I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 66: School for Gifted Youngsters

On the highway, a blue sports car was racing forward.Mobile terminal m..

Lu Yu was sitting in the cab, with the window open, blowing in the wind, eyes narrowed, looking like he was enjoying himself.

A sports car plus autonomous driving is really cool.

Looking at the vast maple forest outside the window, he suddenly remembered the system update task system two days ago, and said, "Uncle System, remember to tell me first when you update any functions next time. Anyway, I I am also your host. I have been following you for more than half a year. It is hard work without any credit, so you should refer to my opinion."

System: "It's okay. I'm still testing its effect. If it's good, it will be officially offline. If it's not good, I'll take it offline."

When Lu Yu heard this, he quickly said, "Then you should log off immediately. This broken function is not easy to use at all."

System: "I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll log off. By the way, host, I want to ask you, how can I improve other people's favorability?"

When Lu Yu heard this, he thought, "Why do you need to improve other people's favorability in the system?"And if you want to increase others' favorability, you can directly equip yourself with an RPG halo. That thing increases favorability very quickly. However, considering that he will use an RPG aura to increase the system's favorability in the future, he decided not to mention the RPG aura in front of it.

He thought for a while and said: "It depends on the person to increase their favorability. Different people have different ways to increase their favorability. The main thing is to prescribe the right medicine. For example, if he is a person who pursues enjoyment, you can satisfy his enjoyment. His favorability with you can quickly take off. If he likes beautiful women, he will definitely be happy if you give him a beautiful woman, and then the favorability will skyrocket."

System: "What if he is a masochist?"

Lu Yu: "Then torture him, whip him hard, beat him, and use various props to torture him hard. This will increase the goodwill between him and you."

System: "Host, what you said seems to make sense."

Systems thinking…

Lu Yu: "By the way, can I ask you, who is he you are talking about?"

He is very good. Who is it that deserves the system's personal effort to increase his favorability? Could it be that he is the protagonist of the legend?

System: "A person you would never expect."

After hearing this, Lu Yu said to himself: I don't know any of your hosts, so I can't think of them.

After a while, he saw the school in the mountains and said again, "System, you have to cover me later and don't let Professor Charles read my memory, otherwise you will be exposed. "

System: "Host, please rest assured. From the moment you are bound to the system, your soul will be protected by the system, and any prophecy and mind-reading will not be able to affect you."

"This protection will last until your death and your soul is destroyed by the system."

Lu Yu: "Will the host's soul be destroyed after death?"

He thought about it and was horrified. Wouldn't destroying it be equivalent to losing his soul?

This host is too dangerous.

System: "Of course. There are too many system traces in the host's soul. If they are not destroyed, the system will be easily exposed."

Lu Yu: "What you said makes sense, but I am speechless."

He said in his heart that he had to find a way to live forever, otherwise his soul would be scattered after death. This ending would be too tragic.

Thinking about it, he began to think about what kind of thing could give him eternal life.

Super soldier serum?It can live forever and be immortal, but it will take a long time to see whether it can live forever.

Infinity stones?It seems there is no immortality function.

He thought about it and found that there seemed to be no props in the Marvel universe that could make people immortal. Those that could live forever, such as Death Swallows, were ancient gods. Again, high-end players such as Gao Tianzun Collector were also born. Others No matter how strong he is, even Odin will die of old age.

"It seems that in the end we have to rely on the system's big turntable to solve the immortality problem." Lu Yu thought, feeling that he needed to coax the system master.

The system saw that the favorability between itself and the host had increased several points, and it looked confused. It didn't understand why the favorability suddenly increased.

The sports car drove automatically to the door of Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

The two golden retrievers who were having fun with each other immediately started barking "woof" when they saw such a cool sports car approaching.

"The destination has been reached and the navigation is over."

Lu Yu got out of the car and stood in front of the school, staring blankly at the sign in front of him.

Not long after, the school door was opened.

Gretchen, who had burgundy hair, came out and saw Lu Yu and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm from SHIELD." Lu Yu took out his ID and gave Gretchen a look and said, "My director asked me to come over and give something to Professor Charles."

He asked Gretchen to take out her phone and send her an audio file from the phone via Bluetooth.

This is a recording made by Nick Fury. In his words, as long as Professor Charles receives this recording, he will know what to do.

"The director specifically told me to use Bluetooth instead of wired hair."

"I understand." Gretchen nodded. "The network is too insecure. Even encrypted satellite channels can easily be stolen by malicious people."

"Since the message has been sent, I'll leave first."

He got into the sports car and prepared to get out of the way.

Earning a sports car for one trip, and a sports car with automatic driving, satellite navigation, vertical take-off, and full-body bulletproof functions is a great deal.

"Turn on airplane mode."


Two steel wings stretched out from the body of the sports car, with flames coming out from underneath, like an aircraft engine.

"The flight mode is really cool, but it consumes a bit of fuel. I'll go back and ask Tony Stark to modify it and change its power to nuclear power. This will make it even cooler."

He felt that if it could really be changed like that and this sports car would become the world's number one sports car, it might be able to sell for hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Of course, he wouldn't sell it because the system boss wouldn't let him do business.

In fact, now he also understands the routines of the system.

The system seems to care about money, so it will do everything possible to recover the money from the host, because he finds out how much money he has in his balance and what level of products he can draw during the big carousel lottery.

But the system doesn't look like it cares about money.

Because he asked the system before, he asked the system why you don't print your own banknotes, but the answer given by the system was that the banknotes you printed by yourself are just waste paper.

It was impossible to print real money with the system's technology, so he guessed that the system needed dollars to represent something represented by dollars.

National destiny?desire?origin?Or some kind of concept?

"Sir, since you are here, why do you have to leave so fast? Why don't you come in and sit down?"


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