I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 258: Do you know about nuclear peace?

First release: ~[] Lu Yu made a guest appearance as Yue Lao, and after brokering a great love affair between man and symbiote, he followed the low-key tradition of flower growers and waved his hand without a cloud.

After he teleported back to the supermarket, he called Nick Fury and told him not to worry. He had already solved the issue of getting his wife. Then, without waiting for him to speak, he talked about the money.

"I don't want more. Just a few hundred million dollars and a banner of 'serving the people' will be enough. If you think this is too high a request, then just leave that banner alone."

After all, he did a great job this time. Not only did he help SHIELD recruit a superhero, but he also indirectly saved the world. The head fee and labor fee combined are hundreds of millions of dollars, which is not excessive.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area, please call again later, sorry, then you dialed out of service, please rediater."

After speaking, Nick Fury immediately hung up the phone.

"Mobile customer service? Nick Fury, when did you go to Mobile as a customer service?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and called Nick Fury again.

If Nick Fury thinks that he can refuse to pay by pretending to be a mobile customer service, then it can only be said that the pattern is broken.

Just when he was calling Nick Fury, Orochimaru sent him a message in the Bankai chat group, "Group leader, do you know how to bring nuclear peace to the world?"

"Nuclear peace?" Lu Yu suspected for a moment that he had made a mistake, "Did you mean nuclear peace or peace?"

"Is there any difference between the two?" Orochimaru asked in a message.

Is there a difference?

There's a big difference, okay?

If I try hard for the former, okay, even if I can't build it no matter how hard I try, I can find someone else to build it. In the multidimensional world, scientists are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are not a few who can perform the task of building a nuclear bomb with their bare hands, but for the latter, It seems that I have never heard of a world where peace has truly been achieved.

But he was also a little curious, where did Orochimaru know the word nuclear level? He remembered that there was no such word as nuclear level in the Naruto world.

Nuclear equalization, nuclear equalization, there is peace only when there are nuclear forces. Although there are a lot of black technologies in the world of Naruto, it is obviously the Warring States Period. Everyone still uses cold weapons to fight. However, biotechnology has made breakthroughs in development, such as transplanting the Sharingan and playing with it. Similar.

Even in modern times, when transplanting eyes, you still have to consider the issue of matching. In Naruto, the people just took the eyes and inserted them in, without even thinking about what if one of the nerves is not connected correctly and the patient becomes blind.

Lu Yu asked the question.

Soon, Orochimaru told the cause and effect.

It turns out that since Orochimaru made a big news in Konoha that was enough to make headlines, he was found by Deidara of the Akatsuki organization. The latter told him that as long as he returned to the Akatsuki organization, he would forget about his previous betrayal.

Of course Orochimaru was not interested in this proposal. In the past, he felt that everyone in the Akatsuki organization was illiterate and did not understand the greatness of technology at all. After he came into contact with the Bankai chat group, he felt that everyone in the entire Naruto world was illiterate. Illiterate, his soulmate is in the multiverse.

With this mentality, he decided to return to the Akatsuki organization.

After all, he looked down upon him, but the Akatsuki organization was still very strong. If they really pursued him, he felt that the probability of him becoming a dead snake was quite high.

After returning to the Akatsuki organization, he found that the organization had changed.

Although the Akatsuki organization was a rebel ninja organization in the past, it was no different from a ninja village. They just did tasks all day long and acted as mercenaries for businessmen and nobles. They were not compatible with a scientific research ninja like him, which is why he defected. s reason.

But after returning this time, he found that the Akatsuki organization began to pay attention to scientific research. They recruited a large number of scientific research talents to study blood stains, and he even saw the former crane Weibei Liuhu inside.

The purpose of the Akatsuki organization in bringing him back was not to serve as a combat force, but to serve as a scientific researcher.

As a scientific researcher, Orochimaru was nothing more than extremely curious. He launched an investigation into the changes in the Akatsuki organization, and found that the source of all these changes came from Deidara.

He found Deidara, but Deidara said to him.

"Do you know what nuclear peace is?"

"Do you know how to bring nuclear peace to the world?"

Are you sure it's nuclear peace and not peace?

What, sure?

Sorry, I don’t know what nuclear peace is, nor do I know how to bring nuclear peace to the world.

But it’s okay, I don’t know, others know.

If you are unsure about domestic affairs, ask the immortals; if you are unsure about foreign affairs, ask the group leader.

So there was this scene just now.

"I bet that Deidara is definitely a time traveler." Lu Yu suddenly became excited when he realized that he seemed to have discovered a wild time traveler.

A time traveler.

The chicken tastes great... No, it's a fellow countryman.

It is really a joy to meet a fellow traveler in a foreign country.

You must know that in the infinite multiverse, there are as many worlds as stars. It is not easy to find someone who is a traveler like yourself in the massive worlds.

As for what will happen after the meeting, it depends on the other party's attitude. If the other party wants him to kill him, he has to fulfill the other party's wish, right?

"Heping is something that is difficult to explain clearly in just a few words. Let me go over and show you what nuclear leveling is in person later."

After speaking, Lu Yu used the Lord God to contact Big Big Wolf, and he planned to take it there.

As for why you should take it with you.

Needless to say, of course we should ask it to make nuclear bombs.

Although Lu Yu was born in a flower garden and grew up under the red flag, the high-end technology of making nuclear bombs is really beyond the scope.

He knows about nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, and he also knows that the raw material of nuclear bombs is uranium. He also knows that nuclear bombs are composed of nuclear charges, detonating explosives, and detonators.

But how to purify it, how to make a nuclear bomb, hum, I think you are making things difficult for me, Lu Yu.

Soon, the Lord God contacted it.

Big Big Wolf sits lazily on a throne made of pure gold. He roasts a whole lamb in his left hand and lamb scallion pancakes in his right hand, and a mutton hot pot in the middle. He is wearing a woolen sweater. He is as comfortable as he wants.

"Boss, why did you contact me?" Big Big Wolf asked curiously.

"Come with me on a business trip and give you a new breed of sheep. The taste will definitely be different from what you eat now."

After hearing the previous sentence, Big Big Wolf was still lazy, but when he heard the sentence 'new breed of sheep', he became interested. When Lu Yu said, 'the taste is definitely different from what you are eating now', he immediately jumped He stood up and said, "Boss, when are we leaving?"

"Come here now, we'll leave immediately."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he asked the Lord God to pull Gray Wolf over, and then began to hand out red envelopes.

The next moment, he and Big Big Wolf appeared in a dark and damp room.

"Who is it?" Yaoshi Kabuto jumped out in an instant, slashed his right hand across Lu Yu's neck.

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