I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 193: Magician Alliance?


The knell tolls.please()

The atmosphere inside Kama Taj was solemn and gloomy.

Fatty Wang and Hamil were dressed in pure black clothes and led everyone to place flowers under the portrait of Master Gu Yi.

Lu Yu and Stellan were also dressed in pure black, holding flowers with solemn expressions.

Stellan was serious, but Lu Yu was just pretending.

Can he stop pretending? We can't all wear black clothes and look sad, while he wears red clothes and smiles.

If he dares to do that, maybe the magicians of Kama Taj will start a war between black and red, sadness and joy in the next second.

At that time, unless he brings back the ancient master who was sent to travel to other universes by his main god, otherwise he will definitely die.

"Teacher." Stellan placed the flowers under the portrait, walked back and said, "Is it true that people cannot avoid death?"

"Yes, that's why we need to do meaningful things, such as respecting teachers." Lu Yu took a bouquet and went to give flowers to Master Gu Yi, leaving Stellan behind who was confused. What is this? , how are the inevitability of death and respect for teachers related to each other?

Teacher, are you stimulated?

Lu Yu put down the flowers and looked at Master Gu Yi's portrait. He felt no sadness in his heart and even wanted to complain.

What a big deal it is for a living person to hang up his portrait.

"Mr. Lu." Fatty Wang walked up to Lu Yu when Lu Yu put down the flowers and turned back.

"The teacher is gone."


Fatty Wang gave a forced smile, "The teacher has told us that sooner or later, she will leave, so we are mentally prepared."

Kama Taj was created by Master Gu Yi. Those who learn magic here are all disciples of Master Gu Yi. In their hearts, Gu Yi is both a teacher and a mother.

"Master Gu Yi has a very clear view." Lu Yu looked into the distance.

Not everyone has the courage to face death.

People who live longer are more afraid of death.

But Gu Yi is an anomaly.

"Teachers are always open-minded."

After a while, Fatty Wang said: "But the news of the teacher's death will soon spread throughout the multiverse. By then, the evil forces from the multiverse peeking into the earth may be ready to take action again."

The Earth is protected by the Ancient One.

She is like a wall that blocks all malicious eyes towards the earth, allowing the people on earth to develop without noticing.

"The soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil."

"...Isn't this too negative?"

"Then what do you think?"

Take the initiative?

Isn't this a bit too arrogant? The first person to receive the news was probably the farmer Dormammu.

This farmer regards "who knows how hard it is to plate a meal" as a truth in life, and wholeheartedly wants to eat the earth on his own plate.

To him, packing up all the people here wouldn't be enough for them to play.

Except for Stellan, who is the main character, Dormammu.

"I want everyone to unite and form an alliance to fight against the evil forces of the multiverse." Fatty Wang looked at Lu Yu with burning eyes.

Before meeting the King of Demons, Sun Wukong, the magicians of Kama Taj always believed that ordinary people on the earth were weak and that mortal weapons had no effect on the magicians. After all, what was the use of a magician no matter how powerful he was if he couldn't defeat people? Well, what Kama Taj's mage is best at is space.

As for superheroes and mutants, there are indeed some strong ones, but that’s it.

The mage of Kama Taj has his own pride.

Ancient One is their confidence.

But it's gone now.

"Alliance?" Lu Yu asked in surprise. Is this the legendary magician alliance?Also known as the Singles Alliance?

Sorry, I refuse.

Why do you ask?

The reason is simple, I am not single.

"Yes." Fatty Wang nodded: "A single organization is no longer able to stop the prying eyes of the evil forces of the multiverse, and alliance has become inevitable."

Lu Yu knew what Fatty Wang was thinking. In the original work, Doctor Strange changed the attitude of the mages to be independent from the world, and advanced and retreated together with the Avengers. This sudden change may not be without the will of all the mages of Kama Taj. .

I just understand, why do these words sound so familiar to you?

You've received training from S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. told superheroes back then, so plagiarism doesn’t need to be so obvious.

"Who do you want to join forces with?" Lu Yu asked knowingly.

Why do you ask knowingly?

Looking at which organization Ristlan fought fiercely with in the original novel, we know who they want to unite with.

"Avengers." Fatty Wang said, "We want to ask you to help bring us together."

Are you planning to get married?

This idea suddenly popped into Lu Yu's mind.

Then I realized that I seemed to have discovered a blind spot.

Master Gu Yi has not been married for ten thousand years.

Fatty Wang is not married.

Master Hamil is not married.

Later, Stellan didn't get married either.

Therefore, will Master Gu Yi's magic be like the boy's kung fu in martial arts novels, where after practicing it, one will be left alone?

Thinking of this, Lu Yu felt a chill down below.

Boy Kung Fu seems to be mostly practiced by eunuchs.

"Matchmaking? Okay. Do you want to join directly or form an alliance?" Lu Yu asked.

It's easy to join directly. Nick Fury hopes that the Avengers will grow stronger, but if it is an alliance, it will have to be discussed. After all, the treaty, responsibilities, and obligations must all be discussed slowly.

"Of course it's an alliance." Fatty Wang said without hesitation.

Kama Taj is their home, and they cannot abandon their home. Moreover, magicians and superheroes, how should I put it, one has inheritance and organization, and the other relies on mutation. There is no possibility of the two.

If they hadn't felt powerless to stop the evil forces of the multiverse from peering into the earth, they might still be high-ranking mysterious magicians.

It is not easy for them to abandon mystery and contact mortals, let alone completely give up mystery and integrate into mortals.

"I'll help you get in touch."


Lu Yu immediately made a call to Nick Fury.

"One-Eyed Man, how are you doing lately?"

"Not good." Nick Fury's voice was low.


You are so straightforward, how can I answer the question?

Should I say that I feel relieved when your life is not going well, or should I say that your happiness is the source of my happiness?

"What do you want from me?" Nick Fury picked up a cup of coffee and scanned the information.

"Someone wants to join the Avengers and asks me for help. I was wondering why you are also the founder of the Avengers, so I want to say hello to you first." Lu Yu said casually.


"The men of the bald Master Gu Yi and the wizards of Kama Taj!"


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