I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 41: Terminator T-600

The lights in New York are bright at night.Mobile terminal m..

After the Four Seasons Hotel suspended operations, it held a secret cocktail party inside the hotel.

Although the reception was small, a large number of models and Hollywood actresses gathered.

The host of this reception was none other than Justin Hammer, the CEO and Chairman of Hammer Industries, one of the three major military-industrial companies in the United States. At this time, he was receiving the military executives with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Minister, I am extremely honored by your arrival."

"Hey, General, welcome."

"Hey, school, you are so charming today. Look at all the pretty girls ogling you."

Justin Hammer ran around the reception like an octopus, deliberately saying flattering words.

If people saw Justin Hammer, the chairman of Hammer Industries, worth billions of dollars, so groveling to please others, they would definitely be shocked.

But there was no other way. The person who could be invited here by him was none other than the top military officials, who were also his backers in the military.

As the chairman of a military industrial enterprise without core technology, Justin Hammer relied on these people to obtain a large number of arms orders from the military, pushing Hammer Industries to one of the three largest military industrial enterprises in the United States. .

It can be said that these people are his parents, how can he not serve them with all his heart?

After a cocktail party, his backers in the military were all satisfied, and he also got the promise he wanted, and everyone was happy.

"The costs are getting higher and higher."

Although the reception is small, the quality is very high. It cost millions of dollars to book the entire Four Seasons Hotel. It also costs money to invite models and Hollywood actresses. And if you hold this kind of reception, the wine , drinks, fruit snacks should not be too low-end. A fruit platter costs several hundred, and a bottle of wine costs tens of thousands.

The entire cocktail party cost him tens of millions.

At this time, a frivolous voice sounded, "Are you still worried that you don't have core technology?"


Justin Hammer looked in the direction of the sound and saw a strange man wearing a white suit and trousers and a green mask standing at the door of the hotel. The security guards guarding the door of the hotel fell to the ground at some point. .

"who are you?"

He took a step back, and the two bodyguards naturally stood in front of him and took out their pistols and pointed them at the weirdo.

The weirdo didn't answer, but continued to speak in an accent that was very familiar to Justin Hammer, "Are you still worried that you don't have Tony Stark?"

"What, you said I don't have Tony Stark? Well, I do not have Tony Stark, so now please go to hell."

The weirdo's words directly touched his pain point.

Among the three major military industrial companies in the United States, Osborne Industries focuses on biotechnology, while the remaining Hammer Industries and Stark Industries are direct competitors.

However, Stark Industries makes everything from mortars to missiles to satellites. It has customers all over Europe and the United States. It is deeply loved by the military procurement departments of various countries. Wherever it goes, it is the guest of others. As for Hammer Industries, It can only make some pistols, machine guns, rifles and other firearms and ammunition. Its customers are also the poor tribal warlords and rebels in East Africa. They have to nod and bow to each other wherever they go.

Oh, he really wanted to win orders for high-end weapons, but someone asked him if the weapons he made were from Stark Industries.

Every time the military purchases orders, the high-end orders are all from Stark Industries, and the low-end orders are from Hammer Industries. It's as if Hammer Industries is a processing plant for the military.

When Stark Industries shut down its weapons department, he wanted to take advantage of the blank market left by Stark Industries. As a result, the military said, "Do you have that technology?" ', shouted him back, and he was so angry that he changed everything in the office.

bang bang bang...

Justin Hammer's bodyguards opened fire, but all of them were dodged by the weirdo in a weird and unnatural posture.

After the bodyguard's bullets were empty, the weirdo said, "Please come and cooperate with me now. I will provide the technology and you will provide the funds. Together we will invest in building factories and work hard for the industrial development of this world."

Justin Hammer looked at him and thought he was confused, "What do you mean by this?"

"It means let's cooperate." The weirdo rushed in front of Justin Hammer in the blink of an eye. His two bodyguards tried to stop him, but the horse flew out.

The weirdo politely extended a hand and said, "Justin Hammer, you have money, people and channels, and I have technology and strength. Let's work together to eat up all the blank markets left by Stark Industries."

"Not interested." Justin Hammer said coldly.

Just kidding, how could he, the chairman of Hammer Industries, one of the three largest military industrial companies in the United States, and a well-known rich man, cooperate with a person of unknown origin.

"The Terminator T-600 is a cheap and practical biochemical robot. It has a powerful heart detector. When paired with a Gatling gun, it can terminate all living creatures on the battlefield. Most importantly, its technology It is very mature. As long as you are willing to invest, you can create a production line for the Terminator T-600."

"How cheap?" Justin Hammer asked.

"Not counting labor costs, the material cost of the Terminator T-600 is only US$5."


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