
Really fragrant!

Especially fragrant!

As a gourmet lover and a foodie, Lu Yu has always been unable to resist delicious food. After taking the first bite of this delicious Sichuan bacon, he felt that hiring this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent as a chef was simply too much. Nothing could be further from the truth.please()

After eating three small bowls of rice in one go, Lu Yu patted his belly with satisfaction and said, "Sil, go wash the dishes. I'm going out."

When you’re full, you have to exercise.

Not exercising will make you fat.

He decided to add another lap to his run today.

It has to be said that the identity assigned to him by the system is quite unique. When he was running, he met several neighbors who greeted him, making it seem as if he had really lived here for a long time.

If he hadn't been sure that it had only been a few days since he traveled through time, he would have doubted whether his memory was confused.

"Don't doubt the system, the system is omnipotent." The system will appear at the right time.

"Ha ha……"

After running around the park for several steps, Lu Yu, who held the idea that he was the protagonist and could act cool wherever he went, realized that he might not have the equipment to taunt him. During the one-hour run, he didn't even encounter a single provocation. Well, this makes the bank card he prepared useless.

"What's the promised treatment for the leading role? What's a leading role without a supporting role to give me the chance to show off and slap me in the face."

Lu Yu, who came back angrily, opened the door and saw a face popping up in the dark supermarket. He punched it... and was caught.

"Hello, I am Phil Coulson from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. This is my ID." Coulson slowly let go of his hand and took out an ID with the words ' shield', "I came here this time to ask for your cooperation in an investigation."

Lu Yu looked at Colson, who was still wearing black clothes, black pants and black shoes in the dark, and took his hand back.

This is an agent, very skilled. Even though his performance in the movie is poor and his record is mediocre, it also depends on the opponent.

The opponent is a superhero or super villain, so naturally he can't do it.

But for an ordinary person like him, this person is still a person of admiration. After all, his obvious fighting expertise made him understand that he is a scumbag.

Of course, that's just for now.

After he draws the Dragon Balls, the title of Zhan Wu Zha will be changed.

"Investigation, right?" Lu Yu glanced at Hill meaningfully, found a chair and sat down, "If you have anything you want to ask, ask me. I'll tell you everything I can."

"Tell me not everything you can tell me, but tell me everything you know." Colson stared into Lu Yu's eyes and said, "We want to know where your spring water and T-virus serum came from."

"I bought it." Lu Yu said lightly.

"Who did you buy it from?" Coulson asked further.

"It's a business secret, so keep it secret." Lu Yu said with a smile.

"There are no trade secrets in front of SHIELD."

Coulson's words were oppressive.

"Really? Why don't I remember which law stipulates that others must disclose business secrets in front of SHIELD?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "If there is one, please find it. If you find it, I will tell you who I am from. Bought it there."

Colson stared at Lu Yu, as if he was about to take action if he disagreed.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere gradually solidified.

Lu Yu sat in the chair, but was not afraid of Coulson's sudden rebellion. The one-eyed dragon's stance destined SHIELD agents to take gentle measures against powerful aliens.

SHIELD seems powerful, but its strength is based on facing ordinary people. Once faced with powerful aliens, SHIELD is so weak that people ignore its existence. Magneto, Apocalypse, Loki, Ultron, When facing these enemies, S.H.I.E.L.D. was either reduced to a background or not even played at all.

Is it because it doesn't want to appear?No, as an organization jointly supported by many countries, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s philosophy and program of action are to maintain world security and freedom.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t react at all when those big villains come out to cause destruction, then are the governments of those countries so full that they still give money to support you, this loser?

The reason why they don't appear or are reduced to background is entirely because they are unable to face the big villain.

The technological weapons and fighting skills that SHIELD agents are proud of are almost useless against god-like enemies like Loki Apocalypse.

Not to mention an enemy like Thanos.

That's why the Avengers were formed. In a sense, the Avengers were formed out of necessity.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now." Coulson relented. After all, the Bureau's tone for this person is to win over him first, "Is the T-Virus serum you sold to Tony really as free of side effects as you said? "

This is one of the purposes for which he came.

Both the super serum and the Green Goblin potion have major flaws. Their character-changing flaws make these two potions useless to SHIELD. After all, the purpose of injecting agents with potions is to allow them to better complete their tasks. If injected Agents who have received the drug cannot guarantee their loyalty, and they would rather not inject the agent with the drug.

So when the T-virus serum appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the director of SHIELD. If this serum really had no side effects, it would be very useful.

"Of course it's true. My supermarket never sells fake goods." Lu Yu looked like he was questioning me and was anxious.

"How much does one cost?" Coulson asked.

"One million US dollars each." Lu Yu quoted.

"It's too expensive." Colson shook his head and said, "Our bureau doesn't have much funds, but there are many places to spend money. We don't have much money to spend on T-virus serum."

"No two prices." Lu Yu looked like he wanted to buy it or not, but if he didn't buy it, he would be put down. Anyway, Tony, that big dog, still had a dream of reverse-engineering the T-virus serum and selling it all over the world, and all his goods were outflanked.

He also doesn't think about how the system, which is so stingy about money, could let you crack his product before it even sells the design drawings.

So no matter how much effort Tony puts in, it is destined to be in vain.

However, Lu Yu had no intention of reminding Tony. As a good person, he would not maliciously expose other people's dreams.

"I hope that the potions you produce will only be sold to us, SHIELD." Coulson said,

Lu Yu refused without hesitation, "It's impossible. The purpose of our supermarket is not to reject green banknotes."

"Then I hope that the potions you produce will only be sold to people approved by SHIELD." Coulson took a step back and said.

"This is impossible." Lu Yu flatly refused. Businessmen who cannot sell bullets to the warring parties are not good businessmen.


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