Blocked in Douluo

Chapter 29: Luring out ghosts (please recommend, please collect)

Qi Yunfei's side was a one-sided massacre, and after Qi Yunfei attracted the attention of most of the vampires, Reeve and others finally reached Earl Henry.

However, although most of the vampires had been attracted by Qi Yunfei, there were still three vampires who loyally stayed by Count Henry's side and did not leave.


As Reeve and the others approached, the three vampires all roared in unison, their eyes flashing with green light, and they rushed towards Reeve and the others.

"clang clang clang"

Originally, Reeve and the other three were already struggling to deal with ordinary vampires. Faced with the attack of three green-eyed vampires, they immediately fell into a hard fight.

Especially Helen.

She is the weakest among the three, and she could barely support herself until now by relying on her cooperation with Gypsy.

However, now, facing the full attack of a green-eyed vampire, Gypsy was too overwhelmed to take care of herself and could not continue to cooperate with her.

Helen could only rely on the exorcism sword in her hand to support herself.


However, soon, after resisting several attacks from the green-eyed vampire, Helen's jaw suddenly shook, and the exorcism sword she was holding tightly flew out of her hands and fell to the ground aside.


Seeing this, Reeve immediately exclaimed and immediately wanted to help her sister.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he took a step forward, another green-eyed vampire blocked his way.

Seeing it, Helen was about to die under the sharp claws of the green-eyed vampire again.


The green-eyed vampire suddenly screamed.

"call out"

Suddenly, a golden beam of light pierced through the green-eyed vampire's chest, leaving a hole the size of a fist in its body.

Through the hole in the green-eyed vampire's body, one could clearly see a golden figure rushing over at a speed that was elusive to the naked eye.


Immediately, there was a sound like a watermelon bursting.

Under the bombardment of a fist emitting golden light, the head of the green-eyed vampire exploded like a ripe watermelon.

Suddenly, an unknown mixture of red and white splashed all over the sky.

"Mimi bug"

Helen looked at this familiar figure so close in shock, and cried out in disbelief.

In the rain of blood flying all over the sky, Qi Yunfei's figure looked like an evil ghost from the abyss of hell, with a pair of scarlet eyes shining with a penetrating light.

She couldn't imagine that the person in front of her would be the familiar rice insect who had nothing to do all day long.

"Helen, are you okay?"

At this time, Reeve and Gypsy had also broken away from their opponents and rushed to Helen's side.

"I, I'm fine, but he, he"

Helen was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing. Just when she was about to tell Reeve about the horrific scene she had just seen, she discovered that Qi Yunfei's original scarlet eyes had returned to their original appearance at some point.

"What did I do?"

With a bright smile on his face, Qi Yunfei suddenly touched his face and said curiously.

"It's not because you were heroically rescued that you felt young, right?"

"No way, you narcissist"

Seeing Qi Yunfei regaining his look of needing a beating, Helen immediately spoke.

"A Fei, what should we do now?"

Seeing that her sister seemed to be fine, Reeve felt relieved a little, turned her attention to Qi Yunfei, and asked.

Although Qi Yunfei had just killed one of the green-eyed vampires, there were still two green-eyed vampires staring at them in front of them.

Right now, Count Henry is about to open the last seal of the holy book and obtain the essence and blood of the thousand-year-old vampire king. Reeve can only place all her hopes on Qi Yunfei.

"It's very simple. I will stop them, and you will take this opportunity to stop the count. You must not let him get the essence and blood of the thousand-year vampire king."

After Qi Yunfei thought for a while, he decided casually.


Reeve, who had fought against the two green-eyed vampires, naturally knew how powerful they were, but when she thought of the amazing strength Qi Yunfei had shown just now, Reeve swallowed back the words she had not yet had time to say.

"Then, you should be careful yourself"

After Reeve nodded to Qi Yunfei, she rushed toward the center of the church with Gypsy and Helen.


The two remaining green-eyed vampires roared angrily when they saw that Reeve and others ignored their existence and wanted to prevent Earl Henry from breaking the seal.

However, they had just taken steps when a figure stood in front of them.

