Blocked in Douluo

Chapter 84 Beast Tide (1) (Please recommend, please collect)

I saw that what was condensed into that black mist was none other than Qi Yunfei himself.

No matter the appearance, demeanor, or even the clothes he was wearing, he was exactly the same as Qi Yunfei.

The only difference is that the clothes Qi Yunfei is wearing are white, while the Qi Yunfei who was transformed by the black mist is wearing gray-black clothes.


Suddenly, Qi Yunfei, who was transformed from the black mist, shouted loudly, and immediately, a thick black mist began to emerge crazily from his body.

"The Devil Comes to the World"

The black mist was getting more and more, and slowly, it slowly condensed behind the black-clothed Qi Yunfei. In just the blink of an eye, a huge black figure formed behind the black-clothed Qi Yunfei.

The black figure was about three feet tall, wearing a black cloak, and his lower body was shrouded in a thick black fog. Only a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed under the dark hood, in the darkness. Flashing an eerie red light.

"Your brother-in-law's"

At this time, Qi Yunfei finally recovered from his brief trance. When he looked at the huge black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but have the urge to scold his mother.

That black mist is too much

Even if he copied my appearance, he even copied my moves.

Do you think that if you change your name, I won’t be able to recognize you?

This heavenly demon descended into the world. It was clearly a replica of the seventh form of the heavenly Buddha descending into the world, okay?

Qi Yunfei secretly complained in his heart here, but the black mist was obviously not as patient as Qi Yunfei.


Suddenly, the huge celestial magician roared loudly, raised his right hand, exposed his sharp claws, raised his big hand high, and fiercely aimed at the golden layer on Qi Yunfei's body. Grab the light curtain.


Suddenly, there was a "tearing" sound. Under the tearing of the magic phase that day, the golden light curtain on Qi Yunfei's body was like a thin layer of gauze, and a huge hole was easily torn.


Immediately, with a "click" sound, the golden light curtain on Qi Yunfei's body shattered like broken glass.

"Heavenly Buddha Comes to the World"

At the moment when the golden light curtain was broken, Qi Yunfei roared angrily and frantically stimulated the infuriating energy in his body. Suddenly, the golden light all over his body surged, and a burst of even more dazzling golden light erupted, covering his entire body. It rose up and formed a golden cocoon of light.


Then, with a "click", the light cocoon shattered, and an equally huge golden Buddha appeared behind Qi Yunfei himself.


The moment the Buddha's golden body appeared, he quickly struck out with a palm, and with a "bang" sound, it was heavily imprinted on the body of the celestial magic figure.

However, after receiving the palm of the Buddha's golden body, the magician only took two steps back and quickly stabilized his figure.

Immediately, with a "swish" sound, another claw swung out and pulled, leaving three deep scratches on the body of the Buddha's golden body.


In reality, Qi Yunfei, who had calmed down again, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, which happened to be on the blade of the Purple Light Flowing Cloud Sword.

At the same time, his face suddenly became paler and paler.


I saw that after the Purple Light Flowing Cloud Sword was splashed by Qi Yunfei's blood, it began to tremble violently and make a crisp buzzing sound.

Immediately, a burst of dazzling purple light appeared on the Purple Light Flowing Cloud Sword, and it slowly floated from the ground.

"call out"

Then, with a "whoosh" sound, the Purple Light Flowing Cloud Sword actually turned into a purple stream of light, flying towards Qi Yunfei's forehead, and disappeared into Qi Yunfei's eyebrows in the blink of an eye.

"bang bang bang"

At the same time, in the sea of ​​Qi Yunfei's consciousness, the huge golden body of Buddha was already fighting fiercely with the equally huge heavenly magic.

The two huge figures were constantly intertwined, and from time to time the violent collisions between the two could be heard.

However, in the fight between the Buddha's golden body and the heavenly magic phase, the Buddha's golden body was obviously at a disadvantage and was retreating steadily under the claws of the heavenly magic phase.

In just a moment, the Buddha's golden body was covered with scratches, looking extremely miserable.

As for the magic appearance that day, apart from the fact that the black energy on his body seemed a little thinner than before, his whole body was basically unscathed.

Just from the appearance of the two at this time, one can already see the strength gap between the two.

Obviously, the strength of the heavenly magic form is superior to that of the Buddha's golden body.

"Give up here, I am invincible, there is no way you can win me."

The black mist controlled the heavenly magic and left vicious scratches on the body of the Buddha's golden body, while laughing wildly.


Qi Yunfei did not answer, but also controlled the Buddha's golden body, trying to dodge the attack of the magic phase that day while thinking about countermeasures.

Obviously, as the black mist said, the current situation is very unfavorable to him.

The Buddha's light, which was always invincible in the past, has obviously lost its original role here.

No, it can't be said that it has no effect at all. At least when the Buddha's golden body hits the magic form that day, it can still dissipate some of the black energy on his body.

It’s just that this piece of hair is useless.

If you hit someone, it won't do anything to them, but if you hit someone, it will break your bones.


Suddenly, at this moment, Qi Yunfei heard a burst of thunder, and immediately, the entire dark space seemed to shake.


Then, there was just a "pop" sound, and with the crisp sound like glass being shattered, the originally dark and chaotic space suddenly cracked like a broken mirror, revealing a huge gap.

"call out"

Suddenly, a burst of purple light flashed in the opened gap, and with a "whoosh" sound, a purple flash of light shot out from the depths of the gap, rushing towards the huge celestial magic phase.


Suddenly, before the magic phase could react, there was a "bang" sound, and the purple flash of light had passed through the magic phase's chest, opening a hole about the size of a bowl in its chest. See more Weixin official account: hhxs665

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