I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 189: There is a road to the mountain of books, hard work is the path, and there is no end to

Stellan: "......"

Ancient One: “…….”

Master Modu: “…….”

Master Hamil: “…….”

Stellan is going crazy. What kind of question are you asking? Should I save my mother or my wife? How do you want me to answer this question?

Gu Yi also looked at Lu Yu, [Are you a devil?There is such a problem that plays with people's hearts? 】

But she's also kind of nice.

How should Stellan choose, to save his mother or his wife?

Master Modu and Master Hamil secretly said in their hearts that it was fortunate that they had not tested this statement when they started, otherwise they would be in trouble now.

The same goes for them, how does Stellan choose.

Should I save my mother or my wife first?

Stellan thought for a moment and said, "Save my mother first."


"Because I don't have a wife yet, the one who fell into the water is definitely not my wife."

"Second question, your father and your mother fell into the water at the same time, but you can only save one person. Who do you choose to save?"

Stellan: “…….”

For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to blow Lu Yu's head off with one punch.

What kind of nonsense is this? It wasn’t the mother and the wife who fell into the water at the same time, but the mother and the father. How much do you hate the water, that’s why you can’t get along with it?

Lu Yu looked at Stellan's troubled appearance and suddenly felt the same as when he was watching a quiz show before, so he blurted out, "Please make a choice in 50 seconds."

"Can you please stop asking such ridiculous questions?"

Lu Yu: "No."

If you don't ask this kind of question, how can you determine whether you are a person who respects teachers and Taoism?

If you don't respect your teacher, then I am no longer worthy of being your master.

The reason is, I am afraid that you will deceive me and destroy your ancestors.

"Rescue both of them together." Stellan stared at Lu Yu, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was unhappy. "I believe that my water power can save my father and mother at the same time."

"The assessment is over, you will be my apprentice from now on."

As for whether the answer was correct or not, Lu Yu remained silent.

Because there are no answers to these two questions, no matter which one you choose, Stellan will become a traitor.

Fortunately, he was very smart and knew how to avoid this problem.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Master Gu Yi's collection room and said to Gu Yi: "Master Gu Yi, teach him magic. I'll prepare the test papers for him."

What are the characteristics of traditional education?

take an exam!

Test test test, the teacher's magic weapon.

A teacher who doesn't assign a bunch of test papers to his students is not a good teacher.

Lu Yu thinks he is a good teacher, so he is going to get the test papers.

"Is this over?" Before Gu Yi could speak, Master Hamil intervened. He felt a little depressed. How could you let go of such a question that tests human nature so easily?I also want to watch the fun.

"Well, it's done." Lu Yu nodded. After he was done, he opened a portal and got in.

He was going to prepare the test papers. If he didn't prepare the test papers, it would be too late.

"Come with me." Master Gu Yi took Stellan to the training ground.

She is a person who likes to be a teacher, otherwise she would not be able to support the entire earth's magic circle on her own. It can be said that all the mages on the earth are her disciples.

In countless futures, Doctor Stellan replaces her as the new Supreme Mage, which is one of the best futures.

Ever since, Stellan officially started his journey as a magician.

The first thing he learned was spark special effects.

As a mage, wouldn't he become a savage berserker if he didn't use some special effects when he strikes?

You know, the biggest difference between mages and berserkers is the special effects.

Let alone Gu Yi, the spark special effects are the signature and must be used.

Let’s look at Gandalf’s bonus points. In addition to full life, endurance, one-handed sword proficiency, two-handed sword proficiency, block, charge, whirlwind, and critical strike, he also has an additional Holy Light special effect. Without the Holy Light special effect, he is useless. Berserker.

Then take a look at Gul'dan's bonus points. He has full points for boxing proficiency, left uppercut, uppercut, rising dragon fist, combo, and grapple. Then he clicked on the green light special effect.

Well, it's that love is a light, a green, shining green light.

Therefore, you don’t need to use other skills of the mage, but you must fully use the special effects.

However, special effects are not that easy to learn. Although Stellan is extremely talented, he was still stumped when he learned to do special effects.

But it's okay.

If you are unsure about internal affairs, ask Modu; if you are unsure about foreign affairs, ask Gu Yi.

You should not be ashamed to ask about such academic matters.

So he ran to find Modu, but Modu threw a plug-in at him without saying a word.

"This is called the Hanging Ring. It is very important in magic. It can help us travel freely through various universes." Master Modu said, "As for how to use it, you just need to concentrate, imagine your destination in your mind, and imagine every scene. details, this way the success rate will be higher.”

Stellan was very happy with the plug-in in his hand. He stretched out his hand and made two strokes in the air, and particle firework special effects appeared not far in front of him.

He proved with facts that even if you don't know anything, as long as you can cheat, you are awesome.

But maybe the trick Master Modu gave him was a free version and not fully functional, so his spark effect flashed and disappeared.

He seemed to see someone laughing at him: it was time to top up the money.

On the other side, Lu Yu finally finished the test paper, so he returned to Karma Taj and found Stellan with the test paper stacked higher than others.


"What is this?" Stellan looked at the test paper in Lu Yu's hand and suddenly felt something bad.

"The test paper, take it back and work on it slowly. You will take the test in the future." Lu Yu stuffed all the test papers into Stellan's hand, but Stellan's hand softened and all the test papers fell to the ground.

"It's hard to forget your hand, but it's okay. Just pick it up and do it slowly."

"Why do we need to take a test paper?" Stellan asked.

"Doing test papers is good for you to learn magic." Lu Yu said matter-of-factly. Why do students taught by Chinese education outperform American students in exams?Because of the problem-solving tactics of Chinese-style education.

As the saying goes, there is a road to the mountain of books, and hard work is the path to the mountain, and hard work is the boat to the boundless sea.

If you don’t take a sea of ​​test papers, how can you get high scores?

If you don't get high marks, wouldn't it be an embarrassment to my gold medal teacher, Lu Yu?

"But there are too many test papers." Stellan felt his scalp numb.

"Is it a lot? This is just a drop in the ocean. I haven't got more test papers yet, but don't worry, we have a long way to go. Sooner or later, we will be able to get all the test papers for you." Lu Yu said.

Stellan: “…….”

Are you the devil?

Is this hell?

Is it too late for me to drop out of school?


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