I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 208: I announce that you are arrested

Mary Sue Natasha

I know Mary Sue, and I also know Natasha, but why don’t I recognize these two words together?

And what's going on with my girlfriend Marisu Natasha?

My girlfriend's name is obviously Hill.

You guys, don't talk nonsense. If Miss Hill hears it, she might not let me go to bed tomorrow.

As a man with a wife, Lu Yu is particularly wary of these temptations. What if it is fishing and law enforcement?

He remembers that American police officers have a history of fishing for law enforcement.

For example, a beautiful police officer pretends to be a street girl and goes to the streets to solicit prostitutes. She takes the prostitute to a hotel. After the prostitute takes off her pants in the room, she takes out a pistol and points it at the prostitute. She says, "Stop, don't move, I'm a police officer."

The prostitute was so frightened that his penis was shortened by one centimeter every minute.

Although Miss Hill is not an American police officer, she is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and it is even more terrifying to play fishing for law enforcement.

He admitted that Natasha is his girlfriend, but what if Hill makes him kneel on the washboard later?

You know, Natasha is Miss Hill's best friend.

He still remembered seeing news on the Internet before traveling through time, saying that a man had an affair with his wife's best friend after getting married. It turned out that the best friend was hired by his wife to test whether her husband was loyal to her.

The natural outcome is that the civil affairs bureau divorces and moves away.

So cherish your marriage and stay away from your besties.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu hung up the phone with a bang.

Hank Pym had already given up, but he couldn't give up. If the ants didn't work hard, they would all be gone with a snap of his fingers. As for himself, he couldn't let an old man like him play with young and strong thieves.

After all, he is retired, and things like fighting and killing are not suitable for him.

But as soon as Hank Pym heard the voice on the phone, new hope filled his heart.

Did he steal the Wasp suit? Hank Pym thought.

As Klaus's father, he knew his adopted son very well.

Klaus usually regarded himself as a gentleman, and kept his emotions and anger indifferently. Even if he killed someone, he would give him a knife in a calm manner, which would make him so angry that he would call the thief and threaten him to return the things. I'm afraid it was this thief. Stole something important.

There are only two important things in Pym technology, a wasp suit and a Pym particle.

If the thief stole the Wasp suit from Klaus, he would immediately beat gongs and drums to celebrate. If the thief stole Pym particles, that would be fine. He could bribe the thief to steal the Wasp suit.

Just as Hank Pym was about to ask what the thief had stolen, he heard the phone ring.

Lu Yu answered the phone.

"Lu Yu, if you don't return the things you stole from our company within 10 minutes, then you will have to say goodbye to your girlfriend Marisu Natasha." Klaus threatened.

"Oh." Lu Yu responded and hung up the phone.

He was 90.00% sure that it was fishing law enforcement.

The reason is simple.

As an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha has fought against aliens and arms and drug dealers. What kind of battles have she never seen? A mere Klaus wants to catch her. Why don’t you give her your name? Changing it to Thanos is almost the same.

Of course, there is a [-]% chance that Natasha is really caught. In that case, I will burn more paper for you, and you will help me get promoted, get rich, and marry a little wife.

Oh your sister.

When Klaus heard Lu Yu's voice, he excitedly smashed the phone in his hand.

Then he asked someone to get a new mobile phone and handed it to Natasha, "Marisu Natasha, call him yourself and persuade him to return the things he stole from me, otherwise you I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow.”

With her hands and feet tied behind her back on the chair, Natasha just needed some milk on her face to start filming an adult movie. She bit her phone with her lips, and then used her upper lip to press numbers on the screen little by little.

"Go and untie her hands." Klaus couldn't stand it anymore and asked his younger brother to untie Natasha's hands.

Use your upper lip to press the numbers. If you can't do it, you think we are in the San Fernando Valley.

After Natasha's hands were freed, she pressed the numbers on her phone and said to Klaus: "Actually, my relationship with him is on the verge of breaking."

"He cheated."

"I don't care about this." Klaus interrupted Natasha. He had no interest in these soap opera plots. "You just need to ask your boyfriend to return the things to me. Everything else has nothing to do with me. ."

"I mean, if you want, I can break up with him and be your girlfriend." Natasha said charmingly.

"If you can ask your ex-boyfriend to return the things to me, I don't mind you being my girlfriend." What Klaus wants to say is, actually, I don't mind being the receiver.

Seeing that Klaus was not fooled, Natasha had no choice but to call him.

As soon as the call was connected, she immediately spoke charmingly.


"Don't call me that, my relationship with you has not reached this point." Lu Yu, who felt that Natasha was trying to fish for law enforcement, was determined not to be fooled.

"Lu Yu, I've been caught, can you save me?" If you can't be soft, then be tough.

"You solve it yourself." Lu Yu said. Now he was 100% sure that Natasha was fishing for law enforcement, but the fish caught was not him, but Klaus.

"Okay, then I'll handle it myself." After Natasha finished speaking, she was about to hang up the phone.

"and many more."


"I'll play a bg for you"

After all, Klaus is also a villain. If he doesn't give a bg blessing when he is killed, it would be disrespectful to his status as a villain boss.

Speaking of which, since he entered the Marvel Universe, the deaths of the villain bosses have been quite unceremonious.

Others call it climax when they fight the boss, but when he fights the boss, it's as dull as drinking water, so he decided to change it.

With a snap of his fingers, a stereo appeared directly on the ground.

Lu Yu put his phone on the stereo and turned on the stereo.

I’ll give you the sutra that Qiao Feng recited when he appeared on the stage in The Eight Parts of Demi-Gods.

Natasha, light it up quickly.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Klaus felt something was wrong and signaled his men to grab Natasha and tie her up again.

Natasha cut the rope, stood up and smashed the chair up, killing the minions on the left, and then killed the minions on the right with a straight punch.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Klaus prepared to run first as a tribute.

But Natasha didn't want to let him go.

She directly hit Klaus's neck with a Thomas roundhouse kick, and then pressed her leg on Klaus's shoulders, making him feel the unbearable weight of life. Finally, she picked up his neck and lifted him off the ground. stand up.

"Klaus, you maliciously attacked a state official, and now I declare that you are under arrest."

Nice novel "hhxs665" Prestige public account, see more

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