I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 146: I Didn't

Well, when Lu Yu saw the price of the detonating talisman, he understood that in Naruto, the wealthy Hyuga families and the wealthy Uchiha families were all faked, and Sister Nan was the real wealthy family.Mobile terminal m..

At the same time, I also understood why Yu Ninja Village could support so many villagers and ninjas despite being so closed.

Praise me, Sister Nan, the richest man in Hokage.

At the same time, he also despises Nagato. If Nanjie, a beautiful white rich girl like a flower, is left alone, he is stunned by Payne's zombie face every day. From now on, please stop calling Uzumaki Nagato and change your name to Uzumaki Makoto.

Therefore, Lu Yu decided to learn from Sister Nan and strive to become the most handsome and handsome man in Marvel.

He first called Nick Fury and said enthusiastically, "Hi, Director Nick, I have new goods, do you want them?"


"The detonating talisman is cheap in large quantities and easy to carry. Just throw it out and it will detonate. It is a must-have talisman for traveling at home and killing people and setting fires." Lu Yu started to brag.

"How's the power?" Nick Fury was immediately interested when he heard that it was easy to carry. If the power was good, he wouldn't mind having the detonator appear on SHIELD's purchase list.

"It's huge...it's okay." Lu Yu originally wanted to brag, but then he thought about it. People will know this kind of thing after testing, so there is no point in bragging.

"How old is it? Please show me how big it is."

Lu Yu opened the video and threw out a stack of detonating talismans.


A huge explosion occurred in the air.

"What happened?" Hill was attracted by the explosion.

"I'm demonstrating the detonating talisman to Nick Fury." Lu Yu explained.

"This is the power of a stack of detonating talismans. Throw one out and let me see." Nick Fury said.


Lu Yu followed the instructions and picked up a detonating talisman and threw it into the air.

I only saw the detonating symbol spontaneously burning in the air without wind,

Then with a bang, it exploded into a ball of brilliant fireworks in the air.

"There are two ways to detonate the detonating talisman. One is to throw it out and detonate, and the other is to stick it to the enemy's body to detonate." Lu Yu said: "Of course, these are not the point. The point is that they are very easy to carry and will not be detected by some." The instrument detected that after all, the main component of the detonating talisman is plant fiber."

"But the power of your detonator is too small," Nick Fury shook his head and said, "Both the explosion range and the power are inferior to grenades, not to mention that our SHIELD has special round grenades, which are not only powerful, but also very powerful. Small."

"But it's cheap." Lu Yu emphasized the word 'cheap'.

"How cheap?"

"$10 each."

"Are there any discounts if I buy in large quantities?" Nick Fury was excited. What can he buy with 10 dollars? The military purchased a coffee cup last year for 1220 dollars, not to mention a special grenade made by S.H.I.E.L.D., which cost nearly [-] dollars. One, this can buy [-] detonating charms.

A single detonating talisman may not be as powerful as a special grenade, but the sum of [-] detonating talismans is terrifying.

"You know the supermarket rules." Lu Yu said, biting the word 'rules'.

"I understand, I understand everything." Nick Fury was speechless and choked. He broke the rules and had money at his disposal, which made it difficult for him to apply for funds.

If it weren't for a secret service like his that didn't need to submit too specific financial accounts to the World Security Council for review, he wouldn't be able to pass the review alone.

"Do you want to buy it or not?"

"Let's get [-] tickets first." Nick Fury said, he planned to test the water first, and if it works well, he would book subsequent ones.

"Only one hundred thousand." Lu Yu was a little disappointed.

I wasted so much money and you told me that you only wanted [-] pieces?

Even though the number of [-] seems huge.

But $10 for a detonating charm, and 100 of them is $[-] million.

Co-author I talked about the phase power armor for a long time?

Chicken ribs!

What a waste!

So he decided not to do this business...

That's impossible. Mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is. How can it become a big fat man without accumulating fat? "One hundred thousand pieces, one hundred thousand pieces, but I need to ask the factory (system) to start working, so I will sell it in batches." You, so be it, I’m done.”

Although he hit a wall with Nick Fury, Lu Yu's dream of being the richest and handsomest man in Marvel has not been shattered.

As the saying goes, today you are indifferent to my products, but tomorrow my products will be beyond your reach.

So he opened the door with the detonating talisman and went to find his other financial backer, Tony Stark.

If Tony Stark doesn't buy his detonating charms, he gives them to him for free.

The door opened inside Tony Stark's villa.

It immediately caught Tony Stark's attention.

"Lu Yu, have you changed your mind? Are you planning to take Brother Long back?" Tony Stark thought Lu Yu came here to save him from suffering.

"Tony, what are you talking about? Who is coming to pick me up?" Brother Long rolled out of the room. When he saw Lu Yu, he said, "I recognize you, a little rich guy."

Brother Long said that Xiao Youqian's eyes lit up.

When Lu Yu saw Brother Long's eyes lit up, he trembled with fright, "Is this Brother Long?"

"Yes." Tony Stark nodded.

He patted Tony Stark on the shoulder and said, "Big Orange is the most important thing."

Now Long Geci Lu Yu was still fat when he saw it.

First time it was just a meatball, now it's a super meatball.

You can imagine how much it ate during this period.

The orange cat is like a scumbag compared to him.

At the same time, he was lucky that he had never thought of raising a dragon, otherwise he would be begging on the streets every minute.

"Actually, I'm here to promote new products." Lu Yu took out the detonating charm. "It's cheap in large quantities and easy to carry. It can detonate just by throwing it out. It's a must-have charm for home travel, murder and arson."

"What do I want with this thing?" Tony Stark refused, "I have no shortage of weapons."

As a former arms dealer and now a superhero, he wanted weapons and built a bunch of them every minute. After all, his weapons department was only closed down rather than sold.

Lu Yu was very depressed after hearing this.

His dream of being the richest, handsomest man in Marvel has not yet begun to shatter. It is so healing that he feels like he is going to suffer from depression.

But then he thought about it, and the reason why he couldn't become the richest and most handsome man in Marvel was entirely because he was hit by Nick Fury and Tony Stark, two guys who colluded with government and businessmen.

This is not a war crime.

He decided to carry out the most violent revenge against this evil force.

"If you don't buy it, I can only give it to you for free." Lu Yu pretended to be embarrassed.



The door of the villa was blown open.

Tony Stark: "...."

Lu Yu: I didn’t, I didn’t lose it, I was wrongly accused.


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