I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 54: Big Braised Egg

Back at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident headquarters, Coulson walked to Nick Fury's office door with ease, knocked on the door, and went in to report on the mission after getting permission.Mobile terminal m..

As a result, when I walked in, I saw my director lying face down on the table.

How can I describe this image well...?

He seemed to have seen a big braised egg? ! ! ! !

When the braised egg moves, your heart will jump with fear.

Coulson watched the Director raise his head and immediately stood at attention, fearing that the Director would see what he just said about the Director.

After all, the director is an expert in facial micro-expressions, so it would be bad if he could see it.

"Colson, I hope you bring me good news." Nick Fury rubbed his temples, today's news made him very stressed.

Although being an agent requires a strong will, and his will had already been as hard as iron, he still felt a bit overwhelmed by such a thing.

Coulson saw that his director was not in a good mood, so he said, "If the director is inconvenient today, then I will report back tomorrow."

"It seems that what you brought me is bad news." Nick Fury knew that he was going to be baptized with bad news again when he heard what Coulson said. "Tell me, I can't be in a worse mood now." where it goes."

Coulson heard this and said, "Justin Hammer was killed by suicide, but he came back to life."

"Back from the dead?" Nick Fury asked.

"Yes." Although he was surprised that his director was not shocked at all after hearing what he said, Coulson still explained to him in detail, "The resurrected Justin Hammer behaved very strangely and became very... "Disgusting and aggressive, and very difficult to kill, I tried shooting him in the heart, stomach, hands and feet, but it didn't have much effect until I shot him in the head."

"I don't know how he became like this. Is it because of witchcraft or black magic?"

"None of them." Nick Fury suddenly said, "It's technology."

Coulson glanced at Nick Fury, how did the good director know that.

The next moment Nick Fury threw a piece of information to him, "You can take a look at the contents."

Coulson took it and took a look. Tenth level authority?

He glanced at the director.

He has level nine authority, and according to the system, he cannot read this document.

"The reason why this document has been set to Level [-] is not because it is important, but because its content is too shocking. I don't want you to know, but it is no longer necessary now," Nick Fury said.

Coulson opened the file and looked down.

Coulson was stunned from ear to ear.

Colson's face began to change color like a Sichuan opera.

After three tests, Coulson looked up at the director, "Is this true?"

Does the t-virus really exist in this world?

"Although I also want to tell you that it is fake, it is a pity that it is true." Nick Fury handed over a laptop, "This was found from that factory. Although the data has been deleted, Thanks to the efforts of computer experts, part of the data was recovered."

Colson took the computer and saw only a small video displayed on the computer screen. He clicked on it and the small video on the screen immediately started playing.

The red and white umbrella-shaped logo first appeared in the video.

Which organization does this logo belong to?Coulson thought about it, but found nothing.

The red and white umbrella-shaped logo flashed by.

Then a city with rain appeared.

Is this Tokyo, Japan?Coulson thought to himself.

On the street, the endless stream of people came and went in slow motion. Although the director's filming was very artistic, the anxious Coulson still felt embarrassed.

Resisting the urge to beat up the director, Coulson watched patiently.

After the director's leisurely artistry, a woman suddenly went crazy and threw herself down on a greasy young man like a rabid dog. She bit down on it and made a clicking sound.

Then, like the Justin Hammer he had seen, the greasy young man got up from the ground and started attacking others, turning the whole city into a living hell.

At the end, a girl's voice with no fluctuations in emotion sounded, "This is the power of the biochemical weapon T-virus, Baron Sitriker, are you Hydra satisfied with it?"

When Coulson first watched it, he was still in the mood to beat up the director, but after seeing it, his face had already darkened, "Is this the experiment mentioned in the film to simulate the T-virus attacking the city?"


"Is the video real?"


"The buyer is Hydra?"


"It must be stopped." Coulson said firmly, "The T-virus must not fall into the hands of Hydra."

Once Hydra gets the T-virus, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Agent Coulson." Nick Fury's expression was serious.

"Here." He stood up at attention, this time Coulson was completely straight.

"I authorize you to select the most elite members of S.H.I.E.L.D., set up a recovery force, and do your best to track down the whereabouts of the T-Virus. You must not let it fall into the hands of anyone, especially Hydra."

"Yes, sir."

When they looked like they would not give up until they tracked down the whereabouts of the T-Virus, it was also at the SHIELD headquarters. Pierce was also watching the video that Nick Fury showed to Coulson.

"So, Brock, you led our troops to raid the Hydra factory, and also exposed Baron Sitrikel? How could I have such stupid subordinates as you?" Pierce felt that his heart was about to burst. exploded, "Give me the medicine."

"Sir, the medicine is here." Agent Sitwell, Pierce's confidant in S.H.I.E.L.D., quickly handed the medicine to Pierce.

Pierce felt much better after taking the medicine. "Does the person who created this artificial retardation have a brain defect? ​​She keeps talking about Hydra. Doesn't she think that not enough people know about Hydra?"

"This artificial intelligence should have been made by the other party, but Baron Sitrikel has never communicated with us about their transactions with the other party, so we know nothing about the other party." Sitwell said looking at Pierce's face.

Because Hydra is still in a latent state, each branch rarely contacts other branches to avoid exposing one branch and other branches together.

Therefore, even the real high-level officials in Hydra, such as branch directors, do not know what other branches are doing every day.

"Should we ask Baron Sitrikel and see what he says?"

"Go and ask." Pierce said calmly, "By the way, tell him what they have exposed and tell them to hide themselves. I don't want to see him beaten to death by our people one day. That would be too ridiculous. "

"Hydra, cut off one head and two heads will grow. It's not like you bite off one head and two heads will grow back."


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