I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 132: Giving birth to a little Iron Man suit

After taking Jarvis' motherboard from Tony Stark, Lu Yu hurriedly opened the space door and ran back to the supermarket.Mobile terminal m..

Needless to say, Tony Stark would definitely be chasing him like a frantic dog. If he didn't hurry up, Jarvis would be snatched back.

As he entered he shouted, "The river god comes out."

Then... everything fell silent.

"The River God is not at home?"

Lu Yu was shocked. Although the River God had said he wanted to go out for a swim, it had been several days. Why hadn't he come back yet?

[The River God couldn’t have run away. ] Lu Yu thought to himself, but he has never heard of anyone summoned by the system running away. No matter which system it is, the people summoned are absolutely loyal.

As if sensing what Lu Yu was thinking, the system suddenly spoke, "Who told you that people summoned by the system won't run away?"

"For example, there is a system next door called Summoning Gods and Demons. The summoned gods and demons directly rebelled and started fighting with the protagonist. Although they were killed by the protagonist, it fully proved that the people summoned by the system would rebel. of."

"Is there such a system?" Lu Yu was shocked, "Will the River God run away?"

"Definitely not." The system said.

"That's fine."

Although I don’t know why the people summoned by some systems will run away, but as long as the people summoned by this second force system will not run away, that’s fine.

Lu Yu looked left and right, found a box, and threw it into the water.

Then the water began to glow with white light.

Wearing blue and white plain clothes, the squinting river god emerged from the water to take a look, and his whole body came out.

He held a gold box in one hand, a silver box in the other, and an ordinary box on his head. He said, "Hey, I won't give you a holiday, Master. Did you drop this gold box, this silver box, or this ordinary box?" of……."

"Golden box." Lu Yu saw him as if he were an angel and quickly said it before the river god finished speaking.

"My stupid master, you gave the wrong answer and can't get the box." The river god squinted his eyes and said, "Baby, I'll give you one more chance to answer it again. If you answer it wrong again, it's really gone. "

At the same time, he was a little depressed. Usually this black-hearted boss was quite smart, but why was he so stupid today?

"It's just a box, don't throw it away, just throw it away as trash."

The river god became even more depressed, "Baby, this is not a garbage dump."

"This is not important, this is important." Lu Yu took out the Iron Man suit he took from Tony Stark from the system space in one go.

The river god was shocked, "So much garbage?"

What do you think I am here?Do you care about garbage collection?

"..." Seeing that he had misunderstood what he meant, Lu Yu hurriedly said: "This is not garbage, this is the Iron Man suit, which will be strengthened later."

After speaking, he warned again, "Remember, this is not garbage."

He remembered that the River God had a bad record of throwing things in and not getting them out. What if the River God thought this thing was garbage and swallowed it without spitting it out, then he wouldn't cry to death?

So he warned me repeatedly that nothing would happen.

These are all points.

"Baby, I understand." The river god nodded.

"Can you please stop calling yourself baby?"

"The baby can't wait to come out."

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Lu Yu threw a total of 2 models of Iron Man suits from 46 to 26 into the water in one go. After throwing them, he threw Jarvis' motherboard into the water.

Then the River God floated out with great effort, pulling a series of Iron Man suits behind him, "So many rags, I almost died of exhaustion."

"Young master, did you drop this gold series of Iron Man suits, this silver series of Iron Man suits, or this ordinary series of Iron Man suits?"

"What I dropped was this ordinary series of Iron Man suits."

"Honesty master, since you are so honest, then I will give you this series of gold Iron Man suits, silver series of Iron Man suits, and this ordinary series of Iron Man suits."

After going through a process that looked like questioning, He Shen decisively threw the Iron Man suit on the ground like rags.

Lu Yu counted it, it was 78 Iron Man suits.


"Where did Jarvis go?" Lu Yu suddenly asked. As I said before, Jarvis once loved Tony Stark, so it is completely okay to call Jarvis Tony Stark's favorite.

If he lost it, Tony Stark would probably use an excavator to destroy his supermarket.

"I'll put him in..."

"I'm here."*3

Before River God could finish speaking, 78 Iron Man suits suddenly flew up, and they all said it three times. Their voices were so loud that the ceiling of his supermarket trembled, and the ash fell from their faces. .

It made Lu Yu wonder if it was because repairing the supermarket was free, so the SHIELD engineering team was doing a shoddy project.

"Hi, Lu Yu, I'm Jarvis."*3

78 Iron Man suits said three more times.

"Okay, I know you are Jarvis." Lu Yu almost blocked his ears with earplugs. He repeated this voice three times. I'm really not afraid that I'm going deaf.

After saying that, the 78 Iron Man suits suddenly started making noise.

"Sir, please call us."*3


Lu Yu was stunned, why were there three more voices?But then he thought that he had thrown Jarvis's motherboard in. There would indeed be motherboards in three forms: gold, silver and ordinary, but do the three forms of motherboards represent three Jarvis?

This river god can also copy consciousness?

Lu Yu suddenly thought, if he threw Wanda Little Lolita into the river, would three little Lolita Gold Wanda, Silver Wanda and Ordinary Wanda appear?

And the little sister.

If that's the case... He couldn't help but be immersed in his own fantasy when he thought of the option of buy one, get two free.

A black dot flew in the distance.

As you get closer you can see it's Tony Stark.

Tony Stark expressed that he was very angry. He was inadvertently robbed of the Iron Man suit and Jarvis motherboard in his home by Lu Yu, a robber.

He decided to teach Lu Yu a lesson that he would take to heart.

He flew to Lu Yu's Wanjie Supermarket.

Then he saw a pile of gold and silver Iron Man suits standing on the ground, facing Lu Yu.

He was shocked.

Also silent.

He was silent for a long time before looking at the extra gold and silver Iron Man suits and asked, "What did you do to my Iron Man suits? Why did they produce so many little Iron Man suits?"

ps: Except Wushan is not Yun, how about giving me a vote?


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