I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 72: The wolf is as cute as the panda

Lu Yu stayed at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Although there were always pandas lying in other people's arms waiting to be fed to show off their presence, the air here was not good enough.please()

He used to live in New York and didn't think the air quality was bad, but when he went to the mountains, he took a closer look and found that the air in the mountains was good. The air in the mountains was called fresh, pollution-free, and sweet. He wished he could stay here forever. Stay.

Of course, these are the reasons he told Gretchen and the others, but the real reason is that he hasn't figured out any good way to coax these mutants into giving him their blood.

Buy with money?Coax with a lollipop?Stealing late?

He felt that no matter which method he used, it would be difficult to avoid alerting others. In the end, he might have to fight a fight, and then face attacks from mutants every day. In that case, would he still open the supermarket?

How about going to Professor Charles and the others to make a deal?Use something to exchange mutant blood?

Lu Yu thought for a moment and thought he could give it a try, because he had exactly what Professor Charles needed.

However, you have to disguise yourself when trading, so that if the transaction fails, you can think of other ways.

Thinking of this, he contacted Captain Dragonfly through the system: "Captain Dragonfly, we have work to do."

Captain Dragonfly, who was being cute and asking Gretchen to feed him, heard the voice and said, "But I'm busy now..."

you busy?You are busy waiting for food, Lu Yu thought with disdain in his heart, he really... also wants something like this for nothing.

Lu Yu walked out of the room, found Gretchen, and then glared at the dragonfly captain in her arms who was waiting to be fed, and said to him in his heart: "You come and disguise me, don't let them see the flaw."


Captain Dragonfly quickly rose from Gretchen's arms, landed on the ground with a thud, and then rolled up.

"Gang Gun, where are you going? Stop." Gretchen chased after her. As for Gun Gun, that was the name she gave the panda because the panda used the word "Gun" when she first met her.


Lu Yu was shocked when he heard this name. Captain Dragonfly, you pretended to be a panda and still used his name. Where is your moral integrity?Was it eaten by hairy crabs?

About five or six minutes later, Captain Dragonfly ran back, "I've ditched Gretchen for now, but she should be back soon. Do you mean I want to play games in there like you?"

I'm telling you to become like me, but I'm not telling you to play games and stop your eyes from shining.

"Send me your account password. It's the game you invested a lot of money in."

"What do you want that for?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully.

Captain Dragonfly: "It works."

"Okay." Lu Yu felt that he didn't play much with the account password anyway, so it would be okay to give it to Captain Dragonfly.

After giving his account and password, he took out the Loki mask from the system space, put it on his face, and ran outside into the maple leaf forest with a hiss.

He took out a mirror, took a look at his appearance, turned around and changed into a dress. Even the Loki mask on his face was dyed black with dye.

"No one should know me this way... By the way, there's also this."

He put his hand on his head and turned his head to reveal an extra helmet, the same helmet that Magneto Eric wore when he met Professor Charles.

"That's enough. Even if Professor Charles discovers that his psychic abilities have failed, he will only suspect Magneto Eric's body, not my 'mutant' body who also has psychic abilities."

"When the time comes, we can even use Magneto's name to make a deal."

"System, increase my protection range. It's best not to let Professor X, Charles, have the opportunity to enter my head."

System: "Hmm."


Professor Charles stood at the window looking at the scenery, but what he was thinking about was his old friend Magneto Eric.

After so many years, he became active again, but humans are no longer the same humans as before, and Magneto Eric's actions are destined to fail.

At this time, he saw a man wearing a black dress and a black funny mask enter the school.

Instinctively, Professor X, Charles, used his ability to pry into the heart of the visitor.

But as soon as the boiling spiritual power touched the visitor, it dispersed like sea water hitting a giant rock.

He removed his mind, looked at the visitor's helmet, and thought, "Is this helmet from Eric? I didn't expect that he actually sent someone to see me and brought this helmet. It seems that he doesn’t want me to get the information I want from this person.”

"Gretchen, go greet a guest on my behalf." Professor X, Charles, used his spiritual power to communicate with Gretchen.

"Who?" Gretchen asked.

"Don't know who he is, but he's wearing Eric's helmet."

Next to Gretchen, Uncle Wolf Logan saw Gretchen suddenly stop walking and asked, "Gretchen, why don't you leave?"

"The professor asked me to pick up a customer." Gretchen said.


"I don't know, but he is Magneto's man."

"I'll go with you."

Uncle Wolf Logan's voice was full of anger.

The last time Magneto sent people to attack him, he still remembered it. Now, he wanted Magneto to know that wolves are very vengeful creatures.

"Yeah." Gretchen turned around and went to pick up Magneto's professor at the door.

As soon as they met, Uncle Wolf Logan couldn't hold back his anger and rushed away.

Let me go, I want to pretend to be Magneto, but there is no need to hit me. Who will pull back Uncle Wolf, this amnesiac wolf?

Lu Yu's body avoided Uncle Wolf's attack in an unnatural movement. While dodging, he thought about whether he had thought poorly of letting Magneto take the blame. The blame had not yet been placed on Magneto, but he himself He became a victim first.

"Turning the body into rubber with the ability to stretch." Gretchen thought to herself as she looked at Lu Yu, who would twist his body like rubber to avoid the attack every time he was attacked by Wolverine Logan.

After watching for about half a minute, she finally started to stop her, "Logan, stop it now, the professor wants to see him."

Logan stopped when he heard this.

Lu Yu looked at Uncle Wolf and wondered if Uncle Wolf was looking at Gretchen now, otherwise why would he stop when she asked him to stop.

However, he is not optimistic about the relationship between Uncle Wolf and Gretchen.

Because in the hearts of women, pandas are much more popular than wolves. If pandas are cute, can you be cute as a wolf?


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