I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 279: Ebony Throat

Shock!Thanos was so angry at being picked on by Peter Parker that he wanted to kill and silence him.

Lu Yu opened a portal and ran away while thinking about tomorrow's Marvel headlines.

Fighting is the domain of superheroes. As a civilian, it is fine to watch from the sidelines. So Lu Yu took out a bag of popcorn from the system space, sat on a rock, put on his glasses, and prepared to watch the superhero blockbuster "Revenge" The live version of League of Legends 4.

Strange, Peter Parker and Tony Stark came forward.

Thanos raised his hand and punched him.

Peter Parker blocked it with his hands and then flew away.

Thanos smiled slightly and took my fist naked. You are very brave.

"Purple Sweet Potato Essence, look here."

Tony Stark put on his armor and charged forward.

He rushed in front of Thanos, raised his head, and struck, all at once.


The two men's heads hit each other, making a sound of metal clashing.

Thanos raised his hand and grabbed Tony Stark's arm, "Your helmet is quite hard, but I don't know if your head is as hard as your helmet."

He raised his head and struck, knocking Tony Stark away.

"The bodies of people on Earth are really fragile."

"Really?" Strange had light ropes wrapped around his hands, and the other end of the light ropes unknowingly wrapped around Thanos.

"When did this happen?" Thanos asked, glancing at the light rope wrapped around his body.

"When you just beat Tony Stark." Strange tightened the light rope bit by bit and pulled him over.

"It turns out he is a little guy who likes sneak attacks." Thanos suddenly understood, and then said slowly and maliciously, "But didn't your teacher tell you to never use a rope to tie someone who is much stronger than you?"

He pulled and pulled, and Strange flew up.

Without saying a word, Lu Yu opened a space door directly in front of Strange.

Strange crashed in and appeared behind Lu Yu the next second.

"Sorry, I did not tell him not to use ropes to tie up people who are much stronger than him." Lu Yu tilted his head and looked at Thanos, "But I want to tell him now that to deal with people like you who use physical attacks, You should use this trick.”

Lu Yu flicked his hand and opened the portal behind Thanos, then took out a bunch of glass bottles from the system space and smashed them over.


The bottle hit Thanos' body, shattered into countless pieces, and died gloriously. However, the liquid spilled out after the glorious sacrifice drenched Thanos to the core and made his heart soar.

"Is this alcohol?" Thanos smelled the smell, and bad thoughts flashed through his heart.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly. I'll give you a lighter as a reward."

Lu Yu took out the lighter, opened it, lit it, and threw it over.

The close contact between a lighter and alcohol immediately spread and burned like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

In the blink of an eye, a small sea of ​​fire engulfed Thanos in it.

"This is bad." Ebony Throat raised his right hand, and the sea water not far from the villa rose up, forming a waterspout in the air and rushing towards Thanos.

Lu Yu raised a space door, blocked the waterspout in front, and transferred the waterspout back to the sea.

"The guy in the way."

Ebony Throat immediately raised his hand to control a pile of stones and threw them towards Lu Yu.

Without saying a word, Strange stopped Lu Yu from drawing circles with his hands, drew a circle in front, and moved the stone part.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Lu Yu showed a pleased expression, and then...

slip away.

Thanos was burned by such high-temperature flames, but nothing happened. His resistance was too high.

"It's a good idea. If I were an Earthling, I might have been burned to death by you, but I'm not. It's a pity." Thanos walked out of the sea of ​​fire, with no trace of burns on his body.

Lu Yu really wants to ask where you bought the clothes you are wearing, but you are not afraid of burning them.

"But that's all."

Thanos raised his sword and charged forward.

"My teacher just taught me one thing, which is spatial ability. You can actually do a lot of things."

Strange raised his hand to draw circles. His fingers were like high-speed rotating cutting drills, opening wormholes one after another around Thanos, wrapping him inside.

"Like tying you up."

Lu Yu: “…….”

Is the teacher you are talking about me or the Ancient One who has traveled to other universes?

Thanos plunged into the wormhole and emerged from the other side in the blink of an eye.

"This space ability..." Thanos held his chopper and looked at the wormhole surrounding him, frowning.

These wormholes were densely scattered in all directions around him, blocking all his paths. He could not move forward or retreat. Unless he could shrink, he would not be able to get out.

He threw the chopper out with his hand and threw it at Strange through the gap between the wormhole and the wormhole.

Strange raised his hand, drew a circle, blocked the flying path of the sword, and transferred the sword back to Thanos' feet.

"What a disgusting spatial ability." Ebony Throat pointed his hand, and the flames burning on the ground rose.

As soon as the result was raised, a flash of lightning flashed and the flame was directly dispersed.

The future God of Thunder, Thor, stepped on the ground, with lightning flashing in his eyes, and his momentum was astonishing.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward.

"Thanos, give me my Asgardian life."

"Who are you, fat man? Do I know you?" Thanos squinted at the future Thor.

When Strange saw it, he opened a door directly in front of him and moved him out. "I am the opponent who has no control. You go and fight the five obsidian generals."

Thanos is surrounded by wormholes. Even if you go there, you can't get close to Thanos.

After all, this is reality, not a game. There is no such thing as a magic that only works on enemies but not on teammates.

"The troublesome guy is here." Ebony Maw pointed his hand and said: "Dead Blade General, Black Dwarf, Dark Night Proxima, you go and deal with the troublesome guy."

"I'm going to save Lord Thanos from the turbulence in space."

General Deathblade, Black Dwarf, and Proxima Centauri all rushed out.

The future Thor, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker bumped into each other.

Peter Parker stretched out a few spider legs from behind, and fired a series of white unknown liquids at Proxima Centauri, shooting her in the face on the spot, "Hey, aren't you Obsidian's five generals? Why can he order you and be satisfied? Excuse my curiosity?"

"Because Ebony Maw is the high priest of Thanos, equivalent to the role of a think tank, so his status is higher than the other three." Lu Yu grabbed a handful of popcorn from behind and took another sip of Fat House Happy Water, explaining to Peter Parker He shouted, "Besides, Ebony Maw is also the strongest among the five Obsidian generals, so be careful." See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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