I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 225: Arkham is full of talents

The entrance to Arkham Asylum.

Lu Yu looked up at this legendary lunatic asylum full of talented people. As a person who came from a flower gardening family, his parents had told him since he was a child that he should love his relatives and friends and get along well with his neighbors and cottages. He felt that he needed to visit his neighbors. , say hello to them.

After all, we will all be neighbors in the future, so we need to get to know each other well.

So he decided to pay a visit to Arkham Asylum.

As a good boy who was born and raised in a flower-growing family, Lu Yu naturally brought with him the polite tradition of flower-growing families, so he went up and knocked on the door.

"Are you?" a woman in beige clothes opened the door and asked.

"Hello, my name is Lu Yu, you can just call me Yu." Lu Yu smiled slightly, "I bought land next to you and planned to build a supermarket. We will be neighbors in the future, so I wanted to drop by and have a good time. Ripe."

Build a supermarket

The woman was stunned, building a supermarket next to Arkham Asylum, are you okay?

This is a suburb of Gotham City, and since the establishment of Arkham Asylum, the residents here have gradually moved away. After all, not everyone has the courage to be neighbors with a group of patients, prisoners, and dangerous elements.

Open a supermarket here, who can buy your stuff from the patients and inmates of Arkham Asylum?

After she was stunned, she said: "Hello, my name is Harley Quinn. You can just call me Harley."

This time it was Lu Yu's turn to be stunned.

Harley Quinn

Isn't this the good doctor who saved the world?

It is said that she was originally a psychiatrist. In the spirit of "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell," she decided to use her knowledge to save the clown, and then she really went to hell. Ah, no, then she really The clown was rescued.

Lu Yu looked at Harley Quinn, you said you are a good girl now, why did you become so beautiful later?

"You know me" Harley asked.

Lu Yu's gaze made her feel like the other person knew her, but she was very sure that she didn't know him.

"I don't know." Lu Yu replied.

Soon, Harley Quinn took Lu Yu in.

After entering, Lu Yu started to look around, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

It's no joke that Arkham is full of talents. In addition to the mental illness and criminals sent in by others, there are also villain bosses sent in by Batman. Because the defense here is very tight, few prisoners can escape from here, even if Not all of the villain bosses sent in by Batman can escape on their own.

So rather than saying that this is a mental hospital, it is better to say that this is a prison that looks like a mental hospital, a super prison that holds almost all the villain bosses in Gotham City.

Of course, this super prison is not an inescapable prison as its builders and those who imprisoned criminals and villain bosses here thought.

A guy whose surname is ugly, and collectively called the Joker, regards this place as his home. He feels as comfortable entering Arkham Asylum as he does returning home.

Although Lu Yu has seen many villain bosses, this is the first time he has seen such a large concentration of villain bosses.

"Arkham Asylum was created by Mr. Arkham for his mother, Ms. Arkham, who suffered from severe mental illness. In order to save more mentally ill people like his mother, Mr. Arkham built it. Hospital." Harry introduced after leading Lu Yu in.

Originally, outsiders should not be allowed to come in at this kind of place, but she felt that Lu Yu should come in to recuperate, so she brought Lu Yu in.

"Mr. Arkham is really a good guy." As he said this, Lu Yu curled his lips inwardly. Let's not talk about whether Arkham is a good guy or a bad guy, but it is a fact that he killed his mother.

Although his mother was mentally ill and he committed patricide to free her, who would believe it?

If nothing else, you killed your mother to free your mother, then how come so many mental patients here didn’t see you killing them to free them?

Your attitude towards other patients is that they can still be saved, try your best to treat them and help them recover, but your attitude towards your mother is to let her go to heaven as soon as possible and send her to heaven with a bullet.

Is your double standard going too far? If your mother, Ms. Arkham, had known that you would treat her like this, she would have had an abortion.

Lu Yu felt that he had reason to use the conspiracy wheel to guess Arkham's character.

After a few minutes, Lu Yu finally saw the Joker in Arkham Asylum.

Green hair, white skin, blood-red lips, and a horrifying face.

This guy who can be said to be the number one criminal in Gotham City is sitting quietly in the ward, looking like a quiet man.

But it is such a person who can be called the King of Crime in Gotham City, making Gotham City's top executives unable to sleep when they hear the name of the Joker.

He has no superpowers, but he has a super high IQ. In terms of destructive power, he is not inferior to those bosses who use superpowers.

And he loves crime. Unlike other people who commit crimes to achieve their own goals, the clown's crimes have no purpose, or the purpose of his crimes is to commit crimes.

In addition, the Joker is also Batman's gay friend.

Although he often causes trouble for Batman, he truly implements the saying that I can beat Batman, scold Batman, and play Batman with applause, but others can't. If anyone dares to mess with his Batman, He lets everyone know what cruelty is.

"His name is Joker." Harley followed Lu Yu's gaze and said, "He is a very dangerous guy."

"I've heard of it," Lu Yu said. "It is said that he used to scare the nobles in Gotham City from sleeping."

Even now, the Joker's name can still make people in Gotham City's upper-class society change their minds.

But Lu Yu had no interest in him.

The reason is simple. Compared with those who sell flowers, arms, war, smuggling, protection fees, and refrigerators, clowns are poor.

He is poor not because he cannot get money, but because he does not care about money.

But no matter what the reason is, no money means no money.

So he didn't want to communicate with the clown.

After all, he came here to make friends with rich people, not with poor people.

"Not anymore." Harley was very confident. She felt she could influence the clown.

Lu Yu looked at the confident Harley and wanted to complain. If I hadn't known that you would become Harley Quinn in the end, I would have almost believed your lies.

Harley led Lu Yu to continue walking around Arkham Asylum.

Soon, Lu Yu saw the second villain boss he knew.

The Real Quiet Man Edward Nygma the Riddler.

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