"Your opponent is me"

The corners of Qi Yunfei's mouth raised slightly, blocking the path of the two green-eyed vampires.


The two green-eyed vampires knew that Qi Yunfei was very powerful, and they did not want to fight with Qi Yunfei. After spreading a pair of huge bat wings behind their backs, they wanted to go around Qi Yunfei on both sides.

"Am I letting you go?"

Qi Yunfei suddenly shouted loudly, his true energy circulated in his body, and he condensed two moon-shaped energy in his hands, and hit the two green-eyed vampires respectively.


Seeing the oncoming moon blade, the two green-eyed vampires waved their claws and split the moon blade in front of them.

"Human, don't bully others too much"

One of the green-eyed vampires glared at Qi Yunfei and cursed.

"I just bullied you, what can you do to me?"

The smile on Qi Yunfei's face grew stronger. He stretched out his hands, and two more moon-shaped energy energy condensed on his palms.

However, this time, the two moon blades condensed on Qi Yunfei's palms were obviously larger than the two moon blades just now, and they rotated much faster.


Qi Yunfei's palms suddenly swung out, and immediately, two more moon blades shot towards the green-eyed vampires on both sides.

"Huh, humans, looking for death"

The two green-eyed vampires snorted coldly and raised their claws, trying to tear apart the strange energy in front of them again.


Unexpectedly, this time, the power coming from the two moon blades was obviously much stronger than the two moon blades just now. The sharp claws of the two green-eyed vampires had just touched the blades of the moon blades. , and was suddenly bounced back by a huge impact.


A green-eyed vampire was careless and had no time to dodge. The moon wheel blade passed through his side, and his entire upper body was cut open like this.


However, before the vampire with only his upper body left could react, several more moon blades slashed across his body.

Immediately, before the body of the green-eyed vampire fell back to the ground, it turned into a pile of tiny pieces of meat in mid-air and scattered.

But the other green-eyed vampire is very lucky

After discovering that something was wrong, he immediately dodged away. However, he was still a step too late and could not completely dodge. One of his arms was unable to dodge and was cut by the Moon Wheel Blade. Come down.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The only remaining green-eyed vampire covered his bloody severed arm and howled in pain.

On the other side, while Qi Yunfei was dealing with two green-eyed vampires, Reeve and the others, who had already fought against Count Henry, were locked in a bitter battle.

Back then, when Count Henry was just a blue-eyed vampire, Reeve was able to fight with him with the help of vampire serum.

However, the current Earl Henry is no longer the blue-eyed vampire of the past, but a red-eyed vampire with the strength of a ducal vampire.

Despite the assistance of Gypsy and Helen, Reeve was only able to barely contain Earl Henry.

However, when the last seal of the holy book was broken, Count Henry swallowed the serum of the thousand-year-old vampire in one gulp.


After swallowing the essence and blood of the thousand-year-old vampire king, Earl Henry suddenly felt an endless power filling his body, causing him to roar involuntarily.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly, the entire church seemed to shake. In this huge roar like a sonic boom, the glass of the entire church was shaken to pieces.

Even Reeve and the others were knocked backwards by the sudden huge impact, and were knocked heavily against the wall.

"Ding Dong"

Suddenly, the iron claw that was originally tied to the severed limb by Earl Henry suddenly fell to the ground, making a soft and crisp sound.

Immediately, they saw that fresh granulation began to grow on the cut surface of Earl Henry's severed limb at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a "swish" sound, a brand new arm grew out of Earl Henry's severed limb.

"Hahaha, that's great, it's really great. My hand, my hand is finally back by my side, hahaha."

Looking at his regrown arm, Earl Henry couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Ever since one of his arms was cut off by that hateful human demon hunter, he had been laughed at by countless vampires.

However, no matter how strong the recovery ability of ordinary vampires is, they are still unable to regenerate severed limbs.

Only the legendary vampire king has the ability to regenerate severed limbs.

In order to become the King of Vampires, Count Henry even killed his own Duke.

For this reason, I just want my arm to return to my side. See more Prestige public account: hhxs665

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