I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 2: Make money

Tony Stark raised his head and took a sip of spring water.Mobile terminal m..

Well, it's a little sweet and quite delicious.

Any kind of water he drank was delicious. If the boy in front of him hadn't blackmailed him, maybe he would drink his spring water in the future.

But unfortunately...

and many more!

At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly felt a warm current rising from his stomach and flowing to his limbs. The place where he passed was warm and comfortable.

And in his chest, the pain that had been caused by the metal palladium poison also disappeared without a trace.

He put away the Iron Man suit, opened his T-shirt, and found that the black and blue scars on his chest caused by the poison were slowly disappearing.

"What's going on...my injury is healed?"

Tony Stark, who claims to be the smartest man in the world, is completely confused at this time.

He never imagined that the metal palladium poisoning problem that had troubled him for weeks would be solved here.

"This water is amazing."

"With your comment Tony, it seems I won't have to spend the rest of my life in prison." Lu Yu teased.

"Whoever dares to arrest the boss will be sent to jail. I am in a hurry with him."

After Tony Stark finished speaking, he drank heavily from the spring water. After a while, he drank all the spring water, "Boss, give me another bottle of spring water."

When Lu Yu heard this, he took another bottle of spring water and handed it over. He was a bastard if he didn't make money.

Tony Stark took the spring water and drank it without saying a word. After a while, the bottle bottomed out.

After drinking two bottles of spring water, he felt that his body was becoming more and more comfortable. All the minor problems that were bothering him were gone. He knew that he was healthier than ever before without going to the hospital for testing.

Since this spring water is so amazing, what about the other T-virus serum?

Thinking of this, he asked, "Little boss, how much does your T-virus serum cost? What effect does it have?"

"T virus serum is produced in Raccoon City. It can enhance physical fitness after injection without any side effects." Lu Yu took out a blue spiral double-tube serum from the counter. "The price is one million US dollars. Do you want one? branch?"

"A serum that can enhance physical fitness without side effects..." Tony Stark stared at the serum in Lu Yu's hand.

He only knew of two kinds of potions that could enhance physical fitness, the military's sealed super serum project and the Green Goblin potion that Osborn Industries was researching.

But the former will expand the dark side of people's hearts, and the latter will also cause people to become aggressive.

These potions all have fatal flaws.

But now he actually saw medicine without any side effects in this small supermarket.

If he heard someone tell him that he had a body-enhancing potion with no side effects before he drank the spring water, he would turn around and leave without saying a word. He didn't want to breathe the same air with an idiot, for fear that the idiot would infect his stupidity to others. he.

But it was precisely because he had experienced the god of spring water that he knew that the little boss was definitely not stupid.

Tony Stark thought for a while and then asked, "Boss, to what extent can your medicine called T-virus serum improve the human body's physical fitness?"

"I don't know, I haven't tested it." Lu Yu shook his head and said.

"One million dollars, right? I bought it." Tony Stark bought it directly. One million dollars was just a drop in the bucket to him.

After swiping the card, he got the T-virus serum and looked at it. After a while, he asked, "Boss, how do you use this T-virus serum?"

"Just take the syringe and inject it." Lu Yu took out a syringe from the drawer and handed it to Tony Stark, "Since you are a big customer, I would like to remind you that you will be comatose for a period of time when you inject the T-virus serum, so it is best to find a Inject in a safe place, I don’t want to see the news that you were robbed when I wake up tomorrow morning.”

"Okay." Tony Stark responded.

In fact, even if Lu Yu didn't tell him, he wouldn't know how to inject it, because he had no intention of injecting himself with T-virus serum. In his eyes, directly injecting T-virus serum was a waste. Its real function was to study the components of T-virus serum. Then copy them and sell them for profit.

He believed that the U.S. military would be happy to purchase T-virus serum from him.

"Boss, how much spring water and T-virus serum do you have here?" Tony Stark asked.

Lu Yu looked at the cargo list and said, "Currently there are only 20 bottles of spring water and 5 tubes of T-virus serum. The new goods will not be delivered until tomorrow."

"I want all of these." Tony Stark said with a wave of his hand.

"Okay." Lu Yu said happily.

20 bottles of spring water cost 200 million US dollars, and 5 T-virus serums cost 500 million US dollars. Today, they sold 700 million in one day, which is a huge profit.

"Also, boss, do you want to sell the formula of your T-virus serum?"

"Not for sale."

Tony Stark looked as if this was indeed the case after hearing this. Sure enough, no normal person would sell such a hen that can lay golden eggs.

After Tony Stark left, Lu Yu called out the system, "System, system, come out quickly to settle the score."


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