long live the Fourth Prince!" Several more voices shouted immediately.

Then, more and more people shouted long live, and gradually gathered into a torrent.

The second prince, who had been hiding nearby to watch, suddenly turned pale. This time, he could be said to have lost both his wife and his troops. Not only did he not defeat Tian Gong, but it actually helped Li Siwu, allowing him to successfully win over the hearts and minds of these casual cultivators.

Author's digression: Second update, thank you for Deng Daiyi's chess traces, Lan Xiaofeng, Longyu, Xiaoyu, Zhang Gangping, td104680415, Zou Weisheng, Zhou Lele, Lone Ranger, these big rewards. See more. Prestige public account: hhxs665

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