I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 152: Overcoming Difficulties

It is common sense that a missile will stick to your face.Mobile terminal m..

So Tony Stark took a few steps back and did not continue to attack.

It's a pity that Lu Yu didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely tell Tony Stark that there is something called the law of smoke and no harm in this world.

With such a big smoke, Killian must be fine.

But there was no need for him to remind him that when the smoke cleared, Tony Stark found Kirilian standing on fire in the smoke.

"Tony, I am not the same person I used to be." Killian said confidently.

"You are indeed not who you were before." Tony Stark nodded. That's for sure. Back then, Killian was as desolate as a performance artist. Now, he is simply a humanoid self-propelled stove.

"Can I ask you a question?" Tony Stark asked nicely.

"Ask." Killian was still very tolerant of Tony Stark.

"What's your internal temperature?"

"5000 degrees." Killian said proudly.

The human body temperature does not need to be 1000 degrees, it only needs to be 100 degrees to spontaneously combust, but the super soldier injected with his Extremis virus will not spontaneously combust even if it reaches 5000 degrees.

This is his result.

"That's not bad. In the future, when I go to places like snow-capped mountains, I will bring someone who has been injected with the desperate drug so that I don't have to worry about not being able to drink hot water in the snow-capped mountains." Tony Stark joked, "I have to say this about you. Inventions still benefit mankind."

"you wanna die."

When I took others to the snowy mountains, I didn’t take them with me.

Lu Yu was beside him, filling in his inner narration.

Killian's eyes were red. If his redness hadn't been as red as a flame, he might have thought that Killian had been possessed by the red eyes.

All I saw was that he raised his hands, his palms glowing red.

A flaming palm strike struck him.

Although there were two enemies present, he only had Tony Stark in his eyes.

So he wants to know the man.

Although Tony Stark was wearing an iron can, he felt that if he was hit, he might be melted by Killian along with the steel, so he chose to dodge.

Killian missed a blow, and the horse pursued him.

The two fought.

Although Tony Stark had never fought much before becoming a superhero, and he had only fought a few super villains after becoming a superhero, and Killian was a researcher before today and had no sense of fighting. The fight between the two was called It's just rookies pecking each other, it's not very technical, but it has special effects that can't hold them back.

You fire a wave of lasers, and I fire a wave of flaming palms. The special effects are amazing.

It's like watching a Hollywood blockbuster.

But when he was thinking about whether to go home and get some grapes to eat and watch movies, Killian's bodyguard stood up and walked slowly towards Lu Yu.

When he walked in front of Lu Yu, he punched him fiercely.

Lu Yu opened the door.

He punched the door, and the next moment it appeared at the back of his head.

He punched himself in the back of the head.

When I was a child, my mother told me not to hit someone on the back of the head, because hitting someone on the back of the head would make them stupid.

Lu Yu didn't know if hitting someone on the back of the head would make them stupid, but he now knew that hitting someone on the back of the head would mutate them.

I saw the bodyguard's face flashing red and mutating.

His whole body lit up red as if on fire.

"Mutant brat, remember my name, Eric Thay, because that's the name of the man who killed you."

Eric Sai?

Magneto and Ultraman?

So do I have to transform?

It would be really difficult to defeat Magneto and Ultraman Gasai without transforming.

But after thinking about it, he gave up because he was still burdened with a debt of 700 billion, and he was afraid that someone would be blocking the door of his supermarket when he woke up the next day.

It’s not that he’s afraid of being blocked, he’s thinking about the people.

Think about it, his supermarket is on the street. Once the creditors block the door, the street will inevitably be blocked. As a good neighbor who respects and loves his neighbors, he really doesn't dare to let his neighbors suffer from traffic jams for his own personal vendetta.

So he decided not to transform.


Eric Sai rushed towards Lu Yu.

"Open Sesame."

A door opened in front of Lu Yu.

Eric Sai rushed in without any suspense, but when half of Eric Sai's body entered, the door slammed shut.

Then the first half of Eric Sai appeared ten meters away, and the second half fell at Lu Yu's feet.

[Space is indeed the sharpest knife in the world. 】

Tony Stark, who had just walked in, saw the body in front of Lu Yu and was immediately frightened. "What did you do to him?"

"He wanted to take my Space Express, but refused to pay, so I closed the door, and then he turned into what you see." Lu Yu said.

After hearing this, Tony Stark crossed himself on his chest. Originally, he did not believe in the emperor, but he had not been sleeping well recently. When he saw such a miserable corpse again, he would not go to bed late if he did not cross himself.

"Where's Killian?" Lu Yu asked.

"Run away." Tony Stark said slightly embarrassed.

Originally, we all formed a group to fight the boss in the dungeon. You fought the boss of one route, and I fought the boss of the same route. However, Lu Yu killed his opponent, but he let Killian run away. He felt that his face had been thrown somewhere. went.

"Oh." Lu Yu responded and began to collect the loot.

Everyone downloads the dungeon and fights the boss. If you didn’t kill the boss, I did, so the loot is mine.

He took out a syringe, drew a tube of blood from Eric Sai's body, and threw it into the system space.

The purpose of his coming here is not only to watch men having sex, but also to collect the Extremis virus.

The Extremis virus is a virus that can strengthen the body's abilities and repair its own damaged organs. To put it simply, after being injected with the Extremis virus, the abilities of Wolverine and America can be obtained, although they are all weakened versions of the abilities.

However, the current Extremis virus is not perfect. It has high requirements for human genetic compatibility. Once the compatibility is insufficient, rejection will occur, leading to self-destruction.

But this has nothing to do with him. He doesn't inject himself. He just collects some blood samples and submits them to the system to earn a few meager points.

Tony Stark took off his mask, looked at Lu Yu collecting blood from other people's corpses, and sighed in his heart.

[Lu Yu is becoming more and more perverted now. 】


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