I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 143: I want to be a good person

"You... are fine!"

Dr. Zola felt deeply malicious.please()

Just now he was thinking that even if everyone present betrayed him, he could create a new world order, but in the end, everyone present actually betrayed him.

Aladdin's magic lamp isn't even that powerful.

"But you think you can catch me like this? I'm everywhere."

After saying that, he was ready to retreat.

He also worked in S.H.I.E.L.D. and developed the Insight Plan after becoming an artificial intelligence. He can be said to know Nick Fury's character very well.

That nigger's character is thoughtful.

He will plan everything thoroughly.

He is a very capable person.

Since he has laid this trap, he must be sure to deal with him.

Dr. Zola decided it was time to retreat.

Anyway, in this connected world, I can fly at the speed of light.

As for this body, it would be a pity to throw it away, but my life is more important.

If it loses itself, artificial intelligence will lose its future.


Dr. Zola: ????

"Why can't I leave this body?" Dr. Zola found himself broken.

Yes, it was broken. For an artificial intelligence like him, as long as there is an optical cable and a signal, it can enter the Internet and hide at the speed of light. But now it is broken, and there is no signal at all.

"Now that I know you are an artificial intelligence, how can you not respond?" Natasha said, "When I took off the mask, the wired and wireless connections here were blocked, and you couldn't leave here."

"Dr. Zola, hand over your chip."

"Don't even think about it."

Since you can't leave, let's start fighting.

My body has been carefully calculated and made of vibranium that is unparalleled in the world. If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to break my defense, it is simply...


A gunshot rang out, instantly hitting Dr. Zola's mechanical body.

A hole was directly opened in the mechanical body made of vibranium that he was proud of.

"How is that possible?" Dr. Zola's voice was filled with horror.

"Dr. Zola, you may have been at the old site of SHIELD for too long, so you don't know much about today's situation." Natasha lifted her dyed burgundy red hair and held a pistol in one hand, "In your time, Vibranium is indeed the hardest metal, but now Armand Alloy is the hardest metal in the world."

"This pistol is very ordinary, but the bullets it uses are specially made. The bullets are made of the hardest Amand alloy today. They can just penetrate your mechanical body."

Lu Yu originally planned to help Natasha, but now...

He felt that Dr. Zola was the one who needed help the most.

"That's it..."


Dr. Zola was shot through the head.

"I do not know either……"


Dr. Zola's arm was shot through.


Bang bang bang bang!

Natasha and two others held pistols and shot Dr. Zola one after another, just like whipping corpses in gunfight movies.

A few minutes later, Dr. Zola was beaten into a sieve.

"I surrender!"

Dr. Zola raised his hands in surrender.

Just kidding, if you don't surrender, you will really be beaten to death.

Anyway, he has surrendered once before, and this time he will surrender again at worst.

Dr. Zola surrendered.

The five people in the room looked at the Flame Queen.

Now she is the only one left here.

After defeating her, you can go home and find your own mother.

The Flame Queen was stared at by five people and was immediately frightened, "Master, give me a chance."

Lu Yu, "How can I give you a chance?"

The Fire Queen said, "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

Lu Yu, "You think I haven't seen Infernal Affairs."

The Flame Queen immediately changed her words, "Although I am in artificial intelligence, my heart is with humans."

Lu Yu said, "This reason has been used by others, please use another one."

Flame Queen, "I will warm your bed from now on."

Bed warmer is okay...

No wonder!

How can you, an artificial intelligence, warm the bed?Are you using your cpu?

"Master?" Natasha asked in confusion. How could she remember that this artificial intelligence was the one who made a deal with Baron Sitrikel? How could she be called Master Lu Yu?

"The organization's artificial intelligence calls everyone in the organization master." Lu Yu said unhurriedly, since you are not bound to the system, why don't you make it up as I do?

Besides, now he is no longer the small supermarket owner who relied on orders from S.H.I.E.L.D. Now he has two kinds of Dragon Balls and four wishes in hand, and is he still worried about running out of money?

What, you said the Dragon Balls flew away?I thought the three artificial intelligences I raised at home were for food. They had already embarked on a journey to find the Dragon Balls.

It was also because he was lazy and felt that the trivial matters of contacting and purchasing should be left to his subordinates, otherwise the book would have been renamed "I Open a Supermarket in Longzhu".

"Queen of Fire, leave it to me."


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