I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 24: It’s really the Scarlet Witch

Perhaps because he realized that he was being watched, Nick Fury did not do anything outrageous. He sat on the sofa for a while and left Stark Tower, disappointing Lu Yu who planned to record more Nick Fury embarrassments. Incessantly.Mobile terminal m..

"As promised for the bad temper, if someone is spying on you, shouldn't you find the person spying first? If you run away like this, you can finish the glass of wine."

With no one to pay attention to, Lu Yu stopped pretending to be asleep and simply got up from the sofa and walked around the reception.

After turning left and right, he finally found little Lolita Wanda.

I saw little Lolita Wanda sitting alone on the sofa, holding an oversized bottle of wine in her hands and drinking there. Her two little faces were red, and she knew she was drunk.

"Tony, do you still have such a big wine bottle here?"

The bottle of Nimana wine is almost half the height of little Lolita Wanda.

She held the neck of the bottle with both hands and hooked her little feet on the bottom of the bottle to prevent the bottle from sliding down.

When Lu Yu saw her, she took a sip from the tube, swallowed it gurglingly, and burped at the same time.

Emotional Wanda was an alcoholic when she was a child.

Then can I go to Qidian and publish a book called "My Wanda is an Alcoholic"?

It's definitely going to be hot if you send it out like this.

Although I think so in my heart, things still need to be done.

Without saying a word, Lu Yu took out his cell phone and took pictures.

This is a proper black history.

When Wanda grows up, show her the photos. Her expression will be very wonderful then.

When Wanda heard the sound of taking photos, she looked up and saw that it was an old acquaintance. Her drunken little eyes lit up. She wiped the corners of her mouth and smiled with her two small dimples, "Lu Aotian, you are here. "

"Yeah, yeah." Lu Yu walked over and sat next to her, picked up a piece of iced watermelon from the plate in front of the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

As soon as he bit the watermelon with his teeth, the sweet and refreshing watermelon juice burst out, and he felt refreshed. He picked up the plate and stuffed the watermelon into his mouth piece by piece. His whole body was so cool that he almost felt so cool.

Wanda glanced at Hot, picked up a piece of preserved fruit from the side, put it in her mouth and ate it.

When I first ate it, I thought it was delicious, but after a while I felt my stomach was bloated and I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Lu Yu heard this and said, "What's wrong with you? Where does it hurt?"

"Stomach hurts." Wanda said, pointing to her stomach.

Lu Yu looked over and saw that Wanda's belly was already swollen. He looked at the ground again and saw that there were oily papers, toothpicks and torn packages everywhere. He didn't know why she had a stomachache. , it was completely because I ate too much and was full.

He found it funny that the emotional little loli was not only an alcoholic, but also a glutton.

But seeing Wanda's uncomfortable look, Lu Yu couldn't bear it. Adults would feel uncomfortable after eating, let alone children.

He put his hand on the little Loli's belly and rubbed her belly gently.

When he was a child, he would rub his belly when he was full and the swelling would go away.

"Don't eat so much next time." Lu Yu threatened, "Eating so much will not only hurt you, but you will also make you fat. No one will like you after you become fat."

"Oh." Wanda squinted her eyes and felt that her stomach was being rubbed. Not only did it not hurt anymore, it also felt quite comfortable. When Lu Yu said something about her, she just called out softly.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yu had the illusion that he was petting the cat.

"By the way, Wanda, do you have a brother?"

"Yeah." Wanda was already drunk, but when Lu Yu rubbed her belly, she felt so comfortable that she almost fell asleep.

"Your brother's name is Quicksilver?"

"No." Wanda spoke weakly, "His name is Pietro Maximov."

Damn, she really is the Scarlet Witch.

Pietro Maximoff is Quicksilver, Pietro is the name, Quicksilver is the nickname, and Wanda’s full name should be Wanda Maximoff.

But does the movie say they lived in Sokovia?Why did you come to the United States?

Lu Yu thought of asking, "Where do you live?"


"Then why did you come to the United States?"

"My relatives are here."

Well, the reason is strong.

Seeing that she was about to fall asleep, Lu Yu didn't ask any more questions, but slowly rubbed the little Loli's belly until he fell asleep, then he had his hands free to eat fruits and snacks.

It has to be said that the local tycoon is a local tycoon, and the cocktail party held is high-end. Not only all kinds of wine are available, but also the fruits and snacks are fresh and high-end. The most important thing is that they are supplied in unlimited quantities.

He had just finished a plate of fruit when a waiter came over with a new fruit platter to replace the empty plate. He also took out several bottles of wine that seemed to be of extraordinary quality and placed them on top.

"The life of the rich is luxurious and corrupt." Lu Yu sighed, feeling that he should work harder to raffle prizes and sell goods, for no other reason than to live a luxurious and corrupt life like Tony.

He turned his eyes to the beauties writhing in the wine pool in front of him, and added in his heart itchingly: And it’s because of so many beauties in kinis that are so eye-catching.

ps: Some book friends told the author that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are siblings, but the author checked the encyclopedia and it said that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are siblings. Afterwards, the author searched Baidu and found that in the movie version, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are indeed brother and sister, so the author still uses this setting.


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