I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 84: Let him die 1 times


Hill's fingers trembled, thinking he heard wrongly, "Sir, I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Please ()"

"The medical team has rushed over, but it's useless." Nick Fury's voice was low and his mood was very low. "You should come back quickly."

Lu Yu and the others arrived at the place where Colson died, and there were already several people inside.

Nick Fury threw a photo to Captain America with a miserable look on his face, "I found this in Coulson's coat. He will never have a chance to ask you for an autograph."

Captain America took out the photo. It was him in the photo, but his face was stained with blood, and his face couldn't help but darken.

"I lost my best confidant, maybe I brought it on myself." Nick Fury seemed to be stimulated, and said what he should have hidden at once, "We originally planned to use the Rubik's Cube as a weapon, but we didn't This weapon is not considered to be the final solution...the final solution, Tony, you know that."

"Avengers." Tony said the answer calmly. In the past, he would have said some shitty words, but now he was really not in the mood to say those things.

Showing off his shit is his way of expression, but it's not his attitude towards life.

"Yes, the idea is to bring the most outstanding people in the world together and let them play a greater role." Nick Fury said: "Work together to defeat the enemy we cannot defeat."

"This is Coulson's ideal. He believed in this ideal until his death and believed in the existence of heroes."

"Find Loki, and I will personally judge him." Thor, the god of thunder, was also angered by what his younger brother had done. It was so sensational, for a moment he couldn't even care about Loki's homosexuality.

"I know." Tony began to think, "Loki is a standard arrogant maniac. He wants a landmark building to put his name high..."

"This bastard."

Tony suddenly thought that there seemed to be only one person who met these conditions, and that was his Stark Tower. "You guys come with me."

Tony led them away.

Nick Fury looked at Lu Yu who was not moving and asked, "Why don't you go?"

"I'm not a member of the Avengers." Lu Yu looked at him and said, "Is Coulson really dead?"

He was instinctively suspicious of the information provided by the one-eyed Nick Fury.

"It's true." Nick Fury said with a sad look on his face.

"Can I see his body?"

"Let him rest in peace."

Lu Yu opened a space door in front of him, and after walking in, a temporary corpse shelter appeared. He took a look at Coulson's body. Just like in the original work, he was stabbed to death by Loki in the back.

Then it dawned on him that Coulson wasn't dead.

The reason is very simple. Colson has been injected with T-Virus serum, and T-Virus serum can improve human body quality in all aspects. It not only improves speed and strength, but also improves cell activity to a certain extent. As long as he is not hit in the head. Or stabbing the heart, it would be quite difficult to kill him.

Presumably Nick Fury wanted to use Coulson's death to stimulate superheroes like Tony and Captain America and unite them, but he did not expose Nick Fury's idea because this was his goal.

After opening a door, Lu Yu appeared in front of Nick Fury again.

"What a convenient ability." Nick Fury envied.

Wherever you want to go, once the door is opened, it is an absolute defense. No matter how you attack, you can't hit him through the space door. Except for the weak attack power, this ability is almost perfect in other aspects.

"You want it? I'll sell it to you."

Lu Yu showed a magical smile like Ah Xing in a kung fu movie.

"Can this thing still be sold?" Nick Fury asked with his eyes widened. He had the impression that mutants' abilities were all innate, and he had never heard of them being able to be transferred to others. .

"Of course." Lu Yu opened and closed his mouth twice, "The bloodline gem is a special gem that can give you some kind of super power if you eat it. However, this thing is rare in quantity and it is quite difficult to get it. .”

"If you can get it, I'll buy it," Nick Fury said.

"Wait until I get it."

Keep good things for yourself and sell inferior things to others.

Well, he admitted that he was not a qualified businessman and could not sell the bullet that killed him to the enemy. Madan himself was dead, so what was the use of making so much money? That thing couldn't be used underground.

Opening the door, Lu Yu appeared on the deck.

Miss Hill was sitting on the edge of the deck, feeling sad.

Lu Yu walked over and sat next to Miss Hill. He glanced down. Damn it, thousands of meters above the ground. I felt a little dizzy.

But for Miss Hill.

He decided to bite the bullet and endure it.

"Hill, don't be sad. I believe that Coulson wouldn't want to see you sad in heaven." Lu Yu didn't know how Nick Fury could still look heartbroken even though he knew that Coulson was not dead. Expressive.

He felt a little awkward anyway.

Even though Coulson is not dead, he still says that Coulson is dead. It feels like he is cursing Coulson.

Thinking of this, he felt that Nick Fury was the Oscar winner. Look at his expression of mourning just now, which deceived Tony and the others.

"Colson and I have known each other for a long time." Hill was very calm. "He has always taken care of me, like the brother next door. In the bureau, I have been with Natasha, Colson, Barton, and Melinda. I have the best relationship with you, but now, I have lost one of my best friends."

"Actually, he didn't have to die this time. As long as he was a little more greedy for life and afraid of death, he wouldn't have to die."

As the current commander and executive officer of the aerospace battleship, Hill was used to life and death, but she really never thought that Coulson would die.

"But he still went to fight because this was Colson." Lu Yu said: "He is a hero and died gloriously. We should respect him instead of mourning him."

"Lu Xun once said that death is inevitable for all people, and it may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

"For Coulson, it is also an honor to be able to fight and die for the earth."

"I understand the truth, but..." Hill opened and closed his mouth, but stopped, "Forget it, Lu Yu, can you accompany me to enjoy the breeze?"

"Of course." Lu Yu moved his buttocks, next to Hill.

Looking at Hill who was so close, he suddenly felt that Colson's death was worth it. If Colson's death would bring him closer to Hill, then let him die. If this death face were added a few times, he hoped it would be... ten thousand times...


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